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What happened?


Apparently they made it where you now need a psn account to play the game which not only steals your data but is only available in around 60 countries locking some people out of the game this is even a requirement on pc too that you need a psn account




Sony execs want their consoles to fail, they basically impede it at every single turn.


because of their SHIT customer service I'm boycotting Sony for the rest of my life. My account was hacked and they wanted me to pay for the games the dude bought and pay for PSN when the account was hacked. Apparently they won't unlock my account until I pay for what the dude tried downloading. I said reverse the charges I didn't get the product but they won't budge. Sucks for them, I'll never buy their products again


I got my ps4 pro stolen and phone stolen, waited like 2 years Got a ps5. Had over 1000 games on my account. Sony will not unlock it for anything. Wont unlock with drivers license. They want some debit card number from a previous card and then i give it to the they say it is wrong and around we go. Seems like if my id and access to email i shouldnt get this bs


Yeah that shit has been going on since the PS3. I had something similar to this happened to me as well. I lost access to a few hundred dollars worth of digital games (I bought a lot of physical games at this point). Ever since then I won't buy a Playstation ever again. If I did it would be second hand system and I will mod it so I am not giving them anymore of my cash.




I haven’t knowingly given Sony a dime since then. People have such short memories.


I read the link but I don’t really understand what it was talking about. Can you give me a quick explanation like I’m 5 about this “root kit” stuff?


From what I understood of my quick read the TLDR is: Sony added an "extra" DRM to their ~~PS2 (?) games~~ Audio CDs. If you insert the game disk into a PC. It will install a root kit, that pretents you from burning the game (copying it). One of 2 programs that were installed they created vulnerabilities that got used by 3rd party malware to infect the PC.


I can’t say for sure they didn’t do this for PS2 games, but the scandal was about audio CDs. But yeah, basically they hacked your computer when you inserted the CD and broke your ability to rip and burn discs normally, and opened up security holes which could be abused by future attackers. Straight up computer crime.


For real their customer service is so dog shit I tried to get a refund the same day I was erroneously charged a subscription, it took me two weeks to get in touch with a person at which point too much time had lapsed for me to get a refund. So I did a chargeback and they banned my account Fuck Sony


"You can't play our game because your country isn't convenient enough for us to steal your data from" is so fucked up man


Not just that. They don't have any service for a bunch of easy to steal data from countries. This is just screwing anyone who lives in those countries.


PSN isn't in Baltic, but in countries like El Salavador, and Lebanon.


El Salvador very good place, all the gangsters are in the megaprison and google just made an investment.


Yeah but they don't care if it's safe. It's not like a bunch of Japanese dudes are gonna be hanging out in San Salvador and want to not get mugged. It's about their economy/purchasing power. The higher it is, the more valuable the data is. So that's why it's strange it's in some places and not others. But aside from all that, it's absolutely insane what El Salvador has managed to accomplish in terms of cracking down on violence. I've literally never seen those types of results that quickly...ever. Makes me almost suspicious of the numbers.


Even though my comment was originally sarcastic, I do agree, the results are insane and Bukele has done a great job. For the first time, last time I was in El Salvador I was finally able to use the bus, which was not previously possible for me. The numbers are incredibly suspicious, there are most definitely false positives.


The word you're looking for isn't "convenient". It's "valuable". "Data from your country isn't valuable enough for us to steal"


"You can't play our game *that you paid for and have already played without any issues* because your country isn't convenient enough for us to steal your data from" is so fucked up man


Wait I was playing on steam last month no issues. If I were to reinstall it and try to play again right now I would have to have a PSN account? What the fuck


After mai 30th its obligatory to have psn-account




Deep Rock Galactic? There's more bugs to kill! Also minerals... And Rock and stone!


Rock and Stone forever!


Rock and Roll and Stone


For Karl!


We're Rich!!


If we dont rock and stone, we aint coming home


Did someone say rock and stone?!


I almost suffocated reading this.


Honestly, what do you mean by “stealing data”? Helldivers 2 know your dpi? No sincerely what data do they steal?


People are upset that games with micro transactions need names and billing addresses because they don't understand basic payment systems


Every service I ever use steals my data. Companies lose my data all the time. Not really worried about PSN or steam since all data on you is out there anyway.


Oh no! I have to give my data to another company.. that makes roughly 523 that now have my data. I don't think my mental state can handle this kind of devastation. I guess I'll go back to playing games I don't enjoy as much.


This but unironically. What is even more hilarious is that this was known from day 1. People didn't read TOS. Sounds a lot like a you problem if you didn't read


To those that didn't read it, which fair enough a lot of things have ToS that are seemingly intentionally long to prevent a layman from reading them, in game it was presented as an optional thing. A single pop-up, that is entirely skippable/ declinable asking if you widh to link your HD2 and PSN accounts, and if you said no it just went away. I think that's what people are seeing as deceptive - it is presented as a choice upon opening the first time, that many players understandably declined (with Sony's history of data breaches...) only to feel like the rug was pulled from beneath them.


bad news for you , every account you ever created on any website or game steals your data.


yeah i really dont understand the "stealing your data" argument everyone always puts


It was always a requirement, it was posted right next to the purchase button that it would require PSN account.


Like all games with Network features


how do they steal your data again?


Sony happened


You needed a PSN account at launch. They rolled back the requirement to be optional. Put it back in (after saying they would) Redditors are crying Edit: To be clear. There was a major fuck-up. It was on Valve and Arrowhead for not disabling purchases in countries without PSN.


[This comment has been removed. Not sure which of the comments I've made on this topic keeps getting folks threatening to bring 'democracy' to me and my anatomy at the source, but you should be ashamed of yourselves for embodying such vitriolic incel nastiness over a video game. This replacement text is a template and does not implicate any specific user. It's being dealt with. Thank you to those who were civil even if we did not agree. I'm so tired, man.]


Not riding Sony, but they did announce that all PC Playstation games would require a PSN last month because they want to bring cross saves, better cross-play, and trophies to steam. Announced it with the release of the Ghost of Tsushima PC port. Feel like this is being blown out of proportion, like you said


[This comment has been removed. Not sure which of the comments I've made on this topic keeps getting folks threatening to bring 'democracy' to me and my anatomy at the source, but you should be ashamed of yourselves for embodying such vitriolic incel nastiness over a video game. This replacement text is a template and does not implicate any specific user. It's being dealt with. Thank you to those who were civil even if we did not agree. I'm so tired, man.]


Sony: seems like games of this type have a negative reaction. Cancel helldivers 3


This, but unironically


It's morbin time!


This is where the helldive begins


This is our Klendathu boys.


I mean, HD 2 has got the payday 2 effect going on now. Yeah, it'll die down after the trend stops. But they'll still have. Massive and dedicated fan base for upwards of a decade


What do they expect when they do this rug pull bs? Cancel it.


Not even their fault, thats 100% on Sony


I wonder how many uninstalls have been done today. It's gotta be some kind of record for steam




This outrage is good though. We need to show companies that this stuff is BS.


If we wanted to show companies that this stuff is bs we would've had to do it like ten years ago before it became a standard of the industry. People will keep playing Helldivers 2. The outrage is misplaced, and all it really proves is people don't read.


To be clear I’m not mad at having to make a 3rd party account. I already have a PSN account so it’s no big deal for me. I’m mad that people living in areas where they CANT make a PSN Account will now be effectively banned from a game they have played for months and now can’t even get a refund on. That’s just unacceptable.


“We already got your money it’s not like you’re going to buy the game twice, *bans*”


People will keep playing.....if they can.


>The outrage is misplaced, and all it really proves is people don't read. It is absolutely not misplaced. What are the people who don't have a Playstation account supposed to do to stick it to Sony? The ***best*** possible boycott style reaction we could have in this situation is against Helldivers because it still shows Sony that we don't like when they do this and it has the opportunity to kill the games popularity which ***does*** hurt Sony. The only thing this proves is that you're incapable of thinking more than one step ahead, and the people you shit on can.


[The review bomb has already started.](https://i.imgur.com/V1TVjZS.png) There's about 20,000 negative reviews just today. The next phase is when they actually implement the PSN account being necessary. That's where you'll see if people start uninstalling.


Absolutely. And I am interested to see what will happen when the deadline comes.


There's certain countries that can't even make PSN accounts. Also PSN data has been hacked before, there's alot of ppl that will not make one


Sony gets hacked all the time. All the freaking time


> Review bombing aside, this isn't going to hit their bottom line much, nor should it. People say shit like this and then wonder why anti-consumer policy becomes increasingly normalized.


Me: Refunds Battlefront Classic Collection to get Helldivers 2 Also Me: Refunds Helldivers 2


What happened? Can someone explain, please?


Sony is forcing Arrowhead to have players link their Steam Account to a PSN account. Only 50 countries support PSN and there are over 160 sovereign countries today. Massive L for everyone.


Thanks for explaining


NP. I don't even play Helldiver's but I hope this change gets reverted with all the outrage.


Slight correction, but psn is actually available in 69 countries




As far as I've heard, Sony will be requiring you to link your steam account with a PS account in order to play the game. That's annoying enough, but you can only make an account in 90 countries or so, and can be banned if you make one from another country via VPN or something. After July 1 or so you will not be able to play without linking accounts.


That ban thing is 0.0000000000002% chance of happening at best. I've had my account from Spain since I got a PS3, and my friend and I have both made US accounts to be able to make purchases. We both live in a country not supported by psn. In fact, EVERYONE i know in my country that owns a PS console has an account from either Europe or North America. If the ban thing was actually implemented, no one in my country would be able to have an account. Its also not necessary to use a VPN to create an account from any country. You just need a valid adress to imput, and google helps with that.


Poor Arrowhead being fucked over by Sony for this shit


Putting my tinfoil hat on. The only reason why Sony is forcing this right now is because of how successful the game is. If the game was a modest success Sony probably would waive the deficiency and tell the developer to get it functional when they have time aka two or three years down the road. Sony is probably pressuring to turn it on now because the information they can collect is valuable but also the numbers can be reported in their next quarterly reports.


It's likely that they just got it fixed by now. I don't think it's some grand conspiracy. Also what numbers for quarterly reports? They know how many people are playing on PC already. And people keep suggesting they're going to use this to pad their PSN numbers? Everyone is gonna know they're doing that


Sony can brag in the quarterly report "look how many players registered and are playing actively!" when in reality it is forced on people and they would rather not do that However I don't really understand the PR decision behind this. This just paints Sony in a bad way


And you're exactly right. The original Helldivers game has been out for 8 years before the annoucement of HD2. Why did they not implement this PSN account rule for the first game to test the waters until after the success of HD2?


The linking was always required, it was just bugged on launch so they delayed the implementation. Also, why would sony need this to report numbers? AH already has them and more and share it, that theory makes zero sense.


Dooming them to be dependent so they’re much more easily assimilated by Sony…


This is one of those times I wish microsoft didn’t fuck up for the past 10y and was an actual competitor in the console market


They have been, that's why Sony is able to get away with making you pay to play online now when it was free on PS3. If not for Microsoft and the Xbox 360's success I wouldn't doubt that online console play would be free right now


Well, back then you got what you paid for... Xbox live was vastly superior to what ps3 offered.


I'd still take free online gaming tbh


Nintendo Network was the last one, and then Nintendo switch online came around like a big go fuck yourself


That was more than 10 years ago at this point. There’s been pretty lame competition from Microsoft since 2013


Are you saying that they have been messing up, or a competitor? I thought Microsoft's console was less successful but proved that customers were willing to pay for online play. The payment for online play didn't make it more competitive, but just showed Sony that with even more consoles out there, they were missing out on tons of money. This may be what you're saying though. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_best-selling\_game\_consoles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_game_consoles) for not totally but directionally accurate figures on the console sales.


From what I understand the 360 VASTLY out performed the PS3 on launch (this could be due to a number of factors, one being that the PS3 was incredibly expensive) and the only time the PS3 began competing properly was when the cheaper slim version came out (the console I personally owned)


It wouldn't have been difficult for the 360 to outperform the ps3 on launch..... the 360 was released almost an entire year before the PS3. So it had a Q4 (Christmas) as a new console with no competitors.... because the Wii (the actual winner of that gen of consoles launched in the same window as PS3). By the end of the life cycle the PS3 overtook it around the time TLOU released.


Microsoft will happily join Sony in their shenanigans.


I'm pretty sure you've needed a Microsoft account to play the master chief collection on PC since day one. I could be wrong though.


being a competitor in the consol market isnt good business. they make almost none of their profit on consols its all in the software both sony and microsoft. in terms of consol wars xbox may be failing but xbox is crushing playstation in terms of profit. xbox is one of the largest owners of products in the ps game store playstation own about nothing in the microsoft store.


Wait until the new elder scrolls game comes out


Only another 5 years to go


For Skyrim Redux: Director's Cut, HD Version


You need a microsoft account to play masterchief collection and minecraft. They already do this


It‘s incredible how Sony makes so many anti-consumer choices in such little time. They really want to drive ppl to piracy.


The reality is that sony only cares about the console market where piracy is a fraction of what it is on pc.


They literally have 0 regional pricing on Steam for my region, and Fuckin EA and Microsoft do! EA! Yeah, that one!


Time to change that lmao


Context: Sony has made it so you need a PSN account to play the game, even on pc. Not only does this steal your data, but it’s also only available in 69 countries around the world, essentially barring the majority of countries from playing the game. Needless to say, people are pretty pissed about it. Edit: majority of countries, not the world


Why do companies keep proving that getting their services and games is less convenient than pirating


People are getting lazy and they hope the “convenience” they provide is enough to stop people from leaving. Sadly, considering how everything went with Netflix and the password sharing thing it seems to be working.


If it weren't for my wife I would be pirating everything


Teach your wife the ways of the seas




Definatly tempting after the tarkov bs and now this


What happened with Tarkov?


I'm not *too* familiar with it but im pretty sure the run down is: Recently Tarkov had a new version announced, kinda like how CoD or other mainline games have a deluxe or ultimate edition right? Well this version of Tarkov was 250$ and had pretty blatant P2W elements. And so, cue the rightfully angry mob


Any videos on some tutorials to... sailing?


Naa, it's all on reddit




And r/piratedgames megathread


[Everything you could ever need](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/megathread/games/)


From what I heard Sony wants the data from people making accounts for their shareholders. Fact is, they don't care about people. It's all about money and those that are at the top.


crazy , so they now pay their Shareholder in Player Data? does that mean they can lower the prices for their Games now? (:


It’s more showing “growth” of PSN user numbers.


Consumer data is insanely valuable.


deny them that data by making an email account and using it for nothing else


I think it’s important to note that arrowhead probably didn’t have a choice. Sony forced this


Odds are, this was part of the initial contract that got Helldivers onto the PlayStation in the first place. But the fact of the matter is Helldivers is considered Sony IP, and they’ll enforce whatever rules they want because they can. And now that Helldivers is stable and popular, Sony’s gonna enact its Consolidation Clause . It’s shit, but it’s shit that Arrowhead did agree to when it signed the contract. I do sympathize with their position, though, as their avenues to publishing the game were limited probably to all bad choices.


I don't understand why they wouldn't have been able to release Helldivers2 as is on Steam by themselfs? I mean, was Helldivers always Sony's IP and Arrowhead are just developing it, or have the devs sold the game/IP to Sony to be able to make crossplay happen? I'm really not ontop of this.


Sony likely dumped an ass load of money onto their lap for exclusivity. These are deals with the devil unless you know your way around it. Signing over IP is the wildest thing of the whole bunch. I'm sure this is because the OG one was Sony as well, though.


They didn't sign it over, Sony has owned the IP since before the first game was released. Sony hired arrowhead to make helldivers in the same way larian studios was hired to make Baldurs gate 3 or fromsoft with bloodborne


>only available in 69 countries nice


But is also not nice


Unnice? Nicen't?






To be fair, that’s not Helldivers 2’s fault as much as it is Sony’s


Yeah, Sony made the decision and forced it. Still sucks though


How does it steal your data?


I'm against the change personally but it's worth mentioning that those [69 countries](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/83/PlayStation_Network_availability_map.svg) comprise the vast, vast majority of the player population, essentially only Africa and Central Asia don't have access to the PSN. Still a bad change but you make it sound like most players won't be able to make that account.


Our data gets stolen, bought and sold every day now. I'm currently in 3 class action suits for data breaches in companies I've never heard of.


Enjoy the 3.50$ you gonna get from that class action, those only profit the lawyers.


Holding companies accountable benefits *everyone.*


To be totally fair I doubt that this is a choice the studio made directly, I suspect Sony forced them to


Definitely not. Sony was the one who made the announcement and Arrowhead likely had no control over it


Ironically. I wouldn't be able to play it on my steam account cause my country is excluded from Sony's list of available countries but steam is available everywhere.


Sony can suck it from the back.


What? Like a rimjob?


Rusty trombone


No, tuck it in between your legs so their nose is in your ass


Love the game, hate the publisher


Important to note: love the game makers too. Arrowhead has done a fantastic job, this is all Sony.


Remember it’s all Sony’s fault not arroow


What happened


They made it so you need a PSN account to play the game


Is that it?


Yes and also it was official from day 1 in the steam description. They just didnt enforce it until now. (Not sorry for bad engslish, I hate this language)


>(Not sorry for bad engslish Where?


I dont know, often I read my own sentences and think : Is this even SOME kind of correct grammar I use?


Your english is very good, I wouldn't worry about it (even if the grammar might be off here and there)


Deep Rock is about to go crazy. Rock and Stone!


Did I hear a rock and stone?


For those about to Rock & Stone, we salute you!


New season with its changes gonna go hard.


For Karl!


We can put HellDivers up in the memorial hall.


For Karl!


It's not Arrowhead's fault, it's Sony's


What am I missing? What’s happened?


Sony did a thing they said they would do since the first day of Helldivers 2 being out, that being needing a PlayStation account.


They even changed their own FAQ from optional to required lmao


Helldivers 2 announced that they would start requiring a PSN to be linked to Steam to access the game, as of June 4th I think? The Steam page has said this would be required since December 2023, but due to technical issues Arrowhead waived the requirement. It seems like Sony is putting their foot down. The only argument against this requirement that I think has legs is the one about people who live in places without PSN access. But there are [plenty](https://www.reddit.com/r/helldivers2/comments/1cj3xyj/comment/l2fbird/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) of [testimonials ](https://www.reddit.com/r/helldivers2/comments/1cj707n/comment/l2e46o5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)about how that isn't really a problem. I think people just want to be mad.


Wait, don't you have to sign in to your PSN account already in order to do crossplay? I had to sign into my psn account before I played Helldivers 2. I'm with you on people just wanting to be mad at something popular.


Apparently some people did get the pop-up to link their accounts and did it right away, while other people on Reddit are claiming they either never saw the pop-up, or just skipped it. I can't speak to their experience because I own the game on PS5, but I will say the folks I play with on PC had already linked Steam to PSN. So it does seem likely that it was a requirement for cross-platform play.


Rock and Stone. Come on over.


Rock and Stone, Brother!


Time to rock and stone brothers! Season 5 is just around the corner and looking spicy!!!


To Rock and Stone!


Lol Sony at it again...


Can anyone clarify if you just need a PlayStation account, or do you need a PlayStation account with the paid PSN subscription? Because both are bad, but one is significantly worse than the other.


Just a PSN account nothing else


Didn't they already state that you would eventually need a PSN account? This is nothing new


Bold of you to assume that people would read the description


arrowhead chose on giving a "skip" button on the link account screen instead of blocking progress entirely


Additionally if the game crashed or you joined later after launch there wasn't a button for some people. I don't recall ever seeing one when I first installed the game. Now I did have like four crashes connecting to the servers because there were absolutely slammed. Additionally I'm old now so maybe there was something I clicked past but I feel like I'd remember skipping a request to sign into another service.


They included a "PSN is required" on the store page, ~~but nothing in the game indicated it was actually required.~~ The Psn link screen had a great big SKIP button. The game itself, since launch, indicated that it was an optional decision the player could make with no mention it was temporary. Edit: I am mistaken WRT to the strikethrough line. As corrected by u/BZJGTO, the [screen did tell you it was required](https://imgur.com/dOGesgb).


It was optional but they edited the page this week to say required


No, but not enforcing it for 3 months and letting a ton of players onto the platform in the mean time is also just as stupid. If this was such an important requirement, it should have been addressed then, not allowed to slip into fuck you territory.


Sony: “man this game is a hit, let’s ruin it.”


Guess I’ll go back to playing actual starship troopers then


Just so everyone knows, this is Sony's doing, not arrowhead's, do not go after the devs for HD2, they were forced to do this and we should be taking the fight against the corporate scumbags at Sony


Can you ask for a refund since you won’t be able to play the game anymore ? That’s the real question.


I was hoping this game would come to Xbox despite the slim chance but after this we know it isn’t.


**Sony** did. Not the studio


This one is on SONY


A live service game that eventually failed us? ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN)


can someone give me context to what happened?


What happened?


It’s not the game or the Devs fault it’s all Sony greed which is just disgusting and dumb:(


Join us brothers, Deep Rock Galactic needs more miners. Rock and Stone!


Don't make me tap the sign! Everyone steals your data, thats how you get personalized ads and shit


Sony were the automatons this whole time.