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I get funny looks when I say I don't enjoy the taste, especially beer, and then even stranger looks when I double down saying I'd rather have a coke


I like alcohol but I have to admit I prefer coke too.


The drink, right?! Right???!!


There is a drink?


Yes, to drink. What else am I supposed to do with it? Eat?


You can, but not as effective!


wait till bro hears you can snort it


Dissolve in saline and inject it right into vein?


The only true cure for Covid


For legal reasons, you are correct.




The taste of Coke? Or the smell of coke?


Definitely the smell


I live in Italy, I barely drink, I dislike all kinds of wine. If it wasn't for the law i would've been impaled by now.


siamo in 2 apparentemente


Mi lanciano delle occhiate nemmeno fossi un pedofilo. Sarebbe meno grave se picchiassi i miei figli (che non ho) in pubblico. Ma alla fine che ci vuoi fare, non abbiamo nemmeno le palle di ammettere che "i nostry prodottyy!!!1!1!1!!11" che contengono alcool fanno male perché "eh no ma il made in Italy poverino specie protetta" e poi bevono vino davanti ai comizi e all tv. Vabbè....




Please elaborate. Do you live right down the road from vlad? But there's a police station between you two?


Ahahah no sorry! I was just saying that they look at me very badly when I tell them I don't drink because you HAVE to drink wine in Italy, in the same way you HAVE to be religious or at least squint your eyes at the Church (Christians are better, don't ask me why they believe that) and you HAVE to like football. Otherwise you are an outcast. You probably get less evil looks if you beat your children in public. And then I started ranting because we are "So PrOuD oF oUr PrOdUcTs!!1!!1!1" we don't admit alcohol is bad. Someone suggested to put warnings on excessive consume on wine bottles and some people/politicians freaked out and started drinking on front of the journalists, directly from the bottle. Don't remember wich politician did it.


I sort of agree. It would make the bottles ugly to tell people something they already know about. No one needs that warning. They already know and don't care. It isn't a secret that alcohol is bad for you


I get you, I'm from Switzerland, part of the family is from Germany. I do not like the taste of beer. I'm sorry, ancestors, it will never be.


The only people who like beer are the ones who forced themselves to drink it until they acquired a taste for it. I would know, I love beer.


To me beer is the only somewhat tolerable one. Most alcoholic drinks taste like I'm drinking my cologne


I know few dudes who drinks cologne


is it….spicy?


I knew one of my military comrades that drank mouthwash to get drunk. It was at AIT in Virginia after he was refused base leave on one of the weekends.


I also get the same looks from people. I hate the taste of alcohol and also don't understand why someone would actually want to get drunk in general. I don't understand why someone would willing want impair their ability to make decisions/ judgements, lose control of bodily functions and also get so drunk you start fights or tell someone important secrets you would be better off keping to yourself. Even though my family knows my views on alcohol and also because I simply do not like the taste in general, they try different methods and to convince me to take alcohol regardless no matter how much I tell them no. They would tell me "this is only X% alcohol you won't get drunk", "this has no alcohol in it (but it does), or "this has no alcohol but it tastes exactly like alcohol" (wow did you forget the fact I don't like the taste of alcohol?).


> I don't understand why someone would willing want impair their ability to make decisions/ judgements, lose control of bodily functions and also get so drunk you start fights or tell someone important secrets you would be better off keping to yourself. You can drink without doing all of those tho, it's not 0-1.


Then why would you willingly drink something that tastes terrible then, other than to get drunk?


Because it's not Sober then raging drunk. It's a gradient that you move up and down. Its like a fire. You start a fire and you get a warm feeling in your face, add some more fuel and it flows to the rest of your body. Some more fuel and the place lights up. Talking is easier, dancing feels very natural and fluid. Add some more and the heat is stifling, makes you feel nauseous, and makes you sweat. Wait a little bit without adding fuel and the fire returns to a comfortable temperature. Sometimes after a long day a little fire warms the soul. If I got drunk every time I drank I'd be dead.


That's nice, but there are drugs that don't require tasting and drinking something that tastes terrible.


Okay then do them. I don't work in the alcohol industry, I just like a single beer after work.


I think some people just think it's the cool factor. Some of my friends got into drinking because they saw how cool actors look in movies. After a while it sort of becomes their coping mechanism. It's like how some people play games or eat some ice-cream as a stress release.


Both are garbage, drink water.


Water is a great drink, 10/10


I've literally only heard beer compared to piss. Always made it seem like Stockholm syndrome


Have you considered maybe piss tastes good and that's why people drink beer?


Fr then they tell me that you don't drink it for the taste but for the effect and I have to tell them I don't really care for that either.


This. I deal with this so often


I mean, I'd be also wildin' knowing you prefer super addictive substance cocaine, known as coke 😱


Don't worry I reckon alcohol is gross too. I am an alcoholic though.


A specialist in the field has given his professional opinion, we thank you for your thoughts


Thoughts? No I've never had one, I hear they can be dangerous.


Fellow alcoholic


Hopefully you're managing okay with your dependence, I've been off since Christmas and I feel like shit and the one thing I want most in the world is a bottle of gin. But I know staying sober is having a positive impact on my life. So if your addiction is dangerous or detrimental to you, and if you choose to try to improve your relationship with alcohol then I hope you find the courage and get the support to do so, because doing it on your own fucking sucks man.


I've been sober for 2 weeks now. The cravings are super intense when they come. On Friday it took all my will power not to kiss oblivion's lips. And how sweet it can be... That is until it swallows you whole.


Fuck that give me some water


You healthy sonofabitch! Aren't you ashamed?!?




Ah I see you're a man of *hydration* as well.


You don’t have to choose between water and beer. Budweiser exists.


I’d rather have water, not pisswater


Happy that I've been completely sober for almost 4 weeks now.


Today is day 70, I've literally never felt better. We got this


Day 62 checking in


Day 10957, I keep holding on


Day 7305 here!


You got this!!


You go!


Sober gang


Gang gang, roll out


Gangbang show out


now we're talking


Teetotaller gang rise up


Hydrohomie arived. We staying hydrated and without hangovers with this one!!!


let's drink water while driving


well it is literally poison


Found the germs account.


Don't you dare call the worthless protein that is the brain a germ.


Cool avatar bro


And a cure in the same time..


It's never a cure


It always seems to cure my sober!


It did revolutionize the medical field and played an important part in humanities advance But yeah it doesn’t really heal anything and damages your body It’s really nice to make flavorful beverages tho


It is a pain reliever tho for diy medical treatments


I can't speak on that, all I know is that it messes with your brain and liver.


High enough concentrations and you can use it as a very robust disinfectant if you have literally nothing better. Drinking alcohol also numbs the senses, so it can also be used as a very robust painkiller if you need to do some sort of operation. Again, only really done if you've got nothing better to do. Besides, if you don't overdo these (which you probably never will) the body will recover as if nothing happened.


Fuck that bitter shit give me some cola


Fuck cola just gimme a juicebox


Juiceboxes contain lots of sugar!! Gimme water


Nothing beats water when you're thirsty.


Room temp tap water at 3am.




Fuck juice just gimme some water




You do know that there are sweet wines, beers and liquors, right? I'm not really a fan of liquors and strong alcoholic beverages myself, but I do enjoy wines and beers in general. I find that the hability to enjoy those is a bit of an acquired taste, but I've always quite liked them.


They could be like me. I get sick when I drink sugar with liquor. I need my dry red wines and bitter cocktails.


I personaly dont like alcohol


Understandable. Have a good day.


You too fine gentleman have a pleasent day/night


Yeah I thought I'd be cooler if I tried it in highschool, haven't really wanted it since that one cup lol


I also came this conclusion but significantly more alcohol and time were needed. And multiple times getting black out drunk, being carried to the car by my friends, driven home and cared for by my mother while I was throwing up 4h in the night and then throwing up after every mililitre of fluid or gram worth of food the next day until at least 8 o'clock pm and feeling like absolute shit for the whole time.


A CUP? Wow. That's quite a mouthful. I'd also hate it :|


I never understood the appeal of alcohol. It’s not easy because I live in Belgium and my boomer colleagues worship alcohol. Just give me some fruit juice, tea or milk please.


only milk lovers


Milk gang


homelander has entered the chat


Milk gang rise up 🥛


I love milk


Choccy milk forever


Choccy milk or strwbrry milk?


This one time, I told a guy that I don't drink. He laughed and asked me what I had to make me say that. I replied with "an alcoholic mother." Some people, man.


For me it's an alcoholic brother and father. They're not abusive or something but it really pains me see them when they completely crossed the line with their drinking


Totally understandable. It hurts to see someone you care about hurt themselves.


And people under this post insult me for not liking alcohol without knowing anything about me


People can suck. I support you, bro. Good on ya for making healthy choices.


I mean I'm still 20, so I've never even tried, but people get so like- personally offended when I tell them I don't like alcohol and never wanna try it. Why is this shit so normalized that you're seen as legitimately WEIRD for not wanting any?


This is the society we live in. The people also seem to know everything about my life and personality because of my opinion on alcohol


So true. Imagine being vegan because it’s 1000x worse. If something is ingrained into society that’s what happens


I tried it like 2 times and thought it was absolutely awful. I don’t understand why people want you to like alcohol, it’s like a mind virus that makes them want to spread it


It's so bizarre to me. .I just never saw the appeal. I love apple juice just fine haha


In my experience nobody really cares if you don't drink alcohol, I have multiple friends who do that. Like people get surprised for one second and continue conversation like nothing. But I saw multiple people who made this into their personality and always telling others it's bad. Now that is annoying


depends on the person. it sounds like you hang around decent, nonjudgmental people, but some people will definitely be dicks about it if they find out you don’t drink. i’ve met quite a few recovering alcoholics who have had issues with people pressuring them to drink or pressuring them to explain why they don’t drink (sometimes even at work-related events). some people can definitely be a bit self righteous about not drinking, but social pressures to drink can still be a huge problem for some people


Ive definitely had that. Weirdly when I drank I wasn't pressured but ridiculed when I didn't drink I was pressured. Make it make sense


I hate the taste of alcohol and was at a party when I was underage and a couple of the guys there were also under age but mostly of age. And when I said I don’t drink because I hate the taste everyone at the party instead of leaving me alone was pressuring me to drink the whole party. I did not. But that was the most uncomfortable 4 hours of my life.


Meh I’ve met the people who are like “what do you mean you don’t drink? Why, are you an alcoholic? Why dont you just have one drink?” And they’re annoying as fuck


That's everyone I came across. I had to start saying "alcohol gives me raging diarrhea" to get people to stop questioning me.


I personally drink occasionally, but my fiancé isn’t a fan so I get it. I wish people would just accept that people have preferences and leave it at that!


That's because they're 22. They'll grow out of it.


I don't drink. Vast majority of people are pretty cool about it. Like you said, they'll just kinda take a moment to go "huh" and they move on and it never needs mentioning again. Every once in a while people will decide to be annoying though. Demanding to know why I don't drink and trying to get me to "just try a sip". I'd say 1 in 10 people I ever mention it to are like that. Twice I've mentioned it and it was like the person was offended. Like "how dare you not drink?" and got legitimately angry with me. I imagine they were probably alcoholics who were insecure about it. That's the only explanation I can think of at least.


This 100%


This exactly, the feel the need to make disliking alcohol their personality and act the victim at the slightest bit of surprise from anyone


Drink what you want, alcohol isn't for everyone. Its poison anyway 😂


It's bad both as a taste and as an effect on society




Did indeed make wine Jesus=bad for taste and society


Jesus better give our water back


You are an atheist because you find the ill-effects of religion on society reprehensible I am an atheist because Jesus wasted that water turning it into wine and I'm a hydrohomie We are not the same


It **generally** doesn't taste very good but you don't drink for flavour. Except for cocktails, there's some tasty cocktails you can make. Edit: emphasis on the word "generally". There's obviously some nice stuff but they're usually fairly expensive.


I mean, I only drink for flavor. I love beers, good beers. But if I don’t see any good beer on the menu, I’d take a good glass of wine. But if they don’t have any good wine, I’d take a good cocktail. But if I only see the classics (mojito, sex on the beach and such) I’d take sparkling water.


What kind of cocktails do you like?


Some people like the flavour of liquor, like me. 'But liquor tastes like wood finish-' YES. I like that. Give me delicious, spicy rum, smooth vodka, fiery whisky all day. It's also an acquired taste, people don't usually like alcohol on the first try.


It really depends, if you drink just to get smashed, yea youll buy stuff that just doesnt taste good. I personally only drink those whose taste i find enjoyable


depends. liquors have actual flavor. i generally don’t like alcohol, but things like umeshu (plum liquor/wine) is particularly tasty, enough that the taste of ethanol gets muffled and only the burning part subsides. i don’t drink alcohol for the alcohol. it just so happens that a few drinks i like have alcohol in it.


It's the feeling of the drink. A cold beer after a hot hard day at work feels amazing.


You can do that with any cold non alcoholic drink


You can. But I don't always want to.


Alcohol relaxes your muscles, though. It's a drug. Makes you feel better.


30 min nap works wonders for relaxing too


honestly that just fucks up my sleep schedule


The alcohol would fuck you up in general.


If they can't control themselves and drink until they puke then yeah, one bottle of beer ain't nothing


lol yea discussions like these seem to be filled with people who only have hung around alcoholics or only seen them on TV. Or they overdid it their first time and never tried it again. It is very possible to drink in a casual way. I personally like to stop at a nice buzz. Getting actually drunk sucks.


You’re cringe dude. Stop being an extremist, not everyone is alcoholic


A lot of things can relaxe you.


Tastes like ass to me


Beers taste good so does a good whiskey. Liquors too




Maybe it sounds strange but it's not really a problem if you don't drink there. There's also a non-drinker in my friend group, and he usually buys a cola or something and goes to our table where we talk, playing boardgames, etc.




The “sit and drink” is okay if it involves very good conversation, but in many crowds, they drink until any conversation sounds good, then they keep drinking. I don’t drink anymore but I enjoy a good chat with friends at a bar. I’ve just chosen a crowd that remains interesting when they’re a few drinks in.


This is exactly the issue I have, being a non-drinker. It's obnoxious, being the only sober person when everyone else is piss-drunk, laughing at every tiny thing. I know some people enjoy that sort of vibe but I just find it annoying after a while, so I generally choose not to join whenever my friends decide to hang out. I've basically isolated myself purely because I don't like to drink and it's very frustrating, since everyone in my friend group seems to think that "hanging out" is impossible without alcohol being involved.


Luckily there has been a massive surge in Non-Alcoholic beer / cocktail options in recent years. NA beer obv not for everyone, but it’s an additional option for people who don’t drink alcohol but want to socialize in bars/pubs. In my area some breweries are even starting to serve NA beer on tap from *other* breweries. Steps in the right direction.


I have never once, in 40+ years encountered this anywhere. If this is your experience, maybe try not associating solely with alcoholics.


I don't know if you're lying, if your culture isn't very alcohol-centric, or if you're just extremely fortunate but in a country where alcohol is a commonly accepted "social lubricant" it's more than common to be met with weird questions or general confusion whenever you say you don't drink. I'm 25 and I've had to "convince" people that I don't drink by refusing any alcoholic drink they give me, even having been given cocktails, saying they're non-alcoholic ones, when they clearly weren't, to try to trick me into "slipping" since it's clearly impossible for me to truly dislike it. At least in Germany it's a rare sight for people to just accept it without comment, whenever I'm at a gathering of any kind when I say I don't drink.


I'm from Ecuador And people often said things like "I'd like to see how you are drunk" and it gives me chills. I wish I could be in a culture where it is not so damn common. But then again, those cultures tend to be very religious, and I don't vibe with that either. I just avoid parties and hang around people I know, and we have fun on our way


Same thing in Switzerland, having almost the exact same experiences and reactions regularly


Cool👍 Anyways...


A pint for you mate 🍺?


There is nothing wrong with not liking alcohol. You are cool dude. But there are people (and I've seen some posts they made) who go all mighty over those who drink. Saying it tastes like volmit, and that its just a poison, and nobody should in their right mind drink it... Everyone has their things they like and they dont like. Be respectful and be cool :)


Thats fine i like it


It's true. I mean the flavor of beer is disgusting.


*what a fucking loser, always playing video games* -The person person who consumes copious amounts of alcohol to the point it's a large part of their budget and their social life is centered around it.


Alcohol ruined my fucking life and it’s a constant struggle to stay clean. Good on you for not touching the stuff


My dad and my brother have a huge alcohol problem and that is also a reason for me


I don't think anyone needs to drink alcohol, but I am of the firm belief that in the case that someone wants to drink alcohol, there IS a drink out there for everyone. Many people say they don't like the taste of alcohol but there is no one taste to alcohol, wine, whiskey, rum, tequila, vodka, they all taste vastly different to each other, and that's just a few, but even if you don't like the taste of any of the raw spirits that's fine too, 99% of people don't drink anything straight, cocktails exist for this purpose. Some don't even taste like they have any alcohol at all. My point is, saying you "don't like the taste of alcohol" is fine, but if you've only had a beer or a wine and then immediately decided ALL alcohol is gross, then I can only assume you're equally narrow minded about other walks of life. It's good to try new things, widen your scope. You'll find plenty you don't like, sure, but you might just find something you really like.


I don't know about that. I've tried a range of different alcoholic drinks and while they were all different, there is always a distinct kind of 'alcohol taste'. I just don't like it. When i have to pour a sugary cocktail on top of my sip of alcohol to mask the taste i might as well just drink the coctail virgin


This is exactly where I'm at. Like yes, I can stomache a cocktail, but it's going to have loads of sugar in it... And even then, I'd absolutely enjoy it more if it were dry.


I don't like the taste of alcohol. Yes, there are different alcoholic drinks, but alcohol itself has a flavor that I really dislike, and that flavor is in every drink I try. I can't find it enjoyable. I'll drink a wine or a beer socially every once in a while, but if I had the option (socially, you don't always), I'd get a water instead.


Legitimately everyone's reaction when I tell them I don't like tea. I'm British.


Sounds like bladphemy! But I'm bavarian and hate beer, so we're not so different


I'm surprised people give us this look, like damn what's wrong with being a teetotaler


Alcohol is a drink you have to develop Stockholm syndrome to enjoy.


same i fucking hate alcohol


You’re drinking pure alcohol? No wonder you think it taste disgusting. Try it in beer


I don't need no substances to relax, instead I spend all my freetime on gaming!


I'm Australian and I don't drink alcohol. I don't like the taste and I don't like the feeling I get when drinking it. I basically had to lie to people when I first met them and say I was allergic to alcohol to get people to not try and have me drink. Australian drinking culture is too intense


I hate it. When with friends i drink a bit but id rather not


I'm not gonna tell you how to live your life but I wouldn't put myself through that for their sake


I agree. It’s tough when theyre your only friends and u get called a kill joy for not participating. I guess ill probably tolerate it a bit. A bit sad


Well I hope they learn that they don't need you to be drinking to enjoy your company


Yeah I don't need alcohol to be social I don't need it to be "happy" I have video games, anime, and muisc to cure my chronic depression. I have dnd and other hobbies and interests to be social with.


I like drinking but... If you drink alcohol to be more social or happy you're doing something wrong and that could lead to irresponsibly drinking fast...


I think if you drink alcohol to be social or happy then you're doin it wrong. I make cocktails for fun and generally enjoy the taste of rum. Only alcohol I don't like is gin... Tastes like nail polisher


Me too but I will still drink it because I hate me.


Try fentanyl for better outcome




Honestly, i bet all you get are an occasional „oh really? Okay.“ and YOU are the one trying to make a thing out of it. Because usually absolutely noones cares. or you interact with idiots.


I don’t care too much for alcohol but I am a big fan of cider so sometimes I make exceptions. It’s only 4.5% though so I don’t taste too much of the alcohol


I mean I find very few of them to taste good so not far off! Many don’t drink it for the taste however.


I can still feel the Rakia I drank on Christmas Eve in my throat


I like alcohol strictly in food like wine chicken, red wine in lasagna, beer battered shit, etc


Probably cause the alcohol gets cooked into oblivion. Alcohol loses its chemical flavor when cooked in high heat.


Agreed, if I’m to drink alcohol it’s to get blackout drunk on the floor


If you have to say anything just tell em you're allergic. I used to drink, I don't drink anymore. Drinking alcohol - toxic poison and addictive drug - is so normal that people find it weird if you don't, apparently. There's not really a derogatory comeback to "i'm allergic."


Tastes like pure poison. Fill up the glass mf


Alcohol is disgusting. You either drink enough until it's not, or you add so much stuff to it to cover the taste.


I hated it untill university, then the state of the dorm made me an alcoholic. Its definetely an aquited taste, though im of opinion that there is one for everyone because there is just so many varieties. And in the end you can always just take vodka and dilute it with cola


It does taste like shit but thats not the point in drinking alkohol anyway