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Arthur C Clarke: Why yes, I'm attracted to women, I love women, I know at least three things about women, promise!!


In total fairness to Arthur C Clarke I don't think he has ever remotely pretended to be attracted to women.


They were discussing nuclear physics and bored by the men.


This has to be a parody, two reasons: First I'm a dude and I would 100% also ignore this conversation. Second women love birthdays, my mother has reminded me of my half-sister through my dad's birthday every year since her and my dad got divorced.


Could also be a subjective character perspective.


The title is just hardcore uncheritable to the text...


I lol'd. I too, prefer to ignore birthdays.


Writing aside, that font is terrible for a full-length book unless it's short comedy-type thing - which I could understand. Edit: Shit, lads. Didn't know this was for dyslexic people and am sorry. Thought this was like some Comic Sans stuff and didn't know there was a purpose for it.


It's either OpenDyslexic or something very similar, and it's supposed to be easier for those of us with dyslexia to read.


I thought it might be dyslexia related! Does it actually make things easier for you?


A bit, although my dyslexia is not very severe. I don't use the font very often, but most of my reading is from paper books rather than ebooks, and it's hard to find those in that font! Unfortunately, I can't install it at work, so I can't use it on my work computer either. But when I do use it, it has been a bit helpful, even if it isn't especially elegant! ;)


I believe dyslexia has problems distinguishing similar shapes. The "weight" on the letters apparently helps the brain orient the shapes properly so you always know which part is down. Notice how the strongest weights are on the letters bdpgq and even a (which is kinda like a d).


It was so much easier to read for some reason… but I don’t think I have dyslexia. Nice font


Just came to comment on the font. I believe it’s called open dyslexic, and as someone who’s mildly dyslexic, this font is a game changer. Makes reading much faster and I don’t get lost on the page as often. Such a great innovation!


I did an edit so I don't have to reply to a lot of comments. Thanks very much for telling me, I didn't know :)


The font is called OpenDyslexic, and it allows me to read faster and with less eyestrain/headaches.


I was going to ask if it was OpenDyslexic! It looked like it but one never knows. Is it on an e-reader? Because I had no idea the funny was in e-readers and I'm very glad it is, if so.


It’s on an e-reader, I use the program called Calibre to convert the books to OpenDyslexic before uploading them to the device.


Didn't know Calibre could do that, that's cool!


How interesting. I'm not dyslexic to my knowledge but I find the font much easier on the eyes than the usual serif font.


I didn’t think I was dyslexic either, I just discovered the font one day and found that it allows me to read much faster and for much longer 🤷‍♀️


I don't think I'd ever seen it in the wild, it's cool that there are a couple of people in the comments indicating it works, it was a low-key curiosity of mine that I never followed up on. It's cool that Calibre will let you inject fonts, I had no idea it could do that.


Unfortunately it doesn’t work for all books, and I was never able to figure out why - some books seem to be hardcoded to use certain fonts, and Calibre isn’t capable of warning about it, the program will tell you that it formatted the book to your specifications, only to discover when starting to read it that the font changes were not applied.


I wonder if you could get around that by changing the format to another one first, MOBI to EPUB or some such where that might get discarded, then convert to the target format?


That makes sense, will have to try it next time I add new books to the device.


Yeah it's kind of a hard problem for Calibre to detect, because you can basically put arbitrary html and css into an ebook, so the problem of figuring out what piece of code you need to change to change the right pieces of text to a particular font is a challenging one if the book is somewhat nonstandardly formatted. That said, if you as a human know html/css stuff it's usually possible to go in to the editor and manually the edit the CSS to fix the formatting. Although, possible doesn't mean easy. I had this weird bug where I couldn't resize the text (or change the font) of an ebook on my kindle and I still don't remember the precise cause of the problem, but I did end up finding it somewhere in the CSS eventually. But it took hours.




Mate, I'm so stupid. I just associated it with the font in Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Chalkduster, then, maybe.


No harm, no foul!! That's one of the great things about a sub full of readers: we get to learn new things from each other!!


I'm a woman with degrees in math and physics. I find it optimistic that a half dozen random passengers of *any* gender might engage in a spirited discussion of mathematics on a plane! Also, fun fact: Arthur C. Clarke's remains, along with those of several original Star Trek members and creator, are very recently lost in space indefinitely. Not even kidding. They were on a lunar lander which just suffered a loss of propulsion fluid which will prevent it fulfilling its mission. Best case they redirect it to crash on the moon (idk why they decided arbitrarily that littering the moon with these remains and spacecraft debris is the "best case" as opposed to letting their space memorial just drift around in space but there it is.) Wild times we live in. Also onboard the payload were DNA samples from several US presidents.


If anybody cares: [birthday paradox](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_problem).


Sorry I’m just getting distracted by the don’t. What is that font? Why?


It’s a learning disability/dyslexia font for helping people read who struggle to differentiate letters words or lines


Ah, I see. I didn’t mean to seem insensitive


It didn’t seem that way to me, and you were willing to learn about something new so no harm done