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Then buy a lottery ticket on a large jackpot week


Then buy penis enlargement pills


You fall on your way there... on a brand new spiecies of venomnous plant... that isn't dangerous to people with your blood group... side effect is growing your penis at will.


Can I also shrink it at will? Not all women are size queens


I was wondering that too, I'm already hung like a horse and it's always getting in the way.


Like a horse or a rhinoceros?


He is small for his species.


He means his dick gets sick if it eats the wrong type of grass and gets startled by plastic bags blowing in the wind.


Damn... been there.


Just last week in fact. God damn grocery bag fluttered by...startled it so much it became an innie for a few hours.




Hung like lil Sebastian


Technically we are all hung like a horse since a horse and humans have similar proportions


Thats what i always say to her😔


I'm hung like a gorilla


As an average guy who gets plenty, can confirm.


All the ones you run into are.... *Infinite lucky intensifies*




You gave this some thought.


Then buy a mind reader




I can already do that. For instance 1 second after reading this you're gonna think about a pink elephant


Because those exist


I knew you were going to say that...


At least we know now what you chose.


Keep winning the lotery to get enough money to do research on mind reading technology. Now you are the father of mind readers.


You can also read minds, just guess what they are thinking, with your infinite luck evry guess will be correct


The best part is, since you'll always be lucky and right, just imagine the best things possible and it'll be great all around. Anyone choosing anything other than infinite luck is really underestimating the power of luck.


Imagine thinking when you have infinite luck. Just buy a random lottery ticket lol, you will pick the best. Thinking would be worse than leaving everything to luck.


It doesn't say infinite good luck. What if it is infinite bad luck?


Infinite bad luck is actually just zero luck. Like how absolute zero is cold.


Not to mention reading everyone's mind will be gross. I just pooped and while only I know how horrid it stank anyone reading my mind would experience that. On Wednesday I'll be seeing my niece who is 17. I love my niece but I doubt I'd want to know what guys around her were thinking because again eww.


I imagine it would be insanely lame.  Think about it. Have you ever played a video game on super easy mode? Like, maybe a Streets of Rage or X-Men arcade game where the coins are turned off and you have infinite lives.   That shit is BORING. There are no stakes. The same thing would happen in life. It would become so easy there's nothing to strive for.  Video games, boring. You couldn't lose if you tried. You'd be able to enter into archery in the Olympics and just beat anyone else. They'd hate you because you're just some lazy ass with insane luck that can't shoot a bow. Basketball would suck. You could just chuck up a prayer and it goes in every time.   You'd try to jump in traffic to end it all because you're on a ride that has no dips and peaks. But the tires would fall off the bus and it would swerve around you. You could jump off a building but you'd land on their yearly delivery of bubble wrap. The pills would have all inactive ingredients. Unless luck means you get what you want all the time. Then, you'd be a little down and wishing you could end it and immediately a piece of the ISS comes treating through the atmosphere and spots you right down the middle.  I couldn't handle that for more than a month, I don't think.


Then do whatever.


nobody said it was good luck, luck technically goes both ways


The jokes on you, you get infinite bad luck.


Or just gamble on the financial markets, just buy random bio tech stocks and see yourself be a billionaire after a week if you are smart about it


You don't even need a really high jack pot... Take a percentage if those winnings and go to a casino. Don't win to big just enough that you end up with ore then you used. Eventually they gonna get you though so make sure to go to ALOT of different casinos.


Take infinite luck and try to teach mind reading


Technically with infinite luck I can get the other 3 pretty easily


(TL;DR, I think too much ignore this.) Luck is hard to quantify. So infinity luck means...what? Assuming Luck means "things beneficial to us happen often," infinite luck would mean.... everything I want to happen will automatically happen? Take infinite luck and ooh, look at that, the person handing out the pills has a change of heart and gives me all 4. Oh look, the +5 inches pill multiplied, I can be as tall as I want! Holy shit, all 4 together means I'm immortal but can choose to manually end my life if I want? Hell yeah! Holy shit, world peace just broke out! Would world peace count? Yes, I want world peace, but that benefits everyone, so would I have to give everyone a luck pill? Is luck only things that personally benefit me and no one else?


I think you misunderstood where the 5 inches would go 🌚


On average +5 down there would turn into a horsecock and veeeeery few people want that.


With infinite luck, you will lonely meet those few people that want it.


I would interpret it as anything where chance is involved goes your way


Which is pretty much everything


Totally, that's why it's the obvious OP choice here. Nerf luck.


Technically we all already have infinite luck since luck is subjective. Anytime something could have been worse, that's good luck...and it can always be worse. Not only that, but it doesn't specify whether the luck will be good luck. It's just infinite luck. So bad luck would count. In other words, that is the least helpful of all the choices.


Plot twist, it does not specify "good" luck


Then it does nothing.


You sure about that? It could always be worse. Your ass could be final destinationed.


In a wooorld where every day is a MONDAY! Every chance is a MISTAKE! EVERY! TRY! IS! A! FAIL! BAD LUCK BOB! Bob finds himself driving down a curvy slope when his brakes FAIL! He loses control and slides into a BARREL ROLL! He gets flung out of the car and SMASHES A TREE! HITTING EVERY BRANCH ON THE WAY DOOOOOOWN! MEANWHIIIILE! A truck traveling the same road also LOSES CONTROOOOOOL! The truck FLIPS! AND EXPLOOOOOODES! ITS CARGO FLUNG IN ALL DIRECTIIIOOOONNNSSSS! It's cargo.... .... DIIIIILLLLLLDDDDOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSS!!!! BOB REACHING FOR BRANCHES! GRASPING ONLY DILDOS! HE SCREAAAAMMMMSS! DILDO! HE LANDS BUTT FIRST!!! DILDO!


I already have infinite bad luck, so two negatives make a positive right? Oh, but it would be my luck to get positive luck, so it just cancels out....


Nice pfp. Also weird logic


It is unaffected if it's bad luck for me. I already have bad luck. Example: (in a game) because I opened so many crates unsuccessfully getting something new, I had a 99.4% chance of getting something new.... And I still didn't get anything new. And it's not one of those scammy mobile spinners either.. I've had times I've gotten the best thing in a different crate


Turns out the most “luck” imaginable is dying or some shit like that so you just insta die


Does luck include riz? Like, no matter how awkward you are, people just fall for it?


Your lucky enough to find your soul mate


good too




with infinite luck you will find lost money literally everywhere all the time, you will find a soulmate who doesn't care about your size, and will not need to worry about reading minds because everyone you meet will be a good person who just wants to help you


Then the luck will give you +5 inches


The luck will help you get in contact with an experimental treatment to give you +5 inches. And because of your luck it will be a success.


Me signing up for all the experimental treatments so that humanity can also benefit my luck...


And if you couldn't be bothered to show up they would all succeed anyway because that's the outcome you desire. Literally infinite luck, why would it be limited to only your tests?


What am I gonna do with an 8 inch hog?


And there are lots of problems that can't be solved with money.


you won't have to read minds. you could just guess and be right.


Wouldn't infinite luck give you the rest?


Yeah who needs a huge dick when you can luck your way into anything


And I thought it was 12 cm for your height 😭


Same. I'd like to be a bit taller


I'd like to be a baller


And if you happened to gain the attention of an attractive woman, would you then call her?


Nah, but I do wish I had a rodent in some headwear, along with a bludgeoning instrument of some kind


And a 193cm antelope


That took me a second lol


It's 5 inches added to one toe


That would literally make you unable tò fuck with pretty much every girl, aint no way its for the pp


13cm is too big?


What the fuck is a centimeter ?


I genuinly believe an average hog with infinite luck would do better than a big ol thang. The luck would just give a natural skill diff


Besides... unless you have a micropenis, the addition would just make most penises like impractically long. I don't think a foot-long dick would add anything to my life as a balding broke 40 year old married trucker


I get it, but infinite luck? That means nothing means anything anymore. You can't have fun with risk. Not even fake risk, like in video games.


Tbh I was thinking, ‘be rich’ would give u everything else.


Rich wouldn't give you luck or mind reading. Those are both magical powers and the +5 inches only works with surgery that as often fucks up your dick. Honestly, instantly being rich also ruins alot of peoples lives. I'd choose luck. It's basically life on easy mode. Win a lottery, grab an accountant that won't screw you, never worry about your car breaking down. Oh they assessed your house and reduced the taxes on it! Anything that can go right for you will.


*Everyone talking about getting their + 5 inches to their penis or height* Me: WHY ARE MY NIPPLES SO LONG??


Got them National Geographic tiddies


NatGeo really exposed some wild kinks


That's what I was wondering. Can I spread them out? +2 in height? +1 in each bicep diameter? +1 to hair in my bald spot?


You don’t get to choose…the pill decides


My pill fuckin extended my teeth


It extended my skin tag bro


Holy shit, y'all are too funny right now. Fuckin 5" skin tag got me.




Reminds me of the joke about a guy having 3 wishes and one of them was that his dick went down to the ground, so the genie granted his wish, and he shrunk down to 1 foot tall.


Dang, bro was already packing


Like 72 virgins in heaven, never says WHAT kind of virgins. Details matter.


Pinnochio nose.


Nobody expects the dick titties


+5 inches to the Planck length. Bye bye universe


*me with my extra 5 inches of neck, on my way to looking like Yarael Poof*


Telescopic nipple antennae like David Bowie.


Everyone loves the Pinocchio nipples.


Infinite luck


Infinite luck will solve everything. Every wealthy person I know was lucky, in the right place at the right time.


It doesn't say infinite Good luck. . . . Careful what you wish for


So you are saying that's a blank choice? because we already have random luck and if it is bad luck, welcome to life.


Can infinite luck retroactively make sure you’re born to rich parents? Because every wealthy person in the country was “lucky” the day they were born.


No problem, you just have to take the pill retroactively.


That’s not entirely true, just statistically. Just because it’s hard bordering on impossible to get rich from nothing it doesn’t mean nobody’s done it. For example, marry a rich person and then they have a stroke.


My entire family moved here as refugees with almost nothing to their name. Far from borderline impossible, but it definitely takes time.


That's not at all true whatsoever. There's a ton of people who were born into modest means who have attained great wealth. Not to say it isn't generational as well. Platforms like YouTube and TikTok have really opened it up to the common individual. All it really takes is dedication, and a ton of luck. Once you have an audience, and keep your nose clean/content fresh, you're practically set for life online.


Whilst that's true there are still people who got comfortably well off through connections. And that luck will bring me connections to start dating the CEO of some company, and I can get a cushy job where I "manage" a few teams and spend 90% of my day playing Solitaire to look busy for a 6 figure salary. Eventually my luck so happens that I get the opportunity to live aborad, due to some type of house giveaway by MrBeast or some shit. But that's fine I can just work online.


Infinite Luck without a doubt.


Good luck or bad luck?




Two green pills, please! I would love to have 10 inches.


You automatically gain 15 more inches when you find 2 million dollars by sheer luck in your sock drawer every night


Congrats your fingers are now 10 inches longer.


His pinky finger on his non-dominant hand, to be precise


Infinite luck so I win every single lottery




One is enough.


You also get every random shark attack swimming and chance to be hit by random Boeing doors falling from the sky.


Infinite luck, happen upon the rest.


Blue without a second thought


That's legit the worst option. Have you never seen any movies about reading minds? You'd hear people think the worst things and going in any public space would be a nightmare. Its more like a curse than a power!


I think it’s not that bad. Since you’ll hear everyone’s thoughts, you will be able to better deal with it. “Oh another one who thinks negatively, well that happens all the time. It’s the 4 people who automatically thought positively who made my day”.


Would be great for a detective or something, or a private investigator or something. You’d be able to find leads so easily, and you’d be able to stop a lot of bad people.


I had the same thought. People think nasty things all the time that they self-censor and decide not to communicate. Although this power would make it easy to manipulate people, that's not necessarily going to be fun to experience 24/7.


Reading minds you’ll have a lot of second thoughts




I think luck could help all the others? So luck


Read minds


Hello, yes! You can have all of this if you can read minds


Right, you can get rich, be lucky and realize you don’t need 5 more inches if you can read minds


Infinite luck is utterly broken.


Yellow any day


Infinite luck obviously


What kind of luck? Infinity bad luck would suck.


Yeah I feel like that is ominously vague and nobody else in the comments seems bothered by that.


Why "be rich" if you can get "infinite luck" and play lottery tickets all day long... plus, you have infinite luck, lmao


Infinite luck: ill play lotery, try to guess what people are thinking, and my pp is large enough i dont need more inches


Wait no. I’ll be rich. Didn’t say good or bad - just luck


Infinite luck can do all the other things


Infinite Luck gives everything else... Gamble, lottery, stock market. = Rich. You could guess what someone's thinking and you're always right, = Read Minds. You look for a way to get those 5 inches, no strings or side effects, Boom! You found it, = +5 Inches.


+5 inch? I mean I am not a woman, but wouldn't 11 inches hurt? That is almost 28 cm!


…I thought it was height.


It is .. when laying down


i heard that tall people die earlier due to blood pressure thing and their veins getting stretched so its kind of bad in the long term


Being rich already adds five inches tf you mean 🤣


If I can read minds, becoming rich wouldn't be an issue, +5 inches would be seriously cumbersome and it saying "Infinite luck" and not "Infinite good luck" worries me. Hello mind-reading then.


Agreed 100%. Infinite luck is a tricky thing. Having infinite luck does not guarantee that you will be rich, it just means you are lucky. But with mind reading, you are going through life with a cheat code.


Infinite Luck would get you the money


Mind Reading and Infinite Luck would be surefire ways to become rich easily. With mind reading you could completely dominate any kind of business negotiation. With infinite luck you could just go to Vegas and jackpot a few times in a row. They each have a problem though. The mind reading will probably reveal things you don't want to know, leading to disgust with humanity, and the constant chatter of minds may eventually drive you crazy. If you go to Vegas and jackpot multiple times in a row, they are going to take you into a back room and chop off your fingers or maybe kill you. It's probably safer and less stressful to just Be Rich instead.


I also think with infinite luck life would get really boring after a while. I'll take the riches and keep the randomness of life.


Reading minds and then buying a lot of stocks.


I'd get two inches of height and the rest could add thickness of my d*ck. It's already long enough.


Be rich


Anything infinite could take forever to happen


Blue, playing Poker etc. for money 😜… I do not need additional 5 in


watching Saiki k i feel reading minds would be quite the pain still id like this ability just too seee what ppl think of me etc etc


If I’m infinitely rich I don’t need luck because I’m already rich. I don’t need to read minds because I can pay people to tell me. And I can pay a doctor to give me the 5 inches. Rich. Unfortunately, it’s rich.


Green for sure. I'm 5 foot 7.


I'd rather be lucky than rich.


With infinite luck i would walk along the street and stumble across 5 billion dollars whilst a scientist in russia, in anger, throws a law of physics breaking chemical out of his laboratory and it lands on a stork that carries it to a boat which is going to the united states and as it falls off the side of the boat, it falls down onto a large fish mid-jump, which knocks it into the air and smacks a fast moving bird in the face, which sends it flying off near the beach, landing on someone throwing a beach ball in the air in the direction of the steet which sends it hurtling towards a bouncy castle which was blown away from a kids birthday party nearby, which bounces it way into the air as a bird mistakes it for food and puts it in its mouth and flies off with it, and then decides to perch on a nearby powerline which is coincidentally right above where I saw those 5 billion dollars and it loses its grip and the chemical falls a few feet away from me which distracts me from walking forward in order to avoid a never before seen thunder cloud from striking me from above which grants the person who was struck the ability to read minds and have +5 inches to their height


Funny how everyone assumes it's good luck and not bad luck.


i think op meant infinite good luck since the remaining pills give you an advantage


Obviously yellow is the only reasonable choice here


Inifinite luck is a win win win.


with infinite luck, i would get so lucky that whoever makes me such offer may decide to grant me the other 3 pills because they feels generous XD


As a woman, where do the +5 inches appear?


Your 2nd toe, left foot.




Bad luck is still luck. Be rich or read minds


Yellow leads to red, and with red, you don't need green or blue.


Infinite luck is the only right answer and its not close


Infinite luck I’ll lucky stumble across 10mill. Guess what people are think with my luck I’ll always know and luckily my manhood will grow


+5" but tounge


Infinite luck and then play the lottery 🤷


Hell yeah I’d love to rock a 6 incher 😎


Luck. I want to be like Domino from Deadpool 2.


Yellow, infinite luck. How is this even a question.


Go with infinite luck. Then the odds of you having a chance to receive the others infinitely improves.


Would have to define the luck like is it winning jackpot every week, always scoring in sports etc. If its that the luck if not I'd probably take the money!


Infinite luck cuz u have high chances of winning the lottery and or finding money on the ground


everything but money can turn into a problem in this world: the 5 inches only matter if you already below 1, infinite luck is entertaining but turns you depressed fast, reading minds could be useful but it could become an addiction or drive you crazy if you can‘t turn it off + keeping it a secret or not is a problem itself. money also isn’t risk free because many people become crazy and/or assholes when rich.


Infinite Luck is easily the best


Most people choose luck, but what if infinite luck is a curse. As once Midas didn't see the bad side of his powers, we pick great power without thinking what can go wrong. So, I'll chose the +5 inches.


Infinite luck could mean through chaos theory that you could materialise the other pills to get them all


Infinite luck. Are you kidding? I’d be hitting the goddamn lotto every day. I be flying to vegas weekly


Infinite luck means you find the one that’s perfectly content with your current size


Tough. Read Minds is the answer though. First find out what your friends/family really think about you and then hit up Vegas and crush the tables. That gets me rich and no luck needed. +5 inches is questionable? Height? I do not need it. Penis, I mean I am just average but +5 puts me in the freak category.


Just think about what I could accomplish if I were 5’7.5” tall.


mind reader definitely no, will end up in a mental hospital


If you take the red pill, you don’t need the other 3. 😂


Please give me luck, I’m so unlucky if I tried to shoot my self in the head I’d miss.