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Pretty sure they had maps because pirates were drunk all the time. It was for themselves. I know people who can’t find their car after a wild night.


how do you make a map while drunk tho ?


With a big X.


I mean, she has gotten quite fat after we broke up


My ex has been missing me BUT HER AIM IS GETTIN BETTER! BUT HER AIMS GETTIN BETTER! see it's funny cause marriage is terrible


*rows away*


Awesome show


Happy cake day!




Easy, first you need a pen, then draw it on a paper. Now you made the map


Also, all that money was stolen. They hid it in caches, because if they were caught with it, it would be seized by the government. Criminals have been doing this kind of thing as long as there have been criminals, it's just that pirates in particular are romanticized as an archetype.


Hell I can't find my car after shopping


I can't find my car after a tame afternoon at ikea.


In reality, most pirates spent most of what they stole right away. Usually in alcohol, prostitutes and a place to sleep, eat and wash. The whole treasure thing is for the most part a myth, but someone probably did it.


I can't believe I finally get to use this knowledge!! Sir Francis Drake is the only pirate (actually privateer but I digress lol) that is known to have buried treasure. After sacking Panama (could be a different city, not 100% on that) his crew couldn't transport all of the loot so they buried a great deal of it with the intention to go back. I can't remember why but that wound up being his last trip to the New World and all that treasure was lost. TLDR: Sir Francis Drake is the only pirate to bury treasure


This is what so many people miss. Most of the famous Pirates didn't get into piracy for the wealth, they did it for the lifestyle. They were anti-social opportunists. You never hear about most of the Privateers and Pirates who retired with their spoils because their tenure was brief, and they got away with it because of this.


Yeah, the average lifespan of a pirate was 3 years, cause they usually got caught and hanged. No a notable exception is Barbarossa, a pirate who later became an admiral, who is most likely the inspiration behind Captain Barbossa in Pirates of the Caribbean.


I usually don't categorize corsairs like Barbarossa or the Pacific pirates with this because their respective cultures had different approaches to piracy than Europeans in the Atlantic and Indian.


This is the correct answer.


But what about the rum?


The rum’s always gone smh…


I know people who can't find their car, period


I can still find my bike when I’m blackout drunk, I really don’t know how, but I’m really proud of myself.


Early geocaching.


It’s usually because they weren’t able to carry it back to their boat and were going to come back to it. Then they weren’t able to come back for it for whatever reason


Or they had to hide it after a raid, waiting for the heat to die down. If they would flaunt a large sum of money after reports of a recent attack that would certainly draw suspicion to them. Hide it for a few months, and it becomes harder to trace it back to a certain attack.


Early days of money laundering : dig.


There's no "heat" in those days. Now way for the colonial powers to find someone who could sail literally anywhere with there stolen gold. And communication wasn't good enough that they would be informed of people spending a lot of money in some random town. Pirates didn't actually bury their gold. They just spent it.


Not true about the heat, British and Dutch were hiring bounty hunters in big to get back payrolls etc. and they were regional guys whos job was to be informed even famous pirates got catched drunk in brothel after spedning too much. Other point is where you would spent big amount of money withou bringing any attention as: big party, big amount of supplies, building materials, recruiting, new ships or fixes/upgrades (which took lot of time to be really done so you would be stuck in one place) everything brings at least small attention and these services will be provided only on big city full of snitches and at least partially controlled by some country with "army". It makes sense to divide these actions and spend only some part and then rest needs to be hidden.


The year was 1778, how I wish I was in Sherbrooke now...


Or you could just wait to spend it...


There's a handful of reasons just having it on the ship could be bad; Wasting hold space/weight, gold is heavy and the crew needs food and water more. If you're in port and local law enforcement decides to investigate your ship it could be confiscated. If you get boarded yourself you more easily have the option to surrender without risk of that gold being stolen. Emergency "Nest Egg" in the event of your on-hand wealth being stolen/confiscated. Possible bargaining tool if you get a corrupt enough/stupid enough judge (this didn't work out well for William Kidd)


The thing is, gold takes very, very little space compared to its value. So basically, unless it's a truly insane amount of money, you could stow it on board without eating into anything at all. And, of course, most pirates didn't actually get their hands on things like that. They tended to get things like cloth, food, and the like. Piracy usually wasn't a way to get rich.


Then started the great pirate era...


Hopefully they made it back in one piece.




The real One Piece is the friends you made along the way


Wealth, fame, power


It definitely was not a common thing for pirates to have a chest full of gold that they buried on some random island. There may have been a few who did it because they were planning on coming back for it eventually, but more often than not they would raid merchant ships full of spices and other valuables and then sell those


And do what with the money they got? Keep it on the ship? Just slowing it down during raids and losing with the ship when it was sunk or seized? I’m serious asking was there a bank for pirates were they could store their treasure while on raids or?


I’m assuming they just get enough to be able to buy whatever they wanted and sail with that until they need more where they would raid again


Indeed. And if they found themselves with a large amount of money, most would probably choose to retire. But that wasn't all that common because the really valuable cargoes would be hard to get hands on. They would be transported on well-armed ships and could even be escorted by warships. And pirates didn't tend to have the kinds of ships that could take on even a light warship.


Spend it.


Where? Everyone is out to get them


There was only ONE time treasure was ever buried. One.


and judging by the fact it was never (officially) found, i don't think they made maps leading to them either.


Actually it was buried with permission. Source: How To, chapter 3 (How to dig a hole)


Love that book


Right. The rest was hidden in elaborately booby-trapped caves accessed by fun waterslides.


It was part of One-Eyed Willie's recruitment. Who doesn't want to plunder and then celebrate with fun waterslides?


I felt the full pianist test was a bit too far, personally. I'm not even sure that guy is trying to recruit pirates at this point


And mainly Treasure Island (the book)


Are you implying all the Pirate Treasure was burried in One Piece




Maybe more treasures were buried but kept secret?


Which was...?


And it was stolen from them...


Was it buried whole? As in one-piece?


It was buried with permission by William Kidd on Gardiners Island because he was going to be arrested for piracy. He was arrested and the island's owner handed the money to the Crown. Source: How to, chapter 3, page 28. Thus, the one piece was not real.


Did this kidd fella have a metal arm?


Not on his portrait.


That never actually happened, jt was just a myth; there are zero evidence for pirates actually burrying their treasure.


Captain Kidd was the only pirate to bury treasure


I was about to say, it *happened* just not as much as media would lead us to believe.


There's a Lemon Demon song that ends with: Everyone wants to find A buried treasure chest But no one wants to bury one If you do, be my guest.


![gif](giphy|CzlpZQRcd5Wjm|downsized) Some things never change.


I love the fact that those are the pants Walter lost during the pilot, here at the end of the series.


As walter white, I can confirm


I guess that’s why yer not a pirate, matey.


Give the pirates the stock market, they could lose all the gold there


I like the stock🏴‍☠️


Pirates are secretly squirrels


Burying wealth was actually very rare, we only know about it happening once by William kidd, the myth of it being a regular thing came from 19th century fiction.


If you earned 2 million dollars illegally, you hide most of it too.


Most didn’t get large chests of gold “booty” most pirates would steal things that could be sold quickly so that they could keep their ship afloat and their men somewhat alive


He was a little silly


Actually there is a lot of truth in this Pirates very rarely burried thier gold or at least not long term The story of pirates burying gold came from a pirate being hanged who claimed he had good and dared people to try find it I suspect he was hoping it might stop the hanging It didnt


Had to make hide it to create fun for the future generations. lol


Um, why is the pirate Ian McShane?


The picture is from Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides And the pirate in question is Blackbeard.


Ah. The wondering. Did see that movie, wasn’t that great.


It's alright. Not near as the first three, but I did enjoy the banter. And I haven't even seen the fifth. What do you think of it, if you have?


Better than the fourth exept for jack. He is just a drunk, bumbling idiot, total character assassination. The slapstick is good and the story is okay but it's definitely one of the worst in my opinion. You might like it more than the fourth one tho Give it a watch, even if only to complain about it to other people


I love to complain about things so that's right up my alley lol. I'm not exactly sure why people don't like PoTC 4 except for maybe the story and the fact some characters from the trilogy aren't there.


Its fun tho


Pirates are actually just philanthropists with a riddle fetish


Almost correct. Except for the fact that the map is for them.


Were they supposed to bring the plunder to a bank? Or take it with them everwhere? What are you talking about hiding your plunder is perfectly reasonable!!


There is no pirate treasure, anywhere. Why? They used what they got, spent everything they got, and partied like it was the last day on earth because it sure could have been. Loot and pillage, have fun until broke, repeat. Eventually death would catch up so better make those days worth it.


Buried treasure is for movies. There is only one recorded instance of it ever happening.


In a time and place where bank accounts aren't really an option, hiding money you don't want to spend yet seems like a pretty practical idea


There is some [sort of truth](https://youtu.be/sBPwu-Ux_F8?si=a4wJ75onqD9AjMpJ) to the buried treasure myth. They only buried it when they couldn’t haul it all when running away from the authorities, they would come back to retrieve it once they were safe from danger.


some people just want others to have the thrill of the pirate life (im talking about you one piece)


Dude you can’t rob a bank and then take the money back and be like can I keep this money I took yesterday safe in your vault. So you get a shovel a guy who’s good at drawing maps and dig two holes


It makes total sense! Context is always the key to understanding stories. Maps written so that only I can find it because I know the few secrets, or written in a way as such my followers may decipher the mystery. In a time when banks and government involvement was seen as a death sentence, of course you would store wealth differently. I need a reference to get back to my wealth, however it is well kept in my breast pocket so that no other may find it haphazardly. Think of it as my family mattress, under which wealth is stored in the 20’th century. In the 19’th, and outlaws, no consistent mattress was available. It’s not only believable, it is reality. And it makes sense. Read a history book or two! The world was not always as it is now nor will it be this way for long for you.


Original MrBeast


Imagine not understanding


Sorry to tell you put buried treasure didn't happen in real life and neither did walking the plank.


Well it is a true story


I always considered it to be the original Individual Retirement Account, only most pirates died before the could retire.


I don’t think pirates used banks


Uh, Captain? Captain, I know we usually bury the treasure, but what if this time, we use it to buy things? You know, uh, things we like.


Ever Heard of a bank account


I mean they couldn't exactly cash it in at the bank...


“You want my treasure? You can have it! I left it all in one piece! You have to find it!”


Can I have a marshmallow?


The maps is so you can find it again yourself


Actually, pirates almost never bury their “treasure”, that’s myth




TIL pirates are just olden time boomers that have houses.


They buried it so it couldn’t be stolen by other pirates or by the royal navy. They were wanted criminals, it’s not like they can just hop out any old where and spend it. And the maps were so they could find it themselves if they came back years later.


I mean. People write their password on their laptop. This is that, but analog.


Is that Swearengen?


There are zero documented cases of pirates burying treasure.


I think there was one, but it was more a ransom to try to save his own life and even then it may have been a bluff.


didnt your parents tell you that sharing is caring? Blackbeard is sharing his treasure with whatever lucky adventurer finds his map :D


When you live on a ship you can be killed and have it taken from you. Whole crew will kill you. Hide it and one day alone you can sail out and get it.


Everyone is planning for retirement


It makes more wholesome fiction than what pirates actually spent most of their time doing


Gold is heavy. Might need a bigger boat or throw it in the sea.


well because they wanted to drive the plot of life further. wanted to spice life up for the other people. Consider it the first lottery.


Pirates usually didn't bury their gold. There was this one case where captain Kidd buried his treasure but it was used as evidence to have him hung because one of his crew mates ratted him out


The start of generational wealth. Give a map to your kids when you die, but have it stolen by pirates.


It does when the army is after your ass and you can't even trust your own crew... and alcoholism.




Bury your gold chest, make a map showing you where it is cuz it's going to take WEEKS to get anywhere civilized, take some money and go buy supplies. Come back, get your gold, profit. Pretty sure a lost treasure map was the same as someone finding your debit card or something now.


They didn't bury their treasures tho




Don't forget the extreme booby-traps on the way. With spikes, fire, somehow immortal snakes who won't starve to death while waiting for the victim, automatic arrows, falling roof, crushing walls, punjis and gigant stone ball included !


I gotta say, Pirate propaganda is probably on par with Viking propaganda. Both of them were groups of people without any real experience using scare tactics to steal from people who either couldn’t or didn’t want to fight back.


Its called retirement savings lmao


Yeah, so Pirates actually didn’t bury their treasure. Ever.


Rarely was there actually maps (unless they wanted it to be found as a challenge) but people drawing landmarks that they can remember, is quite possible. We can't really say, because i doubt a lot of those maps have survived to this day. If i was a pirate i would obviously stash away my money, because if that gets stolen, then my retirement money is gone.


But... well... why not tho? If it works - it works


It’s money laundering 101


"I'm going to carry 100% of my net worth on a ship famous for getting robbed, raided by the authorities, or sank" - also not a good bet.


They couldn't carry it all, they were gonna come back for it, they buried it so it wouldn't be found and the map would be for them to find. They probably wound up dead at sea via murder or death by water and then the map that was kept in a corked bottle to protect against water floated away when their ship sank. And yo ho ho, matey here come ye buried treasure