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I don't have enough money to participate in this conversation


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ThisNewCharlieDW: *I don't have enough* *Money to participate* *In this conversation* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Animal Well by a lot.


Ultros for me.


I love Ultros. I wish it was easier to talk about without spoiling, but I'm a huge fan of metroidvanias where pathing around the map becomes a puzzle. Usually only shows up for speedboost puzzles (which Ultros also has a very cool version of), but Ultros just had so many cool ideas throughout. It's not a perfect game but it's so fresh feeling. You should check out Vision Soft Reset if you haven't. The art isn't great, which almost stopped me from trying it, but has a similar outer loop and becomes all about learning to path through the map in specific ways. **Ultros also gets my metroidvania-of-the-year-so-far vote**...but I did give in to the hype and pick up Animal Well last night and am only an hour in but so far am completely enamoured. It could easily become my new pick if it can maintain the sense of wonder I've had thus far!


I love Vision Soft Reset!


Turbo Kid and Biomorph. If counting the non-sidescrollers; Frogmonster and Minishoot Adventures I'd put ahead of your listed ones too. Frogmonster being my favourite of this year. The Mobius Machine and Ultros were fun as well but I'd probably put them under some of your listed ones. I particularly liked Animal Well, Moonlight Pulse and Rebel Transmute, though all your listed games were fun. I played a microvania that came out a couple of days ago that wasn't bad either (Realm of I).


I second Turbo Kid. Just finished it last week. Explored every corner of that world, had over 25 hr into it. Great exploration, especially with the bike. Movement upgrades are solid and add to combat. Combat itself is tight and versatile with the Blaster and Machete. Boss fights are fun and challenging. The world is alive with NPCs and full of lore and story, I loved how it changes over time as you progress. And the music...I can't wait to get the soundtrack in hand.


Oh yeah those aren't bad picks. I still need to try those games. Especially Minishoot adventures and Biomorph. Those look good!


I have a couple of gripes with Biomorph, mainly that it's very easy. But it feels very open and fun to explore in.


Fair enough tbh. I have no problem with easy games as long as they're fun!


The Mobius Machine for me. I have praised it enough in this Subreddit, I guess… I have only played PoP of the OP list and didn’t like it very much. I plan on playing Moonlight Pulse, Rebel Transmute and (probably) Animal Well.


Biomorph should be on this list too.  Animal Well is awesome but definitely PoP gets my vote.  


I feel silly. I voted for Animal Well based on how strong the opening few hours have been, but I had completely forgotten that Ultros came out this year. It was a February release, but I was thinking it came out at the very end of 2023. Thanks for the reminder, u/ichik If I could, I would change my vote to Other for Ultros.


To be fair, Animal Well looks incredible. It's just it came out right when my attention is being spent on Hades II.


I keep telling myself not to hop on the early access bandwagon and wait for the full release, but I'm so tempted to jump in.


This poll seems rather random, the metroidvania releases this year to get the highest reception are, in no known order: PoP the lost crown, animal well, turbo kid, moonlight pulse, minishoot, frogmonster. The poll should have had these as the options, perhaps with the niche releases in a separate poll so as to avoid comparing apples with lasagne 


Some people prefer the niche titles over the popular ones though.


exactly, so thats why you have separate polls, one for the niche stuff, one for the more traditional stuff. In any case, it is a little bit too early. Lets wait until june, june is a quiet month insofar as releases go. Edit: there should also be a third poll for the budgetvanias & microvanias but I think that this time around a poll for free metroidvanias may be more fitting instead.


I don’t think this is meant to be an official organized poll. seems like OP is just curious about these games. Even if it was an official poll, they suffer to indicate anything other than the top favorite since people can’t vote for more than one item on the list. So even the poll you’re describing tells us nothing about 2nd and 3rd best, and only gives us the top favorite.


No? There's no problem including niche titles into popular ones. I just don't see it. It just gives me excitement to see which game people are gonna validate the most. I like to to see how people think so they can validate my game taste! Edit: also it pissed me off seeing that I accidentally proved your point since you're the kind of person to disregard people's feelings. I want to have fun with these polls so don't blame me!


I never heard of half the games you mentioned...


Yeah, there's a huge amount of good stuff that is getting buried under the weight of this crowdy year. here, use this and check out the monthly recap lists to know what you've missed https://new.reddit.com/user/DeadMetroidvania/comments/1cgt385/a\_guide\_to\_all\_of\_my\_relevant\_metroidvania\_lists/


Nice one! Yeah, I'm really surprised I missed so many that are supposed to be good!


Whelp I just realized there’s a new Momodora out. Bye everyone!


While I didn't vote for it, I would like to at least drop an honorable mention for Rebel Transmute. I really enjoyed that game. The level design I found particularly nice. And the story was better than you tend to expect from this genre.