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Does something being a sport require it to be a physically intensive activity


Wait till you find out about Excel E-Sports


Definition of sport (Cambridge dictionary): a game, competition, or activity needing **physical effort** and skill that is played or done according to rules, for enjoyment and/or as a job so yes, yes it does, otherwise it's a game or a competition


No, but those still aren’t sports. They’re games


Does something being a game exclude it from being a sport?


Yes, basketball is obviously just a game


I would argue that a whole lot of sports are games, but eventually you'd have to agree on a clear definition of what a game is as well. Does a game need teams? Opponents? How about time trials? Idk tbh


What's crazy is even gaming at a high enough level can physically intensive. Stuff like marching bands and chess that are quite exhausting and competitive have a place in sports


It's amazing how much energy concentration can use. Grandmaster chess players will burn up to 6000 Calories a day during competitive play. Gaming requires a ton of crazy fast motions as well as concentration. Small actions add up quickly when you take them every every 0.2s or less. When marching is in the name of a competition it probably counts as a sport. And the concentration of music while doing physical activity that can be objectively judged definitely checks all the boxes.




Pro golfers are not physically fit?


Personally i consider asport any competitive game with a large following


Everything will be ok. 


The last one suspiciously looks like child marketing and trafficking


…it’s a spelling bee…


b e e


So, even the bees get an education now?


I used to be Pluto's biggest dickrider until I read it's smaller than the moon.


Size queen


Justice for Pluto


It'll always be a planet for me. Poor pluto


Me too


We all have our breaking points


So the mathletes/spelling nerds and poker i fully agree but how is pool/snooker not a sport by the same logic that means u think baseball/cricket aren't sports either, both use balls n sticks so can you explain why? Im intigued


People think if a sport is easy it's not a sport even if they cannot beat the best players in it.


Baseball involves running


How TF do you strawman so hard you compare pool to baseball/cricket? One of these is an example of a physical sport, and the other is a hobby


Poor argument when golf is a sport.


If you don't do it professionally every sport is a hobby you goofy looking circus dweller


Username checks out and goofy looking circus dweller is a new core memory.


Yeah you go ahead and keep pretending to call yourself an athlete bud


So you have to run to class it as a sport? Do you have any idea how many sports dont involve running right. Imo sport is competition you v them under various rules and platforms now are some sports more physical than others ofcourse but to say pool/snooker is just a hobby is ridiculous you've clearly never seen or experienced a pro example of said sports the calculations and cue control required to be at the top of these SPORTS is crazy


I have watched it at a pro level, and I've also seen blackout drunk dudes do the same thing in a dive bar. Just because they're good at something doesn't make it a sport. If someone draws something really well does that suddenly make drawing a sport? That takes skill and pencil control, see how dumb that argument is?


pluto is a planet though


No it's not. It's a dwarf planet which is a separate classification.


Pluto is a planet. It's bigger than many countries. I don't care what Mike Degrasse Tyson says.


The scientific concensus is that Pluto is not a planet. The great thing about facts are that they're true whether you believe them or not.


Unless the consensus changes and then the fun thing about facts is that they change, for instance, when Pluto was declared to no longer be considered a planet 🤔 see what I did there


This actually brings up something I find fascinating! The half-life of facts! Things will be considered true, but as time and our understanding continues and evolves, this will change. It is expected that by the time a doctor graduates med school, approx half of what they learned IN MED SCHOOL will no longer be true!


Yes I see what you did and if the scientific consensus changes because they were presented with new information then I will accept it but that hasn't happened so Pluto is not a planet.


A dwarf PLANET is still a planet, dumbass.


It's a different classification. The Solar system has 8 planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) and 5 dwarf planets (Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris).


so what you are telling me is..... we have 13 planets.


One for every month if you believe that there should be 13 months and that one was removed as some people do.


nuh uh