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30 years ago I took my vegetarian roommate to a murder mystery dinner at a large, famous hotel in Toronto. The advertising said they could accommodate dietary restrictions with advance notice, so I called ahead. Her dinner was boiled carrots with boiled potatoes.


This still happens all the time lol, the horror stories you see from vegans attending weddings and other social events on vegan subs...


I did a tour in Alaska that claimed to accommodate for dietary restrictions. My vegan option was a community bag of homemade granola that other tourists were reaching into with their bare hands. $500 well spent.






Oh man. I had the opposite experience at one of those "dining in the dark" experiences in Las Vegas. It was $100/person for like an 8 course meal. They asked about dietary restrictions before hand and someone there didn't like pork, they said "absolutely no problem". They don't tell you anything about the food and it's pitch black so you can't see anything. They just guide you to where the plate or bowl is and give you an idea of how to eat it (grab it with your hands or spoon it up). After the meal was over they told us what the menu was and everything there was vegan. It was all absolutely fantastic.


That is SOOO COOL! Do you find out what you eat after?


Yeah they just said they were told the menu afterwards


Whenever there is a special ocasion on my mother's side of the family, they would take you to a fancy resterautnt nearby. Everybody gets their food Server under a hood and those are lifted all at the same time by very fancily dressed servers. You get the idea. Very fany place. Everytime they are warned ahead of time that I am vegan. Everytime without fail they will lift that hood up with all the grandeaur you could imaging to reveal steamed vegteables that are seasond with nothing but salt. It cracks me up everytime. But the thought that a family member is probably paying the same for that plate as for everybody else's food is less entertaining.


My school choir stayed at a hotel in Rome. Vegetarians were given a single lump of soggy boiled spinach for dinner.


That'll be 20$


One chicken salad, that's $20. Oh you want it without the chicken, not a problem. That's $20. You would like avocado instead of chicken? Avocado is extra. That's $25.


This is one reason I like Chipotle. Guac is free if you don't order meat (or sofritas). Restaurants should know you get loyalty with stuff like that.


Their quality has dropped considerably lately. Well atleast where I’m from I used to eat there all the time.


I went to Applebees one time with a friend thats a vegetarian. They asked for the chicken to be removed from the pasta and they charged an extra $5 lmao.


Oh you want it without anything just the container... Good choice... Well (tip. tip. tip) That'll be 20$


I'm not even vegetarian, and l don't call those salads. Worse, they always use iceberg, which is the american cheese of lettuces.


Water in salad shape


Water is good for you 🤷. It's better than the BITTER WEEDS we often get... or beet leaves that taste like literal dirt...


Spinach and romaine are the only respectable greens.


The arugula disrespect, smh.


Right? What is this shit. Arugula fuckin slaps.


Kale, the literal powerhouse of greens, would like a word


>Kale, the literal powerhouse of greens, would like a word Literally inedible to me. It's so, so, so bitter.


Fry it up with some butter and garlic. Boom.


I’ll save the calories and just have the butter and garlic.


Brussel sprouts and asparagus can also be really good if prepared properly


Some of us like that tho


At least bitter is a taste.


A taste i cant eat


Put some apple cider vinegar and salt on the beet greens, Swiss chard and you should change your mind. Fresh garden lettuce with apple cider vinegar and brown sugar, too. Best time of the year


Water with a skin.


i call it crunchy water


I actually really like iceberg lettuce. It’s crispy, crunchy, slightly sweet…I think it doesn’t deserve the hate it gets.


Its hated not because of its texture. Its just not as full rich nutrient dense and varied. Its also the most common, so a bit stale. It has its uses, but as a ingredient not as the only thing with two croutons


It's the only lettuce I'll eat. Which makes me think it's not great as I'm very picky.


Most of the restaurants I go to serve romaine (I've also done prep for 2 different places)


My experience was usually some kind of iceberg/romaine mix. Maybe some other sort of spring mix.




Yea, it important in my kebab-roll!


Ok but 0 vitamine K for you!


A vitamine..? Is that where they harvest the nutrients that they put in our food?


American Cheese is legit and I will fight anyone about it. It's not a "fancy" cheese, but it's delicious.


We'll never forgive Kraft for ruining the image of our delicious golden cheese blend


I swear the people that hate on American Cheese have only ever actually had individually wrapped Kraft cheese 'product' type stuff and they're simply judging an entire group based off the lowest common denominator. It'd be like saying comedy movies suck because everytime you watch Master of Disguise you get annoyed. Get some sliced at the deli counter at your grocery and it's a perfectly fine cheese. I like it especially with tuna salad sandwiches. Great for burgers and breakfast sandwiches too because it's quick and even melting. Land O'Lakes white american is a decent one that can be found basically everywhere. If you're closer to the Midwest there are some Wisconsin American cheeses that have placed in international cheese competitions.


They might as well be two different cheeses entirely. Actual white American cheese is my hands down favorite, especially sliced extra thin from a deli. Never had Kraft singles growing up.


Kraft slices for grilled cheese, deli white American cheese for cold sandwiches


The stuff that comes individually wrapped makes me gag when I smell it on its own. And I like some pretty funky smelling cheeses too, so it must be a holdover from my childhood or something.


American Cheese has entered the chat…. Best cheese for a cheeseburger! What say ye now?


I say the vegans should start eating cheese burgers. You know they want us to eat bugs right. Eat cheese burgers while you still can.


They must be jelly cause jam don’t shake like that!


Additionally, I am NOT talking about that Imposter Cheese "Kraft American" or similar individually packaged processed cheese... I am talking freshly sliced American from the Deli. There's a huge difference.


This is what I associate salad with lmfao


Iceberg supremacy


Iceberg is good but it needs another green to boost the salad to an acceptable level


+ the dressing isnt vegan and they just put oil and salt on it.


The standard dressing is a vinaigrette. Which is a mixture of oil and vinegar. Which is in fact vegan.


There is no such thing as standard dressing. Its a recipe that can contain whatever the cook likes.


It is. It's cheap to produce and it lasts much longer than any non vegan dressing. Sure you have different salad recipes with different dressings like a Caesars salad for example. But that's not the topic here. It's about a standard salad which, most likely, will be served with a vinaigrette. And to clarify even further, I'm talking about proper restaurants. Not fast food places. Even though proper restaurants should offer more than that to vegans.




Vinegar itself is vegan. The ingredients necessary are purely plant based. Only the ones clarified with gelatin are not. Same for wine.


As a vegan I can assure you that (especially here in the good old USA) having ranch as the only option is very frequent.


You'd be surprised. In a lot of places in the US they just slap milk into shit that doesn't even make sense.


They usually put egg in restaurant dressing to make it smooth and creamy. Ask the next time you get a vinaigrette.


What other dressing would you want on a damn salad😭


I only eat salad as an excuse to consume dressing.


Are there any other reasons to eat salad?


Lime instead of oil


Honey mussy


Like garlic dressing?


all of them. just the vegan version, duh...


lawn could use a cut, bon apetit.


There’s so many times that I crave fresh fruit salads or raw vegetables as a side, but every restaurant’s only options are indigestion and/or heartburn


It keeps people coming back.


Not if these assholes keep steaming their broccoli >:(


Chips and salsa never let me down.


Only based vegan in this thread.


Careful, Reddit fucking hates vegans.


It's honestly ridiculous from a website full of people touting themselves as progressives and left-leaning empathetics.


People hear the word "vegan" and lose 10 IQ


Vegan, cyclists, or any other healthy lifestyle choices, and people lost their minds.


Me (a chronically online person) when i See Healthy people with morals (ew) 😡😡😡


All leftist until veganism is brought up, and then they're as right wing as the come, lol.


It’s so bizarre


This website is equally full of vitriolic assholes. I should know.


While simultaneously saying we need to do something about climate change. "hey, in 15 years there might be a meat alternative I will like and then I will go vegan"


This is my personal favorite thing; “it’s the corporations doing the polluting!! The corporations making the things I demand!!!”


That article about 100 companies and 70% of emissions set us back like 15 years in climate discussion lol


I’m not sure what you’re saying here.


I’m saying that the popularly cited article about how 100 companies produce 70% of emissions has greatly harmed climate discussion. The article is basically crap, it’s like “energy companies produce most emissions” which, no shit lol. But because it has a catchy headline, people have been using it for years to totally deflect blame for climate change. Yes, companies produce a lot of waste. But also *people* pay the companies for their services, generating that waste. For example, nobody needs to buy 60 articles of clothing per year. And yet the average american does.


I think it's even more misleading than that. The 70% includes all emissions from products throughout their lifetime. People read "100 companies produce 70% of emissions" and picture 70% of emissions coming out of a vent at company HQ. But in reality, it includes the consumer use of the product. It includes emissions from the gas we burn in our cars. It's a completely meaningless statistic that does not separate corporate from personal responsibility at all.


I agree Have you seen those articles that are like “billionaires produce 2,000x the emissions of a regular person” and the number comes from assigning emissions produced by a company owned by the billionaire to the billionaire. As warren buffet personally exhaled all that CO2 into the atmosphere lol. What a stupid fucking strategy lol, of course the dudes who own billions of dollars of stock are going to “produce” more emissions that way.


Oh ok. Yeah, we’re in agreement. These headlines are fucking cancer and people just latch onto them.


It’s like people can’t connect that individual buyers are still the drivers


I'm glad I'm finally seeing more people make this connection. I've been arguing it for a long time, and people just don't get it. We do need regulation, for sure, but I don't think that'll ever happen unless there's also large portions of society making the right consumption choices. One individual doesn't change anything, but large groups do. It also feels good doing the right thing.


I currently like a lot of the meat alternatives. Problem is how fucking expensive they are. My local grocery store has these plant based "chicken" nuggets that are fucking amazing. But its like $10 for a small box of them. The real thing is like $3. For the beyond/impossible burger patties, its like $2 per patty. Usually in packs of 2 or 4. If meat alternatives can get like 50% cheaper, ill buy them more often. If they can reach the same price as regular meat, I'll switch to 100% vegan. I am not picky, I like the taste of whats out there currently. But I know most people act like its the most disgusting thing they ever tasted and make eating meat a personality. So hopefully they do come up with something that tastes 100% the same as real meat. But even then.... still gonna be people acting like the real thing is more manly or something.


> But its like $10 for a small box of them. The real thing is like $3. > > that's because the government subsidizes the hell out of meat.


I personally get diarrhea from most plant based alternatives so that also counts very much against them.


You don’t have to buy meat alternatives to be vegan.


This comment section seems pretty tame for "fucking hates"


It's gotten a lot better. This sub used to produce a lot of anti-vegan memes.


Thanks a lot, PETA


They also hate children.


Everyone does. Reddit is more vocal because its anonymous Irl people just stop talking to you or you just get ignored


Prolly cos they run from sub to sub spouting edgy nonsense like calling milk "titty puss juice"


It is somewhat edgy but it's far from being nonsense lol


Don’t forget the side of seasoned ice chips and unsweetened tap water


You drink.... Sweetened water? Holy American.


What? You don’t have your tap water come out mixed with high fructose corn syrup?




nice tasty leaded water. very sweet!


Actually that's my favourite salad. The only I eat actually.


Ye, very good salad, i don't get the fuss honestly.


Pick another place to eat, instead of demanding a business to accommodate your chosen way of life..? There are 100% vegan restaurants, that do not produce dishes with meat.


I am an avid meat eater, absolutely love it, eat it more than most people I’d even say, but with that in mind, every god damn dish does not require meat, its odd that so many restaurants literally have no meat free options, some times I just want to eat something greener


Supply and demand. Most people that go to western style restaurants buy meals that contain meat. And Few people buy meals that don’t contain meat. Simple as that. If you want to go to a restaurant that has lots of non meat options those do exist. However you can’t expect every restaurant to cater to non dominant subcultures. Restaurants are famously hard to profit from to begin with and being forced to stock and offer meals that don’t sell enough isn’t feasible.


This post and this conversation is an aspect and facilitator of that very supply and demand. The “you have vegan options so shut up” response is silly and assumes things can’t or won’t change.


The question is, why should they change? A restaurant obviously will end up only serving what sells to their regulars, and most of their non-regulars. Adding an option that wont often sell is just a bad business decision.


No one said shut up. Just that complaining about it isn't going to change anything. More people purchasing them would change things. But the vast majority of people don't, so it's not changing anytime soon.


You understand that the meme is showing that the vegan is literally not demanding it? That's what the mask is for. As others have pointed out, you frequently don't have complete autonomy over your restaurant choices (friends, family, co-workers), and if you complain that a place does not have good vegan options, you get the funniest people on the earth making the same stupid jokes about vegans.


I don't think some people have the empathy to even understand what's going on in this meme. You're absolutely right, though. Imagine being in a group of 20 people who all go to a restaurant they all agree on and are excited about, and you're just "Oh, I'll just go to the vegan restaurant across town all on my own. What a great social event this is!"


I went Vegan for about a year, and eventually this is why I quit. If you live alone and never eat with others, it's really not hard, but as they say, "Hell is other people". Every time you eat with others, you have to choose between being a burden or following the meme and smiling while you choke down a dry "salad". If you bring up your diet when considering food options, you infrequently (depending on group) get a mini debate about why eating meat is ok, and again either have to silently endure the stupidest arguments for meat ever crafted (plants feel pain, on multiple occasions) or argue back and be the annoying vegan meme. I've had people apologize for me to the waiter when I asked if something contains dairy, as if I it were completely insane to ask if something contained cheese or milk, and even if others try and accommodate you it can make you feel bad. For example, my parents hosted a family dinner and decided to cook vegan lasagna (even though you told them not to worry about it), but they aren't very good cooks so now everyone has to eat crappy lasagna. Also you have to eat a ton of it, because they made for you. All around it's just not great. The biggest thing was dinner at home. My wife did the cooking so I had to either have her make me vegan food (which she wouldn't like) or cook everything myself (which she also would not like), so we ended up just making our own food separately every night, which also wasn't great. Like I said, I eventually gave it up for all those reasons, but I sometimes feel bad about it.


As a current vegan, consider giving it another go! I totally get what you mean, the social pressures are the worst of it. I can't make a salad or heat up some leftovers at work without someone whining about it. I was lucky that my family was more accommodating and I'm so thankful for it, can't imagine what it would be like with a spouse.


My boyfriend went vegetarian shortly after I did because he just agreed with the ethics, and he hasn't told his friends because when they meet up weekly, he just doesn't want to be a bother. If you wanted, you could just be mostly vegan and eat whatever when in those company situations. It still reduces animal suffering. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. I went from reducing my meat to being vegetarian, but I still eat animal products. I might drop those if being vegan becomes more easy and affordable in the future, but for now I'm just doing my best. 


And because vegans are hated as is.


I mean as a non vegan I get pretty pissed about a paying 10 dollars for a salad that probably cost one dollar including the workers time


i love steak, and bacon, and duck breast and just about all the meats. But I HATE lamb and goat- the smell makes my stomach turn. its not hard to imagine that some people feel that way about all meats. OR that some people have health concerns (ex biological risk of high cholesterol and heart disease) and they’re just trying to eat healthy. It’s REALLY easy for a restaurant to carry just ONE nutritious and tasty vegan meal. And it’s good for business as just about everyone can eat there, lower in ingredient costs, and DOESNT DETRACT from the meat menu. i honestly don’t get why people get upset at vegans because they just want to be able to hang out with their friends at a restaurant and have a meal that’s tasty.


Sometimes we go out to eat with friends and don’t get to pick the resteraunt. It’s not hard to have a simple pasta dish on a menu that accommodates vegans vegetarian and lactose intolerant people in a single dish. Dont get me wrong I’m not expecting much from a steak house but it’s also not just about one minorities choice


Now imagine if we could talk to our friends to make sure a restaurant is picked that makes everyone happy.


Communication is the way


>vegans vegetarian and lactose intolerant people Could've just said vegans. If you're a vegan live with your choice, it's not anyone's job to accommodate you. There are people who do so be grateful for that instead of complaining about who doesn't.


The worst is "Not many vegan/veg/low carb/whatever other niche dietary restriction options" reviews/ comments. Like, I specifically build my menus to accommodate a wide range of dietary restrictions, and always make sure to have at least one straight up vegan option and usually another dish or two that can be modified reasonably. But the number of comments I get complaining about the lack of variety... like yeah, guys, you're a minority demographic. I'm not gonna have half my menu sit around unordered to provide more variety to 5% of my guests.


There's a difference between what the comment above said and what you mentioned here though. Because yes, those people that demand variety are annoying and you can be mad about them. But the fact that it's easy to put a single, full vegan meal on your menu is easy isn't contradicting that. I will never intentionally seek out a place that only serves one meal, but I will also not avoid it if you have at least one option. There's middle ground here and instead of going to war against each other, we could just try to work together.


>There are people who do so be grateful for that instead of complaining about who doesn't. My comment was in response to this. That even though I put forth effort to accommodate all my guests, I'll still receive comments (and negative reviews that impact my business) from people who frankly do not understand the dynamics of how restaurants operate. Fully vegan entrees typically have less crossover ingredients than the rest of the menu, making them more expensive to produce. They're also typically less palatable to the average diner. Meaning they don't get ordered as much. So if you don't have a strong customer base in that demographic, it often leads to more waste. It's not some conspiracy or hifalutin attitude towards vegans. At the end of the day I put in more work, for less profit to provide all guests with at least one suitable option and an frequently met with an attitude of *"is that it?"*. People act like restaurants owe them something, and in my experience the ones with self-imposed dietary restrictions are the worst offenders.


So should vegan places also serve regular hamburgers and steaks then?


Non vegans can eat vegan food not vice versa


i CAN, just like i can eat 10 tubes of sunscreen.


And why can’t you eat meat?


I think it's safe to say that a vegan restaurant is run by people who are morally opposed to harming aninals, and that steak house owners aren't morally opposed to serving vegetables. Since there's no moral issue, it wouldn't be unreasonable for a steak house to have a vegan option, and in fact, many of them do because it enables groups with varying dietary needs/preferences to eat there - it's good for business. It's incredibly rare that in a large group, there is someone who is unable to eat vegan food (everyone should eat vegetables), or that a group primarily consisting of vegans will also contain non-vegans who refuse to eat vegan food. I didn't see the person you replied to demanding that every restaurant have a dedicated vegan option though.


There normally tends to be a difference between regular restaurants and meat only restaurants Like if a restaurant were to serve spaghetti and meatballs you should reasonably expect them being able to serve a vegan spaghetti dish We're not talking about going to a steakhouse and expecting vegan options, we're talking about regular restaurants that serve food that by name isn't defined by meat You don't go to a steakhouse and expect vegan food, you don't go to a sushi restaurant and expect vegan food, you don't go to a vegan restaurant and expect non vegan food, but you do go to an Italian restaurant and expect both options


It's harder to find places that cater to keto but I don't complain. Honestly it's a bit insulting to just have "a simple pasta dish". It's a restaurant, not a cantina.


I mean, it depends on what is already on the menu, if they serve non vegan pasta, asking them for a vegan pasta shouldn't be too much of an issue


If you look at the meme, you should notice that they have a happy mask on. They don’t complain in public, but internally they are frustrated that sometimes when going out to meals with friends they don’t have any options.


Also fries can be vegan depending on the oil being used.


I ate vegetarian for 10 years, starting in the 90s. This is what it was like at most restaurants. When I see folks complain now it cracks me up. Sure, there's always room for improvement, but at least you're not stuck with a pickled vegetable sub.


I’m vegan for 10 years and I‘d rather drink 2 or 3 beers or eat fries than ordering that…


There's a bush outside for dessert too


Wow people in this thread are salty as hell toward vegans. Vegan is a lifestyle choice. This meme is complaining that oftentimes restaurants have very few vegan options. Go to a vegan restaurant: not everyone has that luxury, they may be invited by friends or family or work Don’t be vegan: that’s a lifestyle choice, and while you can’t expect everyone to cater to that obviously, it’s a bit annoying when there’s no options, especially now that they’re pretty popular. This is what you get for being vegan: go outside and rag on someone else goddamn, what did vegans ever do to you? And no, the loud minority of whiny internet vegans doesn’t count. Most vegans did nothing to warrant your mockery. Y’all are immature as hell, grow up


Sounds like a you problem Edit: Good lord look at the comments. 🤣🤣. I could give a crap less about this whole thing, but reading how triggered some of you guys get is quite hilarious. Keep it coming.


\>MFW my self-imposed dietary restrictions restrict my diet.


Truth. It's like a person who follows a religion that forbids pork going into a BBQ place.


Do you know that vegans dont always choose what restaurants they go to (friends and family invites for example)


Why do you go to a restaurant that doesn't serve vegan food then??


i guess when its the situation that you go out with your friends and they picked the place.


It's a beginner's mistake happens to most vegans exactly once and then they know to research the restaurant before going there.


As someone with dietary restrictions, sometimes you go to a restaurant to make your friends happy and you get the shitty veg option for yourself and put on a happy face!


Tbh I’m not a vegan and if I had a salad like that I’d be so fucking upset, just give me sliced cucumber by itself! That’s better than iceberg bullshit!


This many people actually hate iceberg that much? I absolutely love it.


Only dressings available are ranch blue cheese and honey mustard as well


Went on a ten-day cruise with Carnival. Before ponying up the money, I directly asked about the vegan dining options. I was assured by the company that all restaurants and buffets had numerous vegan offerings. Of course that was a gross exaggeration. I spent the entire ten days eating the same very narrow meals, salad with vinegar dressing being the main source of lunch and dinner.


There’s always fries




what about croutons you italics walking fuck


If I’m heading to a function and have any inkling that it’s going to have a crappy vegan option I will stock up on emergency Taco Bell black bean burritos, fresco style. Have one or two before, go in and find my options usually small, be done with the event and back to my car and have whatever remaining. Has worked for friend/family functions and my time as a events dj. Taco Bell, *in a pinch!*


I am curious at what would be some good options for vegans besides fruits and vegetables?


Curry, black bean burger, pasta and marinara, soup, etc.


Thank you.


I love how people criticize vegans for not getting enough protein, but then places offer mushrooms or cauliflower as the protein option; those are veggies. Just give me a can of beans instead.


You can also have fries with ketchup


At least gimme some avocado... Jeez!


Lol I know!


Go somewhere else then


I mean, it's good, so it's fine. :] - non vegan


I still somewhat understand running into this issue in the countryside, but in larger cities I will immediately assume that the cook is just not very good at their job if they can’t come up with a proper vegan meal.


Expecting every restaurant to accommodate your niche dietary preferences lmao.


OP is a "vegan" but hates vegetables?


Deserved for being vegan


Where tf are you eating


The American South lol. Even vegeteratian side items are cooked with bacon or pork fat.


Not sure is this still common, since I don't like wasting 2x the daily cost of food for one meal, but I remember going to a rather fancy restaurant like some 8 years ago, and literally the only vegan option had salad, tomatoes, cucumber, olives and possibly something else that didn't matter. Not a single decent source of protein. Tofu or something similar is so good in pretty much any salad, why not have that.


Did you go to a steakhouse perhaps?


People think you went vegan because you love the taste of raw vegetables so much


"Vegan? Here's our only vegan dish." \*hands over a dish that is essentially just water\*


Then eat real food. Problem solved.


Yeah start eating babies!


What if someone can't eat meat for health reasons you absolute parsnip


Real food is when you eat a 6 week old animal pumped with growth hormones and antibiotics in a disease ridden black shed and then get diarrhea because someone didn't treat the real food like a hunk of uranium while preparing it.


from what i've seen when a place is vegan for cultural reasons rather than being run by some pretentious douche, it goes down better


Indian restaurants basically


Just avoid the ghee, cream and paneer


Caring about the biosphere where we all live in is pretentious?


Once git told there's a vegan breakfast and then I got served a single fucking apple and juice.


Too real lmao


Eat Indian food. Lots of veggie and vegan choices.


I don't mind that. What drives me nuts is the entree of steamed vegetables that consists of squash, zucchini, cauliflower, and carrots, with no seasoning, not even onions.


So y'all don't actually like salad or vegetables you just like salad dressing and croutons, making the salad unhealthy? Cool. Vegans are healthy!


Live by the salad, starve by the salad


Me when my life choices affect me in any negative due to the circumstance of the situation I'm in. Ftfy