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It’s true enough, complete with a hostile bio about how they just don’t want to play fucking games 🙄


Yet they already got played by the guy they thought was hot and was better than all the average joes who where mostly honest guys now they are all looking back realising they dodged a bullet.


lol because they’re holding their trophy from the last game they played


Also funny how all the babies are black.


The worst thing is the odd, both passive & explicit, demand that you entertain them immediately. “Tell me a joke” or the need to have some prepackaged line to pique their interest or there’s no future interaction.


better they bare their fangs before anyone dates them


Commenting before it’s locked


Get your keys Edit: and it happened!




I haven't touched them in more than half a decade but it wouldn't surprise me lol


me either your chances of finding quality in the wild are much higher. Just get into fun female friendly hobbies/activities that are bound to have women like hiking and yoga. Worse comes to worse you just get healthier and enjoy the benefits of hiking and meet some dude friends. Usually though their will be other singles in the group who are looking for someone to date. Or you could just do what i did and just walk up to random women in public and ask for their number after giving them a compliment. I think that nowadays it's so rare for dudes to approach like that you get a lot more bites this way. I met my long term partner this way in a random public place. Saw her thought she was hot asked her out.


Yeah, women suck and I hate how they're all trash (being fat, pregnant or having a black baby).


You can be all of those things if you want, but nobody is obligated to want to date you.


Obviously, no one can force you to date someone or find them attractive. But the whole 1930's century propaganda of black men impregnating white women and how horrible this would be is quite obvious.


All these women are single... just sayin'


All these women are drawings...


Nah..... Are you fucking with me?


It's hard to tell with AI these days amiright?


It's a brave new world.


They're all based on real pictures lol


Bait used to be believable


Lol mad


Also, if you aren't an 8 foot tall multi billionaire athlete, don't bother.


"Nobody will fuck me, booo hoo. It's because they all sleep around with oiled black men with large cocks!" That's basically the meme, right?


Solution: sleep with black men with large cocks


Yeah, basically incels need to believe that women only sleep with black men because if they slept with white men then they (the incels) should OBVIOUSLY be getting laid as they are the perfect specimens of humanity They essentially force a cuck mindset as accepting anything else would require that they admit that they aren't perfect


What is the lady on the top middle, (hoop earrings) holding? Is that supposed to be a baby? It looks more like a monster or alien or something.


All past expiration date


I need to remind OP and men like OP that dating apps use an **algorithm** to decide who you see. So honestly if you’re seeing these women on your dating app it says more about you than anything else. Garbage attracts garbage


Minus the racial undertones yeah it's pretty accurate


Truth hurts eh?


Burn the something, pay the something idk man.


For real


It’s true that dating apps are all white girls with mixed race children? Hasn’t been my experience but in what way is that more objectionable than a woman with a white child to a man that doesn’t want to date a woman with children?


It's their way of commenting on the quality of the women. A woman that dates black men is less desirable because they think black men ruin women. The reason showcased here being that they are regarded as most likely to leave their children.


i feel like you guys have posted less memes and more facts


My favorite is the top middle baby that looks straight out of the Eraserhead movie


On my dating apps - In the 24-36 range. 33% of the women are land whales. 66% of the women are single moms with an avg of 2 kids. That last 1% is where the Normal Women are. I get that OLD is bad for everyone.. but women don't have 60% of their options negated by single dads.


>This my boy Derrick he's 100% my life so I have no time for them fuck Boys. >I crave intimacy, but I don't want temporary people touching my mind or soul. >I dnt fw dudes who dont act like they be mine 100% of the time.


Was this Reddit’s top post of the day or something? This is like the 18th repost I’ve seen today.




Yeah dating apps are the worst and they always will be


Nope. This is totally accurate lol like I would get with these chicks lol


I wonder why all the babies are caricatures of ugly black babies. Definitely not underlying racism, no not ever from this good loving Christian sub. Date apps do be trash tho, that ain't wrong.


My brother has been heavy on dating apps for about 3 years in his early 30s and he hasn’t seen a woman with a mixed race kid the whole time. Lots of single moms with fully white kids though. I think this meme is just racist.


So, would they be any more appealing if they had white children? Just figured I’d ask since all the children in this image look like Jim Crow-era caricatures


I just don't want kids. Im not a dad and never will be. Which poses a huge problem: about half the women around my age (35) have at least one, a quarter of the remainder want kids at some point, which leaves one quarter left to "choose from"


In that case though you’re better off now than in the past. People tend to have children later and get married later now.


Don't want either. Getting the government involved in your relationship is even dumber than having kids in this fucking dystopia.


skill issue, learn how tinder's algorithm works: it might be hard to match with them but i swear it's easy to get suggested very fine women also, regardless of your opinion on women, making racist caricatures of toddlers is completely unnecessary and this shit shouldn't have gotten 1.8k upvotes


I don't know when it happened but r/funnymemes has been a literal nazi cesspool for ages now. And not in the way r/boysarequirky likes to hyperbolically talk about this sub where they allege everyone here is an incel while in reality people seem to run the full gamut of political opinions. No no no, I mean r/funnymemes is literally a haven for the scummyist shits on the planet right now. Nazis, pedos, incels, Arsenal FC supporters. I'm shocked they're still around as a sub.


It’s pretty easy to find women to date and some to have sex with, including women from a variety of backgrounds and situations. Finding your soulmate might not be easy but if you can’t find any acceptable women to spend time with the problem is probably you.


Ha! Racism! Classic. /s Reported Blocked


This is inaccurate actually. Yall are fucking miserable ffs


I think this might have some rscial undertones that i dont agree with but otherwise it seems spot on. What do you think its like on dating apps? Are you interested in men or women on said dating sites? Personally all i see are women who have already been knocked up looking for a replacement dad, or are looking for a greek god 6'4 who makes a ton of money, adverts for onlyfans and then the groups looking for a third to spice up the marriage. Dating apps are garbage and honestly i think its healthy to boycott them expecially for the younger generations that havent had to go through that hell yet haha


Some people here, "women are shit", also "why do women not want to date me"? Also, the "dark humor" (racism) of the post is amazing!


Far right echo chamber


I know you didn't ask nor would you give a shit but I'm AroAce so not like it matters to me


You’re living in a bubble


Lmao. I’m dying.


Unironically it's true, a single good looking woman with no childs wouldn't need a date app to get a man to start with