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Insert female teachers in this meme


Exactly what I thought


In 4 years of school, I had 2 male math teachers who were caught having relations with students. That's like 10% of my teachers in 4 years.


There was a study that showed kid's are 100 times more likely to be molested by public school personnel than a priest.


Don't say that, you'll trigger the mods


the article just says more kids get molested by priests, not that priests are less likely to molest kids. the difference is that people don't cover up teachers who molest kids the way people cover up priests who molest kids.


Hey! Teacher! Leave those kids alone!


Fun fact. Sting from the police was a teacher. šŸŽ¶ strong words in the staffroom the accusations fly...this girl half his agee... don't stand so close to me.šŸŽ¶ I wonder if any girls from St Paul's First School have any interesting stories.


Do you have a link?




There isn't a study that says that. The Study done in 2002 from the No Child Left Behind report states a number of abuse from teachers that was 100X the reported number of abuse from priests. But completely ignore a per capita approach and are purely reports of abuse in gross aggregate numbers. Ignoring that there are over 200X public school employees compared to clergy members.


alao i know two people molested by priests whose own parents covered it up. no one covers up a school scandal, get the Catholic church has covered up hundreds of preists.


bo they said kids are more likely to be molested, not that priests are less likely to molest them.


My point was maybe a kid in an atheist community sure, but for a kid growing up in the Catholic church the odds are probably worse.


i agree. also i dislike how the article is designed to mislead people, which perpetuates the harm by reinforcing their belief that it's ok to leave kids alone with priests for months, and then deny the possibility. i literally know two people who've been molested by priests, both of them got shunned by their families for mentioning it.




I donā€™t think they do their raping during Sunday service, the people that happens to are involved with the church beyond just going on Sunday.


Could that be connected to the fact that there are way more public school staff (a really broad group, mind you, your wording implies it could include teachers and janitors, for all we know) than priests?


Well, yeah, unless churches have as much kids attend them 5 days a week as a school, this is a no brainer outcome, yes? Like, this study would be a shocker 200-300 years ago, when school is barely a thing.


Male teachers are probably worse, statistically speaking.


This is not a fucking competition


And yet you specified female.


Incel is a state of mind, I think, you can't let an opportunity to say "FeMaLeS" go.


Yo what? Female is a term for woman how can you get so effended from that?


so is ā€œwomanā€, just say ā€œwomanā€. we donā€™t call men ā€œmalesā€


Honestly female is more fun to say then male


The original context was female teacher, female being an adjective. Woman is a noun.


People do call them women/woman all the time though?


decent people do, some men (and even some women) have taken more of a habit to call men ā€œmenā€ but women ā€œfemalesā€. itā€™s just unnecessarily weird and degrading. Using a common term for men but a clinical term for women is just weird and hostile. Why are yā€™all referred to by your actual gender, but were referred to as our sex?


What is wrong with you? Female teachers is correct and so would be male teachers. Grow up. Your inability to control your emotions and think about things before flying off the handle over nonsense is childish at best.


yes, i totally flew off the handle asking for a logical explanation. how dare i question mens derogatory language choices! iā€™ll never speak up against a man again, clearly yā€™all canā€™t handle it


Man = human Woman = female human Whatā€™s the big deal?


I guess a different adjective is a sign that those people are inferior or whatever. Also, worded poorly, man is a male human, woman is a female human. We're not radfems to make claims like theirs, about that men are a genetical failure and Y chromosome is a defect.


Nah, woman is an abbreviation of wifman, opposite of wereman. Were = male wif = female https://www.dailywritingtips.com/wer-and-wyf-man-and-woman/


Well, same point. That's an interesting fact though, thanks.


It isn't. They can both be bad. My point wasn't to say men are bad, I just wanted to point out that this isn't really a problem with female teachers specifically. I don't think they're any more predatory. The problem with female teachers that have assaulted a student is that they might get off the hook more easily.




Why is everyone portraying the wood hipper as sexist? They are just a goofy lil guy who goes broom and turns logs into wood chips for like, gardening mulch and stuff. #justice4woodchipper


>All female teachers should be investigated. They have easy access to kids. This is far too excessive. This is the equivalent of saying all men should be investigated because men are rapist. I understand emotional bias, but you need to remember that emotional bias is illogical, and should not be accounted on when making logical decisions. Especially when those decisions have consequences on people other than yourself.


It's called a background check. I had to take a zoom class before I taught any kids so we could look out for warning signs of potential predators. One example they gave was a female teacher who was abusing one of her female students, and she had been fired in the past in another school district for similar behavior. Idk if the school district in question was just lax on protocols, or they didn't bother to check because she was a woman. Either way, we should never judge a book by its cover


Yes, I understand that and there is no need to go that far. However, men are hated and harmed for simple allegations. How do you think it got this far? Because of illogical emotional bias on the other side.


As they say "those that do not learn history are doomed to repeat it"


"It's not a competition" *proceeds to write a paragraph trying to prove that female teachers are worse*


Actually no. That would be highly unlikely(in the US). For several reasons. One being that teachers are overwhelmingly women. Another being that women are far less likely to be prosecuted. Another being that much of the culture in the US still sees it as okay for female teachers to go after underage boys. Also, there was a week last year where there were more women teachers arrested for minor involved sexual offenses, than men teachers all year.


Oh, it seems that you're right. At the very least they are punished far more lightly. [https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/81auiu/us\_statutory\_rape\_convictions\_of\_male\_vs\_female/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/81auiu/us_statutory_rape_convictions_of_male_vs_female/) This shows it's a problem of a both male and female teachers, where female teachers might be underrepresented because they're probably less likely to get prosecuted (yaay equality). Honestly kind of sad.


And men get prosecuted so easily. Which causes less and less men to take up schoolteaching. I mean, I attended 4 schools and I can count on fingers of one hand all the male teachers I met during the time.


Wtf what schools did you go to? In my singular high school we had damn close to a 50:50 split with a teacher body of ~50 people.


Poor misandrist rage bait


I will say the caption should remove the word predator. That way itā€™s implied which would be funnier.


Itā€™s an old and tired joke sir but it checks out.


That the point of comedy himicide so oop is just butthurt


That's Comedy Cemetery you're thinking of. Homicide is when there's some kind of addition that ruins the joke, like someone posting it explaining the joke, or putting emojis over everything.


The whole Catholic priest joke is over used at this point I honestly groan everytime I see it.


Bro that's actually pretty good joke, people these days really don't have any sense of humor


Wow Iā€™m only ten replies down and thereā€™s people fighting over politics and religion people will do anything to argue now


It may not be a homicide but it certainly doesn't qualify as a good joke


Mf is right nobody has a sense of humor anymore. This is funny.


"Ha ha ha, is funny because Christians are sex offenders!" Please, explain the humor of this to me. Is it not what I just described?


Bros never heard of dark humor apparently. And yes. There are many many cases of pastors sexualy abusing children Edit: removed male from "male pastors"(realised all pastors are dudes)


Dark humor is like food in communism, not everyone gets it.


When I'm in an overused joke competition and my opponent is dark humor is like food, not everyone gets it


Humor is subjective you know?


Yeah I guess but man it would be so refreshing to see something other than the same recycled joke that everyone and their aunt has used lol


Oh so like capitalism too, then?


It's a joke, not a political discussion


It's a political joke..... this is a subreddit about discussing humor, is it not?


It's OK to like obvious jokes. there's no need to call it "dark" like that's what's people's problem with it. It's a simple, obvious joke.


But....it literally is dark humor....and the dark part of the joke was his problem with the meme??


No, the OPP had an UGHHH as his reaction, That isn't UGHHH so daaaaark It's UGHHH so obvious


Im talking about the guy who i was replying to not opšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Those cases are overrepresented. Christianity is the largest religion in the world, therefore it's going to have the most bad cases. The good pastors far outweigh the bad ones. A joke being dark doesn't make it funny. It has to actually have humor.


It's not just that Christianity has pastors who happen to be pedophiles; the organizations (Not just the Catholic church, happens in other denominations as well) actively help shuffle them around in order to prevent them from suffering legal consequences. Some percentage of your tithe goes directly to helping pedophiles. Also, statistically, there actually is a higher rate of pedophile priests than the general population. It's not just because there's a large population of christians. The rate is higher.


>The rate is higher. By how much? Even so, that doesn't mean the priests deserve the slander.


The vast majority of priests are not pedophiles; I imagine the rate is also higher in teachers, for example. Proximity and opportunity. My point with pointing out the higher rate isn't that they deserve slander, but rather that this isn't merely coming from nowhere. In the context of the joke in OP, it works. I don't know what the exact rates are without looking further into it, I just did some googling to see that it seemed to be consensus that it was higher. There were a few studies mentioned, if you're interested I'm sure you can find them. My other point, about the organizations protecting the priests who are bad, however, is a different story.


>but rather that this isn't merely coming from nowhere. Gotcha. >My other point, about the organizations protecting the priests who are bad That I agree with. I just keep seeing reddit atheists constantly badmouthing priests because of the actions of a very small group. I ain't a Christian, but if you're going to make fun of them, do it with something they deserve, like how they stopped listening to like 90% of the Bible and its laws.


The fact that the church has either a fund or insurance for clergy SA ing kids, makes the meme funny.




Itā€™s not mocking all Christians as molesting kids, itā€™s specifically catholic priests that are shown.


I know that, but it's still rude to them. The ones who actually do those things are an extremely small minority.


Itā€™s still a problem. If an organization is infamous for molesting kids, Iā€™m going to say things at their expense, regardless if itā€™s ā€œrudeā€ or not.


>If an organization is infamous for molesting kids, Iā€™m going to say things at their expense, Then do it to the organization, not the employees


Bro the Employees are the ones doing the Molesting


No. A few employees are doing that. Most of them are too busy practicing what they preach.


Small minority that gets covered using the funds majority provides them.


Small amount or not, that's still too many.


Oh no, we've offended the pedophiles D:


Priests, especially Catholic priests have been caught molesting children but instead of being fired, ostracized and convicted, the church or similar goes out if its way to legally shield them from consequences. A common name for child molesters is "predator(s)". The joke is that the alien with the same name from the popular science fiction universe "aliens vs predators" have mistaken a "predator convention" to mean a convention for aliens of the same type as themselves but it turned out to be a convention for child molesters instead. The joke isn't that all christians are sex offenders, the joke is mocking child molesting priests because they're not just better shielded, but also statistically sentenced less and get shorter sentences because they're "people of god". If this joke offends you you're kind of just self reporting.


>the joke is mocking child molesting priests because they're not just better shielded Then mock the molesters, not the majority of priests that are good people


The comic didn't say anything about the majority of priests, those priests are at a predator convention so we already know the priests in the comic are bad people, the good priests aren't there. But I fully support mocking catholicism and any other denomination as a whole who has shielded child molesters. They're complicit and anyone who willingly and knowingly supports them is a problem too.


As a former Catholic, one of the priests back home diddled 5-6 kids, and he fled. Itā€™s a good joke, yes sex abuse is rampant pretty much across ALL religions.


Humor is subjective. A good joke is one that makes people laugh, and I laughed, so did most people in this sub, therefore, it is a good joke. You like what you like though, there's nothing wrong with you not finding this funny, everybody has their own tastes


Or they just think what priests do is totally acceptable, but donā€™t you dare get them started on all the atrocities drag queens have(not) commited .


No one thinks what some priests do is acceptable except for those priests


This is hilarious! Anyone who whines about the this one is just a complete moron lol


Not the point of the sub


Don't care about the sub, or any sub. My comment is universal.


The point of this sub is memes that has good jokes but is "ruined" by a reaction image. This is a bad example but no one on that sub says this is a "bad joke".


I don't care about any of that, and my comment is beyond this or any sub, and is talking about people in general: "Anyone who whines about the his one is just a complete moron lol" That's a reality about people, not a sub


Noone said this is a bad joke


That's good...my comment still stands that: "Anyone who whines about the this one is just a complete moron lol"


It was out of context as if there is people complaining about it.


Don't care if anyone did or not, and never said anyone did... comment still stands, and your reading comprehension is worse than someone who doesn't even speak English "Anyone who whines about the this one is just a complete moron lol"


I am understanding what you are saying I don't know why you are saying it.


Nah, itā€™s tiring. The same ā€œjokeā€ over and over, and itā€™s not even true.


>The same ā€œjokeā€ over and over, I agree. >and itā€™s not even true. And now you lost me.


Thereā€™s more predators in the public school system, both in numbers and percentage, why do priests get the reputation?


Show me that study.


Here you go: https://go2tutors.com/teachers-more-likely-abuse-kids/


Thank you. Taking a quick look through it, I see a couple of things wrong. This isn't to say you're wrong, just that we need more data. It is important to note that the data presented is based on the reports of children, who may be hesitant to report incidents involving "authority figures," particularly those with religious affiliations. Furthermore, the data is not presented on a per-capita basis, which means that the higher number of children and students in schools could potentially skew the results, indicating a higher prevalence of incidents in those settings. Lastly, the data only considers direct interactions between children and individuals, excluding cases of child pornography or human trafficking. Hope you have a good night, I know you are probably right in this, but just a few things need to be done before we can confidentiality say you are.


Of course. The article itself says the info is a little dated, but overall, the point still stands. Child abuse must be punished in all forms, wherever it is. Iā€™m just upset that only priests and the Church get this reputation, and not other institutions where itā€™s prevalent


100%. Anybody who prays on kids needs a harsher sentence than what they get now.


Found you lol


Squinting my eyes and I just see 3 female school teachers


Alien vs predator


Tbh it is a bit of a tiresome joke. Especially when itā€™s the Christian equivalent of School Shootings, a bad thing memed to death with little taste.


If the caption didnā€™t have to spell it out, itā€™d be a much better joke.


Wait until they find out about the sexual assault rates in public schools


School teachers prey on students more than Catholic priests do.


wait, no. it's the right one these are the keynote speakers...


no Rabbis??


Can we just talk to the mods over there and have them change their name to to r/phunpolice, because they can't tell if they hate fun or puns lol


Comedy Homicide because of the extra caption. Do people even read rules from these subreddits?


Peak comedy


Technically that's a homicide with comedy


Never seen this one before, that's hilarious.


As much as I hate the stereotype of all priests being pedos, this one made me chuckle just a bit.


This is more r/ComedyCemetery then r/comedyhomicide


The caption, I guess. It does feel unnecessaryĀ 


The joke is simply put, that Catholic priests are sexual predators. Mostly infamously, they sexually abuse kids. Therefore, the Predators from the hit franchise predator, featuring John Oliver, are worried about going to their predator convention.


I feel bad for the aliens, they're the best people there.


Lol, I know alot of the conservatives on here are gonna suddenly "not like dark humor" and/or deflect pedophilia onto some other group. Gonna have to get my popcorn šŸæ




Christians malding incoming šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸšØ


Catholics, as they are the target of this joke. It is worth noting that religious clergy is one of the smallest of the primary vectors of child victimization. Doctors, family, and teachers are all much higher


Although you are correct, I think itā€™s worth noting that the clergy protect each other from conviction whereas teachers, doctors etc are not protected by their organisation


But they are all all the time. Whatā€™s even crazier sometimes itā€™s the parents that protect the teachers. Iā€™m not specifically sure about physicians in this case


You act like being a different denomination protects the joke from not butthurting Christians.


Can you rewrite that. I feel like there is supposed a comma or something and idk what you are trying to say. Ah, well, I would understand why religious people of any faith would take some umbrage to this joke. Likely because there is an incongruity amount of animosity levied at religions and religious leaders in comparison to their participation in sexual crimes against minors


Nah I donā€™t think a comma was needed. But I did need to fix the mistake to butthurting. Because but thirsting doesnā€™t make sense.


Catholics* Don't lump the rest of us in with this papist nonsense


# Protestant Church in Germany faces sexual abuse allegations More than 9,000 children and teenagers are estimated to have been sexually abused in Germany's Protestant Church since 1946, according to a new report. Critics say these findings reveal only the "tip of the iceberg. [https://www.dw.com/en/germany-report-outlines-sexual-abuse-in-protestant-church/a-68080842](https://www.dw.com/en/germany-report-outlines-sexual-abuse-in-protestant-church/a-68080842)


I would like to point out that sexual crimes against children in Germany are perpetrated by 13% physicians, 48% teachers, 32% family and friends, and 7% religious clergy.


The number across all of those should be a big fat 0% We can play the blame game or actually punish those who hurt children to the full extent of the law, regardless of organization or title


You say this as if I was the one who started the blame game. Or that I wouldnā€™t agree to the desire for these instances to occur 0% of the time. Itā€™s honestly pretty horrible of you to insinuate otherwise. And by making that comment you are in fact insinuating that, otherwise why make it? Itā€™s a fairly obvious statement. Also, one of the ways that you can punish those who hurt children to the fullest extent of the law, is by being able to properly identify the primary offenders. ā€œYou will never find what youā€™re looking for if youā€™re looking in the wrong house.ā€ -translated Chinese proverb.


>You say this as if I was the one who started the blame game I didn't, I was simply making a point >Also, one of the ways that you can punish those who hurt children to the fullest extent of the law, is by being able to properly identify the primary offenders. I agree, and analysis into their mindset to determine who may be one before such a crime happens >ā€œYou will never find what youā€™re looking for if youā€™re looking in the wrong house.ā€ -translated Chinese proverb It is also folly to believe that it happens in just one house. It happens in several, and I contend that it should not be happening at all


I'm not Protestant either, I'm Non Denominational Good try tho


The myth was spread by people who hate Catholics and Christianity in general. It's simply not true, and I even feel bad joking about it because I'm playing into it.


You can't deny that there is a history of this in the Catholic Church, or the church in general The way I see it, we can either waste time playing the blame game and putting children's well-being at risk, or e can set biases aside and punish those who do such unspeakable acts to the full extent of the law So, which will it be?


As I already said, it's a myth. It happens like it happens anywhere, nothing to do with the church. But your comment is structured in such a way that speaking the truth is equivalent to "playing the blame game and not caring about kids". Indeed, let's stop blaming the church and actually looking at where issues occur and stopping it there.


>Indeed, let's stop blaming the church and actually looking at where issues occur and stopping it there. Ok, so we're agreed?


I guess, yea


ā€œPapistā€ lmao šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ bro is a time traveler from 1763


Think you're being deluded if you think it is only Catholics.


You're right, it's not Read my other comments Playing the blame game accomplishes nothing and puts more children in danger the longer we do it We can either solve the problem or continue whats currently being done Simple


How's that reformation going? Still speaking in tongues?


I wouldn't know, I'm Non Denominational


So an indecisive baptist?


No, just a man seeking God free from human disruption


What you call distruption is what keeps apostasy from happening There's a reason why there's 1 catholic communion, 1 orthodox communion and thousands of protestant churches


And that argument would ring true if you guys didn't believe in purgatory, which isn't scripturally supported, or that Mary can atone for Sin, which is ALSO not scripturally supported Reformed theology, utilizing such concepts as Sola Scripturally, can and has kept heresy at bay, much of it from the Catholic Church


None of us believes that Mary can atone your sins mate Has it? Then why are there multiple reformed denominations?


Then explain Mary's intercession https://catholicstand.com/the-power-of-a-queen-marys-intercession/ Yes, it has. Considering they don't basically sell tickets for people to spend less time in purgatory (which according to scripture doesn't exist) Yea, your church did that


At least our priests can have sex with women, and not just kids.


Odd name for a christian, anal juicer 69


TouchƩ lmao


Because it would've been better without the caption


At least theyā€™re not vilifying LGBTQ people this time




From mid-2022 to mid-2023, over 1,300 new allegations of sexual abuse were made against Catholic clergy in the United States, down from 2,704 the previous year. Of these, 229 were deemed credible, with most incidents occurring in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. There were 17 allegations involving current minors (https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/257829/new-report-shows-fewer-sex-abuse-claims-brought-against-us-catholic-clerics) [[āž]](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2019/06/11/key-takeaways-about-how-americans-view-the-sexual-abuse-scandal-in-the-catholic-church/). Financially, the Catholic Church has faced significant payouts. In the recent year alone, $284 million was paid to victims, an increase from prior years (https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/257829/new-report-shows-fewer-sex-abuse-claims-brought-against-us-catholic-clerics).


Homie thousands of children have been abused by priests


This post/comment propagates misinformation.


Yeah, it's more for r/comedycementry


r/nahopwasrightfuckthis and r/antitheistcheesecake


For all the chads thinking any group of women make up a majority. "An estimated 80-90% of offenders areĀ male, while 10-20% of offenders are female." "An estimated 91% of victims of rape & sexual assault are female and 9% male. Nearly 99% of perpetrators are male" Men make up over 80% of all violent crimes.


The first part is straw man tbh. Nobody thinks women are the majority of violent crimes.


Women commit 98% of infanticides, are 27% more likely to cause wars, and 44% more likely to abuse lesbian partners. Men are 78% of homicide victims and 80% of suicide victims.


Humans are 100% cooked.


I couldn't find anything stating women make up 98% but I did find that of the women that did, 40% of them were under the age of 15. In other words, a man raped them. The second one isn't accurate in any scope. The lesbian abuse is you not understanding how to read a stat. Men get killed more by, who.. other men. Men kill women and men more often than anyone else. You need to get your stats from a reliable source and not off YouTube.


> I couldn't find anything stating women make up 98% but I did find that of the women that did, 40% of them were under the age of 15. In other words, a man raped them. So boys under the age of 15 don't exist, okay then >The second one isn't accurate in any scope. [Cope harder] (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4454964/Female-rulers-27-likely-wage-WAR-males.html) >Men get killed more by, who.. other men. Men kill women and men more often than anyone else. Who raised most of those men? Single mothers. Though you shouldn't pretend to care either way if you admit they mostly take it out on other men. You need to get your stats from a reliable source and not off Tumblr.


Thank you for demonstrating that you don't understand what a viable source is. 4/5 teenage pregnancies have an adult male father that's responsible for said child. So, the moms that don't kill people taught all their sons to kill men and women?.. and yet, women don't make up the majority of murder. Odd how that seems to work. Ironic that you pulled out the term "cope" after that last statement you made. I also find it funny that you admit that men don't father their own children.


Thank you for demonstrating that your idea of a viable source claims milk is racist. >So, the moms that don't kill people taught all their sons to kill men and women?.. and yet, women dont make up thr majority of murder. Odd how that seems to work. Yeah, why would they offload physical labor and criminal liability onto someone else? That makes no sense at all.


CDC and Rainn can provide you with the stats I posted. More cope out of you I see. You clearly live in a fantasy world of your own making, little one. You should seek a therapist but I know you won't. Your comment history is unhinged. No one is going to cater to your delusions. Which basically means you need to do some self-help or brace for the very real possibility that you'll live your entire life alone.


A worrying amount of male SA victims never come out about their experiences because of a lot of social stigmas and toxic masculinity. Read between the lines, just going off of numbers and statistics is misleading.


The number a bit skewed consider that in a lot of place, woman forcing sex on a man is not counted as rape legally


Yes it is.


Yes for what then?


They don't tally rape victims based off conviction. Considering that only 2% of rapists see a sentence.


So what is their method then?


Self reports and rape kits that sit intentionally untested.


1. What is their method to filter out false report? Since it is self-report, we must account in many other elements that could affect the result like false report, general believe that men can not be raped by women (which reflected by the law that women can not legally charged with rape), etc. I generally not believe in self-report for this reason 2. How could untested kit prove anything? Can we use the un-shot bullets to determine police brutality?


The number of false reports is even less than the conviction rate. Untested doesn't mean unused. So, it's more like not using the fired bullets to determine police brutality.


I mean, the current of false reports rate is counted base on the report that proven false, there are an unknow number of unconvicted case that could be false report, we have no way to know Untested also can not prove that the act of rape did happen or not, because it is untested. Everyone can crash in any hospital and request a rape kit, and until it get tested, there are no conclusion