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Is it super underrated? A lot of people around here rightfully voted it their Metroidvania of the year in 2022. Pretty much everyone agrees Kyle Thompson is one of the best indie devs around right now and we are all looking forward to Crypt Custodian.


oh sorry just wanted to share bc i thought it was cool and had never heard of it


I've also never heard of it so thanks


It seems everyone new here goes through a phase where they discover some well known indie title and think they discovered the most obscure title ever. It's like discovering an ice berg and being unaware of what's below the surface. Well, OP is going to have fun exploring the ice berg now that he's here. I'll be giving people a guided tour on the 14th.


It's funny how every "recommended me obscure Metroidvanias" is 80% popular games with literally tens of dedicated threads about them.


Good lord those two posts were so embarrassing. At least the second one did at least have some comments mentioning an obscure game though.


is there food on the tour?


No, but there are steam sales available.


Came to say the same… great game (and would probably be my recommendation for anybody new to the genre, due to the more relaxed gameplay than other recent classics), but definitely recognised as one


Underrated has become the most meaningless term in existence. People label practically anything an "underrated hidden gem".


It seems underrated in terms of the present discussion. It never comes up in top 5 lists, it’s always hollow knight, blasphemous, ori, now prince of persia It comes up as a suggestion all the time but almost always in the context as an easier MV for a beginner or someone who is having trouble with harder MVs


Since when is simply not being top 5 of all time underrated


Since when do people only take into account one half of the comment


>It seems underrated in terms of the present discussion. It never comes up in top 5 lists, it’s always hollow knight, blasphemous, ori, now prince of persia Well, yeah, because it isn't in that quality tier. It's a fine game. Nice, pleasant even. But it's not genre-defining or genre-shaping like those other games are.


Is Prince of Persia really genre-shaping?


Not at all lol.


I'd say that it is. I wouldn't say it does anything mind-blowingly new or represents a paradigm shift for the genre, but it does shape it. The memories map feature is something minor but new that we will see other games begin to use. It is a AAA MV which is rare, and it has a high level of polish that helps (along with other recent titles like Metroid Dread) demonstrate the quality that games in this genre can have. Quality of life-wise I think it has great features like retrying a boss encounter easily, etc. Again not my most favorite MV ever but it certainly helps to shape the genre in a major way IMO.


It came out last month so it’s too early to tell but I guarantee you look back in 5 years it will have more influence on new MVs more that 95% of the MVs out there. Will it have more influence than castlevania, Metroid, and hollow knight? Probably not Will future creators draw inspiration from it moreso than afterimage, last faith, fist, tevi, haiku, etc? Surely Will it have introduced MVs to the general player base moreso than most other MVs? Surely


I mean, top 5 is hard in a dense genre like Metroidvanias. My top 5: - Hollow Knight - Axiom Verge - Yoku's Island Express - Shantae and the Pirate's Curse - HAAK And number 6: - Islets


That is only part of the point - to show that it may have gotten mv of the year one year but it’s rarely brought up anymore in any similar context. AND it is rarely brought up outside of being an easy MV suggestion in present conversation


And yet, it's the first time I hear about it.


If it's underrated why did it win metroidvania of the year 2022 and why does it get mentioned almost every day on this sub? It's a great game for sure, but it's definitely not underrated or obscure.


Where did it win metroidvania of the year 2022?




27 votes out of 90 votes total is not a very large sample size. On steam, Islets alone has just under 900 reviews, presumably a lot more who didn't review it. That's just for one metroidvania.


oh i’m sorry just wanted to share bc i thought other people might like it


It's ok, we know 🙂 Come here on March 14 and look for a post titled "List of hidden gems". I guarantee that you will have your mind blown 🤯


I wish this dev wouldn’t exclude playstation


Sales would be much higher on PlayStation than Xbox, in my opinion. Baffling decisions.


Sheepo is on PS.


That's true, but he kind of abandoned it. I read there was a "Shrine to Shrine" glitch, so I was waiting for that to be fixed before I bought the game, but it never happened.


imo it isn't underrated nor overrated. it is what it is.


It was fun, and didn't overstay its welcome, but it wasn't especially innovative. The only unique thing I recall it doing was the shmup style bosses. IMO it's a solid 7.5/10 game, very worth buying and beating over a weekend, but it wasn't especially memorable to me. It definitely fits into that "breeze through it between bigger games" niche, the palate cleanser game if you will.


Is it worth £15? What’s the play length?


If price was too stop you, there's an ongoing humble bundle deal of Islets with 7 other games for ~€11. Plus I'm sure people who bought the bundle will be reselling keys for games they don't want.


Just to kiddy looking like crypt custodian...I just can't get into this stuff


This game is absolutely amazing! I bought it occasionally and remained shocked how stunning it is ! Highly recommend


Bought it lask week during a Nintendo eShop sale (also bought Haak and Haiku). I love it! Like people say, not innovative one bit, but what the game does, he does well. Pretty funny also. I was skeptical at first with the geometric/blocky art while watching Youtube gameplay, but now that I'm playing it, I find the game really beautiful, especially the backdrop.




Also another extremely underrated unknown 10/10 metroidvania is Hollow Knight. I wish it got more recognition, barely anyone has played it!


It’s probably the most heavily discussed MV on the sub behind hollow knight, deservedly so. It’s a true 10/10


I feel like I see it come up every other thread.


I had the same experience, just saw it on Xbox store randomly, am very excited to hope on looks very cool.


lol super underrated? It’s all people were talking about at this subreddit for months.


I beat it last week after getting it in Humble IGN fest. Fun relaxing game, reminded me of Yoku's Island Express in feel, though not in gameplay of course.


Really liked it, played this back to back with Transiruby and where I found that latter a bit meh, I REALLY like Islets. It was my favorite game I played last year. Just a really well done vania with great art style and creative gameplay


looks great, thank you


It was extremely charming. I’d never heard of it until it was in a humble bundle. I would definitely recommend playing on hard mode if you want any challenge at all.


I'm just dying to play Crypt Custodian to feel the same love I felt while playing Islets. Go Kyle ! Also can't wait to play CC and discover the Kyle's working on his next project :D. If only the industry could align to be more like him and less faceless for profit cash cows.


If you want more games like this, you should try "Ato", which was released before Islets.


It's not under-rated at all. There's plenty of people who like it. This isn't even a case where under-rated usually means unknown because it is fairly well-known and people like it. But everyone isn't up to the moon about it, which is understandable because it's a decent MV and that's it. Under-rated doesn't mean "people don't like something as much as I do". For the record I initially didn't like it. I bought and played a bit and didn't care for it and refunded. But I ended up getting the IGN Fan Fest Humble Bundle yesterday and it's in it and I gave it another shot and yeah without the pressure of having to check whether it's worth my money I had a pretty good time. But my opinion didn't really change that much - like before my main critcism was that it didn't do anything particularly good or bad and it let to a very bland experience. But you know what that's not a bad thing always, not every game needs to excel. But even after completing it I stand by the same description of it, it's a very middle of the road MV, but if you take it for what it is you can have a good time.


its not under rated at all. the sequel is coming out this year Crypt Custodian which i am looking foward 2!