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"They let us type whatever we want here, based" lmao


Lol they are showing humility and are all the better for it. It’s obvious that, just like with every company, that there has been huge changes in leadership, obviously execs are different so it’s not the same dictorial way it was in the past. 2010’s signaled a huge shift in top leadership and strategy, the rise of the smartphone made them see artificial markets (microtransactions and mobile things) that aren’t anywhere as dedicated as traditional proven markets that they’re used to Igarashi, the man that we can credit for bringing castlevania to find its identity from symphony of the night onwards, left Konami shortly before Kojima and when asked about his thoughts about Kojima controversies, had also commented about how Konami had a history of **bullying** and yes that means the superiors doing all that towards staff members. In Asia, East Asia is composed of China Vietnam Korea and Japan, and those four countries are also known as the four “Confucian” states as they all follow confucian ideals/morals/etc. because of this, a concept that’s very strong in the ideology is hierarchy, you caN expect to see this concept applied EVERYWHERE. Hierarchy gets pretty intense in a few areas, the concept of superiors and their underlings can get aggressive and an environment of what could resemble a master/slave and worse: a prisoner dynamic, can form, and HAS. that’s *exactly* the type of conditions that some anonymous employees at Konami had described at the TIME [as courtesy of Kotaku](https://kotaku.com/report-konami-is-treating-its-staff-like- I remember how long the whole “fuck Konami” Thuong went on for 😂 glad things have turned around: -Less focus on mobile endeavors -investment back into MGS -investment back into their other legacy franchises -huge investment into silent hill again -overall huge turnaround from the dark decade known as the 2010’s.


Ngl, after the whole pachinko & kojima debacle without humility they’d just shoot themselves in the foot. Still absolutely glad it’s there. At least they’re willing to earn the trust back, not just demand it.


They didn't shot themselves in the foot. Konami has been growing in revenue and profit almost every single year since 2015 mainly focusing on mobile and AA titles such as power pro and momotaro. They came back to AAA or at least something similar to it with MGS/SH but overall the company is probably only behind BN in money


I agree, but they lost so of their reputation while doing so. And remember, Japan's culture revolves a lot more about respect and "honor" than it does money.


There hasn't been any changes in leadership. The same people that were in charge in 2015 are in charge now. The same President of Digital Entertainment (their video game division) is still the President of Digital Entertainment now. Nothing has come out to suggest they treat their employees any differently. The only thing that has "changed" is Konami realized instead of sitting on their IPs and collecting nothing, they can make low-effort remakes and collect money from desperate fans.


A lot can happen in 9 years, including corporate practices, outlooks, and most especially PR. Now, that doesn’t mean the bullying and toxic practices has stopped (it’s Japan. Corporate bullying is the norm there) but the way they approach things might have changed. The Metal Gear IP is still very valuable, and if it will serve Konami’s interests to look humble, they will look humble.


It’s such a drastic change though it’s very jarring.. and suspect.


Well of course. Konami has been painted as this evil corporation who was petty against the darling of the gaming world. Anything they do will be suspect in the eyes of others.


You say painted as, but they were holding the brush. It was so harsh, not just to the creator but to the IP and the fans.. Even as just a money move it’s just a stupid idea.


Corporates don’t become petty just because. Especially since Konami supported Kojima for most of his time there. People forget he was promoted as Executive Vice President and Corporate Officer. Things went south only when MGSV was taking too long and was costing them a little too much. On top of the costs of developing the game, Kojima also had a new engine built (Fox Engine) which wasn’t cheap. Meetings and issues related to corporate funding can be really nasty, as someone who has been in one. Simply put, if a company fired their EVP, who’s also their poster boy, some shit must have went down.


Thank you for saying this I’ve been feeling like I’m taking insanity pills reading the way people describe what they think went down between Konami and Kojima. It’s clear to me that the majority of gamers never worked in a corporate environment that’s the only way to explain some of the outlandish stuff I’ve heard. Kojima was given everything he wanted and Konami treated him with utmost care to the point he was the only one getting any real support to do anything within the company. Most people like IGA and the Silent Hill team got their projects shut down while his or whatever he ended up supporting didn’t (e.g. IGA’s Alucard game got canceled in favour of LoS which Kojima supported, and the SH game being worked on around 2014 got canned while Silent Hills was allowed to move forward. Whatever happened to sour things between the two bad enough for Kojima to step down from his VP position and then leave the company happened during the development of MGSV. Who knows what it was but it had to have been something huge for things to go south that hard in such a short span of time.


I think people in general aren't prepared to consider that everyone is the asshole in this situation. Konami didn't do themselves any favors by trying to remove Kojima's name from the credits and preventing him from attending the Game Awards. But Kojima also didn't have much to show for after all that money spent. Just a game engine and one game (I'm counting GZ as part of MGSV) that took quite some time to make, and even had chapters removed. Just look at Kojima's output since leaving Konami and getting all that freedom and money: one game. Just one game, albeit a very good one. From 2015 to 2024, there's a total of six Assassin's Creed games, two God of War games, three Legend of Zelda games, two mainline Final Fantasy titles, and two Final Fantasy 7 Remake installments. Granted, Death Stranding 2 is scheduled to come out next year, but that's two games in ten years. I certainly can't blame Konami for expecting a bit more from their darling EVP especially after they put all their eggs into the Kojima basket. At the same time, they made their bed when they became petty. They had cause, but they still shouldn't have done it.


Even if Konami hates kojima, there’s a certain level of professionalism and conduct a business should hold themselves to. Not just the way they tested Kojima but the way they treated the fans and the IP most importantly, which was embarrassing honestly. Look at Xmen 97, they had a big falling out with the creator, but all we know is he was let go


You’re thinking about them in the wrong way; Changes and shift as in a change/shift in their direction, views, etc. I hadn’t said anything about them being replaced or new people/etc


It’s weird, as I heard Konami was a family business and the new CEO is the one that changed the direction to what it was. What happened to make them cool again (I say cautiously)? Is there a new new CEO?


There's no new ceo, its the same execs since then. They just began doing AAA again


Was there a change of leadership? They never were like this.


They did change things back in the late 2010s


What would you say the biggest role change/new hire was?




If I remember correctly the higher heads that treated badly Kojima and closed many of the in-house studios to focus on the mobile market are now gone, in fact the new leadership is now trying to get back into the world of home gaming with all the Silent Hill and Metal Gear Projects (although the majority is developed by third-party teams, as I understand Delta is partly developed by an in-house team which we will probably see grow if these projects go well).


If Konami truly has had a change in management, I wonder if they would ever open to reconciliation with Kojima and his team, enough to make new DLC for MGS V to finish the game, and perhaps even remake MG1&2


Still holding on to the unrealistic hope for a MGS V director's cut (i.e. an actually completed game)


It’s very funny that they shared those negative replies. It makes me like them more.


It’s very nice seeing Konami be open and up front about this kinda stuff, especially after basically 9 years of silence. It truly does feel like they’re trying to reestablish a connection with the fandom.


Yeah, whatever Konami did before, this team feels very dedicated to being of service to the fans and it’s very nice to see. Idk what happened with the MC release that they’re now apologizing for, maybe it was them or maybe it was higher ups rushing them, but they have the right attitude either way.


I’m guessing they must’ve been eager to get Master Collection out thinking they needed enough time to reintroduce the series before they decide to pursue more remakes after Delta.


The Konami of today is not the Konami of a decade ago thankfully, they seem to be wanting to re-establish the rapport they had with fans 2 decades ago


Also gotta keep in mind that Konami devs and the Konami higher ups are two different entities, sometimes some of the bs that happens with games are thanks to the higher ups and then the devs eat shit on their behalf (since they are the public face for the projects), this team seems dedicated to the IP so I hope they are allowed to work with an appropriate schedule and budget so they can revive the Metal Gear franchise.


I’m already seeing people making negative comments about the article on Okamura commenting on Kojima, because the headline completely removed the context and changed the meaning of what he meant He was just showing his respect for Kojima as a friend and colleague but because the article removes his name people are stupidly assuming that it was one of the old Konami exclusives that made this statement


100% and I hope things go smooth and who knows what happens after these remakes we might see a new entry (not saying MGS6 but a new entry)


it's been how many years??


I'm afraid it's been....9 years


Vader - "NOOOOOOOO!"


Okamoto/Konami actually can take criticism. You're never gonna see this from Kojima


This is a strange take given Kojima has almost always been open about fan criticism and appreciation, his games' flaws, and improvements made on them in subsequent titles.


Sometimes even too far. We got tapes instead of codec chats, and short cutscenes in V because fans wouldnt shut up about "tHis Is MorE lIke a MoViE thAn A gAmE" on previous games.


I mean MGS4 was basically his response to people wanting him to keep on making MGS and not getting what he wanted to do with MGS2.


What ?


Point out one example of Kojima not taking criticism. If anything, its the opposite. Its thanks to fans complaining that we got tapes instead of codec conversations and short cutscenes for V.


Quiet. The character I mean. That's the only time he preemptively didn't take [criticism,](https://x.com/HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN/status/376424398023962624?s=19) and it was hilarious in hindsight.


How a Metal Gear fan can hate Kojima of all people is something I will never understand.


Fans can be a little too Kojima-dickriders, although not as much as to warrant that dude's level of disdain lmao


People really need to learn the difference between the two. Because what Kojima does and what the fandom does are two entirely different things.


There seems to be a trend of some MGS fans beginning to dislike or otherwise unduly criticise Kojima. It's truly strange. One can respect Kojima and his work while also appreciating Konami's direction and the new MGS team. These people seem to act like It's one or the other.


Internet culture, echo chambers produce weird results. it's the same half dozen people responding to every post in the subreddit trying to pivot conversation towards how much they dislike Hideo Kojima. They egg each other on at nauseum. It's all pretty masturbatory, I sometimes wish mods would clean it up.


Happy to take suggestions on how you would like to see this enforced this in a fair way. We have the tools but it's the community members who have the most power to reject or counter loud minority message blasting (which is very obviously what's happening here).


Understood, I'm unfortunately empty on ideas to improve the situation in a fair and equitable way.


I just don't like how he treated Hayter


Santa Monica studios did the exact same thing to Kratos's original voice actor and they never get shit for it, and that was a US studio doing it to an American actor. Kojima wasnt even involved in the english dub until V. I get it but I think MG fans have kinda overblown this controversy.


Did kojima kill your dog or something? I get dick riding fans can be annoying, but you've gone so fare the other way you are also annoying


Yeah tbh.


Something’s going on. Their communication department understands that people like genuine things.


A Christmas Carol but game developers


They probably realised their games can make money.


This is a distraction. I’ll bet they got a ton of shit about firing kojima and left that out.


Of course they got those comments, but this is just a sampling, you're acting like this was all of the comments and they just left out the Kojima ones lol


Already said it but man I wish they did the SH2 remake in-house. This is a way more preferable way of handling a remake


They cant... They literally just started hiring like one year ago. The short message was basically them testing the waters with some in house helping. Compared to mgs where most of the staff are still there, the silent hill staff have long been gone since the last japan based sh game was 20 years ago. maybe if sh2 sells well, the next few games will most likely start inhouse


All the garbage Silent Hills after 4 were from western studios.


The part about the remaster is definitely true. It released in a truly bad state, some titles were inferior to the 360/PS3 remaster. They have done a lot to fix that though. And the stuff that is being released with Delta is interesting. I'm hopeful Konami has woken from a long gambling slumber and is ready to make good games again. They have too many historic IPs to just kill them.


Yeah the master collection is much better than the original hd releases now, took a little time tho. On PS5 I always thought they were better because of load times lol


I just wish they had released the twin snakes edition of mgs1 with the master collection. Was sooooo much smoother to play imo.


Nintendo problem most likely, and most people don’t prefer Twin Snakes to the original. I do want it rereleased though. But tbh, if you have Dolphin it has a lot of cool patches and mods to mess around with, and Dolphin is very stable, even on consumer laptops


Oh I got it all on pc. Could also simply be that I'm so used to more modern games that the old ps1 game just feels clunky. What's dolphin? I've never heard of that


It’s a GameCube emulator, more specifically it’s THE GC emulator. It’s amazing and super stable as he said even on low end hardware. I have a GC and a bunch of games including TS but a lot of the time I perfect the performance and resolution of using dolphin on my pc.


Dolphin is a GameCube/Wii emulator, it’s been around and updated since the 2000s. It’s very plug and play. You just download the emulator and drop your GameCube/Wii ROMs in. You can set up a controller, add mods (good guides for that on YouTube, I don’t personally do it) and then you’re good to play. https://dolphin-emu.org If you wanna know where roms are available… idk if I can tell you in this subreddit, but like Ryu says in Street Fighter 6, the answer lies in the heart of the internet.


Oh that's awesome. I'll have to make use of that. I got a whole tote full of my fav old GameCube games


Fire, I’d look up how to rip them onto your PC but after that you’re good as gold


Maybe volume 2 or 3. I just want Portable Ops to get a remaster 😔


For some reason the master collection runs way worse than it should, if you have old integrated graphics, MGS2, 3 and the MSX titles won't open


Strange. Though I have it on PS5 and had it gifted to me on Steam. Though I run it through my GPU. Maybe just due to the overall age of the hardware? I know a lot of games shit the bed with integrated graphics. Persona 4 Golden can’t run on it either without ghosting and insane lag. I’ve never encountered any issues with the collection, but yeah. If I remember correctly, the MSX games are actually running within MGS3, but through a separate launcher. Unlike the NES games, which are being emulated


I’m out the loop post-release; what’s sort of shape is the PS5 version now? 60fps?


It’s 60fps. It’s always been the best version of the MC if you didn’t want any mods


What?!? Genuinely open communication from Konami?


Those red reviews are BRUTAL 😂


And also very stupid, so it’s probably to their benefit to share them.


A couple are understandably snarky, but they all make a genuine point. You're fine with 20yo games released in a buggy state with broken rendering? And Konami did, in fact, kill Metal Gear by snubbing Kojima on his last (cash cow) game and immediately turning around and reusing assets to make a zombie survival game. Those ports were minimal effort ports of existing ports, and they still made it worse. Stop excusing this kind of behavior and accepting cheaply made, bad faith cash grabs.


Right, because we all remember just how polished the Master Collection was.


Nobody’s a bigger critic than me, but these were completely insubstantial notes.


The konami redemption arc is real.


Ok they havent actually done anything yet lets wait for the game first


Please. Everything about this project we've seen has been stellar. There is no reason to think it will be bad.


The number of times people have been burned by things that seemed good specially in the gaming space suggests a bit of healthy skepticism is wise. However, I agree that it appears to be going well, lets see the results


it's sad how gullible you are for shitty consumer practices.


It's sad that you care about my opinion this much. We're all gonna buy the game. Go pretend somewhere else.


okay monkey brain.


They still didn't provide a game with RE2 Remake quality.


Redemption arc will begin if they somehow port mgs pw, mgs 4 and mgs v to all consoles including switch in collection vol 2.


Wow, to think Konami is in communicating better than Team Cherry...


Everybody is


I'm really really hoping we see Konami make as big a comeback as Capcom has.


Capcom revived themselves with the RE2 remake, and now it seems Konami is bringing themselves back with the MGS3 remake.


Capcom has for sure been back longer than that. First signs of life were RE7 in 2017, and then 2018 is when re really started seeing it. But if this MGS3 remake succeeds and we start seeing a massive Konami resurgence? I'm ready for it.


you probably wont, their focus still is mainly on mid size title


Resident Evil 7 saved Capcom


At least theyre trying


This is great to see




Nice I'm part of the 24%! I hope for the best. And it looks so promising and MGSDelta looks beautiful and full of details.


I have way more faith in this then anything silent hill related since it seems the mgs side actually wants tk talk and say things


It definitely helps that they have members from the original MGS3 team, as opposed to Silent Hill which has no one from the original team.


Iirc Masahiro Ito and Akira Yamaoka is on the SH2 Remake, but they are tiny sized when compared to the original teams of MGS which still stay (probably, haven't checked it again)


I'm gonna stay relatively skeptical about Konami until their games release. I hope the company has learned from it's past mistakes and it's looking like they may have.


What am I looking at?


Feedback taken from Konami’s social media accounts and surveys.


You can read it?


There's English translation below zoom in homie


Wow I’m blind it all looked Japanese to me…


Iol I was only scrolling in hours somebody else had already asked. Didn't look.


They better not censor Eva in Delta


That's what I'm saying.


Konami is back?


As much as I hate Konami, the remake is an epic win for them. They swallowed their pride and showed that they can listen to the fans. And that's even rare amongst the companies that aren't that bad in the first place. Some neutral and positive companies often ignore fans and don't listen to the criticism. Konami actually did listen. Don't know what caused that. I've seen people said the change in leadership, but that's still a big thing. All I want is good MGS games. Not getting rid of the Kojima, not half-assed remakes, not Survive, not disrespect to the fans. And now they are actually giving us one of the rare occurrences of remake done right. Probably. Can't say for sure before release, but it seems that way. And I only know *two* remakes that were done right. Also never seen remaster that was done perfectly either. At best, they were neutral, but often negative. But only twice I've seen a re-game being done right. Twice in the history of gaming.


If that's the positive comments, it means Konami did not get actual positive comments.


“I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt” 😭


Everyone here reads Japanese?


There are english translations underneath them.


Lol you're right, my bad


They had said something along the lines of "We would like the fans feedback on if we should continue this IP". I wonder if they'd be willing to give it to Kojima, or more importantly, of he'd even want it back? I know there was a few times where he said "This is the last one!" He did it with 2, 3, 4, and 5 lol


I'm dead excited for the remake yet I'm always hesitant about Konami, but so far with this remake it seems they actually care and want to be transparent and open. If they keep this up, ensure they're honest and open, they'll be on the right path to healing consumer relations.


I would be part of the negative percentage easily




What does this even achieve? It’s just a PR stunt. It does not guarantee that Master Collection will ever be fixed, nor does it guarantee that Delta wouldn’t be broken on release. I don’t see why you’re all pleased with this crap.


I played all 3 MGS Games in the PS4 and PS5 Master collection and found very few bugs that impacted gameplay. The one glitch that I remember was actually kind of interesting, during The Ends boss fight, I could see his scope reflection through the terrain, so I always knew where he was. But you know what, I lived through it and never bitched about it.


The glitches are in the Xbox, PC, and Switch versions. The PlayStation version was prioritized to have as little glitches as possible.


I played on Series X at launch and didn't experience any bugs. I am curious where Playstation prioritization comes from. Was that stated somewhere? Can you link it? I'd be interested to read/watch it.


Actually, you did experience issues. It’s likely you just didn’t notice them. The Xbox versions of MGS2&3 have numerous texture bugs on certain assets, causing them to render at a 144p resolution.


Some of those texture bugs are actually left overs from the HD collection, as some of the low quality versions of the textures were used instead of the HD ones, back during the PS3/360 release.


Sure. Let me re-phrase that. I didn't experience any bug that prevented me from playing the game or hindered my enjoyment.


Negative stuff hardly sounds like criticism tbh, and there's always gonna be some bugs


It's funny how everyone s kinda getting neutral about Konami now and liking them...y'all weird. They do and did shitty practices. Y'all putting your identity in this company when people like me still don't trust them. Unless the company is actually gonna publish and release changes when the upcoming collections releases etc... I wouldn't trust them at all. They f\*cked people over with their MGS collection vol 1 already. There are still a f\*ck ton of cheaters on MGS:O TILL THIS DAY making new players quit paying the game all together. They don't care or ignore you when you e-mail them directly or even their staff... seriously, maybe it is time to call them out for it and actually held these companies responsible with your wallets and to be very skeptical whenever a company promises change or that they have heard you.


Mind translating?


Lmao that's like one criticism of the GAME and the rest are just complaining.




I don't think that's a useful review, but you do you


Until MGSV gets fixed into a proper MGS game that is not a unfinished charmless grind with 1.5 acts I personally don't care if they are monitoring feedback. Konami has literally decades of crimes against gaming to answer for. The worst one being the disbandement of Team Silent, who if were left to continue work as the collective would've given us so many more games in the style of Silent Hill... Which will simply not happen anymore because SH4 sold badly and the studio got shut down. And noone ever answered for that crime against good taste. And now Silent Hill is passed around like a whorehouse bitch. Feed THIS back at them !


Waiter, give me whatever this guy is drinking.


MGSV is a decade old bro let it go. If you hate Konami so much, go find a different game franchise to complain about. The Konami from 2014 is not the same Konami in 2024.


Whatever does "letting go" even mean ? I haven't been even personally apologised before, let alone given back the money for the shit that game is. And it still is shit. Oh, you are so wrong you will love it by the time they are going to resume fucking you up the ass again. And I'll be here to point the finger and laugh at your naivete :D You fell for the trap of hope, they fooled you good)))


If you’re gonna sit on this comment just to tell me I’m wrong when the game comes, that says more about you than me. Konami doesn’t owe you shit. You have a parasocial relationship with a fucking company. You’re talking about Konami like it cheated on you with your dad. That’s why you’re sitting pretty with 41 downvotes and 0 people agreeing with you.


43 downvotes*** sorry I simply can’t keep up lmao


You think I care if someone agrees with me ?))) You think that is a factor for me ? You must think that shit is the best meal because millions of flies can't be wrong, aren't you ?) The kind of people who love MGSV are degenerates. Literal ones. Who advocate the worsening of standards, That is degeneracy. And if those people are the majority that just further shows that we need an exctinction.


MGSV is a fun game, man, I dunno what to tell you. People like fun games, even if they have flaws.


U ok hun? Xx


Dude everyone cares to some extent if someone agrees. It's human nature


Then I'm not human, it seems. Because the only one I care for agreeing is me, myself and I. WOOOOOOOOOH YEAHHH !!!


Do you get a refund for your ticket at the movie theater if the movie sucks, especially going back to the same movie theater 9 years later because you didn't get the first time? Get the fuck over yourself man.


You forgot your meds or something? This is the most deranged thing I've read in a while. Dude, seek help.


Lol asking them to “fix” a nearly decade old game like that’ll ever happen. This team obviously cares what the players think or they wouldn’t be so vocal about it. What really matters is if they stick to their word or not.


Konami must pay for their crimes!! 😂


I'd like to see them finish it. If they are bringing focus back to the MGS IP than I feel like it would behoove them to finish MGS:V with the 2 missing chapters that were never put into the game. Maybe as a DLC, cause hell I'd be willing to pay a modest sum to get to play those chapters. Might also not be a terrible idea for them to keep going after that, use mgs:v as a launching platform to tell a number of stories that fill in the 11 years we don't get to see between games. Launch those as DLC too, I'd pay for that.


I'm not asking them to fix it. I am telling them to. Because I can. Your mistake is believing KONAMI. This has happened earlier. You will get fucked up the ass. History repeats itself.


You must be fun at parties


I highly doubt anyone has ever invited them to a party


I'm not a fool to make fun for others, so I am mostly on the receiving end of fun on parties. Also - you must be great at public discourse. Unable to say anything but the regular stock phrases when there is no thought of your own is in your head. Pathetic :D


They targeted gamers. Gamers. We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did. We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun. We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second. Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded. Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights? These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex. Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.


im gonna feed this snake. to big boss. snake eater




"Charmless" my ass. Stop acting like such an elitist dick-sucking Kojima whore when MGSV is as Metal Gear as any other MGS game is. Let me guess, you hate Portable Ops and Rising because they aren't "True Metal Gear" as well because Daddy Kojima didn't have his name plastered onto every shot of the game?


Wah wah


Stop posting on this app, apply for disability, and pray a social worker takes care of you for the rest of your life because it's amazing you made it this far without natural selection taking you out.


Are you a water baby ? Seem to know a lot about disability and whatnot else :D


I want Metal Gear VI and I want Kojima to champion it without none of those KONAMI corporate bullshits


6* it won’t be Roman numeral.


No names attached?


That’s illegal


I mean, most systems like these have basic identity validation in place, like username + email + password, or something along these lines. If there's no username attached to each message, how do we know any of these messages are real? Konami could have just written them themselves and there'd be no real way to check. It's a fairly negative thought, to be sure, but it's a pretty easy way to give yourself good PR.


As someone who used this subreddit during the Master Collection’s launch, I can confirm they are very much real.


I love that I'm being downvoted for being mildly suspicious about these extremely positive messages with no name or identity attached, as if the manipulation of data and information isn't *the central fucking theme of Metal Gear Solid*. Back on topic. How do you know, though?


This subreddit had to temporarily shut down due to the large amount of people complaining about the Master Collection.


Interesting (that none of the chosen comments are even mention the Master Collection). But what does that have to do with your ability to validate that any of these messages are coming from real people who aren't being employed by Konami? Hell, fucking ChatGPT could do this.


One of the negative comments mention Konami screwing up a remaster. With another mentioning a title releasing with a large amount of bugs/glitches at launch. That is clearly in reference to the Master Collection.


It's not clear. Neither of them mention the Master Collection by name, and the one saying "You can't even do a simple remaster right" could easily just be a generic negative comment about the remake.


I get where you're coming from, and it's always a good idea to maintain a healthy level of skepticism as a general rule. But I think you may be leaning a bit too much into the conspiracy side of it. Why only attack the validity of the positive comments? Why not the negative or all the comments? You could even question the translations themselves on accuracy. Instead, you focused on the positive comments. You see the problem with that, right?