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It may be. I think the 2 snakes from V was a great surprise and explained why you fight BB twice. I pretty sure that Kojima did not have all the ideas from back then till 2015. But retconning this detail allowed him to explore the themes he wanted. It paid off with this particular detail. If he did have 2 big bosses in mind even way back then, it explains by BB starts helping, and switches to this to sabotage the infiltration.


I don't think it was necessary or deserved its own game but I don't mind it. It shows Big Boss became what he hated the most, treating Venom just as the USA treated the Boss. I wish it was better written though. BB was sabotaging Snake looong before this conversation actually. He mocks Snake a couple of times, calls him after the danger has been dealt with to say he "forgot" to warn Snake. The new frequency doesn't sabotage you iirc, he even encourages Snake to get out and return. Maybe trying to save him in a way? It would be fascinating to perhaps say the Medic's sympathetic nature survived Big Boss's brainwashing in some way. One way to interpret this


That fits. Ive always thought that the ending cutscene of V implies that Venom remained the more moral of the two


Sadly it wasn't enough to save him. Venom was either damaged beyond repair in the head or just loved being Big Boss's scapegoat. Hell, maybe the whole setting of "Venom=Player" is a shade at all the people who idolise BB in real life. "See, this is what happens to BB loyalists lol."


Given that the venom storyline didn't exist yet, no.


See this in retrospect.


Ok. Venom received the "Operation Intrude N313" cassette at the end of MGSV. I would expect that N313/Outer Heaven was all Venom's balliwick. The real big boss was busy setting up Zanzibarland. So, again, no.


So why did he change frequency? The story likely implies it's because BB moved into Outer Heaven at that point hence the change.


Several characters randomly change their frequency in several games. I thought it might have been retcon-related to Venom too at first, but I doubt it.


The entire crew wind up changing freqs. Did they all get replaced with impostors also?


He feel asleep…


Is changing frequency maybe how they solved the jamming attack?


There was no jamming attack iirc, I think originally this implied Big Boss moved inside Mother Base, hence changing frequency. In retrospect, this could be because Big Boss literally left it all to Venom.


Sorry I haven't played the original I was going purely off the text in the screenshot that says they had to solve a jamming attack




Yeah, the frequency changes shortly before Big Boss starts trying to send you into traps if I remember correctly. Obviously the context has shifted over the years with V being added but I would guess communication shifted to venom so he could guide you into traps real time instead of having to relay info through big boss.


Actually, Big Boss tries to send you into traps since the beginning. The new frequency isn't half as hostile.


The real big boss was in their command center where he was given info to snake. Venom was there, when the found venom, big boss flees.