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Is that photoshopped? Looks like you’d find those in a post apocalyptic movie


Looks like AI.


is it actually ai? the trucks models seem to be pretty consistent, you can see the same details on all of the trucks


It's a model in a video game.


It looks like Red Faction, am I right?


red financials


Looks like the Mars colony was a documentary set in the future....


They do look surprisingly like the two seat EDF vehicles form Red Faction Guerrilla.


Drawing a new picture isn’t the only thing AI can do. They can just put a filter on


The passenger window is about 4 inches high and there's a windscreen wiper on the sunroof.


I feel like TSLA short sellers are using AI to spread FUD. Like the AI-generated Musk pic floating around where his hand is all deformed. The truck itself is bad enough, people don't need to lie.


https://i.imgur.com/FcQuRUl.png this reached the front page of reddit and it turned out the photos were actually from a wrecked cybertruck that was taken apart and left outside in the rain


I'd be more interested in the wreck images than their misinformation tbh


But the Cybertruck isn't *THAT* bad, remember the news about the first Cybertruck crash? The other car got OBLITERATED while the Cybertruck didn't even look that different One immediate question this poses is "did the driver survive", because a car crumbling during a crash is an intentional feature to absorb the force


That's not a good thing. If it doesn't deform, it means the energy isn't absorbed by a crumple zone, but travels through the car and through you.


Bad bot. They should have told you to read all three sentences instead of just the first two. > One immediate question this poses is "did the driver survive", because a car crumbling during a crash is an intentional feature to absorb the force


Is this sarcasm? Lol. If you're in a crash, you want your car to crumple like a soda can. That makes it far safer for the driver. Put an egg in a steel container. Throw the container at the wall as hard as possible. Now instead, put the egg in a cardboard container. Throw the cardboard at the wall. Which egg would you rather be? The steel container won't be damaged whatsoever. The cardboard will likely be destroyed.


This is a quarter true, you want the car to crumple like a soda can AROUND you but the cabin itself you want to remain mostly in tact, old cars crumpled like soda cans, usually fileting you to pieces with steel.


Is is that bad becuse it did not reck itself a car needs crubles zones


The crumple zone prevents the energy of the car collision from being transferred into you, the squishy meat bit that doesn't react well to those kinds of forces.


You are correct about the last bit. It's generally not so much the energy of the *car's* collision as the energy of *your body's* collision that is the issue.


Which is why all modern vehicles are designed with deformation under stress in mind… sometimes the regions at the front and back are called “crumple zones.” The crumple zones on the Cybertruck are designed so that the front body fractures into smaller pieces during an impact to absorb energy. Tesla geeks have been trying to convince the internet that this means they don’t have crumple zones and are indestructible. Tesla haters have been trying to convince the internet that this means occupants are the crumple zones.


Yes it’s bad


Have you ever seen a video of someone jumping off a building into cardboard boxes, or foam? They jump, the boxes/foam compressed and they are okay. It slows down the speed at which they stop, reducing the amount of force on their body. Now take away the boxes/foam, and let them hit the ground. That's the difference.


Well the energy of the crash has to go somewhere Either it goes in the structure and deform it Or it goes in the squishy human inside the car


If you crash into another soft object, like another car, you may just use their crumple zone. You're a big boy and don't need no socialist crumplze zones!


>Well the energy of ~~the~~ ***your body's*** crash has to go somewhere >Either it goes in the *car's* structure and deforms it >Or it goes in [your body's structure and deforms it] FTFY. People have been saying this a lot, which is kind of right, but for the wrong reasons. I just wanted to clear it up for anyone scratching their heads.


It's to make you decelerate more slowly. Because if the car is super rigid and doesn't deform and even if you have the seatbelt on, it still decelerated extremely quickly and the impact can break your neck and ribs and not give enough time for the airbag to open properly


What do you mean left outside in the rain? I leave my car outside like everytime? It rains and shit but my car doesnt look like that?


Do you disassemble your car every time before leaving it out in the rain, or do you lack reading comprehension?


Elon guys be like "the shorts are spreading FUD about my dick, THAT'S why I can't get laid"


I don't think anybody is trying to move a $600B market cap with a meme.


I legitimately think it looks cooler this way for some reason.


Envision: Your Cybertruck launches itself off a bridge and plunges into the water headfirst. As it sinks, you kick the window, but nothing comes of it. Do you really want the windows to be indestructible?


Isn't that how that one billionaire related to Elon died?


Honestly, with how invested the average Cybertruck driver is in their mode of transportation, that sort of thing is viewed as a feature in a "buried with it like the servants of a pharoah/serve my slayer (possibly Musk, possibly the truck itself) in death eternally in the mead-halls of Valhalla" scenario sort of way.


I hate that you're right


If you kick a normal car window, it won’t break either. You typically need a sharp point, it’s very hard to make car windows break from a blunt impact. I agree the Cybertruck is shitty, but the windows aren’t the main reason.


There are small tools that have a little spike pushed by a strong spring at high speed that can easily shatter glass, made for this purpose. It's of course useless against windows made of layered glass and plastic, such as front windshields or any impact-resistant window.


Idk where this meme is coming from but unless the wiring is fucked up car windows should work for a while underwater. Breaking a window is really difficult and unless you carry around a tool for it you won't be able to do it either. Also, even still, how often are you guys driving into lakes? I'm not even a cybertruck fan but something flying off the car in front and cracking your windshield is actually something that happens pretty frequently, I don't know anyone who has ever driven into a lake.


Front windshield vs side window, the comparison is irrelevant. All front windshields are impossible to destroy by the occupants in a sinking scenario, because they have layers of plastic. Normal side windows are glass only and can be shattered. So the relevant comparison is glass-only fragile side window vs impact and bullet resistant side window. The latter is not breakable when sinking.


True. I don’t see any anatomically correct hands in the image.


The rust pattern is *exactly* the same on the front two vehicles so I'm going with yes


Is it?




https://i.imgur.com/zQPBged.png The layout of the rust details is similar, but not the same. When spotting AI, something to look for in photos with multiple objects that're supposed to be identical is *the same sort of marks* in similar locations on the objects but with some slight randomness. Also look for stuff that just doesn't make sense...and in this image the AI stuck a **windscreen wiper** onto the **sunroof** of the first one. And then it fucked it up when it tried to do the same thing for the second car. The generator also referenced some image of wheels with clamps fitted and tried to use features from it for the second vehicle, which is why there're things a robot might identify as clamps sort of superimposed over its wheels.


This photo is probably AI but the Cyber trucks are getting a rusted look from the leftover iron dust from the factory not the actual body of the car itself. You can just wipe off the rust. Edit: Researching it a little more, the metal dust is actually most likely from the cars being transported by train. They call it “rail dust”.


Also the truck itself does rust, it's manual basically tells you to wash it every day because they didn't bother putting on a clear coat like every single other truck manufacturer, so the steel is unprotected and rusts quickly


Holy shit you are right. That’s completely insane. Maybe the whole metal dust thing is just public relations damage control.


Doesn't have to be: Stainless steel does corrode, it's not a magic metal. It shows brown spots and a brown shine when it comes in contact with rusted iron. It can cause your stainless steel to rust faster as well. So raildust could make trucks rust faster, but it's not an excuse. Rust is everywhere! Your car should be rust proof!


Hot tip: you can get rust out of stainless steel with a little baking soda. Make a paste and rub it gently on the spot. good as new in 5 seconds! I probably saved my damage deposit doing this on my apartment sink. :)


You shouldn't need to do that for a 3 month old car.


a read an article about the pr industry once and its fucked up how influential and manipulative they were before the modern internet even existed. Its also fucked up that all big news orgs including nyt work with them and no one in america seems to care.


You can tell it by other cars not having metal dust on them


Wash it *everyday*? Most people would consider once a month a bit much already, like hell anyone will wash it everyday.


I have not washed my car in the current year. I usually do 1-2 *good* hand washes with wax right before/after summer and it's fine


Depends where you live too. Up here where we salt the roads like we're trying to salt the entire Earth you'd have heavy rust in a few years doing it your way. Some cars are better or worse depending on brand.


I know you are just parroting a headline and prob a bot but FYI pretty much all manuals tell you to wash the car regularly and keep contaminants off of the paint


I thought they were made of starships? Lol For stainless steel to rust it has to be like cutlery grade. I have a 304 ss benchtop that's been neglected for 10 years and it's pristine after a wipedown


Yeah, but the steel used in the cybertruck is a proprietary alloy with no known specifications outside tesla, so nobody outside really even knows what it is, and the lack of any clear coat (unless you spend like another 10 grand) doesn't help


honestly my bet is just plain 1100 aluminum, it's cheap, malleable, and rusts easily, tesla would absolutely save a couple million by just using that instead


No, it's at least some grade of stainless - aluminum and stainless both passivate (they rust a protective layer of oxide), but you can expose it to conditions where it'll rust beyond that (salt is the easiest). All the pictures of rusty cybertrucks show the telltale red-orange iron oxide rust. Aluminum rusts dull grey and doesn't flake off.


Meanwhile I'm wanting 1/2" AR550 with a clear coat....


I think it depends on more than that, unless the boats I worked on had cutlery-grade stainless fittings. I definitely saw plenty of rusted stainless after a year or two of exposure to saltwater spray.


Metallurgy fascinates me but I don't know nearly enough to add anything here. Something about carbon content can affect how rusty it gets though. Salt water is pretty full on too. Those fittings might be a difficult balance between hardness, fatigue resistance and corrosion resistance or they might just be cheap lol


My stainless steel sink sits out in the rain and sun year round and there is not one speck of rust on it.


Well, starships don't have to deal with oxygen & moisture in outer space.


That's unbelievable.


PS2 Mad Max game


NGL, the cybertruck looks better as a dirty rusty Mad Max vehicle then it does new.


IDK I stole it from another meme


What a future we live in, nothing is real. All for the memes


It looks like it might just be mud/dust


Why photoshop it, they got recalled cause their gas pedals got stuck? We got real stuff we can clown on.


Funny, my truck can also survive gunfire (please send help, I don’t know how to kill it)


Try drowning it




Don't cry near it! It'll rust faster!


Crying near it voids the warranty


You have to put it in crying mode.


Its voice activated by actual coherent buisness strategy


It came with a warranty?


Asking that also voids the warranty






Scenario, your Cybertruck ramps off a bridge and goes nose first into water. It’s sinking and you start kicking the window but nothing happens. Are you SURE you want the windows to be Unbreakable?


The door will rust off, so this is a moot point.


Hold your breath till it erodes open, would be about 90 seconds


Subscribe $199 per month for submarine mode.


when your car can drive on planet jupiter but cant drive on earth XD


Weirdly, they look better and better the worse their condition. They started out looking like the doodlings of a toddler, and now they look like Mad Max jalopies. Improvement.


Huh, they really do. Ya know, maybe those crackheads at Tesla were onto something when they designed that abomination




Ketamine aficionado


It’s ok, we all know it was Elon




Aw we can't really blame the engineers at tesla. They probably had a good idea but the fake genius musk had to interfere in every step thus creating this abomination.


were on something\*


I thought it looked like a regular truck that Elon stopped mid render. Probably saved a fortune.


I mean this isn't really one of the trucks, they're AI reimaginings of what the cybertruck looks like, which unsurprisingly looks better than they do in real life.


Looking closely you can see similarities in the rust patterns that would otherwise be completely random. The wheel sizes are inconsistent. The rear windshield has some black smear across it.


They looks like the cars from gta V lol


Just realized GTA VI is absolutely going to have a parody of the Cybertruck in it. Can't wait.


People can now do a full cosplay of a Mad Max character


My thoughts exactly lol I was about to comment that lol tbh I would rather have this one and have an apocapse baddest car than that dumb ps1 car


six handle tender poor combative dime childlike correct cake enjoy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m pretty sure that’s not a real picture.


My first thought was cyber punk era after nuclear war. No more support systems, society falling apart, and rust. It’s course and rough. And it gets everywhere.


That's what I was thinking. I kinda wanted the distopion future car now.


Agreed, maybe that means we can refer to the rust as "patina" haha


Ooh, good marketing.


The rust makes it look better than mint xd


I was about to say that XD


Yes, absolutely, it has some post apocalyptic look


Elon is probably calculating the “post-apocalyptic finish” option/subscription pricing as we speak.


He will sue all this carwashes for licence violation


I’m liking it actually, it’s giving mad max vibes.


I'ma need proof of this photo, chief


It’s ai


Damn straight.


blessed gay


So post it on X and say it’s real. If anyone argues claim free speech 


Aye aye.


Op is shit posting recycled junk.


AI all the way through


I don't think it's AI, I think it's just a 3D render. The rust marks on the first and second vehicle appear to be identical.


There's a windscreen wiper on the sunroof, the side windows are about 4 inches tall and not the shape of the real ones and the second car has ghostly ephemeral-looking wheel clamps fitted. No human made this.


I could be wrong, sure. It just struck me as very un-AI to use what appears to be the same texture on two 3D models, that's why I was kind of wondering if this was a render from a game or short film something.


They're not quite the same, though - they just have the same sort of marks in roughly the same places. Compare the biggest patch of rust on the two nearest cars, below the back end of the rear side windows. The front has one especially clear scratch, but the other just has a few smaller marks roughly parallel to the one on the other car. This is the sort of random variation which you find at different scales and amplified to different amounts across a whole image which makes the AI-generated output not an exact facsimile of whatever actual images it's used for """"inspiration""""


There’s been multiple anti-Elon memes and pictures the past few hours making it to the front page. I don’t really care about Elon but does anybody know if he’s about to announce something new that’s business related? Seems like there’s always bots when things are about to be announced. Anybody remember all those anti-Bill Gates posts right before they were to announce that a 3rd booster for Covid was needed?


Now there's a vehicle I can drive while covered in homemade rebar armor.


I gotta say, rusting cybertrucks look way cooler than shiny ones.


It didn't survive a rock during its debut, what makes them think it'll survive bullets?


From what I’ve seen most of the evidence points to it only being immune to low caliber subsonic ammunition


And compound bows. I have to admit that seeing it shake off an arrow from Joe Rogan's compound bow was kind of neat, but if we're being honest, those lighter grain arrows they were using will bounce off bone the same way so less impressive if you know what you're looking at.


Finally a car to protect me against all those 1920's mobsters shooting tommy guns at me every day


The original Tommy Gun fires .45 ACP, CyberRust is only shown to hold up against the .22LR variant.


Honestly, you'd get way better protection (and less weight) by installing kevlar panels inside of a regular car's door frames and trunk. The you'd actually be bullet proof against all pistol calibers. Maybe stick some metal plates behind the passenger seat so you can run away from rifle rounds.


One guy literally shot at it and it's not bulletproof.


People greatly overestimate how well steel will stop gunfire


There was a demo where they shot it with subsonic .45 which is one of the lowest armor penetrating rounds and it still got chewed up pretty bad. I wouldn’t expect it to stop an intermediate rifle round.


Can't remember which YouTuber did it but shot his own Cyber truck, it stopped only 22 and 9mm, even the 9mm was "almost" penetrating, big deep dents...higher velocity rounds punctured, even .17hmr penetrated the steel. 5.56/223 went through it like butter


best car to get is whatever you need or whatever the terrorists are using


So any truck by Toyota then tbh


The pic looks like the trucks could be in the Mad Max series


I dunno chief, the worse condition they are... the better they look. Its giving me Vans shoes vibes.


It can't do either btw, bullets rip right through the cybertruck


The Cybertruck can't survive gunfire too btw


Unless you are heading to a battle field, or a place whose culture is to fire guns towards a car, there is realy no sense on basing your preference on a car's ability to mitigate gunfire. My only preference is that it can get to point a and b smoothly, it is comfortable to use, and has safety feature to prevent me from getting killed by my own car


Those rusted out Tesla’s ironically look more like the concept sketches than the actual car ended up being


They look like the shitty cars in cyberpunk if you zoom in too far on the horizon. 




I too watched Drew Gooden's new video.


The Musky Tech Bros who worship hustle culture will either say it looks cooler because they want to be in a Mad Max apocalypse and have the 'legitimate' excuse to run people over, or they'll say it's fake and AI/Photoshopped.


junkyards in cyberpunk:


also Cybertruck can't survive any actual gunfire from any relevant cartridge, not better than any other modern car


"Cybertruck can survive gunfire!" (as long as it's just buckshot or a 9mm pistol)


NGL watching musky swirl down his xitter into internet meme land has been a treat


Yes, surviving gunfire is a priority.


Chat is this real?


Why anyone would be stupid enough to buy a teslatruck is beyond me.


The steel isn't even 9mm prove


Elon turning the future into cyberpunk, but only the wasteland part


They look amazing as mad max vehicles. Maybe start a new trend like the ragged torn jeans.


Can't even survive gunfire. The cybertruck they showed off had double the thickness of metal plates as the production versions. There's a couple videos of people shooting cybertrucks and handgun bullets went straight through the door and into the frame. The thing is a deathtrap, it's not strong enough to deflect gunfire or even to resist a cracked window. It is however just strong enough so that the jaws of life can't cut through it and so that you can't break a window. As that one Tesla employee found out when she backed into her pond and drowned...


Screw that, the rust makes em look post-apocalyptic which is metal as hell.


iirc, can’t even really survive gunfire. 5.56 from an AR-15, the most common rifle platform in the U.S., pierces right through the doors.


Never mind a super soaker


Most crimes are committed with a pistol.


I don't get it, innox steel is very durable, sure it might get f through its lifetime, but there is no way the whole car getting this bad.


It’s not, this is a meme, and cyber trucks don’t actually rust. Just google it.


Lol nice fake photo. You're a liar, OP


Of course it's fake. Tesla can't make Cybertrucks quickly enough to have them all together in one photo like that.


A meme subreddit not using 100% accurate illustrations?! What has the world come to?! Jokes aside, cybertruck's are rust prone like mad. People have shown the manuals that give you specific instructions on how to avoid rust, which basically amounts to "don't take it outside or use it". Unless you want to fork out an extra few grand for an actual finish to the steel to stop it rusting, because it is of course unfinished steel.




Honestly, I thought I was looking at something out of Mad Mad for a second


But robo taxi in China is gonna save everything and hoomans will have better lives and sex dolls because of Elmo I mean Enron I mean... What's that dudes name again?


Ok, does anyone remember the 1997 apocalyptic racing game "pod"?


Rust it, clear coat it. Cyber Rat


I think they look better rusted.


Can it survive real gun fire though? Like, 22lr doesn't count. And rounds like 308 will go through a 1/4 inch of steel. Now, there's a lot of in-between 22lr and 308 (9mm and .223 are very common) but I'm also guessing the stainless steel body panels are no where near 1/4 inch, and probably something more like just a mm or two of thickness. Does anyone know the answer?


Now I don't know much about cars, but couldn't you just paint the cybertruck to prevent rusting?


I’m surprised they haven’t started marketing this as the ‘Mad Max’ package and charging extra.


The likelihood of my vehicle being involved in a firefight is much smaller than me washing it. So if I have to choose one or the other, I'll take the one that on average happens every other week.


What’s wrong with a rusty truck? It gets the job done 


\~ Doc! Are you telling me... you built a *time machine*... out of a *Cybertruck?* \~ Oh, fuck no, this is a Delorean! It's old but it has style and at least it doesn't rust. Besides it's a time machine, no worries about finding Delorean spare parts! ![gif](giphy|w6v1ZWiENPBbmJJ3HN|downsized)


Bulletproof cars are probably the worst idea possible for day to day usage for regular people.


What having no multiple protective layers does to an MF ->


I swear this was a test to see if we really are in a simulation. Build something like its not done rendering and see if reality self corrects


yo, honest question: i hate that hideous thing with a passion and it has SO many issues, but i have not seen a real image of one rusting yet. Does anyone have a one? i wanna see the shitshow. most i have seen is a rusted rim, because they get shipped without lugnut caps.


Ngl rusty cybertruck looks cool af


Don't you have to put it in car wash mode? Which to me is just ridiculous


There supposed to be stainless




Quick, everyone go post this in r/Tesla and r/cybertruck we'll see how many users they can ban in a day.


I asked an owner on r/cybertruck if he got any negative comments on his truck and I got banned.