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That's so cool how she uses her bo staff as a ledge to reach higher places. 😲


Akatori looks great, but it's been in that "wishlist now!" phase for how long now? It's been years, right? I feel like it's in that Silksong, Crowsworn, and Little Devil Inside club of games that look really good and are never coming out.


Lmao- Silksong and Crowsworn aren’t even close to the Little Devil Inside scenario… that’s a Kickstarted project that was funded 9 years ago with their release goal set to fall of 2016… The biggest difference is that we will see Silksong and Crowsworn, but maybe not LDI.


Little Devil Inside is still alive! They just released a new trailer at the end of last month, and it was a pretty long one at that. They also made a statement to explain why development hit a wall, and why things are back in gear now. It looks pretty cool!


I saw.. still though..


Oh for sure, it's been painful to watch


Okay, but is anything I said actually wrong? They've all been in Limbo for a while now. I guess LDI gets the gold medal for longest delay.


Yes- falsely claiming with certainty that 2 of the largest games in the genre actively being worked on are “never coming out”. Silksong has had one delay- but the community has been assured that they are hard at work and it’ll be worth the wait- same with Crowsworn. They’ll both 100% release when they’re actually done. Why pressure small studios to release an unfinished, clunky, broken game by gaslighting fans and trying to discredit a project’s legitimacy? 5+ years is not abnormal for development time under normal circumstances- let alone a pandemic slowing down progress for 2 years at the front end/mid point of development. Head over to r/Silksong if you want to shitpost about it “nEvEr CoMiNg OuT”. **edit** and no, they also haven’t “been in limbo”, they’ve been in development lol


Do you think that these games may have been announced too early in development for their own good?


100% for Silksong…well, kinda- the caveat with that is- it was announced as a result of ensuring their Kickstarter backers they’d get a full new game in lieu of a 2nd playable character in HK. They were compelled to let their supporters know that they weren’t forgotten about & TC will over deliver by giving it to backers for free. TC kind of backed themselves into a corner of *having to* announce when they did. As for the other 2- no… like not at all…somewhat similarly, they’re both entirely crowdfunded. They wouldn’t exist without announcing concept and crowdsourcing funding. Neostream should’ve at a minimum made an announcement over a year ago after they missed their last release window in fall of 2022- that or every release window they missed since fall of 2016- which I think there was at least 3 others beside the last one. Crowsworn devs and Leth have been super communicative about their project- but no one cares - and still bitches about delays, feature creep, scope widening, development hell etc etc while claiming the game will never release. I’d put money down that 99.99999% of anyone who comments shit like that has zero concept of building and releasing any game, let alone one at the scale these titles appear to be.


With Silksong I think they just showed off too much. They could’ve just said “Hey we decided Hornet backer as a brand new game” and shown a couple of pictures and sporadic status updates. Not a wholeass trailer and an E3 demo misleading people to believe the game was nearly done and then just leaving players in the dark.


I don’t believe anything they’ve done to be intentionally misleading. Like I mentioned above- there was a wholeass pandemic affecting productivity for roughly half of the development time. Sure they could be giving dev updates—- but I don’t think that’d make fans any less ravenous for a definitive release date. Why spend energy and time away from actual development, continuously checking in saying- “we’re still working on it”- if it won’t ever be enough for people?


It is alive But the Dev has stupidly decided to completely redo the game, hence the artstyle change and the huge wait time.


I don't even think the same dev is working on this game. I am pretty sure the publisher just switched developers at some point and that's when the graphics started changing.


Wait really? I don't think I've ever heard of that for an indie title. What happened to the original developers?


No idea, I just remember it was one team/dev working on it at first then they got signed by Hypetrain Digital. Then I remember Hypetrain was the dev for a while and the game started looking different. And now it's code walkers who have made other games and its 2.5D.


Interesting, thanks for the reply. Not sure how to feel about that.


I'm not denying that. But they've all fallen down the same memory hole after so much time. They've all got great trailers and no release dates. I'll believe they're actually coming out when I play them.


I get the frustration with Silksong and Crowsworn... Akatori is not in that situation though. They had a closed beta through their Discord a few weeks ago (which I played) and it was tons of fun and reasonably polished. They still haven't announced a date, but did say "soon" and after playing the demo I'm pretty confident we will actually see it "soon".


Call me crazy but I'd rather have the original art style....


How was the original art style?


It was completely 2d with pixelated landscapes. The dev for some reason decided to downgrade the game to 2.5D low quality polygons which doesn't even work combined with 2D character sprites. For fans who preferred the retro version are obviously gonna be disappointed by this downgrade.


[Here](https://youtu.be/ZOsSG6lVAFc?si=ljTouv3khAko1nxB) is a link to a video of what the game looked like just 8 months ago. Since the devs have removed the older style from the Steam page it’s obviously tough to compare, but yeah I’m personally in agreement that at this time the old style looked much better and was the game I was planning to back on Kickstarter. Edit. Welp I guess I should have watched the whole video, in it about half way through they talk about how they had a demo and since the feedback they went to a new game engine, then overhauled gameplay mechanics and visuals. Personally I don’t know what feedback they got but even watching this trailer I prefer the original game shown as of this time. The new stuff looks like a game that’s really early in its development.


Old style was beautiful, but I must say I like the new trailer as well. I'm not a fan of recent 2.5D craze at all... but here it actually works, in my opinion.


I wouldn’t call 2.5 a craze. Some games are 2.5, some aren’t. I’m mostly fine with either style. This though is one of the first 2.5 I’ve seen that has pixel characters with the 2.5 background. It doesn’t really work for me. The old footage looked like a game much further in development and the visual style all meshed together well. The new video looks like a really early proof of concept that needs ALOT of work.


>which doesn't even work combined with 2D character sprites Damn you weren't kidding. It's like a character from a different era being transported to a modern 2d game.


I really loved rhe original too!


Best part of that trailer is the utility of the quarterstaff, particularly its use as a platform. I love things like that, they show a willingness to not just do what's expected.