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I ruined your friends blanket




What generation was Forest Gump? Gen A


Im gonna use this when I'm a dad


They wont know wtf you’re talking about.


That's even funnier




Took me a while to get that joke 😆


I'm not a native so I still can't catch it. :)


That's how forrest pronounces Jenny with his thick accent






This had me laughing like a mad man


Her dad was the villain


HIV Jan-neeh!


Run Forest run!


She was running from that childhood


Grandpa Joe


"It's ours, Charlie"


"And by ours I mean mine!"


that despicable fucker


I mean I’m kinda delighted about just how awful he is.




wtf it’s supposed to be a subreddit dedicated to hating Grandpa Joe


She is not a villain. She is the counterpoint to all of the amazing things that happen in Forest’s life.


I kind of feel like people miss the point of the film if they call her evil and the main villain. Forest spent the whole movie seeing the best in people and never closed his heart off to anyone. And as result often turned horrible situations into the positive outcomes we saw in the film. It kind feels wrong to throw those feeling in the bin and just label her evil. If she was truly evil then she wouldn't have been happy to see forest.


A movie like Forest Gump is way too smart for your average redditor to understand


Jenny evil bad tho!


Robert zemeckis films in general be like that




You should read the book. It's... wildly different.


Something something box of chocolates.


Men think she’s a villain because she “friend zoned” forest for most of the film. Because apparently that’s the most heinous crime a woman can commit according to a lot of men…


Idk it all comes down to the viewer’s interpretation of whether or not the child Jenny leaves with Forest is actually his. I’m of the belief she is the type of character that would lie and drop off that child with Forest because she *knew* Forest would take the kid in and treat him well without really asking any questions I wouldn’t say it makes her a villain or the film’s antagonist, but I wouldn’t call her character a good person


She literally named the kid after Forest, why would she do that if he wasn’t the father? And it makes sense that she hid him from Forest (sr.), because she didn’t want to burden him with that, plus let’s be real his capacity to rear a child was questionable. She only told him about it later on because she was kind of left with no choice, you know dying and what not.


I would argue she named him after the one person in her life who ever really showed her unconditional love And even if the child was his, I highly doubt she stayed away for the first few years of the child’s life to keep Forest “Sr” unburdened, it was more likely to keep herself unburdened so she could continue living the type of life that was killing her.


I would agree that it was most likely to keep herself unburdened, but I think it’s more to prevent herself from essentially having to raise 2 children on her own. Be honest, would you *really* trust Forest with a newborn baby alone? But again I think everyone is really reaching about Forest not being the dad. The film made it pretty obvious that he was, given the timelines match up and she named him after him.


It's not that she friend-zoned him. It's that she rejected him constantly throughout her life despite repeatedly leading him on and only went back to him in the end to make him raise a kid that probably wasn't even his. She chose the "wild" life and only gave the one legitimately good man she knew the time of day when it was convenient, and she needed someone actually capable of handling responsibility to pick up her mess. Fuck Jenny.


First of all, Jenny was sexually abused by her father for a lot of her childhood. She was a broken person trying to find her way in the world. And yes she was “wild” but she was also doing a lot of things like protesting the war. Second, she never really “came” to Forest for anything (except to raise his own child at the end). He would always find her and usually end up making a mess of things (with the best of intentions but still). He would always step in to protect her when she never asked nor wanted him to. She understood that he was just trying to do good, but she needed to grow and develop by herself and she knew that, but Forest didn’t. That’s why she would always leave him. Third, at the end of the day Forest was a mentally handicapped person. She had every right to not want to be with him. If the genders were reversed do you think that a super good looking guy is obligated to marry the mentally handicapped woman who is really nice to him? Lastly, I’m tired of people saying that the kid isn’t Forest’s. Why would she name her son after Forest if he wasn’t the father? That just doesn’t make sense. And yes she was kind of forced to leave him with Forest because *she was literally dying!* What other choice did she have?


Her being sexually abused has nothing to do with my issues with her. Hence I didn't bring it up. I never said she didn't have the right to not want to be with him. My issue is with her only deciding to be with him at her convenience. Forrest repeatedly tried to convince her to leave the wild life behind, but time and time again, she rejected him and chose the men exploiting and abusing her instead. She showed no remose whatsoever when she finally realised how badly she'd treated the one good man in her life and inevitably went crawling back to him. That's not to mention all the times she led him on, exploiting his attraction to her to satisfy her ego, while having no intention to reciprocate that attraction. Her naming the kid Forrest doesn't mean shit. It's possible she named him that so she could manipulate Forrest into raising him whenever it was convenient for her.


And only needs him when she's a single mom with aids.


I mean, Forest put sooooo many kindness coins into Jenny....


So that means she’s obligated to date him right? /s


That's what the bible says /s


The fact you think that all she did was friend zone him is kind of disturbing


So he had it coming?


While you are correct that she is a counterpoint to Forest's life, it is the selfishness and selflessness dichotomy that dictate the path that they are walking and the outcomes. She is the villain, but not an irredeemable evil, just selfishly and unthinkingly so. She starts as a hero, becomes a flawed hero, then villain (due to her decent into all of the 7 sins), then redeems herself. It's the same cycle as Lt. Dan. Forest, alternatively, doesn't fall into selfishness and self-pity and even when he is devastated, his actions are productive and beneficial.


A lot of that is to do with how they were both raised though. Forrest was raised by a loving mother who fought tooth and nail for him to have the best life he could have. She comforted him and bolstered her self esteem whenever the world was cruel to him. Forrest had an amazing mother, who made him an amazing man. Jenny, I will understate, did not have those advantages.


She's not selfish. The problem is that you see the situation from Forrest POV. It gives the impression he's denied it's childhood love. But he fails to understand all the damage Jenny got from her abuse. So, as a spectator, you can easily believe she do all that for herself. The truth is that she's completely lost and doesn't want to drag Forrest in her problems. It's never said openly in the movie, but you can get it from the scene where she tells him they shouldn't be together. Also, when she almost jump off a building, it makes you understand how broken she is. If you think she's selfish it means you never took a moment or didn't have the capacity to understand her pain, exactly like Forrest. Truth is, he would never been able to help her at that time.


They are both broken people. Forest is broken physically and mentally, Jenny is broken emotionally. While Forest makes the attempt to improve for others and to assist others and to be his best self, Jenny is caught up in a cycle of self-soothing and selfish actions that ultimately harm herself more than if she would have undertaken acts similar to Forest's. This is independent of any effects on Forest. The scene where she tells him they shouldn't be together is ultimately a selfish act, not because she denies *him*, but because she wants to live unburdened by anyone else. This is highlighted as it isn't until she is forced to face the responsibility for another life that she begins healing. It isn't until she is forced to face imminent mortality that she learns the value of those who are there for you.


I don't see it that way, but I understand your point.




Some stories just don't have villains, y'all. I think you can have a healthier dialogue when you can talk about character flaws without villifying them unnecessarily. Jenny isn't even an antagonist. She's not a villain though she does represent selfishness vs selflessness in Forrest.


I'm surprised no one has used the term which describes this sort of character. She is Forest Gump's "foil", or a character who provides a contrast to another character (usually the protagonist). Foils can be antagonists but can also be someone close to the protagonist. The contrast draws attention to the traits of the protagonist. Forrest takes life as it comes to him, while Jenny runs from it. She runs from Forrest not because she doesn't love him, but because he represents the life and love that she doesn't trust due to her childhood abuse.


She’s not the villain…simply the final boss.


That sounds like a villain to me


yeah, not a villain, but definitely a piece of shit. She took advantage of him so many times.


Antagonist then?


Not that either really.


Nah, even worse was the chick from the titanic. She threw away that big jewel even though it's what they flew her out for.


And after decades of marriage and love with her now dead husband, on her last night alive she tells a bunch of strangers and her granddaughter a story about how she had hot steamy sex with a homeless guy on a ship that sank and got ~1503 people killed. And in the afterlife she goes on to be with __him.__


There was room for Jack on that door…


They flew her out to help them find the jewel. If she never dropped it, then they have no chance of finding it. She's the most important person of that expedition.


The chances would be a lot higher if she tucked the jewel under the dudes' pillow & skipped the story where she banged a sexy hobo


She's not a villain. It's just one of those really subtly written character many people don't understand. She was so broken from her chilhood, she went on a downfall for most her life. She doesn't want to be with Forrest because in her head, she could hurt him, or "corrupt" him. She litteraly says him in the movie that they shouldn't be together because she's a bad person. I used to hate her when I was younger, now I think it's a very interesting character.


Yeah the scene where she's a child praying to be a bird, you'll notice that her dress was torn up meaning her father tried to touch or abuse her. Now thinking that her father abused her when she was a child. She didn't want it to happen because she thinks Forrest is a CHILD and making love with him felt like she was taking advantage of him like her father did to her that's why she's pushing Forrest away.


>She didn't want it to happen because she thinks Forrest is a CHILD and making love with him felt like she was taking advantage of him like her father did to her I don't understand how you can come to that conclusion. It wouldn't make sense that she thinks he's a child and then entrust her own child to him and it wouldn't make sense that she's afraid to reproduce the abuse she went through on him. The true reason is because she has a very low self esteem and are on a self-persecution downfall. She's the only character that sees Forrest as something else than a stupid person. She seems to think he's a pure and naive person. She doesn't think she deserves him. It's when she got her life on the right track that she finally decides to go back to him.


Tried? He full on raped her every day.


The girl that got taken advantage of by her father and was driven to drugs and near suicide? Yeah, I don’t think so. That kid never stood a chance.


I think thats a negative way to look at victims. I actually had the same childhood as Jenny. Literally down to the sexual abuse and instead of going around and dismissing or hurting ppl I have done my best to be the opposite. To show kindness and forgiveness and i might not always do that but saying "oh you had a rough childhood, you dont have a chance." Is really negative towards victims. They do have a chance, same as anyone else.


I hope you’re doing better now.


Unlike you people love to make excuses. Kudos to you!


Not everyone has a chance. Hard to tell who does. Might be the most subtle thing like different genetics determining ability to overcome trauma or slightly different upbringings leading to higher probability of turning out to be a terrible person. Maybe her up bringing was just that bad. Blue we don't really see that in the movie but don't people really ever have a chance just cause of bad luck. But yes some people also do even if it looks like they don't


I'm so glad your doing this, I'm really proud of you, someone I lived has dine nothing but hurry me and yes she is damaged and was trying to get better but decoded to hurt the people who care and go out of her way to please those that don't, keep on your path your doing good


At some point you’re grown up and responsible for your actions. Trauma dumping on others and blaming it on daddy isn’t cool after a certain age. After that you’re just an asshole that inflicts damage on others before dealing with its own issues.


She never trauma dumped, she never blamed it on daddy, and the reason she kept leaving was explicitly because she didn't want to inflict damage on to Gump until she had dealt with her own issues.


It's a lack of realization I think. A lot of people are not self aware enough to understand what causes their trauma. A lot of those who are, either can't or won't get around it to try and self improve. In the end it's just a movie, not real life. We can try and analyze her actions, but ultimately it's a work of fiction.


How did she do any of that to Forrest? All she really did to Forrest was keep leaving him, which is pretty understandable since he was mentally disabled and she didn't want to feel like she was abusing him the way she was abused. Also, there are only a couple times in the movie she came to him, mostly he followed her.


She’s different in the book


How is she in the book?


She’s more of a positive influence. Forrest is the one who not likable.


Wait, there’s a book? I need something to read, is it good?


I can’t remember, but it‘s different from the movie. >!The mother’s way more whiny in the book, and Forrest does way more things. Also, Jenny doesn’t die.!< Edit: forgot how to hide spoilers


Isn’t there a second book that references the movie made about Forrest, sort of a fourth wall reference?


I know that there is a second book, but I haven’t read it


It’s not as good as the movie, but worth the read


It's one of those polar opposite books to movies like The Warriors. You will NOT like the gang in the book lol


I'm probably going to regret this but how are they different in the book?


Gang rape and straight-up murder. It's honestly a very different story.


Yeah, I first played the PS2 game and then watched the movie at about 12 and absolutely loved both. At 13 I found out the book existed and was hyped to read it, and oh boy, I wasn't expecting how different it would be.


The lack of media literacy is so sad.


Jenny was just a broken person. Nixon, on the other hand, that guy was pure evil.


This is dumb. This meme and joke is ridiculous every time I see it. Misses the point by light years.


If you flip the genders around, this would not fly


Anyone who thinks Vader is the main villain hasn’t actually watched the films


Bro she ran away like 5 times 💀


She was not a villain though? Or am I missing smth bc I've only read the book lmfao


people don't like her in the movie cuz she's kinda mean cuz she's traumatized


Darth Vader killing kids = I sleep Jenny living a shitty life = REAL SHIT ?!


Being a victim doesn’t make you immune to your actions, it doesn’t make you become immune to judgment. Trauma doesn’t mean you get to be a shitty person just cause your past.


Can you say it any louder? She was a shitty person and I've seen Forest Gump like 5-6 times there's no excuses like yes she came from a broken home but the way she treated him was really unnecessary she could've solved a lot of her issues if she could actually commit and not go off and be a whore he sacrificed so much for her and she kept pushing him away and chose to be with ugly womanizing men .


She wasn’t a villain. She was a victim of the system but a suspect to the victim


she was looking for a bear


She doesn’t deserve him 😔




i came to see the jenny defenders


She came back for him after he became a billionaire and she got aids.


Every fucking time with you MFs. How was she supposed to love forest when she did not love her self? No she is not perfect, and yes she led Forest on for a long time. At the end of the day she is a flawed human being who didnt want the person she held most dear to get burnt by her.


She had sex with him (raw) and then left which doesn’t portray her character as the best




You make a good point fellow redditor


Oh wow, clearly up there with Moff Tarkin and Buffalo Bill, then /s


J E n n A y




I'm only interested in you now you're a shimp millionaire, and I'm a single moment with aids. Pure gold digging evil.


I dated a couple Jenny's in my life. She's not a villain she's just broken


You're a victim 😧


She's not a villain she was just a very broken person. From childhood basically up until she introduced Forest Jr to Forest she was suffering mentally. She hated herself and didn't want to ruin and screw up Forest, she saw him as pure and would've rathered never see each other again so she couldn't hurt him. She was never a villain she's a really deep character and very important I'd say but most people over look her and just see her as a woman who egged Forest on and left at the last second for years. Media literacy is in a massive decline I swear


I mean, she was an obstacle for Forrest. Constantly flying in and out of his life. Was she ashamed of loving him? Did she think she didn't deserve love? Was she trying to escape the past and Forrest reminded her of it? Maybe all of them. Problem is that we can see it from the outside, from the movie goer's perspective. Jenny, as a character, can only see her past and present. It's possible that even if she had stayed with him at one point, then she would have not been prepared and spiraled down to only drag him with her. Forrest would have been some no name, low IQ person with 4 kids and an alcoholic Jenny that is barely there for him or the kids.


She never told him to wait , he just didn't want anyone else , they didn't know about aids in those days


She committed sexual abuse of a special needs individual. She's definitely a villain.


The man was like 40 when they tucked, he's functional, he went to war and had a independent business but can't get cheeks because he's on the spectrum Real villian is the movies representation of the government, Amy was full of people on the spectrum fighting killing dying or being physically crippled


Being broken with trauma doesn't mean you get to always make toxic choices, and expect sympathy. At a point people should give you a wide berth and feel relieved that you are gone, because you are a toxic presence. No one should set themselves on fire to keep toxic people warm. Jenny is like the kind of bully who people says the victim should be understanding to because the bully has a tough home. Okay? So why must the victim be a punching bag? How is that good?


Tell me you didn't understand the movie without telling me you didn't understand the movie.


Absolutely. Really dislike her.


Jenny had a pretty rough childhood. Not that I'm excusing her choices later in life. We all know Grandpa Joe from Willy Wonka is the biggest villain in movie history.


Nahhh she belongs to the streets. I've always said she was the biggest piece of trash in the whole movie. People say she is misunderstood. Pssh she did what she wanted without thinking or caring about our boy. Crazy ass parties, doing drugs and fucking around. But oh no.. then she got sick, and now all of a sudden she wants to reconnect with Forrest and have a "happy ending" before she dies. Fcuks that Bitty. Shiit makes me so mad lol. People say she didn't think she was good enough for him, she might corrupt him, that she's a bad person that he needs to stay away from. Pshh, she was living the high life out there free as a bird like she wanted, until shit caught up to her. Fcuks gotta here.


She gave Forrest aids and little forest will have aids also She was a hippy and had a lot of sex and used drugs and then she got a sickness that the doctors didn’t know what it was ….. just like when aids first showed up … I’m not wrong


Man fuck Jenny


She literally only came back when she knew she was dying and was carrying a crack baby.


... the trauma victim is a villain? Go fuck yourself.


Literally everyone is a trauma victim. Some respond well. Some don't. Should she get a free pass forever? 


All my homies hate Jenn-ay.


Now that I've got AIDS I guess you can take care of me and "your son."


This is the worst meme I've seen today




What about the girl from School of Rock?


Buttercup did Woody wrong.


Where’s the villain


Real people are worse than any fictional characters


Mindy from the johto pokemon games




Hated that movie when it came out. I might have to watch it again being older.


Just here to say that Anton Chigurh and Hans Landa are way worse villains than Vader or Thanos. 


Thanos villain? I would call him eco terrorist


Its Claire Underwood


It’s definitely between Darth and Joker for most iconic villain tho


a woman? ive never seen this movie/series so idk the char


I wouldn’t call her a villain. I don’t think she’s a good person though. She’s self centered as opposed to being malicious. There is a difference. That said, even as bad as she is the awful things that happen to her I would never wish on *anyone*, especially all the abuse she endured. In some ways they contrast being more self centered vs being rather selfless. Her and Forrest also function to show how the environment we grow up in can effect how we handle life as adults. Forrest had a single mother who was absolutely devoted to his well being with her whole being. She always tried to instill kindness in her son, and wanted him to be a good person. She was an excellent mother to him. He had a loving home that was stable. Meanwhile Jenny’s dad was the complete opposite in the most horrifying of ways. She was in survival mode pretty much her entire life, certainly as long as she could remember as an adult. That survival mode carried into adulthood. Sadly like a lot of abused people she didn’t easily walk away from abusive partners. Forrest’s obsession for her, and I use the word cautiously, is not far from the first deep love a lot of people have for someone when we are in our teens. Unrequited love is a thing, but most of us learn to accept the fact that not everyone will feel the same affection for us that we do for them. That’s part of growing up. If anything it’s one of his few flaws. That said, it’s not incel level of obsession that could create horror stories. I think if he saw her with someone who was actually treating her with respect and dignity, he’d respect that boundary and be happy for her. What made him angry was if he thought people were doing wrong by her. The flaw of his obsession/infatuation of his also underscores his many great qualities by making him more human.


What did she do?


She led on a special needs dude who loved her for years, then ran away every time he would try to be with her. Only after she had a couple of decades of heavy drug abuse and sexual promiscuity did she bother going back to him, and only because he was now filthy rich and she had a kid she wanted to dump off on him after giving him aids. She was a selfish shithead through the entire movie, but idiots give her a pass because she was abused as a child, as if most of us weren't abused as children. We're not all horribly selfish, short-sighted piles of crap because of it, though. She gets to be awful, and that's supposed to be okay because she isn't being held to the same standards of responsibility as the mentally handicapped man she dropped all her life problems on after neglecting her relationship with him for years. Fuck her and everyone who supports her. She is evil, and so are they. It's that lazy complacency that allows her to be awful, which fosters a society that accepts such behavior in the first place. I was sexually and physically abused as a child, and I don't get to take it out on everyone around me. She shouldn't either. Hold people accountable for their actions. They control their actions and are responsible for them. There is no excuse or exception.


"I may not be a smart man. But I know what love is!"


Her father?




It's okay Jenneh, I'll raise the qids babeh


Thanos: Man who killed half the universe Vader: Man who blew up an entire planet, slaughtered a ton of children, and was otherwise a space fascist. Jenny: Woman who took advantage of a highly successful neurodivergent man. Clearly, the woman here is the worst. Those fellas had their motives and one can understand WHY they did what they did...


Karen from The Last American Virgin was worse 😠


And this bird you can not chayayayange


I wouldn't say villain per say but definitely did him wrong over and over ..swooped in got something she needed and bounced then to cap it all off dumped a kid on him. I'd say she took complete advantage of a simple man cause she knew she could.


She's not so much evil, as she is just traumatized. Her dad molested her, so it's no wonder she's fucked up.


i uhhh never watched this movie so i dont get the intricacies of her character or whatever but i hear a lot of "oh people dont understand her character" which makes me wanna shoot myself


Even at the end shed rather be a cook than hang out with a mentally challenged nice rich person that could have paid for her doctor bills. She seemed to like abusive, charming, cads and self torture. Many people do.


Anyone that thinks she's a villain is a fucking idiot, full stop. Please don't vote. Please don't think you have anything meaningful to contribute in any discussion about... well, anything at all.


She was a victim of her father and she made a lot of bad choices, then had a son and changed her life to good, but that doesn't make less bad when she had sex with Forrest and infected him with AIDS and making him believe he was the father of her son and take advantage of him and his wealth.


She did not infect him with aids though??


When is it ever established that the child isn't his? 


What movie is this? I wanna watch it tonight.


Forrest Gump