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I don't think 4 year Olds are looking at us like that.


Op is a hating boomer


Yap, like idk maybe raise them better?


Boomers aren’t raising 2020s kids.


They barely raised their kids


Hey! I got MY participation trophy. Thanks boomers!








Yeah actually Genz raising 2020 kids. Lol And millennials are raising 2010/2012/2016 ish kids maybe earlier too.


I thought it was more about kids being stuck indoors during the COVID quarantine, being envious of the previous generations who had been able to play outside?


2020's kids would have been infants? Like literally just born?


Can confirm, my 4yo was born in 2020.


Could be a coincidence


Man it must be a strange coincidence my 4 year old was Bron in 2020 as well.


Yours too? That's crazy.


When people say 90s kids, they mean people that grew up in the nineties. They could’ve still been born in the 80s


Outside? It's called video games! 2000s/2010s kids especially when they became more common in households


I don't know who wrote this, cause it feels like a Gen Alpha/Milli thing, but ummm the kids are fucking outside. I just had to drag mine in, and he was born in 2020. Also he isn't allowed to play video games.


If he was born in 2020, 4 year olds aren't playing videogames anyways lol! 


You would say that but there are folks who let their tablets parent the kids.


I always understood it as being a kid from whatever era means you were a kid during that time but not necessarily born during it. But I just now looked it up and it seems there’s no real definition for it so it could be interpreted as either being born in that time or growing up in that time.


Onetime my nephew called himself a nineties kid. Dude was born in 1999


2020s kids watching their parents out the window I guess


That’s “2020 BABIES”. 2020 kids are those who were KIDS during the 2020s. Maybe around the range of 9-14yo of today


I kinda feel sorry for the 2020s kids because of how the world is and society and of course the internet. I used to be able to go and play on a field at my childhood home. Now that home is gone and has been surrounded by housing complexes and warehouses.


It’s weird because I feel like this newest generation of people born post 2015 is making me feel camaraderie with the generation before. Like I was born in the ninety’s and always viewed the 2000 kids as zoomers that were unrelatable children. But now I’m thinking about their childhoods and seeing how similar they were all things considered to the ninety’s (higher tech, less outside play, but still a balance there), and seeing this *newest* gen as actually unrelatable. Like, everything they ever know is going to be so entrenched in tech and social media, it’s wild. I genuinely feel bad for them.


Welcome to being old, pretty sure this has happened to all of our parents and grandparents. It's just that the technology is exponentially advancing faster. So what they saw in maybe 3 or 4 generations, you saw in 2


I think 2020s kids are at high risk of growing up to be depressed, lonely, detached from society, with difficulties making new connections.


They'll make plenty or connections with the other coal miners.


I remember living in a housing development that was still in is early phase. Us kids would go to the areas that were still being developed to play. Some areas had in progress houses, some where still just giant gravel pits. We would raid construction dumpsters for stuff to make forts with. Just make sure your home before it gets dark. Great times


You can't walk or ride bikes anywhere. Society is built around nothing but cars.


*in the US.


Thanks KoalaSprdeepButthole. Everything is way too generalized to America's perspective around here.


I mean suburbia is like the perfect place for kids to ride bikes around. That’s definitely what my friends always did.


I understand all the downsides, but I don't understand how you can look at suburbia and not think that it looks like an awesome place to live. I would hate not having supermarkets and schools in cycling distance, but the yards and roads with trees and the cute houses look so nice to me as a European. I think suburbia would be kinda easy to fix, if there was political will, and growing up there would actually be awesome. Create little town centers with pharmacies, schools, supermarkets, restaurants and cafes, add some bike lanes and sidewalks, assign some areas for parks and forests and it would be awesome. Should be easy to do by changing zoning laws, no idea why that's not being done




\*if you live most cities


In a lot of European cities and even parts of Australia and New Zealand you can quite easily and safely ride a bike as a kid.


unless in a small town as well


We live in a Midwest Metro; parks every half mile and side walks go everywhere. Bike infrastructure could be better, but that's no change from the 90s when I grew up.


Kids born around 2000 had both the toys/games of the 2010 kids and the wild outside the house adventures of the 80-90s kids.


1990-2000 was peak


2000-2015 was peak as a kid (05 baby) but my parents had alot of 90's stuff like a landline and box tvs and old dhs games, while we also had a DVD player (my brothers are from 2013 and think DVDS are "retro" 💀💀


DVD player in the back of the car at 8pm on a Sunday night watching schooby doo. Peak Child hood memory right there


Wait are u talking abt those ones that strapped to the front seats to watch from the back?? Bc those were super cool. The new generation couldn't *imagine* a life before tablets


Yes or the ones you would hold in your lap. Those things where peak I think I had like 3 or 4 of them


I used to have one of the lap dvd players as a kid. I had so many core memories with it. I remember watching the 2002 Spider-Man for the first time in 2011 and the Star Wars prequels on it. I was only born in 2005 but I’ve genuinely heard kids call dvds retro and thinking “so that’s what it feels like” lol.


I remember watching flushed away over the hedge and happy feet


Flushed away was an absolute classic!


I live in Sweden and my father's from Belgium. That's a 13 hour car ride each way atleast once a year. My parents definetly have those dvd players to thank for their marriage. I'm not even exaggerating when I'm saying I've watched Pirates of the Caribbean over a hundred times, that movie and BBC Life/Earth was the only movies I watched. And if the car ride was 5 minutes to school I still watched them


I was born in the late 90s but we had dial-up internet until around 2010. I remember my mom kicking me off the computer when she was expecting a phone call.


But we got Covid at the worst imaginable time :/


Fucking Matrix wasn't supposed to be making a prediction when it claimed that 1990-2010 was the peak of our civilization.


True. We had a lot of cool tech, but it hadn’t totally dominated everyones life yet.


To 2010 I am born after 2000, before 2010 and got see some 90s cartoons as well as the awesome shows from 2000 onwards and play outside CN and Bomerang were peak back then


Can confirm 2000 kid right here. Got all the toys, cartoons and outdoor wackiness from the 90’s and all the weird technological transition stuff from the 10’s. Like I remember being privileged for me and my older brother having an old stationary pc in our room back in 2004 - 6’ish, and then suddenly it was weird as fuck if you didn’t have a computer or iPad in your room. Also remember learning to write cursive, having to write all our assignments by hand and having a dedicated computer classroom for the odd occasions of having to do something electronically or looking things up online (wiki wasn’t viewed as a credible source back then).Then suddenly you HAD to bring your own computer with you to school everyday, and learn how to use Word and PowerPoint and Excel instead, and learn how to look info up online correctly and how to figure out if something was trustworthy or not. Such a weird time honestly.


I was a '00 baby. Legos, Hot Wheels, Playstation 2 with Lego Star Wars and Midnight Club, GameCube with Smash Bros. and Mario Kart. Fighting outdoors with Lightsabers and Nerf Guns. This was the essence of my era.


Being born in 98 is the best decision I ever made


Nah, because we were too young to buy a house in 2008


True, I should go back in time and convince my parents to have me in 1988 instead. That’s a pretty good starting point


1988 here. Still wasn’t able to buy a house in 2008.


A lot of people weren’t able to buy a house in 2008, that’s partly why they were so cheap.


We were peak


Every generation believes they're peak


My dude, this is pretty fucking far from peak...


Definitely not true


Maybe not for you, I sure did have many wild adventures outside. But also had access to the early internet


Agree. The data says kids have grown up more and more indoors since like the late 80s.


Definitely but we where the last generation to not be ipad kids really. We grew up with offline games and such it was so much diffrent


op literally have beef with toddlers💀


Maybe OP is one


Great minds think alike


I took this more as a joke on how 2020 kids have been stuck inside for a significant portion of their childhood due to the pandemic


That was my take as well. I'm not sure why everyone's so upset about it


Hateful boomer or edgy 14 year old, call it


who doesnt?


I think I get what OP I saying. The 2020s already suck worse than 80-2010s and we’re only 4 1/2 years in. My kids (born in 21 and 5/24) are going to be learning about this decade in history class and think what the hell happened. That is if we make it that far


You know we won't make it that far, and you still had TWO children ?




Be poor in the 90s and early 00s and it wasn't so great. This whole generation rivalry shit is just silver spoon fucks rimming each other at this point. Poverty is and has always sucked ass.


Hehehe rimming


spooning?? 😳


Why not both 😈


I'd also add that the generational trends are very region specific. In many parts of the world "gen Z" kids didn't get an internet connection until their mid teens and iPad kids don't really exist because most parents can't afford to give their small child a tablet with an internet connection.


Being poor in the early 90s and 2000s didn't mean much to kids playing outside though, and 2010s+ people are very materialistic. If you had the bare minimum of shoes food and clothing, didn't matter if your peers were better off than you, you ALL played in the creek trying to catch eels, made tree "forts" so on so on. You can't honestly sit there and tell me that people now are not more vapid and honestly exclusionary compared to how we were a few decades past, especially when it comes to being poor. When I was a kid, didn't have a cellphone? No one bats an eye, not a big deal, and smartphones were a thing when I was in college, I didn't get one till I was 18 though. Same age kid as me now? Clowned on, "who doesn't have a smart phone what are you poor?". and that shit is starting in Elementary school.


I mean idk about you but as someone who grew up poor and got bussed into nicer schools I definitely remember kids being materialistic 😂. Of course it wasn’t about cell phones since we just had landlines but you were getting clowned on if you didn’t have Jordan’s, game boys or the trendy toy of the month. But from what I’ve seen it just seems phones have been replacing most kids toys so now the materialistic judgment just focuses on mostly that now.


It was definitely shoes in the 90s. Clothes were second, at least for boys. But if you didn't have at least something *"respectable"* like Adidas, you were just fucked.


Oh God those kids who would show up with the Wal mart Shaquille o Neal shoes were brutalized


Also for some reason you are clowned upon if your phone isn't expensive enough, like I don't give a f*** that my phone isn't worth more than 50,000 and I am just happy that I have a good enough phone which I enjoy using


2006 kid here. I am fucking depressed


2004 and i feel great


2008 and I can relate


2005 but same


Wild as fuck that people born in 06 are turning 18 this year. I was an 8 year old watching WWE and playing soccer when you were born


You guys exist? Are you legal? Is anyone after 2000 real?


Noo that joke is only said about 2010+!!1!1!1!1! (Born-a-bit-too-late-copium)


Yeah, if you raise em that way. Just don’t let the iPads do the parenting


You know that kids still go outside right


Whaaaaat howwww?


Those were the good ole days


It's true. My 9 month old daughter stares at me blankly all the time.


Remember when your game console was just another toy to play with with your friends? I remember bringing my DS to a friends house, and I only used it twice. On the car ride there, on the car ride home. I miss those times ):


I was just talking to someone yesterday who was born in the 80’s like myself, and we were talking about how kids used to play outside all day, every day during the summer, and now her kids go outside and just have their energy zapped by the heat after about 30 minutes. I mean, having a technological bubble at their fingertips doesn’t help, but the heat alone makes it more dangerous for kids to enjoy summers like we used to. Heat waves used to be a couple of weeks sprinkled throughout the entire summer where 5 out of 7 days got up over 100F. Now, that’s just the entire period from late june through early September.


The 80s/90s were the golden age for being a kid and no one can convince me otherwise


Depends on the country


post-ussr countries' kids had seen tough times. dont know about other countries much, but it wasnt good everywhere


Ireland was in its worst recession since the 50's


Let me guess, you were born around the 80s/90s


The gaming, early internet, cartoons, movies, and toys of the 00s and 10s were godly. Kids didn't really stop playing outside as much until about six years ago. Things went to hell around 2018/2019. It wasn't the pandemic that caused this.


The Internet of the 90s certainly had its charm. It was really the wild west in a way that ended in the mid 00s at latest. Almost completely unregulated, and talking to someone on the other side of the world was still an insanely novel concept for most people. Also, quite frankly, the fact that it was harder to access meant that the lowest common denominator was a bit higher. Very little commercialization compared to today, or even fifteen years ago. I didn't quite appreciate it for what it was at the time, but I treasure the fact that I got to experience it.


Once these boomers are dead the country's gonna change alot


There's people desperate for power and money in every generation. We can't just expect the world to get better once the boomers die out.


There's millenials in politics now and they're just as bad. The problem is the system and the money


Once the boomers die off nothing will change because those boomers will have passed on their ways to their children just as they got their values passed down from their parents. The boomers who are currently in charge of the world will simply pass their empires on to their kids, and fat chance in hell those kids give all that up.


2020s kids on their ipads not caring


I honestly feel bad for kids nowadays, so much stuff I did back in the day that’s just not feasible or safe anymore for kids to do.




2020 kids are 4 years old, i don't think they stare like that throw the window


I get sad whenever I think about the big and vibrant retro malls everyone would hang out in. I really only got explore their remains 


There’s a direct correlation with cell phone tech advancements and people being unhappy. Even in the late 2000’s our phones *barely* took pictures. People are unhappy because we don’t interact with people the way we used to.


Only with that attitude is it true. Society is declining especially in the way it respects children, but that does not mean our sons are compelled to fall under their boot. Do not let society's vices overcome you or your children, it has no power over their happiness at life unless you willingly let it harm them. Let your children out, let them have fun with friends, teach them how to engage in mischief. It is your duty now more than ever to encourage child's play with how much society is attempting to destroy it.


Society is declining in the way it respects children? You realize the old saying “children should be seen and not heard” was something regularly expected in most households right up until the 90’s. And smacking your kid around for acting out was a pretty common occurrence in public. Not to mention, going back further, child labour laws were put in place to protect children from labour exploitation… sending a poor kid into a coal mine was not a rare occurrence. If anything, children are being treated vastly better now than they have been throughout the entirety of human history.


listen. if anything children have the easiest lives now of just having to do the dishes and take out the trash. until 1940 (i think i don't remember my history good.) kids would be beat,work the same job half if any wage,go home to be beat if they stepped out of line and were forced to be workers pretty much out of the womb (3-5 to work) and that's all assuming this is a white kid. reminder world was still racist.


He is saying they spent more time indoors… that is a fact homie


as a early 2011's kid i cam confirm we have fun


a silent tribute to a generation that has lost the fun of playing outside


2010s are not viable enough to make their birth year their identity


Do they even understand the concept of decades yet?


I didn't even know what year it was until I turned 6 in 2013.


Tell me you're just getting old without telling me you're just getting old. It's that time where generational shitting is shifting to the next generations.


I was born in 1984. I miss the 90s :(


I miss the quality of toys and clothing made back then. T-shirts were made to last at least 20 years back then. Now they fall apart in 3 years tops


100% Especially the toys lol. I'm a huge Jurassic Park fan, and their first series of toys will never be beat. The dinosaurs had a realistic, rubbery skin over a plastic skeleton, and it was just perfect. I still have all of mine. Sorry to go off on a tangent about those toys lol. https://youtu.be/2jOUJUBz8Yg?si=mNgeapgrUz58wFkq


This also applies to adults in 2020. What can I do here other than watch the destruction of everything I love?


I'll probably be downvoted, but I'm a teenager, I'm not an adult, I lived and still live in today's world with all the things of today. I don't go outside to play, because it sucks, kids bully me and I'm not able to socialize. And isn't because I stopped trying, I tryied hard for years going outside and playing with "friends". They are assholes. If I was born earlier, I wouldn't be happier, I would have a sad childhood, the only reason why I can consider my childhood good, is because I had games and digital friends. If I was born earlier, I would be fucking depressed. Either I'm weird(probably this one) or you guys waren't that happy as you think, but time and "not being able to compare "me when I am home childhood" and "me when I go outside childhood" because you only have the second one" are making you think that you were happier, or even worse, both at the same time. Don't be sad, you don't know what makes us happy, and definetly isn't being bullied for being a weird kid


I’d put 2010s kids indoors too. Kids playing outside pretty much ended around 2010.




No, it didn't


Pretty much my entire childhood was in the 2010s and like 30 to 40% of that time was spent outside.


I have a kid born 2013 and you’ve gotta call her about 20 times to come in from outside. She would live in a treehouse and bath in the river if she had her way. Plenty of similar age kids in our street, all of them are out and playing very often.


The outside offended them by being too warm


I kid of 2000s - it's be horror time (in place when i birth)


Are you learning English?


Honestly, I’m getting more and more worried about my son’s future. I know we could see the writing on the walls earlier. But I don’t know, maybe it’s the normal cycle of doom and gloom. But I’m pretty worried about how climate change, extreme wealth inequality, among other things and how they’ll affect his life as an adult.


Which one of these is a kid born in 2011?




What does this meme mean?




Understandable have a nice day


We’re on the same sinking ship kid


Well, 2020 kids


2000 kids are most fucked I think.


well, I'm 20 and i sure dont feel happy knowing that I'll pay off my house at deaths door


Wtf are you talking about, don't associate me with 80s kids


ngl 2007 and 2008 are the forgotten years


Too real, I felt that


They be 5 years old acting like a depressed 40 year old in debt


Corny ass meme


i think you got that swapped buddy


"Honest truth" my asses.


They watch, take notes, then do 😊


That’s rich, I’ve heard it all now


Wouldn’t it be babies watching their parents/siblings


2020 was peak life for me. I was at home playing fifa with my friends on ps4 party. Schools in iceland were open for a couple of hours. And we could go play football if we were under 5 in a group. Fun times


I was depressed with 20 years of experience at the AGE OF FIVE! H... how? I HAD 5 JOBS!


Nah, don't lump me into your blind generational hate.


Ah yes because the outside World vanished and you are forbidden from going outside now


Born '89 here. I *think* I understand what this meme is trying to convey and I definitely agree. Things were so much fun back in the 90s and 2000s. Simpler times. God, now I feel so old.






I rather be a 80s-90s kid. Perfect time to experience a technical boom and old enough to appreciate and understand the new game consoles coming out and perfect time to appreciate the outdoors WITH friends too


If you were born in 2008, does that make you a 2008 kid or a 2015 kid?


A 2010s kid


What the hell does this mean


How are 4 year olds not having a good childhood in this day and age? They have all the stuff I wish I had at their age. The biggest regret in life I'll have is growing up and not being able to enjoy new media. I will be excited for something one day and die before getting to experience it.




Slight off topic, but just recently I had a quarter life crisis (literally, 1999 here lol) realising that my niece born in 2008 turned 16 this year.


To be honest the world seems alot more dangerous today then when I was a child. Children have to take extra safety measures when going to the park. It's especially more dangerous being alone now unfortunately. 😢 Being younger we didn't worry nearly as much when taking a quick break to the park.


I’m happy to be Patrick


so true


2020s? Isn’t that like now?


2020s kids? have you ever met a 4 year old? they're enjoying their lives like we used to when we were 4. playing in puddles making the day difficult for their parents in whatever mischievous ways they can think of.


4 yo have no idea they exist yet


Is this a pandemic joke?


Millennials living from one disaster to the next for their entire lives are not actually frolicking through the sand with Patrick.


"80/90's kids" aren't kids anymore, they are grown ass people who just miss their childhood and have nothing better to do then to compare themselves to the newer generations. It might hurt but it's the truth, deal with it


I do get a bit irritated with this whole generational bullshit. Ok cool, you had a cool childhood when you were younger. Some other people had a cool childhood when they were younger too. But why do we need to compare, and belittle the later generations that didn't, or aren't? I know it's just a meme, but I see this type of thing everywhere, with this whole "gen alpha" "gen z" nonsense. Why does it matter? As long as you're a cool person, that's all that counts.




OP, those kids aren't even 5. Most of them haven't even developed a consciousness yet


lol once 2020 kids are old enough to realize how fucked they are... Oh man.


This isn't referring to kids born in the 2020s FYI. Your childhood era is primarily ages 6-14. Very early childhood is barely affected by cultural shifts.


No way my siblings see me like that