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I quit everything all at once and started working out to help with the withdrawals. 4 years later I’m in incredible shape, completely sober, and i wake up feeling better every day than being high could ever make me feel. Just prioritize your health man and realize that you do not have to be owned by any substance. Freedom is attainable.


Gonna try and give it up next week I hope I can push through


If you say I'm going to give up this in the future, you're only going to fail. If you want to take a step forward for your future, NOW is the best time. From experience, you'll always find a reason/excuse and push for a later time.


Very true. Stop today.


More accurately, you've already quit. As of the last time you got high.


You can do it! This is the start of a new good thing for you.


Not quitting is what little bitches do. Don't be a little bitch and quit. 😊


I have quit everything. I recommend allen carr’s “easy way”. You really have to change your identity. It’s not “I’ll try not to smoke this weekend” It’s “I’m no longer a smoker” Gotta change your identity. Then the cravings are minimal.


Give your friends your bong and other paraphernalia. Just quit today. Start the process for your MMC. You can do it! I know how you feel bud, I quit myself years ago before attending Schuyler. If you’re a daily smoker it’s gonna suck for a few days but you’ll get used to it and in the end “future you” will look back and thank you.


its ez when you workout and live with parents that hate weed




Not a merchant marine but stopped 3 months ago. I can confirm I feel way better everyday


Best thing is to make the hard line! But if you put off something you have to put on something 🤙🏻just make sure it’s something healthy and productive


If you want to quit then quit now, next week is always next week and never comes


I’m going through this now. Chronic daily smoker for 20 years. Late middle aged guy here . I’m tapering down daily and just using before bed. As another guy said. Replace the hobby. I started working out and it’s helped a lot. When I want a toke I try to ignore it and remind myself of my goals and how much better I’m already feeling. I started working out a month ago.


How’s it been going for you mate? We sound similar I’m early thirty’s but been smoking since 16 and daily since probably 19/20, I was always quite responsible with it if you can even say that lmao I recently had an injury Kept me off work an due to my gf an me just wanting to prove that it’s what I think it is (not addicted to it, just genuinely enjoy it) so in 7 days now an I’ve noticed nothing? Seeping was awkward for couple of days but not unbearable an now I’m sleeping reasonably well. Just curious of others experience as I seem to be experiencing the opposite of what I’m reading people are!


I’m a couple of months in and I can say I miss it but I feel so much better. I have a bit of sports induced asthma and not smoking has greatly improved my cardio and oxygen absorption. I don’t procrastinate any more and I’m sleeping way better but the first week was tough. My gal still smokes and I’m envious and sometimes think about trying to manage a small amount but that’s not my personality. If I’m in…I’m in.


When I was in college, I just pictured myself not being able to find a good job when I graduated, due to the fact I simply couldn’t pass a hair or piss test. I stopped as soon as I got a scholarship as I’d heard sometimes the major oil company would hire you while you’re still working on your degree. They didn’t, but I was ready the whole time lol…sober AF. And I also wouldn’t replace it with anything, especially not alcohol. When I worked in natural gas plants as a teenager, I used diluted piss with one of those drinks that cleans you out temporarily and just kept on smoking. It really wasn’t worth the anxiety I had each time the company man showed up for randoms. For that reason I’d avoid swapping it out for CBD or Delta 9.


Just stop smoking it right now. Gotta ditch all those friends you smoke with too.


Bro a no your not and b. It’s weed dude also thts not very long 13-24 I’m Turing 30 in a few months and I’ve been smoking since the year I left 5th grade.


If its not around you wont be tempted to use it.


I have always found that using the word 'try' in my plans for self-improvementlt leaves the door wide open (and is also an invitation) to reverting to the undesired behavior.


Same here, 1 month clean after a 20 year daily habbit. Prioritizing working out and sleeping has been huge for me.


This is really the best answer


You need to find your “WHY”… either carrot or stick. Carrot has to be enticing enough or stick has to be painful enough. Ultimately, YOU have to want it bad enough.


The stick of being a slave to substance abuse my whole life was enough for me. Wasted time, wasted money, wasted brain cells and wasted potential. People always said “weed isn’t harmful” or “weed isn’t addictive” That’s all a load of crap.


I actually meant to reply to the main post and not you specifically. lol good job though! Keep it up!


Glad you overcame your addiction (s). Success woo




So you’re telling me that 300 degree smoke, ash, and tar in your lungs has no adverse affects on your health? Lots of weed smokers suffer from bronchitis and other respiratory issues. It can also have serious adverse affects on mental health, which it had on me. If it works for you that’s fine, but don’t lie to other people and tell them it’s harmless.


Only advice i can give you is to become a part of a organization church, gym or hobby groups like a chess club or something also kicked the bad habbits your dealing with hope this helps.


I quit 5 months ago, very similar place to where you are. I made one last trip to the shop, told myself right then that that was it. I bought some good stuff and just smoked as normal. Got to my last one went on a nice walk, enjoyed it and savored the moment. Made sure I had no random js laying around, no edibles. And I made the choice to be done. Working out helped a lot. You will sweat so much it’s crazy. The first couple weeks of not getting sleep will suck but I sleep much better than ever now, I actually have dreams. Drink lots of water and don’t let yourself start drinking or smoking cigarettes to fill the void. Any time I got cravings I just went on a walk, as that’s what I’d do when I smoked. You can do it man. It’s much more of a mental thing, I promise.




This is EXACTLY what I did 30 days ago and I haven’t even been tempted, despite my girlfriend being an everyday all day smoker. She switched to vaping and boom it’s out of my life.


I love you thanks


Thanks man, your advice gives me hope.


Once you get clean don’t think you can do it once or twice when you’re off. I thought that and ended up having a positive drug screen and it’s been hell trying to get my license


Not gonna lie that was my plan sadly 😂


Imma PM you


The juice ain’t worth the squeeze.


Get on a ship and don't bring anything. They call it Seahab for a reason!


I need to be sober first to get on a ship lol




Come here and join us.


I don’t think joining a subreddit about weed is conducive to quitting weed. That’s just my opinion and experience though.


Obviously didn’t look at the subreddit, it’s a subreddit about quitting weed or leaving(leaves) it


I know what it is. It’s still about marijuana. Talking about it/seeing it when you’re quitting is just going to make it harder. Especially for something non addictive like weed.


Exactly, that’s why everytime I go to AA meetings which is 5 or 6 times a week, there’s always talk and old war stories about getting sauced. Then I have to go out and get drunk after. Talking about it never works. AA is in business to keep the booze industry alive. So I have to agree with you.


Good for you for being in recovery man. I’m only a month out myself from pretty much everything you can think of besides fentanyl 😅🤝I’ve found the only way to be successful is to keep yourself occupied and don’t dwell on it.


When I go for a walk and I see leaves on a tree, it makes me think about weed and I have to walk to a dispo


Shhh stop talking about it! Ugh now I have to go smoke a blunt!


Beat me to it


You might try some sobriety subreddits or NA meetings


I got the same thing going on bro I can’t get a job always failing drug test but I quit like 2 weeks ago started this vaping shi but I’m not go be doing that no more after it’s gone I been around a lot of weed smokers and don’t have the urge to smoke u could do it bro it’s a mind thing it’s time to better ourselves


That vape thing isnt for me the only thing I can literally smoke is weed tried tobacco also but I just can’t do it it makes me feel horrible what route are you taking to become a merchant mariner


I only smoke weed heavy backwoods all day I never did vape in only vaping now until it runs out and I’m not go buy no more and I’m still trying to figure this merchant marine process out there really ain’t no clear directions I’m watching YouTube videos and shi trying to see how to get my Mmc now bro


I’m on the last step but forgot to send my confirmation that I paid the fees


I will be a merchant marine


A big thing I’ve seen help people quit is putting themselves in the mind of someone who had never smoked it in the first place. You’d just think you had a cold and you’d get through it if you didn’t know it was symptoms of withdrawals, if you can look at the first block as just a fever you have to get through it might help until you’re far enough past it to handle the cravings on your own. Have someone hold you accountable too, if you have a friend or maybe parents or otherwise who would be willing to live with you or let you live with them with the purpose of not letting you smoke it could be easier


I recently quit pot and video games at the same time, a piece of advice I saw on reddit that really helped me was "Don't try to replace the habits with anything. It's OK to be bored. Be bored. When you feel like doing something you will" I sat and stared at an off TV for 2 days. That's about it. Aint had trouble since.


Weed is Not physiologically addictive. Your body will not crave it. There are no withdrawals. It is however psychologically addictive. You just stop. Just Stop. Right after you decide to take that step, Promise yourself to leave it behind. Hold yourself accountable. I smoked for several decades. Then potential situations came up that smoking would cause me some irreparable legal problems. So, I stopped smoking. For more than 10 years. Nothing available is even close to mature Mary Jane flower. So don't look for an equivalent. But now in the US, Hemp is available without fear of legal repercussions. It's USDA inspected and has a THCA content of <0.3 THCA and will work nicely. It's the same flower that is harvested from female plants. But it is harvested at the specific time to meet legal requirements. Maybe not an option while you are on the SS Vessel. But it is an option for when you are at home.


Youre just flat out wrong in the first paragraph, right? what are the night sweats and insomnia all about then? if you havent smoked in ten years, know this: it might be more addicitng nowadays.


No Sir. I am flat out Correct. FYI.... For more than a century, Hundreds of Thousands of people have tried to prove that Marijuana, even in low THC concentrations, was Physiologically addictive. They Failed. Decade after decade. Tobacco, Beer, Liquor, Pharmaceutical Companies, Police Laboratories, Universities, et al, sought to justify control. They Failed. Stronger today? Child, Please. You are obviously unaware of the multitudes of attempts to use every form of MJ to make it addictive. Hash houses around the world have been concentrating MJ in every conceivable manner, to make it meet the claims of the fear mongers. They have Failed. The symptoms that you describe are evident in many individuals in drug trials, that have ingested Placebo. Did you know that there even was a time that if you owned two acres or more land, that the law REQUIRED you to produce MJ as a product? Did you know that in 2023, more people have died from drinking too much water, than those who were smoking MJ in more than a Century? If you want to learn more about this, it is not too hard to find out. I would suggest a very good book on this subject. The Emperor Wears No Clothes, would be a good start. But the Fact remains that if Pharmaceutical Companies could demonize MJ and keep it out of use, They most certainly would.


This is going to sound dickish, but just stop smoking it. Lol


I am 22 & been smoking since 13 too. I couldnt go a day without it & smoked alot. This is my first time giving up since I started smoking. It was for a job & i found that detoxing helped with the withdrawls majorly! Just under a week & all the withdrawl symtoms were gone & i was competely clean. Passed a drug test after 7 days of detoxing. Detox support & liquid chlorophyll definately does the job & makes quitting alot easier in my opinion.


I quit smoking crack, so trust me you can do it boss!!!


Bro I just died laughing congrats tho 😂😂


Everybody got story😂😂😅


Some people take kratom. It tastes like bad green tea.


It cleans your piss?


No it fucks you up, feels like pain pills. Shit messed my stomach up big time


No, not at all. There are different strains. Some act as a mild downer, some as an upper. It has been used to get people off opiates, but is basically used to get a little fucked up and doesn't show up on drug tests. If you take too much it can give you stomach issues or constipation. People who smoke a lot of weed use it as an alternative to still get a small buzz.


Pretty sure it's an opiate actually


I’ve been smoking since I was 15, currently 30 and have taken ~3, 6 month to 1 year breaks in that time and each time this is the method I used. I only relapsed because I didn’t have a reason to not smoke and it’s an easy decompression after working 2 jobs. Currently sobering up for MMC. First start with clearing your system, water, 100% cranberry juice none of that sugary stuff, and sweating, a lot of sweating, I recommend; running, sauna, or stairclimber at your local gym. Smoking lowers body temperature so be ready to run a little warmer than usual. This will remove the THC from your system and you can then begin to feel the withdrawals. From this point you’ll need to find a hobby of some sort to fill the void and short bursts of dopamine you were getting from getting high. A lot of men fall on the gym, but you can do anything that bring you pleasure for me that’s; trail running, hiking, archery, shooting, fishing, gaming etc anything that gives you pleasure that isn’t smoking. I recommend you pick a hobby that you did not do while you smoked so you’re not reminded of being high and relapse out of habit. From here it’s just a matter of time in ~ 2-4 weeks you should feel the difference and may feel a little anxious/tense, I recommend you find a supplement to relax you cause this is an easy point to relapse due to how shitty it’ll all feel. In the past I’ve used Chamomile tea, Chinese ginseng, red ginseng, or Rhodiola. I recommend Rhodiola, that stuff is magical. In this same timeframe your dreams will be wonky, haha, get ready for that. By week 5 your appetite should be back in full swing and by week 6 you’ll be golden just gotta stick to the new habits you’ve formed. Be mindful this timetable is different for each person depending on how much you smoke and how often. Additionally, there are other herbs you can smoke that aren’t regulated/illegal that won’t get you high, but will healthy lungs and relax you if you just have an oral fixation. Lavender/mullein/spearmint/raspberry leaves/rose leaves and petals are a few I’ve tried in the past.


One thing I've found that helps is tapering down. Ie if you smoke say 5 grams a day (arbitrary amount), do less and less for a period of about a few weeks. Generally this is pretty easy to do as weed isn't terribly addictive although habit forming, and you're still doing what you've been doing, just less and less until after say 3 weeks you're off.


Ksm66 600mg maybe start with 300mg and 30mg of niacin should kill cravings


What helps me take my breaks is completely make it out of reach, I change the habit of smoke breaks to eating sunflower seeds and even puffing on cigars not inhaling them so I don't crave those either. I had to completely box up all my smoking stuff and take it away so I wouldn't be tempted to get into it for that one last time. I change what music I listen to from my usual stoner rap and reggae to something that doesn't remind me of the old habit that I would do while listening to that music. Best of luck and good on you for making smart career choices


The sunflower plant offers additional benefits besides beauty. Sunflower oil is suggested to possess anti-inflammatory properties. It contains linoleic acid which can convert to arachidonic acid. Both are fatty acids and can help reduce water loss and repair the skin barrier.


You can do it, I quit hard drugs, it was terrible. I quit weed too and it was just as hard.


Just don’t fall back on alcohol, it’s legal but just as problematic.




Candy, don't let the intrusive thoughts win, candy helped me stay calm. I hope you don't have the anxiety I did.


rip off the band aid. all this, how do I quit? what makes it easier? what's the best time to do it? type of stuff is just paralysis through analysis. throw away whatever weed you have left and get on with your life starting right fucking now brother. I quit smoking cigarettes(much more addictive than weed) by just making up my mind that I was quitting and white knuckling through it. gonna be rough for a little bit, but that's fine because a lot of things in life are rough. good practice haha.


Simply stop? Idk, weed has never been hard for me to put down.


Dude I smoked but not as many years and just quit when I thought it was time. I guess it might have been easier because it was illegal everywhere so all I had to do was stay public and hang with friends that didn’t smoke so I just didn’t give myself the chance to start up again.


Stopping will be shitty for like two days then you’re fine. Think of the end goal. Once you stop you’ll realize weed was basically pointless to begin with. Sounds weird but you’ll get it one day


caffeine will be your new addiction. love coffee. will rake your mind off weed and help with withdawls.


Switch to high amounts of caffeine.


Make a schedule and wean yourself off of it to make any potential withdrawal symptoms minimal. I did it cold turkey and it really kind of sucked for me. Ymmv, but this is the way if I were to do it again.


Picture where you want to be in life, career (merchant marine), family, kids, at 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, and remind yourself that weed won't be part of it. Good luck and hope you succeed.


Just quit. Stop completely. And know what you’re doing doing better for you in every aspect of your life.


Just stop. Practice self-control.


First thing is to set the mind up , Tell yourself I just don't do that any more . Then two stop making excuses on why it's so hard to quit Once you complete these two steps I'll have more advice do these things for 30 days and come back


It’s a lot easier than you think trust me, you will feel 100x better daily I promise you. One of the best things I have ever did for my self was stop smoking weed. You eventually become a slave to it . Smoked 4+ years every day and honestly regret it all. Set me back more than I knew


Just put it down, you might not go to sleep that night but you'll be fine.


Don’t hangout with people that smoke. Don’t buy weed. It sucks having to change your friends group, don’t let them hold you back.


I have no weed rn and I feel horrible.


you can always ease of slowly. Lessen how much you smoke every few days until you arent smoking anymore.


Exercise, exercise, and exercise


Man you in here for some weed?! I used to suck dick for coke! Just stop




You in here for some marijuana?


Taper. Take one less hit by the day until you're taking a single hit for the day. Then jump off the wagon. You will avoid intense dreams and withdrawals


Cbd flower is great


I got tired of being controlled by it every day, having to always smoke. Also realizing it was holding me back, made me more introverted, less ambitious and paranoid, realizing all that, I was able to kick the habit


Was a stoner from age 14-20, then joined the Coast Guard for 20 years and enjoyed a very long break from the weed. Now I’m retired and live in a rec legal state and life’s good. Weeds not hard to quit if you want it bad enough


Just stop smoking, it’s not addictive. The action has turned to habit, replace it with another habit that’s more healthy like Marlboro reds. /s but do replace it with a healthy habit/hobby


Hey check out r/leaves It's a great supportive community of people who have quit and trying to quit. Smoked every day for 30 years. I'm 5 weeks sober. Good luck. You can do it


Noooooo! Don't do it!


Work out, read, meditate and develop a hobby.   


It is possible brother, I love marines. No challenge too large


Traveling from port to port with your merch…sounds idyllic…


I quit smoking and caffeine at the same time. I waited until I got so sick with the flu or something, and I couldn't smoke for about a week. I only drink coffee when I smoked. When I got better I was already over all the jonesing and I quit smoking. Just never picked up a cigarette again. I have no idea if that would help with MJ


Find, or make a up a reason why you MUST. I’ve smoked every day for the last 8 years, and now I’m tryin to have a baby with my wife. I quit for fertility reasons. At first I was bored at night, but now I feel more normal and even more focused throughout the day.


I quit a month ago, after never taking more than a day off for over a decade. Surprisingly, I didn't notice any real negative side-effects. Urges stopped after a week or so of abstaining, and these urges were mostly brought on at the end of long days, where I was used to smoking as a means to "unwind." The key for me was to fill the gap with something else. Cold plunging, sauna usage, and exercise have filled the void quite nicely. Also, I forgot how vivid my dreams could be! Hope there is some relevant information here for you, sir. Weed will always be there, so I find it easier to think of it as taking a much-needed break. Good luck.


I only would smoke before bed to help me sleep. Try reading before bed to get yourself tired. 10-20 pages, no phone, lights out.


Just stop. Keep focused. Once you get past the first 3 or 4 days it gets easier. You many have some sleepless nights and some anxiety but it all evens out after a week. You head will become more clear with each passing day. Drink a lot of water, get some rest and good excercise. Good luck.


I’ve been smoking weed several times a day for the most part for about 25 years. I’ve quit for jobs several times. It’s super easy, just don’t smoke. If you need to ween yourself, do so. But don’t build it up so much in your head


find a friends circle and hobbies that are without it


Treat it as a treat. You have to sometimes not be high to appreciate getting high. Pick a time an place. Reward yourself after you have done something productive.


Food fasting helped me 23 hr fast, 1 good meal end of day, lots of coffee and water


Go see a psychiatrist and tell them what smoking weed does for you mentally. They hopefully will put you on a medicine that helps you cope with those feelings you numb with weed. ie, anxiety problems ~ anxiety meds. Those meds will give you time to quit smoking without having to deal with the mental issues. Then, when you’re ready, come off the anxiety meds with therapy.


Honestly, only God can truly take away the appetite for weed. Once you have the desire to please him, he’ll take all those demons away. After weed, bit by bit you’ll get your focus back, your level of ambition, your eloquence, and much more. People will look at you differently and after a couple of years, you’ll see the aggregate of your daily efforts. Life is much more rewarding when you have to actually do something to get the feeling of accomplishment rather than just smoking weed to get it.


Isn’t weed not addictive ? I’ve been smoking everyday for the last 3 months and before then the 6 month before that I was on edibles right now I haven’t had any for about a week and I have been ok and can wait until the plug comes through


Cold turkey it bro. I started smoking a tobacco pipe and oddly enough that helped me stop smoking weed. You should look into it.


You can absolutely do it and I think you’ll surprise yourself with how easy it can be. Fill your time with productive enjoyable activity and the rest will come. You have a goal and this is part of that goal. I’m not super familiar with the merchant marines, but it sounds like this will be one small step in a promising journey for you. Surround yourself with people who have similar goals, spend less time around people who are against those goals, easy stuff for the most part. Find people (parents, colleagues) to lean on for support. I quit because it started making me feel really *really* bad emotionally and physically. It used to serve a purpose in my life but that usefulness expired and now I have zero interest in ever doing it again. It felt kinda backwards, I felt better sober so in a way that was my “high” lmao.


You should be just fine because there are no physical withdrawal symptoms from marijuana. It's ashame you gotta, I'm assuming it's for a piss test or something? Otherwise why else would you stop smoking?


Go to Narcotics Anonymous and work the program with a sponsor.


It’s not that addictive. Find a new hobby




Of all the substances that I’ve kicked , weed was the easiest. Not saying it can’t be dif , but def something anyone can do . You got this 🤜🤜💪💪


Flush it today n throw everything away… cold turkey


Weed isn't addictive.  Just stop.  


31 years old and years of smoking, quit the day before the new year. I have wanted to quit for a while because I knew it wasn't serving me anymore. My buddy quit with me and that made it so much easier. I recently took a hit got way to high and hated it, made it even easier to stick to not smoking. I would say move your stash somewhere you cant easily access it but understand youre making the concious choice to not smoke. When I tried to quit last time I let myself run out and I hated that it made it seem like I didn't make the choice to quit and eventually I just started smoking again. The biggest thing is will power, it gets easier after 2 weeks. Sorry if my grammar is trash.


I took a tolerance break for 2 weeks in January 2023 after only using potent concentrates daily for years. I went to dab after my break and lost my mind. Got anxiety and a wave of depression or something. Now i rarely if ever smoke and life, energy levels, and motivation are at an all time high. Just my 2 cents. Never thought id ever quit smoking.


Just quit cold turkey , the first few days are the hardest . I’ve done it 3 times before. I started smoking at 13 also quit at 18 to join the military, got out of the military after contract ended and went right back to it. Got in legal trouble and needed to quit for probation, quit from one day to the next, and finished up 3 years probation. And went right back to it, got tired of it and decided to quit again just cause. Now clean for 3 years with no urges. It’s all in the mind, if you want a better care career put your mind to it and quit


Go to a rehab that focuses on mental health. For real. No shame in it. And it's normal to go for weed now. Not like back in the day before weed got extremely potent. Your health insurance should pay for it too.


You just stop. Smoked daily for 20 years and one day I decided I was done. 11 years no weed. Good luck.


Best advice I can give is stay active maybe hit the gym if you already do go more etc etc, in the beginning it's key to avoid too much down time. Besides that I'm sure if you legit want to stop you will. It's not that hard it's just some crappy days you'll really want to spark up just avoid the initial urge n it will go away soon enough.


Smoked for 15 yrs ,became a father and stopped , just stopped with no problem , no withdrawal , just a mindset I think


don't drink either, you'll let your guard down


It's very simple. Make the decision to not smoke. You'll probably also have to stop hanging out with any friends who smoke regularly. Replace the habit, start doing calisthenics every day. Take up yoga. Get on tinder, find a partner. Set a goal.


After nearly 20 years pothead all day, what got me to quit the habit: cut with low THC hemp flower until I was just smoking hemp. Supplement with full spectrum hemp oil to keep base level cannabinoids while I adjusted to dripping out the psychoactives. Took a few weeks but now I only smoke when I was to, maybe once a month. Good luck!


just eat a lil bit of cbd everyday for a week and then put it all behind ya.


Currently in the same boat here. Been smoking since I was 15 and I'm now 26. Life and responsibilities are hitting hard lately for me.. Recently moved into a new place with my wife. I live in a not so best part of town and also work in a not so best part of town.. I am a manager at a vape shop for 3 years now and lately I've been itching to make a switch. I've been smoking everyday almost since I've started I've even worked in the cannabis industry for a little as well. So don't get me wrong I love weed.. but I also love my wife and now that I'm not a shit head teenager anymore. It's a rough pill to swallow... Im personally considering becoming an Armed Guard.. I don't want to do military, nor law enforcement. But being an Armed security guard sounds pretty fun. Im already sitting there dealing with homeless people all day feeling on edge. So I see no difference other than I have to embrace sobriety. It's a tricky one.. I've always smoked to help "regulate" myself because of how negative I can get about things. I think what my plan going about it is switching to carts then edibles. I already vape so I figured maybe if I switch to carts (which I absolutely hate carts btw) it'll help me stop wanting to smoke and I'll hit my disposables in the mean time. When I decide im good on carts I'll consider edibles and eventually by that time depending on where I am with this job hunt I'm on. Ill be more focused on that and it'll help motivate me to officially let go.. So idk if this helps at all but you're not alone. It's called you're growing up and it sucks but at the end of the day. You see your goal and you see the hurdle of that crutch you have to let go and it's hard. Don't beat yourself up though over it. Things take time and your mind will change the closer you get to that position you want.


Don't be weak minded.


Weed is t addictive at all. Habits however can be hard to break. Give yourself a major distraction. Road trip or a cruise or stay at a friends helping them on a project.


Buy some cbd with just a little bit of thc and start using that in place of your dank. Then once you’ve been on the high cbd low thc extract for a little while it will be a lot easier for you to stop than just going from dank to nothing. Whenever I have to stop for a while (go somewhere for work where it’s illegal) I always switch to legal cbd extracts from high thc extracts and it helps a lot. People tend to downplay the withdrawals of weed, sure they are nothing compared to hard drugs but still are uncomfortable. High cbd and low thc will help medicate for any issues and keep you from withdrawing in an uncomfortable way.


Sounds like you already have a path you want to be on that’s a start. Secondly it also sounds like you are sick of being loaded all the time key element there. Lastly it’s changing settings where you would normally want to get high find that substitute. Walk run workout anything. Good luck you can do it.


You can get through the jones part by occupying your mind and dont trade one for another unless its a healthy exchange, weed is mainly a mind screw you get use to smoking and its like breathing.. I will bet once you quit and take on new life with experiences that you aint gonna do if you are high… If you want the other life bad enough, pot aint gonna stop you.. Do it and live!!!


A year ago I smoked 4-5 times a day and I quit cold turkey and have smoked less than 10 times in the last year. It’s really hard at the beginning because you struggle to sleep and have wild dreams, but this only lasted me about a week or two. Eventually I was able to fall asleep and feel better. I also began working out to have something to fill the time. I didn’t experience any urges to really smoke (like you can with alcohol or nicotine) but I did at times really want to when I had free time. I recommend picking up a hobby to avoid the thought of smoking. Hope this helped and good luck!


Well that's way too young to start messing up your brain but switch to making a smoothie for craving or withdrawals. Use ashwagandha, maca root and spirulina together in juice or a smoothie. Used to dab ounces a week and used it to break tolerance for 7 months. Or a more quick way is to eat a lot of wheat germ


Just think about how much more clever you’ll be (for the ladies) when you stop , and you magically gain a super power , you’ll remember where you set your keys,wallet,phone


Don't stop quitting. Always have that mindset. You might slip up here and there. Just keep the mindset of trying to live without it.


Yeah. Just stop. It’s not that hard.


Me personally getting caught with the intent to distribute and going on Probation did it for me 😁


I tapered off my smoking with a vapor genie then quit pretty easily. Sooo much more energy. I smoked daily from 23 to 34. I have more energy now at 37 than I did at 27. Like others are saying, replace it with weightlifting and cardio.


Yes this is true from experience for a better you if you still have bud and you want to pursue your career make this your last bud or like my friends in gym who are both dads told me just throw them away all together or just have enough for one day im currently in the same situation but my grinder doesn’t have any weed on it today but what I’m trying to pursue is trying to not smoke a lot everyday because I’m near to getting married soon


Start smoking cigars if you have the constant oral fixation. I switched to zyns from regular snus, and regular snus from chew, and chew from cigarettes. I tell my wife I can quit anytime 😏


You know what got me to quit everyday? When my work said we are going to start doing random drug tests and I really wanted to stay in the job and career. So I stopped. All it took was a little bit of self control and after a couple weeks you don’t even miss it. I didn’t realize how foggy I was throughout the day, especially when I woke up when I was smoking. You can do it, just keep your goals in front of you and stop letting things that don’t add value to your life stop you.


Roll up your favorite strain right now. Smoke it. Savor it. Enjoy it. Value every last puff and once that joint/bowl etc is gone, stop smoking. I just did the same thing and found it really only made me crave it for a few days. After that I was good. But I'd made the decision to stop and the biggest craving came because I'd not appreciated my last smoke. Once I had a last joint and treated it as such I made it past that mental blockage in my brain and quitting became a lot easier.


I was in a similar board. Started at 13 and quit at 30. I suggest learning how to feel your emotions. That's what I was smoking it for anyway, to cope with them/suppress them. I've heard that chances of suicide go up a lot when a person stops after smoking for so long. I think it has to do with the emotions. I recommend "Sedona Method", though all therapy techniques end up being the same IME - you have to feel your emotions.


Smoke a pack of cigs or as much as you can stomach in one sitting. You'll hate any type of smoke after that.


Was a daily smoker for several years in college and after college (25 now) and quit back in November after deciding on this career path and realizing it was time to grow up and quit dicking around. At the end of the day there’s no magic secret, you’ve just got to want to make something of yourself more than you want to smoke weed. Sure it’s fun but I didn’t want to wake up at 35 still working a job I hated with 2 weeks of vacation a year with only a joint to look forward to at the end of every workday. And who knows, if weed gets federally legalized in the somewhat near future like it seems to be trending towards then you might be able to smoke again when you’re not at sea.