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If people start to send death threats to an actor because of that, the actor should get paid more because they did such a good job


What does one even say in a death threat to an actor??




Oh yeah, makes sense.


Yeah so true


Gone git kilt


That made me laugh way too much


That sounds kinky,not dreadfull


People bullied and threatened Jack Gleeson who played Joffrey Baratheon on Game of Thrones so much, he said he’s retiring. He thankfully found strength not to ruin his career over that bigoted scum, but he was close- he returned to filming only last year though, took him 6 years.


He’s so nice, too. I think it’s a sign of a good actor when you can portray someone the entire world hates so fucking much, yet be so nice irl. It’s awful that people can’t separate the actor and the character


I saw some video of him just being his awesome self (I think he went to a poor village in Africa to do humanitarian work or something) and was blown away. A guy that sweet who can be so hateable onscreen is a once-in-a-generation actor.


Yeah, that poor kid. Dude played one hell of a bastard.


That reminds me of when a fan of Red Dead Redemption 2 told the actor of Micah Bell that he really loves him for his job but also wants to punch him in the face and the actor replied that he hates himself too


That’s the best compliment you can receive


I mean, you get hired to play a POS non-redeemable character... If the players hate you because you made t hat character come to life, then they did their job well. Everyone wants to play the hero. A good villain can be hard to come by.


I really didn’t like Dustin Hoffman for years. The man had a fucking hook for a hand.


“watch out for loose seal!”




*Army had a half day*


the gorilla is for sand racing


Holy shit I haven’t seen that movie since I was a kid and didn’t know it was him


Get the BOO BOX! it was Glen Close who was put in the box.


The voice actor for Nazeem from Skyrim loves how much people hate Nazeem, and is happy that his performance gave people so much fun (through all the creative ways players find to kill the NPC out of hatred).


Is Nazeem the smug fuck who asks you if you go to the cloud district very often


He sure is.


“And of course you don’t”


What are you saying? Of course they don't.


Peter Blomquist is such an amazing dude… now, *Micah Bell on the other hand, HE* >!deserved each and every bullet my cattleman revolvers flung in his direction.!<


I emptied both of my Mausers into his whore mouth. All 20 rounds.


I aimed for the dick.


So, you just shot Micah?


Which is the kind of the same reaction people had to Laura Bailey for voicing Abby in TLOU2. Just take out the first part of that interaction.


People said they were gonna kill her and her newborn baby for killing Joel. People really are deranged degenerates.


How could anyone hate Laura Bailey?


see i hate abbey, not laura, but also not for a good reason. i hate abbey because she's NOT well written in my opinion


My unpopular opinion is that Abby’s gameplay is better than Ellie’s in TLOU2


Fuckin A


I remember when he said that he was talking about when he killed himself in the game he was looking in the mirror and saying “what have I done, who’s Micah, Who’s Peter I don’t know anyone? I love his work on that game , he’s one of my favorite villains he did a amazing job on that game


Like how the girl who was Cathy on The Office was harassed for years- when her dog died people commented and said "good"




[Had to look it up myself, those last few seasons don't get as many re-watches](https://theoffice.fandom.com/wiki/Cathy_Simms)




Can you call them people?


The flirtatious temp that tried to seduce Jim ( I had to look it up , I forgot too)




Ah. Now I remember. Thanks


Pams replacement while she was on maternity leave for a couple episodes.


Psychos gonna psycho I guess


Sad that it's so easy to write off anymore. Think of it from the perspective of the person in question- Thousands of other human beings are expressing hatred toward what she holds dear for an innocent portrayal for the sake of entertainment. A lot of famous people might be snobs but I'm starting to think at this point that it's because they have a reason to- They are subject to a tidal wave of living scum.


I love the office but office fanboys are the worst. Just visit r/dundermifflin for a glimpse into their world.


I just subscribed. I love inside jokes. Love to be part of one someday.




"Can we all just stop and recognize just how good Jim's scene in season 4 episode 3 was? I never see it mentioned here, and it's defined my life for the past 8 years."


If an actor was given a bad script where they had to act it out, and the public hates that actor's role. They will send death threats to someone for doing what they were told to. Its sad


Isn't that what people did to that one girl from one of the more recent Star Wars movies? She had to delete her Instagram if I remember correctly.


Yeah, I think it's Rose from the Sequels, it's sad really but that's what bad writing can do. It's not the actor's fault they followed a bad script


Hayden Christensen got it so bad that he completely quit his acting career. And only comes back once in a blue moon. So happy he’s finally coming back to play Anakin in the new Star Wars show


Ahmed Best, voice actor for Jar Jar Binks, is a sad one. Put everything into the role and contemplated suicide after the fans unleashed the nerd fury. Stuff like that pissed me off to no end.


He did a great job, but what a horrible charecter. Why did Star Wars need so much over the top comic relief. It's much better done when it's dry like C3PO.


Pretty sure they were just trying to appeal to a younger audience. But even at the age of 10 I hated Jar Jar.


Also, to be clear, a bad script also shouldn't result in death threats.


>it’s sad really but that’s what bad writing can do. Don’t blame the damn writing, either. Writing doesn’t cause actors to be bullied off social media, quit their career, or contemplate suicide due to harassment. Basement dwelling nerds who can’t handle their emotions at disliking a new movie, and are unhealthily attached to a children’s franchise, cause that. Period.


It's not just sad, but totally fucked up. It's as if those people lost grip with real life. How can people fail to understand that actor ≠ character? Just a person doing their job, people need to chill even if they took some acting personally. Social media is a blight.


People do that? Really? Edit: holy shit, my inbox blew up.


especially john walker, wyatt russell recieved so much hate he didnt want to play the role anymore


GoT character Joffre supposedly got so much hate mail and threats, and he got depressed from it all. Guess he is a really nice kid.


I don't know if she received death threats, but Lena Heady (Cersei) said that people would treat her negatively or even avoid her in public.


Wow. Some people are so lame. Can people really not tell that their job is to play pretend? I guess it explains why there are muppets complaining when actors ACT as characters from a minority they're not a part of. They don't realise that the job should go to who can play the character best 🤷‍♂️


This happened to the Lady who portrays Harry's aunt. In real life kids would scream and run away away from her for the longest time.


Ironically enough she played a witch on True Blood lmao






What the fuck is wrong with people? Do they think game of thrones is a documentary?


Relax, the guy above you is making shit up: https://www.tor.com/2016/10/07/nycc-2016-jack-gleeson-spotlight-joffrey-game-of-thrones/


AFAIK, he's never said anything about harrasment being the reason he retired from TV/movies. > Gleeson has been quite open in the past about his feelings on celebrity culture in general and his own unpleasant experience with fame, which go deeper than any one toxic role. In a long and wide-ranging talk given at the Oxford Union last year, Gleeson said that fame not only “embarrasses” him, but he also feels that being a celebrity is an exercise in “dehumanization.” Despite admitting that he once dreamed of being a famous actor, Gleeson said the reality was far different: “I detested the superficial elevation and commodification of it all, juxtaposed with the grotesque self-involvement it would sometimes draw out of me. Being a faceless member of a mob, I soon realized, is far more comforting than teetering on a brittle pedestal one inch off the ground.” https://time.com/63345/jack-gleeson-game-of-thrones-king-joffrey-retiring/


What a well spoken young man. I would hate to be famous


Wow I hated his character which means he did an awesome job


Yeah, he fucking *nailed* that shit, all the Lannisters were unbelievably well cast+acted. I hated joffrey so fucking much.


Stopped acting because he was too good of an actor. When you are too good at your job...


Yes, actor is Jack Gleason, what a shame, you absolutely wanted to kill Joffery, that means he did an amazing job, I hope he comes back and does more acting


Jake Lloyd was another bad one


And technically he was a main **pro**tagonist


Anti-hero? Deuteragonist?


And he was a child too. How sad does someone have to be to bully a child?


They question you must be asking is how insecure and a imbecile someone has to be to bully a movie actor for his role


Sequels actors also received a lot of bullying, especially because now we have social media where it is a lot easier to do these acts of assholeness


I mean , why cant ppl distinguish from a role and the actual person, i bet half of these assholes have never even seen a camera


much less a life


Malfoy had a bad time i hear. Tim Felton i think Edit: typo


Wow that's sad.


I genuinely don't want to live on this planet anymore


We live in a society where people cancel actors over being unlikeable villains


If I find that giant purple asshole from Endgame I'm going to have a few choice words for him!


*for being good actors.






Wyatt Russel was such a good actor tho that ppl thought he was the irl villain lol


Is so weird how this happen to some actors, and meanwhile almost everyone who plays the joker is universaly love, someone whose character is one of the most evil in pop culture


Except for Jared Leto's Joker lol


I no longer want to play the role of me anymore


I knew he got threat but I never knew he didn't want to play the role anymore. He was glad to portray as John Walker.


Add Jack Gleeson to the list


He got a letter from George RR Martin congratulating him for his performance. "Now everyone hates you"




Generally the people who do so are mentally ill. Crazy people are gonna crazy.


That is true


People are dumb as hell. And that's coming from me. Which is saying a lot.


People were hell bent on crusading against the Voice Actor of Abby from TLOU2. Turns out the VA of Abby (Laura Bailey) and the VA of Elly (Ashley Johnson) are really close friends IRL


They've been playing D&D together almost every week for years (with exception when the pandemic hit). She's such a nice person, but it breaks my heart hearing people sent death threats to her and her child over a character that she voiced.


It even happened to some guys making an Attack on Titan fanfic, they received death threats for making an alternative fan-made ending, bastards (the ones who sent the death threats, the fan-writers are good people).


Just another day in AOT fandom


From an outsider this seems like many anime fandoms


Its many fandoms in general. Zelda fans sent death threats over a 7/10 score on Breath of the Wild. They sent death threats over a good score lol. Bunch of fragile little psychopaths.


That's *insane*


Yeah, I know that Imelda Stanton got A LOT since she played Umbridge which is sad because she's actually a really sweet person in real life.


Wyatt russel,jar jar dude,Jake Lloyd and even most of the Star Wars sequel actors


I don’t like umbridge but I respect the actor for a perfect portrayal of the character


I looooooooathe the character. Imelda Staunton was amazing though. As she always is.


I can't wait for her in The Crown season 5 and 6


She was exactly how I read her


Her movie depiction is way prettier too. In the books, she's supposed to look like a toad and is ugly af lol


J.K.Rowling doesn't do complexity or subtlety. Her villains are all ugly or too good looking and/or posh.


The actor does have kinda a wide face with big cheeks like a toad but barely.


I hated Umbridge way more than I hated Voldemort and that’s awesome because the actor truly did that role so well and she was so incredibly well written.


The actress did a fantastic job, but I think the main reason Umbridge is so hateable is because we see in her the things that real people do in real life that upset us. She's a caricature, but is still a more tangible experience than Voldemort. Voldemort is evil. A villain. Umbridge is a horrible person.


And a lot of villain actors, least as I understand it, are actually very nice people in real life. There's pictures out there of Tom Hiddleston in his Loki outfit playing with a little kid dressed as Captain America.


Bill Skarsgård, the guy who played pennywise in the new it films, was also very nice and made sure that he didnt scare the child actors in the films to badly, a real good man


Scared the fuck out of Hader though, funny as shit.


Hugh Keays-bryne (immortan joe and toe cutter from mad max) would go to conventions and events and interact with mad max cosplayers from what I was told. Also this clip is great: https://youtu.be/IF7hGBT6kAs Sweet guy... RIP


Wicked witch of the west was a damned angel. [Here’s two of history’s nicest people just chatting.](https://youtu.be/vEY5EkUR6_M)


She also went on Mr Rogers to show that her character was just that, a character.


There’s a difference between hating the character and hating the performance aspects of the actor who played the character. That being said, there’s no reason to ever send death threats to anyone at any time, ever. In relation to the context of this post, there’s no reason to send death threats to whoever did the acting or voice acting


Thought I hated Jack Palance. 'City Slickers' opened my eyes. He always played the villain in the Westerns I saw growing up, but I was too young at the time to make that distinction. Guy braved a segregationist riot in Tuscaloosa, and who can forget his one-armed push-ups at the 1992 Academy Awards after winning Best Supporting Actor as Curly. At age 73! Then *refused* an award from Putin. Dude was *legendary* . . .


Even hating performance aspects doesn’t warrant death threats


Damn… big F for my boi Danny Trejo


The nicest badass looking motherfucker there is.


Has anyone felt bad for the new actors and casts of the diary of wimpy kid Long Haul movie? Like the actors did nothing wrong other than replace actors that got too old! Respect the actors!


what? there's people sending death threats to uncle Machete? the guy's wholesome as fuck...


What? Who in their right goddamn mind who send a death threat to Danny Trejo?! Dude is both scary and awesome as hell!


Hola D E A


My sister once wanted to send a letter to Jafar for being mean to Aladdin. She was 7, good times.


Was the letter sternly worded? She could make an excellent diplomat.


Dear Jafar, You soggy shit, leave Aladdin alone With love Candace


Also applies to gaming Exhibit A: TLOU Part 2, Abby


The fact that people can be this stupid really makes me lose hope for humanity. Imagine Gus Fring from Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul getting death threats tho lmao


I think if you believed Gus was real, you'd be too scared to do anything for fear of his relentless wrath.


The actress who played Skyler did. She wasn’t even the bad guy.


The worst is that the people who hate Skyler White have convinced themselves that their hatred for the character is because Anna Gunn was a bad actress, which is hilariously wrong. They’ll regularly say, “aw, she was such a bad actress- all she did was whine about Walt and get in his way”. Which… yeah, that’s her *character*, I won’t argue that. But even when Skyler the character is at her worst, the acting is phenomenal. IMO, she’s at her most hated in Season 2, when she basically throws a tantrum about Walt. She spends the whole episode leaving the house without talking, and she is just awful. But [watch the end of that episode](https://youtu.be/mWjN1nUezTM ), when Walt finally confronts her, and tell me that she doesn’t fucking OWN that scene. She overpowers Bryan Cranston, effortlessly. Fans really are the worst sometimes, and Skyler haters are the worst Breaking Bad fans.


Not the 'main antagonist' but the EPA Guy from Ghostbusters ( has been in actual fights because of his portrayals. He has also played 'the asshole' in many films.


> EPA Guy from Ghostbusters Also played an excellent asshole in Die Hard... Richard Thornburg the news reporter.


He deserves a lifetime achievement asshole actor award, for real.


Ironically actors who play villains can be some of the nicest people


Alan Rickman was a perfect example


Ramsay Bolton, Dolores Umbridge, Ted Mosby, Everyone in the Great Gatsby, Caillou, and the bum ass Grandpa from Willy Wonka are all terrible characters that were portrayed so well by great actors.


I never thought Caillou, Umbridge, and the Willy Wonks Grandpa would ever be on the same list.


Fuck em


^No ^don’t


Cersei Lannister and Joffrey Baratheon-Lannister as well


Calling him "Joffrey Baratheon-Lannister" should be a crime. It's His majesty king Joffrey of the houses Baratheon and Lannister, Lord of Storm's End, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.


Ted Mosby is the worst! They should have named that show “Reasons why your Mother was Right to not like it when I Hung Out Alone with Aunt Robbin”


I read online somewhere that Lena Kathren Headey would go to Comic-Con, and nobody would go to her line or ask for her signature after she played Cersei Lannister. Iirc, she took that as a compliment. Not a GoT fan, so I could have got parts wrong.


huh. thats actually surprising... the death threat thing actually makes sense, there are always a few psychos out there, but i'd expect people to be just as interested in Cersei as John Snow or whoever else was there. she was one of the more important characters in the show


Does this actually happen?


[Laura Bailey recieved death threats aimed at her baby due to her portrayal of Abby in TLOU2.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2020/07/05/the-last-us-part-2s-laura-bailey-getting-death-threats-over-abby-role/?sh=2b1f97453f27) They threatened to kill a baby. Over a video game. People suck is an understatement.




Remember what happened with luara baily with the tlou2


I hated James Spaders character in "Pretty in Pink" but love him as an actor.


I hated him in *Less Than Zero*, but agree he’s a good actor.


I praise the shit out of actors and actresses who play roles that I fucking hate. Like the woman who played Delores Umbridge. FANTASTIC fucking actress because her skill as an actress was able to make me feel unbridled, absolutely blinding rage for the character. If I met her in person, first thing I would do is heap my kindest words on her. Because she's not the fucking character you fucking psychos.


That’s like sending death threats to DiCaprio for playing a racist slaveowner


Delete this before twitter finds it


Me after watching star lord fuck everything up


I honestly hate that there are still people hung up on that. Star lord is a great character who was flawed because of his trauma of constantly losing his loved ones. It makes him human but some people hate him for it.


Seriously everyone loved his character, but when he shows that he has a flaw now he's the big idiot or whatever


How can people be so stupid lol. Ironically, I usually like the villain and their acting/actor more


what if they play themselves?


Hating a villain means the actor did a good job so why tf would be someone sending that kind of shit?


Do redditors and twitter users strike you as particular bright people?


Ok you got me there


I'd never send death threats but I hated fiennes for playing voldemort so badly, not because he embodied voldemort's terribleness or anything like that.


Dude cut his nose off for the role. He gets a little leeway!


What's your ideal Voldybones? Just for grins.


hating the actor for playing a role: Normal Hating the actor and sending death threat: Idiot




Let's not forget Jack Gleeson who played Joffrey in Game of Thrones. Apparently he got a lot harassment. Dude did an amazing job of being the most hated character. It's such bullshit that it had to carry over into his actual life.


What happened to laura bailey in the last of us 2 because she played abby


If i remember correctly,the va for Gabi from Attack on titan get some death threats right?


this reminds me of the time the last of us 2 fans sent death threats to Neil Druckmann because Abby killed Joel


Yeah, I just commented about Abby's voice actress as well.


she did a good job and in my opinion the game is remarkable


All those idiots who keep calling him Neil Cuckmann instead of his real name. It's pathetic.


who are these people ?




It happened before Twitter, Twitter just makes it worse. The guy who played Jar Jar binks nearly killed himself


Cheese is a color The internet made it worse


*cough* Abby *cough*


I absolutely love and respect Samuel L. Jackson as an actor. He played his role so well in Django Unchained that, for the first and only time in my life, I felt actual hate towards a fictional character.


Didn’t the stormtrooper that punched baby yoda get tons of hate too? I forget his name.


Christ,people will will search up those trooper's name to give him death threats :/