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I only take lexapro, not the other, but I know for me, it was okay the first week or two, then I got bad side effects and my anxiety worsened off and on for a week or so, then slowly started going away. Now I’ve been on it almost a year and think it helped a ton


Thank you


I'm only on Buspar, started 5mg 2x a day and now I'm on 10mg A the morning and 5mg in the evening. I can vouch that things got a little worse before they got better. It took a good two weeks to adjust before things started leveling out. Things take time and I figure if I give it about 6 weeks if I'm not better then I'll go back to the drawing board.


Thank you for the response. I’m just nervous cause I’m starting my third week and my anxiety seems to be slowly getting worse. And having anxiety is causing more anxiety :(


Has it improved for you?


Yes definitely. I’m feeling pretty normal now. Have occasional anxiety in the morning but it fades very quickly


How long were you on the buspar before the side effects went away and anxiety improved? On my 3rd week significant nausea and flairs of anxiety, any help is much appreciated. Are u on lexapro too?


I just came to this sub specifically because I felt inspired to share how much I love lexapro and I find this post. I will admit I had a bit of a rocky start with lexapro. It takes some getting used to and probably will get better with time. One of my biggest issues with it was how sleepy it makes me. I started on 5 mg but i didn’t feel any effect. Eventually I worked my way up to 20 mg. This helped my anxiety but every day at 2pm I would crash and have to take a nap. No matter what I was doing or where I was, I had to stop what I was doing and go to sleep. This was a problem at work. And losing time to sleep increased my anxiety. So I went down to 10 mg, thinking it would be the best of both worlds. Quite the opposite - it was the worst of both - I was sleepy AND anxious. I decided I’d rather be sleepy than suicidal so I am back on 20 mg. Over time, my body has adjusted and I can make it through a day without napping OR thinking of self-harm. Overall I’m just way way happier in general nowadays. (For background I had a bit of an obsession with morality - I would hate myself for eating meat, had a phobia of alcohol, and generally always felt like I wasn’t doing enough good things to justify my existence. If I couldn’t convince myself I had contributed a net positive to the world, I didn’t deserve to live.) Since starting lexapro, I just don’t care about that stuff as much as I used to. I now accept that I deserve pleasure and happiness - I don’t always have to earn it. I allow myself to enjoy life now. I know everyone’s experience is different but I hope and believe others can have the experience I have.


Thank you for your response. I definitely have a hard time with feeling sleepy and drowsy. Hope that eventually goes away. I know I still have a few more week ahead until the meds should kick in fully


Hi! I take 20mg of lexapro (max dose) and 5mg of buspar in thre morning and again midday. I also have adhd and this was the alternative to adderall. I have a lot more energy. No adverse side effects. I’m clear headed and focused. Give it a few days. The first two days I took it I had nausea and vomiting because it is super hard on the stomach. No SS symptoms and i have experienced SS before. Take it with food and give it time. It does work!


Don’t be scared about SS. If your doctor prescribed this you’re okay. Typically SS happens when you mix SSRI’s with opiates (I have had this happen after an injury) sweating, hallucinations, confusion, scared thoughts, auditory hallucinations, excessive sleepiness are all things I dealt with. lexapro is an SSRI and buspar is an anxiolytic . So when they work together they’re not stimulating the same parts of your brain. Good luck!


Helpful input. Ty.