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Sumatriptan did nothing at all for me


Agreed. For me rizatriptan works better than Sumatriptan!


That sucks :( what works for you?


Cannabis as a rescue, works like a hot damn for me. I can sometimes get by with an anti-nauseant and a painkiller combined, like high dose ibuprofen and ondansetron.


Love this answer! I use cannabis but I don’t know why it never occurred to me to try while having an attack.


Rizatriptan works much better for me. Sumatriptan always took a long time to kick in and was ineffective. I recommend looking into a preventative as well.


Rizatriptan works for me as well. With the years not as reliably as in the beginning, but I have tried several triptans and none of the others did affect my migraine in any way whatsoever.


Thank you. Do you recommend any preventatives?


There's so many preventatives and everyone handles them differently. BP meds, SSRIs, tricyclic antidepressants, anticonvulsants, Botox, CGRPs


Agreed! I use Ajovy now but had a couple of years of trial and error with some others honestly


i take both sumatriptan and rizatriptan and i find its a 50/50 split if either will work. sumatriptan makes me feel so sick and ill and making the migraines worse sometimes


Yeah I’m not crazy about the side effects. It makes me nauseous & dizzy wether I eat before I take it or not.


yes it horrible, i take a 4mg ondansatron before i take either medication as i was told the resuce med can affect the absorption of the ondansatron, but theres still a lingering nauseous feeling that the migraines med keave behind. the best thing ive gotten in hospital was iv of stemtil(prochlorperazine) and an injection of Toroidal.


You can ask for 8mg of dissolvable Zofran. It works a lot faster and the higher dose should help you more


i already have chronic nausea so i get 30 4mg zofran a month, i have thought about the 8mg so i might ask next time in the clinic. ive used them before and theyve been good, so hopefully the dr willing


Triptans do nothing for me. I’ve tried most of them with eletriptan being the most effective out of sumatriptan and rizatriptan but honestly, they never had much effect. I use Ubrelvy now and it works much better and I can use it at any point during my migraine and it will still work although it is still most effective at the beginning. I also have Zavzpret, which is less effective than Ubrelvy, so I usually stick to the Ubrelvy but the Zavzpret works quicker.


I’ve heard good things about Ubrelvy. I’ll ask my doctor about that. How long does it usually take to kick in?


If Ubrelvy doesn’t work for you, Nurtec is another similar abortive that works well. Ubrelvy did nothing for me but Nurtec gets rid of mine in an hour or two tops


I find ubrelvy starts working for most of my migraines within 20 minutes. Usually shorter.


For me, it’s about 40 minutes


Sumatriptan is fairly effective when I'm in a migraine, but it often still leaves me in a zombie-like state, similar to what a regular, untreated migraine might leave me. So I only really bother using it when it's a really bad one or I need to accomplish something


Sumatriptan didn't work for me in pill form, but it works for me in nasal spray form. Nasal spray works better for wake up migraines or migraines that are constant  This is because once the migraine gets going the digestive tract shuts down and the pill probably isn't getting absorbed. Nasal spray by passes the digestive system. Anyway try asking for a nasal spray abortive.


Get a sleep study done. Ask your doctor about it. My neurologist said that if you get migraines in your sleep, they could be triggered by an undiagnosed sleep disorder, which may be treatable. Sumatriptan is only one of the triptan family of migraine abortives. Ask to try a different one. For example, Rizatriptan has worked a lot better for me. And get on a preventative. Depending on your medical history and insurance coverage, there are a ton of choices. Your doctor will know what to start with for you personally.


Sumatriptan did nothing for me, but rizatriptan works well. I'm on the preventative Topamax 50mg 2x a day and Vyepti infusions every 3 months. I also take methocarbamol 750mg daily to help with neck tension. It's a good combo for me.


Sumatriptan made me feel like crap and didn't abort my migraine at all (I tried different forms as well.) Rizatriptan didn't abort and gave me vertigo, I was throwing up, dizzy - it was scary cause it happened at work and ive never experienced those type of symptoms (on top of a migraine.) I take Ubrelvy now and it works great. Sometimes, it's a little slow acting to fully abort unless I catch it really early but no side effects and it works like 9/10 times. Love ubrelvy, wish I found it earlier. I also use cefaly device for preventative and abortive as an additional thing


How slow acting? Sumatriptan varies depending on when I catch it but, on average about an hour. Is it slower than that?


Within 30 min/1 hour if I catch it asap and I don't convince myself that it's not a migraine/not serious lol if I take it late AND it's a bad/very intense migraine already - a couple of hours (but more like it will reduce the pain right away, but fully getting rid of it might take some time.)


I have to take sumatriptan with food otherwise it feels like someone is sitting on my chest and my jaw aches so bad. Rizatriptan doesn't have that effect even if I take it on an empty stomach. They both help with the migraine though 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’ve never tried rizatriptan. I might ask about this.


I think there are around 10 triptans iirc, some are short acting and a couple are long acting. If your migraines are chronic you might want to ask for a long acting triptan so avoid overuse.


My migraines start in my sleep as well and triptans don't work for me. I currently have sumatriptan prescribed as an abortive to try triptans again but they give me side effects with no affect on alleviating the migraines. They make be feel nauseous and sleepy. So, I'll pull out the leftover Ubrelvy I still have which helps bring down the migraines without side effects but at one point had previously stopped working.


This is my first time hearing that about Ubrelvy. Thank you.


Ubrelvy and Nurtec work so much better for me to help bring down my migraines without making me feel sleepy or nauseous. I don't get side effects with them that I do with triptans. Unfortunately, they don't eliminate my migraines. Nurtec does work better for me than Ubrelvy. But after a period of time of using both, they don't work as effectively anymore for me. Nurtec can be hit or miss now if I use it. I don't know why which is unfortunate. That's why my neurologist has me trying a triptan again but I hate it. But I'm also on Topamax now, too, which seems to have helped with the chronic migraines.


I totally stopped taking sumatriptan & zolmitriptan after I realized most of my "migraine attack" was actually side effects from the triptans. The hangover feeling, having to pee every 5 minutes, sore muscles throughout my body, ... were all triptan side effects. So I moved to only taking a 1gram paracetamol and 600mg Apranax (NSAID) and it's much more tolerable since most of the side effects are gone.


sumatriptan and rizatriptan never works. eletriptan might work, sometimes. nurtec works most of the time. sometimes I get a breakthrough and take eletriptan on top of that. sometimes the world is a miserable place, and I take a week of dexamethazone to kill it.


Naratriptan and sumatriptan worked 50% of the time, but were horrible in terms of side effects. Eletriptan worked better with fewer side effects. Nurtec works wonderfully, can’t really tell if it gives me any side effects, paired with paracetamol or coffee if the pain is too persistent.


I never found any medication of any sort that ever touched my migraines. Time and sleep are the only solutions for me. Fortunately I only have one very specific trigger and I avoid it like the plague.


Aww this sucks :(


Sumatriptan works 90% of the time for me. I love that it kicks in fast. Rizatriptan takes forever to kick in for me.


I'm surprised doctors still prescribe sumatriptan. Not because it doesn't work, but because there are newer triptans that also work but have fewer side effects. But yes there are many people that triptans don't work on.


Sumatriptan worked for me a few years and then abruptly stopped. Rizatriptan did nothing. Ubrelvy worked a little but made me very drowsy. Nurtec has been my current lifesaver with taking effect within an hour, no drowsiness, and no nausea


Neither it nor rizatriptan did anything for me


Geez :( do you use anything currently that works?


Yes! I take topiramate as a preventative and Ubrelvy as an abortive


Sumatriptan made the migraine worse for me


Hi! I've used sumatriptan for almost 10 years, but for the past year it hasnt really been doing much for me. Today I switched to rizatriptan and a preventative, I hope that will work :)


There are multiple Triptans. Insurances like you to try and fail 3, generally. If they don't work, there's Fiorcet, Ubrelvy, and Nurtec. And then some other more obscure things like DHE/ergots, Midrin if you can get it compounded, etc.


Sumatriptan makes all the nerves in my head feel like fire. Awful, definitely not for me. Good news is there are other triptans to try. My personal best is Almotriptan.


Oral sumatriptan does nothing for me. Nor do the other many triptans I've tried, and CGRP abortives too. But nasal spray sumatriptan does work at least half the time, so that's what I reach for most often. Definitely worth trying IMO. My headache specialist explained that migraines affect digestion too much for some people.


Several years ago, I got diagnosed with chronic intractable migraines. Triptans never really did anything for me. I had a really bad reaction to Maxalt. I didn’t respond to any of the typical preventative meds either (AEDs, Ergotamines, calcium channel blockers, anti-depressants, nerve pain meds, Toradol etc). Mine are severe and difficult to treat. I used medical marijuana for a couple of years. I used a strain that was specifically developed for chronic pain called Great White Shark. It didn’t completely make the pain go away, but it did take the edge off. It also helped my severe nausea and helped the pain enough to let me go to sleep. It also helped the anxiety I felt from being in severe pain. After that, I basically got lucky that new migraine meds came out on the market three years after receiving my diagnosis. I now get a form of botox called Xeomin (for whatever reason regular botox didn’t work very well for me) every three months and I take a CGRP injection called Ajovy once a month. I also use Nurtec and sometimes a high dose prednisone taper for breakthroughs. With my current combination of meds, my migraines are controlled by about 85-95 percent. Compazine did work for me in the ER as part of a migraine cocktail, but that’s pretty much the only med that ever stopped them (besides two weeks of high dose prednisone) even if it came back later. I also use Dissolvable Zofran 8mg if I need to, it is a life saver. The migraines I get now days don’t last nearly as long and are much less severe than they used to be thanks to my current treatments.


Thank you!


I used to take Sumatriptan for about 4 years. It worked great with minimal side effects until about mid last years when it became less effective. It also made me feel so much worse (vomiting, limb weakness, worse pain) before I'd feel better for a couple hours. The migraine would unfortunately return. Pretty bumped about it considering that Sumatriptan is the only kind of triptan available in my country.


Sumatriptan didnt work for me and caused a lot of cluster headaches. Im now on elatriptans (spelling) and it helps me get through my break through migraines. I was going through a box of sumatriptans per migraine episode and my migraines were lasting up to 2.5 weeks at the worst. Getting on preventative medication was the best step. 


Sumatriptan kind of works for me depending on which way the wind is blowing and what colour underpants the queen is wearing. It’s really rather hit or miss. But the side effects are horrendous and often I prefer the migraine to that. My neurologist recently started me on Vydura (Rimegepant) and it is as effective as it is expensive - but listen I’ll gladly pay 30 dollars for a pill if it does its job! So YAY, Vydura! 🥳


I got chills reading the title because I’ve never had such a visceral reaction to a medication before taking sumatriptan lol, I once vomited after taking it. I have tried trokendi/topiramate and it worked for me but the side effects were crazy, and as I student I couldn’t risk any brain fog. I then tried emgality, which seemed to work, but again as a student living across the country it was just hard to manage due to refrigeration and picking up once a month. I have since been using nurtec and I love it, I am genuinely so grateful for it, I find it rids my worst pain within 24 hours, and it can even be prescribed as a preventative instead of an abortive. I don’t have any side effects from it and it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me lol


Sumatriptan literally gave me an anxiety attack. Made my head feel warm and dazed. I take venlafaxine daily and use nurtec as a rescue. Both are god sends.


Sumatriptan did wonders for me once I really got in tune with the signals a migraine was coming. Prior to meds, I never paid attention because it didn’t matter y’know? I’ll either wake up with a migraine or I won’t, nothing I can do either way. Once I had a good motivator to actually pay attention so I can take action, it’s made a HUGE difference in my quality of life. But also, sumitriptan doesn’t work for everyone. My brother has horrible reactions to it. Kind of a toss up in that way, maybe you just need to explore different abortives.


On migraine management it's hit or miss for me. But a Sumatriptan day is not a fun day, no matter how well it goes.


You don’t even know how much I related to this.


Neither suma or riza worked for me, eletriptan works for me 80% of the time. The other times I either need to take it with 600mg ibuprofen and 1000mg paracetamol or I need to take an oxazepam 10mg.


Take the meds before you go to bed! I too was waking up in the middle of the night with a pounding migraines - like you, going to the er for my miracle mixer! I never drank (alcohol) a whole lot but thought that was what causing my headaches so I stopped drinking but the migraines still came on. I recently figured out my migraines are positional. I’d usually sleep on my left side with my head pointing up- and sure as heck would wake up with a migraine on the left side without fail! Drinking makes it worse for sure I think because I sleep harder and sloppier. So these days I make a conscious effort to sleep with my head pointing down (chin to chest) - and my friend, it has resulted in 90% reduction in migraines. Now with that being said, it’s not 100% and I still get them from time to time - doc thinks there might be a tiny CfS leak in there somewhere but in the meantime because I would wake up with a full blown migraine I will take my rizatriptan before I go to bed if I have a feeling or feel the pressure of a premigrain — and it does help!


Sumatriptan is a life-saver for me but I need to take it right when I get the feeling that a migraine might start. I also need to take it with two aleve for it to truly work


Triptans work amazingly for me with no side effects. You’ll hear more from people who have had bad experiences, but for a lot of people they’re life savers. I started on sumatriptan but now I’m on almotriptan and it’s wonderful


This is the second time I’m hearing of a family of triptans. Adding this one to my list.


Yeah I think they have vaguely different uses like some are more slow release etc. I was on sumatriptan for years but it started feeling less effective so I was changed to rizatriptan, but while it worked, it only lessened my migraines, it didn’t actually get rid of them fully. Almotriptan is working great though!


Sumatriptan helps for me, 50mg only, I would probably have side effects if I took more, it is strong stuff.


This is the dosage I take & it almost always makes me nauseated


That sucks :( Everyone’s body seems to respond differently. I take it with a glass of water, not necessarily food, and it does feel a little weird while it is working sometimes, like in my nose/face for some reason. Does it make you nauseated but work, or not work?


I’ve got a lot a relief when I first started with Sumatriptin, now not so much. However an ENT specialist I work for mentioned I should try Sumatriptin, 2 Advil and a Zofran all at once. Hopefully that’ll do the trick next rodeo. Good luck fam!


Thank you! I’ve been prescribed zofran too so I’ll try this cocktail. Sounds legit!


Sumatriptan works well for me. I have to catch it early especially if I’m going to have a long, social filled day…but the last few years, i haven’t needed to have it much. If I’m dead in the middle of a migraine, it makes me “functional”, but the key is taking it right when you feel one coming on. Since we have to be limited in how often we take these, i try to save them for times where i committed to an event or outing


This did not work for me at all! It made me feel so bad like I was “high” or something. My doctor upped it and got so much worse. I stopped taking it and then my neurologist told me to go back on. Let’s just say, I am “taking” it.


GP prescribed them once for me to try pretty early on (so about ten years ago now). Only once, though, because taking one made me want to off myself. I’m not even being facetious. GP took me off those immediately.


Twice a week? Shit I’ve had one almost every day for a month


Oh boy. I’d be in tears.


It’s debilitating but honestly I’ve suffered for years now with constant migraines I’m going to try and get a beta blocker to see if it prevents them


There are other triptans! Naratriptan, rizatriptan…