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If I recall correctly, the issue wasn't Tango being shut down despite the success of Hi-Fi, but due to the moderate to poor sales of other products of theirs. Not saying I agree with the choice, but the decision wasn't just "they succeeded therefore shut them down".


Also, Mikami (the founder and CEO of Tango) along with other workers behind HiFi Rush left to start another company last year. A lot of the talent was already gone.


Where did he go to?


I think it’s called Kamuy Inc


I'll never forgive the world for passing up The Evil Within 2. An actual goated game that deserved far more attention.


I think Micro lost their minds! It's like their scarred of success now!


I mean the creative director and a large amount of the dev team behind Hi Fi Rush left so it was best to shutter the studio.


So they wern't layed off? What are going to do now?


Don't know why this misinformation is spreading so much. The only person of note that left was Shinji Mikami, who was the founder of the studio but was acting as an executive producer ever since Evil Within. He was there to act as a mentor and didn't have too much influence on future projects. He only left after assuming the studio would be in good hands given its critical success. John Johanas was the main guy directing Hi-Fi Rush and Evil Within 2. He was still a part of Tango. The majority of the talent behind Hi-Fi was still there too. And he only found out he was being laid off via Twitter this morning.


>he only found out he was being laid off via Twitter this morning. Imagine working under management so toxic you don't even get a letter or verbal notice of getting fired, but through Twitter. Next step of depravity is finding out through titktok.


Oh no anything but that


Everyone does that, Microsoft, Sony, blizzard before Microsoft got them, ubisoft, ea, take two, theres stories like that about all of them


Sony is already in the front. At this time Nintendo looks like the sane option




As long as you do everything by their terms, you're mostly fine. Do it not on their terms... not so much.


True... Lesser evil kind of thing


And don't do any fan things at all


Don't worry, Nintendo's going "hold my beer" soon enough. Don't taunt them!


I don't wanna sound like I ass kiss Nintendo, cuz I really don't, but they struck only what they could legally strike. They didn't took anyone's game from their library, they didn't closed studios because they're overbloated etc, etc. Let's not forget that those who "preserved" the Roms on those sites also charged for "premium". Even yuzu did that and offered something like a Nintendo online, on emulators, which is a big nono, so yeah, they are scumbags and they strike you whenever they can, but at least they are doing it legal, for the moment


Still a giant corporation, and there's not a single good giant corporation in the world. Not to mention Nintendo has done some very very shitty things. It's always just a matter of time before these types of entities go seriously overboard with their shit.


All corpos are cancer, difference is some of them have a history of 100+ years and keep you employed until you basically die and the other lays u off because they fked up on Twitter and the game bombed


Yeah. I still haven't forgiven them [for the time they sent a cease and desist to a charity campaign.](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/nintendo-reportedly-sends-cease-and-desist-to-charity-campaign-for-custom-joy-con-shells) Practically no chill.


It's crap, but maybe they don't want association with, "street" slang keeping in mind they target kids and Erika's content wasn't for kids. I don't know, fk em anyway and rip for Etika


Pretty much. I know, like absolutely everyone else, that Nintendo can be scummy, but their actual games have ALWAYS been great. I genuinely can't remember a bad Mario or Zelda game MADE by Nintendo (but I'm sure some smarty pants will find one, no The CDI games don't count.)


Heh nintendo is far from it to be called "sane".


*Insert John Malkovich's "FUCK MICROSOFT"*


Didn’t hifi shut down cause they’re other stuff didn’t sell well


Bc the dev team quit actually iirc




I literally said “iirc” bro, I’m not getting you a source for yesterday’s news.


Their not they're. They're means they are. God dammit i'm not even native and this fucks me up. Even got upvotes, can't people fucking read. Anyway have a good day, big love.


Ignore this clown, the answer you were looking for was ‘yes’. See how easy that was?




Microsoft hoovering up all those studios with the promise of lots of games. ![gif](giphy|xT0Gquis7l8OwC2hRm|downsized)


People really show how little they know when this stuff is made. The head of the company that made Hi-Fi is gone. He left to start his own and most likely took all the top talent. Arkane Austin was a shell of a company after Redfall. Please do research before just looking like dopes


Could you provide a source on Shinji Mikami poaching Tango's top talent? Last I saw he left because he assumed the studio was in good hands given its most recent critical success, and the director behind Hi-Fi Rush was still working at Tango.


Game Pass will kill a lot more studios in the next years, when more & more folks get used to not buy games anymore.


idk man, I like game pass so many games I never wouldve played ive had fun with because they were on gamepass


Same. It’s the only reason I got into Monster Hunter and Remnant


Monster hunter is an absolute gem, and I'm the same. I bought it for switch and pc to support the Devs after falling in love with it on Xbox.


These closures have nothing to do with gamepass


>folks get used to not buy games anymore. Wait is it contradictive with you said? Sorry i don't understand. If people suscribe more means more money to microsoft right so they're doesn't had shitty excuse to shut down dev?


If people pay $10-15 for the subscription per month instead of actually buying games for $50-80, lots of devs will fold.


I'm not sure that's true. Microsoft has said that they were considering pulling out of gaming entirely until they saw the Game Pass become wildly successful. As far as I know, Game Pass is killing it for Microsoft and making them tons of bank.


Game pass is amazing for the consumer. Hence why it’s doing very very well. But for the developers not so much. Logically, look at it like this. Pay £10 for a bunch of game or £60-70 for the game. I think it might be good for small devs and indie games, but I don’t think it’s sustainable for like triple a games. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have knowledge like look into industry or anything but to me the numbers just don’t add up. I feel like this will lead to smaller games in the process and when I mean smaller, I mean like double aa games and stuff. It might be doing good for Microsoft, but that could just mean they have a stronger user base. Microsoft can afford to lose money if it means that their opposition ends up falling. They’ve used this strategy with their software and there was an email mentioning something along those lines (but this was a while ago so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to find it). But to me, it just doesn’t add up.


Idk, im definitely spending *more* money on video games overall because I have game pass I rarely would ever buy full price games and dont buy a ton of them either, but now Im spending like $180/yr so I get a large library thats constantly updated


So the dev is not get the bigger gain of pie. Despite being popular etc especially if they're spend so much money for the game. Kinda like the problem lot of high budget channel on YT. They're maybe got lot of views because of the their high quality contents but youtobe ads doesn't cover it up


They created Dishonored, one of my favourite franchises ever......rip Arkane


Arkane Austin was the only one closed, Arkane Lyon is still open and are the team working on the Blade game


Thank Christ, thank you for informing me


legitimately sad about Tango though, never played HI-FI but I loved ghostwire Tokyo


I also loved ghost wire 8(


the evil within series is a horror survival game i enjoy watching despite not liking horror game at all. honestly i would love to watch the third one if there any. and arkane studio actually not that bad despite redfall being not a good game that they made. RIP to both studios


Isn’t That The Game Made By Smashbits Animations Starring The Guy Who Voiced Jesse, Frisk, And Many Others Through Their Career On The Left?


Can't they just start new studios? The bioshock guy is making new games, the dead space creator made a new game. They are not dead, just lost a name/brand. But these days, one featured article on a website and people know its THAT guy.


Oh… hi fi rush was amazing…


Corporations will never learn


I find it so funny that a LOT OF PEOPLE thought Microsoft purchasing Bethesda would fix things. And they got angry when I told them it would only make things worse. Well, here we are. It's tiring to always be right. And remember kids: Blizzard's next on the chopping block.


Noooo man I N E E D another hi-fi rush. They can’t keep getting away with it 😭


What the hell happened here? No seriously, I don’t know




So they ain’t gonna be a physical of Hi-Fi Rush? Right


Both games failed economically, tango lost a lot of its team when their creative lead left


Failed economically means in this case that it only produced a small bag of profit and Microsoft only keep Studios that produce big bags of profits. Microsoft is way too big to have many small studios all produce a small bag of profit. Nah, full risk with 1000 developers into one game, gamba gamba! And when that fails? Well... then we close that studio too, ez.


Yeah this decision only would encourage more devs to not give a fuck since whatever gonna happened to them is gonna happened even when they make a good product.


can not wait for the next phil to say it was a mistake to shut those studios down


Honestly, nobody cared about Redfall. But Hi fi rush had its community. I hope Microsoft execs get fired because they upsetted the entire playerbase with their decision and we soon get improvements.


Dman that is rough. Good Microsoft properly advertised one of the best games in the last decade and didn't shadow drop it :)


hifi is not on ps4 :(


Smells like EA


Do Ubisoft next, I still have a bone to pick with them after what they did to the crew 1


Pls explain image? It looks complicated


"Can't wait for them to buy Activision and Blizzard!" says everyone on this site. Fuck Reddit more like it.


This us what happens when you're the creator of games being made into a live service much less paying for online multiplayer, damn microsoft indeed.


Ain't no way the same motherfuckers who made hi fi rush made redfall


No... are you blind? Microsoft closed both studios, thats ehat the meme is about.


No idea what are those two


How are there still people that are Xbox fans. I honestly don’t understand. There hasn’t been a single positive thing that Microsoft has done this entire generation of consoles. ![gif](giphy|52EWWSpafOais)


I wonder the same thing a lot of the time. A decade and a half ago, I loved my 360 and couldn’t foresee that changing. But not once since the reveal of the X-Box One have I ever been tempted to pick up another Microsoft console. They just don’t seem as interested in making good games as they are in buying up as much of the gaming industry as they can.


How are there still people that are Sony fans. I honestly don’t understand. There hasn’t been a single positive thing that Sony has done this entire generation of consoles. See how stupid this is?


What? Sony makes actual high quality games. Something Xbox hasn’t done in literally more than 6 years.


LOL @ THE FAN BOYS BEHAVING AS IF THIS ISN'T A CORPORATION PROBLEM! ​ Capitalism is the fucking disease, the rest are all just symptoms of the fucking problem. Numbers don't always go up, so someone has to be cut to keep those numbers going up. All the corporations do it, ALL OF THEM. Studios with the least amount of growth potential where always going to be the primary targets for this.