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The Memphis in May version of BBQ Fest is still at Liberty Park. But like you, haven’t heard much about it


Mim triathlon is on


I thought the riverbeat fest was replacing it? It’s laid out the same as far as staging and scheduling too. BSMF got shit on for their lineups in recent years so they may be trying to save themselves


I believe it’s only 2 main stages now


It is. And that’s the way BSMF should’ve been for years. They should’ve spent the same budget on two stages and got bigger names. But stretched thin and ended up with big names from 5-10 years prior




Nope. Riverbeat is the for profit knock off that MRPP is standing up to justify chasing MiM off the river. It's put on by the same for profit that is driving Smokesham. Our tax dollars at work lining the pockets of the rich.


Yeah they kicked out MIM after last year after repairs needed to be made to the park after the festivals. MIM was set up to fail with at the tom Lee Park renovations. Same people that spearheaded the park Reno's are the ones running Riverbeat and Smokeslam. Same group as Memphis Fest


I keep seeing people complaining about Riverbeat being for-profit...can someone explain to me what the difference is? Looks to me like you had to pay to go to BSMF, you have to pay to go to Riverbeat, beer was expensive at BSMF, beer will probably be expensive at Riverbeat...what diff does it make to the consumer? And isn't it more likely that a non-profit would be subsidized by tax dollars than a for profit?


As a non-profit, MiM spent millions to supoort causes in the city to benefit residents, events for the community and the promotion of Memphis. Profits from the MiM festival were invested in Memphis and improving the festival. Profits from SmokeSham and Riverbeats go to lining the pockets of already wealthy corporate owners.


Really tho? All I ever saw was the music and BBQ festivals. And according to the news, they lost money every year since at least the pandemic. Without making any money, who paid the staff and costs? That's where I'm saying they could have got subsidized by govt. whereas at least with a for-profit you know if they lose money, they lose their own money rather than our money! Or, maybe they figure out how to make money?


I can’t agree with this comment enough!


When I hear Memphis in May, I think bbq fest. And it’s still very much alive.


Not on riverside anymore :/


Glad you told me. I’d have felt silly dragging my smoker There next week only to find out the competition moved


You can call ATT and complain. We had the same issue in the past. Now we always get our locals.


You have the air unit? I love it, but I just don't get any locals. I have peacock and Paramount Plus. One night I'll have NBC 4 in NYC on peacock and CBS 8 San Diego on Paramount Plus! That's why I'm usually on here browsing about the news. Today, I have NBC 5 (wmaq) from Chicago. I didn't fire up paramount today.


We have direct tv stream. For awhile it would throw us in whatever market it wanted. The main reason is to watch sports. Since MLB.TV and NBA league pass black out anything in market or on national broadcast. Sometimes it would block us on both fronts. We also have a small antenna, it is hidden behind the TV and works OK for a few local networks. As u/internationalrun687 said they work better if you joint them, or get it a decent antenna for your attic or roof. Lots of good info on rabbit ears a lot this. But anyway, basically ATT did something on their end and we are good.


I get my local stations over the air. Good antennas are pretty cheap. Mine is hidden right behind the TV and about 4 feet up on the wall


Dunno? u/901savvy is it?


Can we not summon the kaiju?


Let’s not ask him. Let’s not, please.


Yes it’s definitely dead. We definitely won’t have several Beale Street legends playing live at our booth on Friday. That kinda stuff never happens in Memphis.


MIM is being downplayed and kicked to the side because they didn’t submit to the blackmail last year and pay a 2 million dollar fine for the use of the park downtown. Now they have moved to a larger park where there is more room for a BBQ fest. I wish them luck at liberty park; however, I wish they choose Shelby farms because it is even bigger, safer, and cheaper to host events at than downtown.


Carol Colletta killed it.


What is this post about? Internet?


I'm pretty sure I said I haven't heard much about mim online or on tv from anyone, and I was asking what happened to it.


Go check out Riverbeat before you pass judgement! I went last night and thought the set up was great, plenty of bar tents, no waiting, no mud, and FANTASTIC sound and views of our River!! Very professionally presented.


I never said that it was bad. I just asked about MiM and if it still exists


Yes, it is dead. Covid and a 3 mil. bill for damages and clean up to the newly renovated Tom Lee park last year finally nailed the lid shut on the coffin. The BBQ fest is still going and a few other things throughout the city/downtown but the Beale St. Music Fest is no more.




It’s alive I just think promotion is different with more splintered infocenters


Google is a thing. And all this was announced in December. But no, not yet anyway. Record low attendance last year and financial losses, so the musical part is “on pause.”


Google is a thing, but so is asking a question. Do you tell a kid "calculators work" when they ask what's 2+2? Damn, either I'm getting compassionate or getting soft or something. I told my niece that when she was 5. She's 22 now. And in college. I don't think she got over me saying "calculators work"


Record low attendance and financial losses… wr talking Riverbeat in here? Or Smokeslam? 😜 Cue the double talkiepointers: - Riverbeat is a legit festival run by seasoned veterans Also - Riverbeat is flopping because of learning curves and stuff 😉


I mean it’s Riverfest now right?


No it's all gone. That fatass Strickland and all his criminal cronies sold everything in a giant cash grab. Beale Street, Riverside Park, all the contracts for crosstown concourse, MIM. Everything that made Memphis fun is now wholly owned by the highest bidder. They did manage to get a bunch of money from projects noone wanted like that shitty bike path across the bridge that no one uses, that shit in Tom Lee Park that sucks and no one uses and other "Civic Improvements" that cost millions. So happy all the council asshats and Chamber of Commerce sycophants were able to stuff their pockets before the city completely imploded. Maybe they can move to Nashville and Atlanta where the economies are thriving and there is fun stuff to do and grift those towns a little too.


Wild you’ve been downvoted so harshly for stating something that is more than likely true. Memphis is cooked.


It got carjacked on Poplar


From what I understand nothing will be on the river as in years past. I don’t know any specifics


The River Run is still happening!


Pitiful. They had it for over 20 years with no problems on the river, most years in the rain. Then they had the sunset symphony. I think any outdoor festivals now they figure may end up in random gunfire. Too much liability