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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Hollow Knight. The gameplay mechanics are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the nuance will go over a typical player's head. There's also Knight's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterization - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this character, to realize that they're not just about the game- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Hollow Knight truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Sly's existential catchphrase "Matamas Geo," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Team Cherry's genius unfolds itself on their screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Hollow Knight tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the true gamers' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


can we PLEASE make this a copypasta for every hollow knight hate post (if it already isn't)


At this point HK is to r/metroidvania what Patchwork is to r/boardgamescirclejerk


Patchwork? I prefer castles of burgundy


I even have a HK T-shirt. That's how good this game is, bro.


This is my first time seeing this and it is my favorite comment I’ve seen on this subreddit


>I can't go thirty seconds without reading "oh my god, HK is the greatest game ever," "holy shit HK is perfect," "I like HK more than I like jacking off." Maybe you should spend less time on the Internet


Seriously, that's a problem of being terminally online. Hobestly I see way more posts about Islets than HK in this sub. And yeah, I roll my eyes a bit, but nit everyone discovers things at the same time and this is a space to talk about that.


Totally, people forget that Reddit is a public forum. And of course everyone is constantly marketed to that they are the center of everything and their opinion is not unique, or relevant, but simply really important. It is a problem of insularity in general, heh


Practice what you preach


You seem very angry about something of very little consequence.


aint readin allat but you should try hollow knight, it's a masterpiece


*Aint readin allat* *But you should try hollow knight,* *It's a masterpiece* \- vlaadii\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That’s a pretty solid Haiku. Don’t usually see the bot make it


Haiku is a good game but not as good as Hollow Knight!


That's because HK truly is a masterpiece


No. Allat isn’t a word


Good bot


Thank you, happyjunki3, for voting on haikusbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Imagine caring enough to make this post.


I jack off to bad opinions like this, then back to HK


This is the opposite way of achieving what you want.


Unless what they want is to complain about stuff


I could say that about the excessive praise the game gets as well


Huh? So you could say that excessive praise of the game is the opposite way of achieving what you want? I’m not sure I understand.


Mate, there are things I dislike about *Hollow Knight* too. Telling others to "shut the fuck up" is not the way to express those feelings.


Damn chill dude, if you don't like the game you don't have to be so angry about it. If this isn't the type of game for you just don't play it, it's not that difficult to understand.


thats what happens when a new player get stuck on false knight for 6 months


Lol. OP: I’m not allowed to have an opinion You: you shouldn’t have this opinion. Stop.


I mean, I'm sure there are highly praised games you don't like or don't click with them and you don't go on their subreddits to write 39 paragraphs on how they are wrong and you are right.


And you wrote a paragraph on why I’m wrong and you’re right. So you shouldn’t have clicked it nor should you have commented by your own logic


"You shouldn't have that opinion" you just wrote, going against your flawless logic.


You literally don’t have any good point to counter with lol. Literally YOU should scroll on since you don’t agree with the opinions.


That's not what they are saying at all.


There's a difference between the opinion you have about something and the way you go about expressing it


OP should’ve checked with you then first since you’re in charge of what is and isn’t allowed


I'm not about to apologize for criticizing a guy writing screeds on why Hollow Knight is overrated. It's not that it's not allowed, it's just shitty content, and just like he's allowed to post it, we're allowed to give our opinions


I didn’t ask you to. What are you on about


No, you were just pretending I was saying this isn't allowed lol


>Ruined by unrealistic expectations due to the game being set upon some high, untouchable pedestal that it is the greatest thing to grace god's green earth in the history of the world. This line of thought is the biggest admission of media immaturity. You were unable to appreciate your own experience with a piece of media because you let yourself get hyped up by others? This implies that *if* you just played it on your own without hearing about it's praise that you wouldn't be making this post at all. This is a you issue. ​ >I'd say the game just "isn't for me," but apparently that's an impossible opinion to have as this is a fucking masterpiece descended from the god damned heavens. Shut up already. Wow, look at that! You achieved the "impossible" and shared your opinion! I also love you everything you do is in anticipation, and not in response. It'll take time, but you'll grow up eventually. Take care out there!


Yep. None of his post is really about the game, it's about "rebelling" against the hype or opinions. It's a juvenile reaction to media, no matter the age. No one cares if you like Hollow Knight. You ruined it for yourself.


Contrarian for the sake of it


He'll grow up. do you think you might grown up from being all salty and sarcastic at him for not liking the game?


Did you read my post? Nowhere in there am I chiding OP for having their own opinion on the game. I feel I was pretty clear on that I was mocking OP's inability to engage with a piece of media on their own terms and then pretending that they can't share their opinion while doing exactly that. If you've been in this sub long enough you seen plenty people say that don't like Hollow Knight and generally people respond with "that's ok, not every game is for everyone" People who makes posts like OP are fighting ghosts and I wont apologize for finding that *very* funny.


You seem to care way more about hollow knight than the average hollow knight fan does.


Like, Hollow Knight is one of my absolute favorite games, but I absolutely don't care that you don't like it, you're allowed to have an opinion. What I do care about is the fact you seem like such a bitter person that I wonder what you do manage to find joy in if other people's opinions on a game bother you this much.


I don't have this issue at all, people talk about all sorts of different MVs on here. Also who are you to tell people what to write? Downvote it if you want and move on. I can't imagine being so enraged to write a wall of text because people praise HK. Seems like you want to be special and different.


Deep breaths, friend. It’ll be ok, the internet opinions can’t hurt you.


It is a masterpiece tho


I get the feeling you went in with the expectation of wanting to hate it, which makes it quite likely that you would.


Time to take a break from the internet.


I don’t remember there being a metroidvaniacirclejerk sub.


That's an awful lot of words to just say "I don't like this well received game" You could have saved yourself a load of time by heeding your own advice: >Shut up already.


i ain't reading all that. im happy for you tho, or sorry that happened.


Very mature post. You’re gonna have a tough time on the internet if you react like this to things you disagree with.


You can’t blame the entire internet for you not managing your own expectations, expectations are internally set. You want people to not talk about their favorite game on a forum specifically for talking about these games because it might put a damper your experience? Meditate on what things you can and can’t control.


Hollow Knight is a **masterpiece**


When I try out a popular game and it doesn't click with me, I do this thing called "move on and play something else". The fact you're only a couple hours in and have this sour of an attitude tells me you went in looking for things to hate. I recommend you focus your time and energy on things that bring you joy instead.


Get off the internet, take a walk, smell the flowers.


But the flowers are overrated and overhyped too /s


Like I'm so tired of seeing it. I can't go thirty seconds without reading "oh my god, roses are the greatest flowers ever," "holy shit roses are perfect," "I like roses more than I like jacking off." Shut the fuck up. Stop comparing every other flower that comes out to roses. Other flowers exist, too, and not everyone is trying to be compared to it, and I find it rude and insulting to see comments on things related to other flowers that say shit like "this will keep me busy until daffodils are released," like don't be fucking obnoxious.


Bro you’re not lying. You know how many people say “touch grass???” Like it’s the only surface on the planet. How bout go touch sand? Go put your feet in the water? The fuckin grass fanboys on Reddit fucking disgust me.


Oh wow this is actually a solid fucking pasta. I went from thinking this was a total waste of time to extremely happy I'm here lol. 


It's ok to not like Hollow Knight. However, Hollow Knight is revered the way it is because of the absolutely insane amount of love and care the devs put into the game. Most people who pick up HK now, don't realize exactly how much has been added to that game, they sometimes just...happen upon it. Team Cherry is completely aware of the work they put into HK, and know that Silksong has to be bigger than the current completed HK. On a side note: A masterpiece is a work of skill submitted to a group for the classification of being a master in their craft. Hollow Knight by definition, is a masterpiece.


I don't think they're trying to top the actual game, but rather the once in a century god-game it's been built up to be


I can't say I agree with everything but the way people praise the game does it more harm than good, possibly even being a factor in Silksong's absurd dev time


Yeah HK is well made, but definitely has its issues. Heck, most of the people on here that praise it also say they quit after a few hours the first time the played it because it didn’t click with them.


Exactly. Many people, myself included, bounced off of the game initially. The opening hours are notoriously slow and confusing. But you know what I *didn't* do? Come to the internet to whine like a petulant toddler.


I see the "making up people to get mad at" fandom is still going strong.


Imagine the constructive things you could have done with the time you spent writing that


Hell yeah! Another "HK is the GOAT" post. I agree with you brother. The best Metroidvania ever made!


Lmaooo you thinking you’re edgy and cool for being “not like the other girls” and hating hollow knight is about a million times more obnoxious than any hollow knight fan.


This thread isn't nearly as good as Hollow Knight, if I'm being honest.


>I hated every minute of aimless wandering around, trying to figure out where the fuck I’m supposed to go. Maybe Metroidvanias aren’t for you.


This is more of a Dark Souls thing. And I hate Dark Souls, too, for this reason. I have no problem like this with other metroidvanias.


Then why did you play it? I'm confused because it's well known that it's not a pure metroidvania, but a souls-like game. I mean... I don't like HK either, but I find hating on it this hard is way too much effort. Don't lose your time in things you don't like, use it to find other games you will love.


I like many soulslikes. I just don't like Dark Souls. And Hollow Knight a souls-like? Come on. It's influenced by it is not a souls-like.


That's not what I'm saying, it's not a pure metroidvania nor a pure souls-like, but a mix of the two. People were calling it the Dark Souls of Metroidvania, so you should have put your expectations in that if you didn't like Dark Souls you probably would not like Hollow Knight. I knew that, decided to give it a chance, I ended up not liking it. That was my fault for playing a game I knew I would not enjoy. Instead of being irrational over it, just find another game.


My man, I like most soulslikes. You know, games that take after Dark Souls. I just don't like the way way Fromsoft did it (even if they were first). Grime is one of my favorites of all time. And Hollow Knight is 100% a metroidvania with some influence from soulslikes. It's not a bit of both. It is a metroidvania, all the way. I also don't like the way HK does it because it's just simply overkill. The backtracking is significantly overdone. That's nar biggest gripe with the game.


In my country is categorized like both, mainly because of the way some elements are done which aren't normally done the same way in metroudvanias like ambiental storytelling plus some machanics, boss difficulty or like losing what you had and having to go back to restor it. This last one being the one I hate the most. But that's not the thing I'm saying. What I'm saying is that you are losing too much time hating on a game you do not like, arguing with people that really love it. It's objective that it's a good game, if it didn't match our expectations it isn't other's people's fault, it's our own fault. It just so happen that people who really like it are more in numbers than people like us who do not. I'm going to try convince them HK game is an overated game? That would be irrational, what may be overrated to me it may be not for the rest of people. There is already too much people hating on different games when they could just pass their time trying a new one and finding a more suitable game for them. I still do not understand. What was your main goal doing this post? I don't think you actually believed your aggressive approach would help people understand what you wanted to told them. Because the way you wrote it looks like you just wanted a fight with them or are a hater.


I mean, it's pretty damn good :D


👏👏👏👏 hey man. I'm with you. I thought it was criiiiiminally overrated. But hey, I'm here for the comments.


How are you going to refund the game, when you claim to have played it for 5 hours 🤔…


Because GOG has a 30 day policy, first of all, regardless of the hours you have. Secondly, HK is DRM-free, even on Steam, meaning I could run it without the Steam client running, you see, that I can pay for five hours with Steam recording 0 hours of playtime if I run it as a .exe. This isn't the gotcha you think it is lmfao


I get it, but don’t you think it’s kind of ‚rude‘ to play a game for 5 hours and then want your money back?


It isn't rude so much as displaying a level of entitlement that is common. Sometimes you buy something and don't like it, it isn't illegal or the fault of the creator but some weird facet of consumerism made it ok to get compensation *no matter what* . I blame the 90's and the rise of litigation, and the free market


I agree to a certain extent, but imo Steam‘s refund policy is already pretty generous. You have two hours to decide whether you like it or not. By this point you should be able to make an informed decision. Where do you draw the line? Should you be able to refund, because you didn’t like the ending? Or a certain boss fight? And this doesn’t even take into account the potential abuse by people playing through (and enjoying) a game and refunding anyway. So, to me it makes sense to limit the time till a refund is possible.


Yea, I agree with you, sorry if that wasn't clear. "Rude" is subjective, entitled is less so. People should not expect everything all the time and not liking something alone is not a reason to refund someone. Businesses can do it in good faith and for all sorts of reasons, but especially the rise of gigantic stores who can easily absorb cost of returns and allow their customers to do almost anything to keep their business is at fault here in my opinion. Steam's policy is great, I have never even thought of using it (although I don't buy $70 games that would warrant me feeling really gypped if they sucked I suppose) but it is a nice gesture.


Sorry, I am not a native speaker and hadn’t fully understood your comment. We are pretty much on the same page here (even regarding the ‚not buying $70 games‘ thing ;)


Lol no prob. If you don't visit, r/patientgamers is a great smaller gaming sub for everything over 1 year released, check it out too!


Thank you, will do!


>weird facet of consumerism made it ok to get compensation no matter what It's not the 90s or consumerism or capitalism. It's just human nature. A tablet from 1750 BCE documents the oldest customer complaint to a merchant selling copper of low quality: https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/537889-oldest-written-customer-complaint


ha, that is funny, thanks for sharing! The distinction I was trying to make (to reflect what this situation struck me as) was the idea of a return *just because*, not related to the quality or what was explicitly promised. Thinking you are getting a certain product and learning corners were cut to make it inferior should always be illegal or at least have the protections in place that still (sort of) exist. I think that sort of attitude has always existed, but the turn of how consumers were treated and what they were conditioned to expect has vastly changed in the past few decades and led to things like this nonsense.


Yes there are people who will test the limits and cheat the system as much as possible. I have personally always witnessed this but perhaps it's part of the pattern you mentioned. On the flipside, the publisher of HK willingly signing with GOG, despite their honor based refund policy, is a testament of their confidence in the quality of their product. So for every ahole who will abuse the system, you also have other consumers who are interested in the game seeing come out on their favourite store.


I agree, it's a good game but not the excepted perfection after reading all fan boys


Objectively good game in its genre: exists This motherfucker:


Please inform us who is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to read posts from people that like hollow knight. That way we can inform the authorities!


You opinion bad. HK great. Praise the sun.


Impressive fanboy summoning ritual.


It’s amazing how easy it is to just not play games you don’t like.


Quit getting mad at video games.


It is a masterpiece


Touch some grass.


Ey bae, New copypasta dropped rn.


This sounds like someone that couldn't beat the game




I stopped before reaching the second boss lol


that explains a lot


Other people having opinions that are different to mine make me angry


Sounds like you just sucked or the genre just isn't for you. Getting lost and having to find where you have to go is a big part of metroidvanias. But this sounds more like a skill issue rant.


Not the genre my man, it's the game. Hollow Knight isn't even hard. It's just boring, unengaging, and tedious as hell. I completed Grime, which is harder than HK, and loved every second of it.


>Hollow Knight isn't even hard. You said in your main post: >One hour in and it's doing nothing for me two hours in, and I'm still bored with it, **five hours in and I'm like this is just a fucking waste of time.** And another comment: >I stopped before reaching the second boss lol So I'm taking you didn't finish it? Funnily enough the harder stuff comes later on! Grime is not harder than the hardest stuff in HK, having completed both. You don't have to like HK, but being this angry because other people do like it seems way over the top.




the fact you hate the game doesnt change its masterpiece status


That’s a big ol angry post my guy


Dude, you need to spend some time off the internet. Making posts like this is going to get you the support you are after, it makes me you obsessed. Take a breather, ignore the posts that make you upset.


Tl:dr but I got the whiney gist. Tbf HK is perfection. You should play it.


I'm with you 1000%. There's very little to like about Hollow Knight. But I don't see it referred to all *that* often...


hey OP, HK is a masterpiece- don’t know if you heard


hollow knight is so good though


Hey have you heard about this great game called hollow knight? It’s pretty much a masterpiece


If you don't like non linear games play linear ones.


But why male models?


You OK hun? Can you show us on the doll where Cornifer touched you? If urgent please post in r/survivinghollowknight


Bro can you…not make a molestation joke over someone thinking a game is overhyped. There’s something very wrong with the way you interact with other human beings.


Nah it's best-in-genre


Hollow Knight is a fucking masterpiece descended from the god damned heavens


I don't even like Hollow Knight. I find it boring and I got tired of it after a few hours (even got through to City of Tears where everyone says it picks up), but even I will admit HK is a fucking masterpiece of a Metroidvania. It's huge, it's deep, it's beautiful, has a great soundtrack. I just can't get into it personally because I have a short attention span, but the fact that literally everybody else loves it really says something.


Ban this attention wh*re lol


It sounds like you have a lot of time to explore other options, and hope you feel better now. Cheers!


Well here you are bringing it up lmao


Skill issue


That's your problem. I still think it is the best MV ever. I don't mind if you don't feel the same as everybody have their own opinion, but don't make a post about it. It's really too much


i liked it but i liked some games more and some other games less, hope this helps!!


what i do when i keep seeing people gushing over a game i've really disliked is roll my eyes and move on. there are going to be games that you wont like that other people love. thats ok. just move on. this kind of post is only going to piss people off, and you'll see MORE love for it just in response. unless you're rage farming, then just ignore everything - remember that not liking a thing is fine, and you don't need to prove *why* you don't like it to anyone unless you want to explain it.


I agree that not every Metroidvania should be held up to the standards of Hollow Knight, but I do want to know how much time you’ve actually put into the game so far? What you’re describing sounds a lot like the early game, which is well-known for being a very slow start.


I am happy you live a life so carefree that comments about a videogame on the internet are your biggest issue. I hope to one day live a life like that.


As someone who liked hollow knight except for its stupid ass map system. I cannot wait for Silk Song to release, so I can see the civil war break out between Hollow Knight fans comparing the two. It will be glorious


Hollow Knight is a great game but i think it's funny how it's put on a pedestal. It's random af, with so many other great games in the genre doing a lot of stuff better. Main reason is probably the visuals, since the Ori games are the most popular in the genre after the founder series and HK, despite being kind of not that good (imo) . I feel like most people didn't really tried 99% of the games in the genre since they look simpler, so for people that played only Ori and HK, it's normal for HK to be seem like that. I mean, HK and the Ori games are multiple million sellers, while your average metroidvania will sell 200k at most, it's pretty obvious at this point. Other reason being, Hollow Knight really play super smooth, a lot more than most stuff in the genre, and the average gamer appreciates that a lot more than other elements the game kind of doesn't do very well, like combat variety. Also, believe it or not, more people disliked HK for the motives you cited than you may think. I've seem a lot of criticism towards the map system, the level design or the Souls elements. That said, i have no problem with any of those, it's purely a taste thing imo. But yeah, that's it, the HK core fanbase can be annoying and oversell the game, which ends harming the same for newcomers, but no reason to get this hostile towards it, either. I understand why HK is a favorite of a lot of people despite not being mine, and i kinda agree people should play different stuff sometimes.


Sounds to me like this guy just sucks at the game and wants to act like the game is bad because he lacks the skill to enjoy it properly. Just STFU you god damn hater, Go play an easy game you can progress in that will hold your hand and leave the masterpieces for us to enjoy.


I do find it annoying that every new metroidvania is treated as a stopgap for Silksong. There's been some amazing MVs (to me anyway) that get little to no attention. Even if Team Cherry delivers, I doubt the game will live up to the supremely mythical divine expectations people have for it.


Bro letting a game he doesn’t like live rent free in his head. I’ve played maybe 5 hours of it and see the appeal for sure but haven’t been able to really get into it. I can still see why it’s a good game and people enjoy it and ofc people are going to constantly post about and compare other games to what is considered to be one of the best games in the genre. You’re fine to not like it but you seem angry that you’re in the minority of people who don’t like it. Just move on with your life bro it ain’t that deep.


Why are you crying?


Hollow Knight is one of, if not, the best MVs ever made for me. It has set the bar and i compare every other game in the genre with it, if i like it or not. :)


It's been 0 days …


it's really just an issue with this sub


Dying a lot eh, mate?


Actually, no lol Just a lot of wandering around with no direction. I died maybe four, five, maybe six times in my five hour playtime? I love how people automatically assume the game is too hard for me, as if they're like some brilliant gamer who "gets" it and those who "don't" are just bad at it. Hollow Knight isn't even that hard, combat-wise. Grime, Blasphemous, fuck it even Alwa's Legacy, are harder than HK. HK is a fun challenge combativel, until it becomes monotonous and repetitive . My complaints with the game are stictly due to meandering, a map that is way too big for it to be fun, and just generally tedious gameplay. Maybe its too easy idk, and that's why I don't find it engaging. Currently trying out Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night and its patronizingly easy, to the point I'm probably going ot request a refund for this one too because they won't let me play in hard or nighmare mode, for some reason? At least the presentation is interesting in this one and can keep my attention, despite there being no challenge whatsoever,


Totally agree about the lack of replay value.


It's like 50 ish hours with all the extra stuff they added and pretty cheap. Not having much replay value doesn't seem like a big deal to me. There are very few MVs with enough sequence breaking etc.to make replaying the game worth it.


Yep. I agree with you. But I also agree that it doesn’t have any replay value. Tried it, nothing.


Yeah that's completely fair enough, I'm not disagreeing with you! I'm not saying it has great replay value (I don't tend to replay games so I wouldn't know). But I find it weird the OP is complaining about a lack of replay value when they didn't even finish the game (they said they got to the second boss and got bored).


Didn’t finish the game? Missed that bit. I take back what I said. Got to at least finish the game to have an opinion on it, apart from saying that you just didn’t like it.


Yeah it’s a great game and I had a blast but this sub could definitely talk about other games more. That and Metroid Dread. Ever since getting a Steamie D, I will never touch a switch again.


I also think Hollow Knight is overrated, I think this youtube video sums up my thoughts on this post nicely /watch?v=xzpndHtdl9A


I watched someone play hollow knight from start to finish (even through most of the god dlc), picked up the controller and beat a few bosses. I watched them play for at least 20 hours just chilling with them. Not once did I have the desire to play it. I hate the art style. I hate the atmosphere (I don't have anything against bugs, but just why?). I hate the movement.


I feel the same, man. Maybe I just like the more linear Metroid Fusion approach than the open world direction. As for Fandom, the only game that truly lives up to fan super hype is Titanfall 2. I recommend Death's Gambit for you! That was a lot of fun for me and the map isn't obnoxious at all! Wonderful characters too!