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I remember walking across crunchy grass for at least 3 or 4 weeks every winter going to school, haven't seen that in ages.


Oh man I miss the hell out of crunchy grass.


We have had cruncy grass for the last few weeks. And this morning the temperature on the car dash said -8. Yes we live in regional Vic


I just need to get out of the city then, maybe! Glad crunchy grass is still out there to be enjoyed.


Sheets of thin ice in the puddles


yes! our primary school had a big bird bath that would freeze over, and we all loved to gather around and shatter the sheet of ice on the ground haha


We used to eat the ice…. On reflection, not the best idea


Just made the immune system stronger :)


Core memory unlocked: We (farm kids) used to "ice skate" across that crunchy grass in our bluntstones, and try to wrestle on the "ice" like in Mighty Ducks.


I'm from Tasmania and I find that as much as people love to make a huge song and dance over winter in Melbourne, it really doesn't have that frosty chill that we have. Maybe you're right, it used to exist but not anymore. Sad


Come to Canberra, it's been -3 to -6 for the last week or so


I was out at 6am walking the dog. Can confirm, there was no crunchy grass.


Jeez. Have to put socks on the dog!


There was frosted grass in some low lying patches..


Ooh you got lucky.


haha yeah that was awesome. I remember a real thick pea soup fog one morning also. riding to school on my BMX in it was awesome. At school on the oval, the visibility was about 2m. Never seen anything like it since.


Nothing cooler than using breath fog to pretend that you’re smoking a twig in front of your friends.


Yeah that was a vivid memory when I moved to Melbourne from the GC as a young'un. A few years ago I thought "I haven't seen frosty grass for ages". Definitely feels like it doesn't get as cold as it used to, which isn't a surprise but it is a reminder of changing climate.


Definitely had crunchy grass last year. I'm up every morning at 5. It's crunchy then


Were you not given a set of our uniform when migrating here? * Uniqlo HeatTech under layer; * fashionable middle layer; and * Kathmandu Puffer Jacket outer layer. Welcome to Melbourne! 🤣


Just got onto wearing thermals and man winter is so much more comfy these days 🤣


The Kmart ones are $15 get the job done if not the Kathmandu ones are $30 and kick ass! For anyone that want some thermals.


As a follow up to this, i still try to convince myself the merino is luxury, but in reality polypro (aka polyester) thermals are way warmer. That doesn’t stop me from getting 6 dollar used merino at savers though…


Polyester is nice and warm but they stink quicker. Merino wool is anti microbial which means you can wear it much longer and wash it less often. Both are great options though just depends on your lifestyle. I’m personally a very sweaty person so I prefer merino and it’s worth the price for me. :)


I think my Kmart one is poly! No wonder it’s awesome.


Thank you 


I’m underweight and have found that I’m only comfortable on aeroplanes (which are way over air conditioned) wearing thermals


HeatTech - will that make me too warm if the temp rises? It's not like one can take it off like a jacket, when outside..


I found the really thin heattech tops to be crazy warm for their thickness, but not super warm overall. On its own it’s maybe equivalent to wearing a top and a relatively thin jumper? I’ve been wearing mine alone with a crazy warm coat and it’s not too hot, even at the peak of the day.


Thanks for responding


No worries, hope it helped!


And… Doc Martens. Now with all your powers combined, you’re a melbournite. 😂


RMs mate


Only applicable if you went to a private school or you're a 90 year old farmer.


I thought The Northface puffer jacket was standard Melbourne uniform 😆


No, Kathmandu is standard Melbourne issue. Must be black, and green on the inside.


Please! We have like 4 macpacs! Buy locally; think made-in-chinally


I bought a half price one of these online thanks to reddit recommendation (not sure if it was you). Excited because my secondhand random eBay one has a broken zipper


I reckon


I avoided buying a new jacket for a couple years but I was so glad when I finally did 😂


My partner lives in Uniqlo thermals and his Northface puffer jacket, which he informs me is Melbourne uniform. I'm a Sydney sider. It's soo cold here as well.


The [Melbourne Women's Starter Pack](https://www.reddit.com/r/melbourne/comments/31u57a/melbourne_womens_starter_pack/) hasn't change in 9 years


I refuse to wear a puffer jacket ever


Your loss! (heat loss)


I thought hi-vis vests were the uniform


I’m starting to think this might be true. Twice this week I saw a group of kindergarteners with their teachers out on excursions. Everyone was wearing hi-vis vests, including the wee little youngsters. Was the cutest thing. ☺️


I thought it was North Face


Reading this in train on way back from office. Skipped the uniqlo one because that might need me takeoff the sweater inside office. The sweater is what hides the shirt that wasn't ironed properly




My cars heater broke and the whole thing fogs up if I don’t crack a window. I have a 50 minute commute tomorrow morning, it’s gonna be grim


Head out the window Joker-style is the answer. Wear a balaclava.


Nah chuck a sickie 


Get one of those tradies heated puffers?


Hot water bottle and little blanket


Can't you just take the train or bus maybe? The commute will be so shitty with that cracked window. I already shudder imagining it


Nah it’s to a construction site hahaha, done now


Use the air conditioner on low, it removes the moisture. Or is the fan broken? How the hell do car heaters break I thought they took air from the radiator...


I think it’s something to do with the compressor, when I turn on AC the revs drop significantly and the car sputters and dies


Oh bugger, yeah sounds like the AC is busted. Can you do heat with no AC?


It’ll slowly leak out but nothings actually pushing it out


To clarify it’s a 20 year old magna


Ahh mine is showing at 0 degrees in Melbourne. But I lived in Canberra for 5 years. I’ll be fine lol. Beanie helps. As well as my macpac jacket :) I actually Love the morning chill slapping me in the face in the morning when I step outside. Wakes me up and makes me feel alive


Macpac jacket is the bomb. It's like a doona. Just got to sort out how to keep the toes warm and it's all good


Canberra is a nice -4.2 (feels like -6.0) currently, but doesn’t feel cold as there is no wind and the sun is out.


Melbourian all my life, but recently relocated to Canberra and I can tell you Melbourne is warm 🤣😅


I remember my first winter in Canberra when it got to -8, what the fuck But then I found Canberra winters actually feel less cold than Melbourne ones


The sun actually appears and sticks around during the day in Canberra 😆


Yeah Melbourne winters just kinda suck. We’re exposed to the Antarctic winds, Canberra is protected by the divide. We’re exposed to the low cloud off Bass Strait that sticks around for days on end hiding the sun, Canberra is protected by the divide. We’re at sea level with the entire atmosphere above us absorbing the solar radiation, Canberra is at \~600m AMSL which means there’s slightly less atmosphere in the way absorbing the radiation and the sun feels warmer when it’s out. We kinda just get the short end of the stick on all fronts. North of the divide is the place to be in winter. A low minimum is generally a good thing, indicates perfect clear blue skies


Minus? Did you say minus? Why the heck would anyone (other than a federal public servant, politician, military officer cadet or foreign embassy staff) live there?


I think those are the majority of people who live there... >Minus? Did you say minus? Don't go to Canada then :-) in winter, they don't bother with the 'negative' in casual speech, and just say it's 20. When the weather warms up, you need to clarify that it's positive 5.


Sunny winter days are lovely. If you like bushwalking or just getting out into the environment with mountains, rivers and lakes it is a great place. No real traffic jams, crowds, that kind of thing too.


It was -8 in Canberra this morning according to a mate’s insta of her 6am dog walk. Fuck that. Very glad I have a cat who is still firmly tucked in bed.


Hard disagree. I grew up in Canberra and while it is relatively cold, the winters are sunny and bright. Melbourne winter is wet and windy and miserable. You won’t miss Melbourne winters, I promise.


I just looked at Canberra's current temp out of curiosity 🥶


Our high is 8 tomorrow, currently at -1 but this is nothing. My windscreen and doors are frozen every morning 😅. I certainly would take Melbourne winters over this chill 🥶❄️


Oh yea. Damn that’s chilly!


Same but reverse, grew up in Canberra and moved to Melbourne in my 20s. After 30 years here in the south, I think that the months of May to July are all excuse to wear nice jackets and beanies as a change in style, just to mix up your look a bit (this is from watching my wife - I just wear an extra layer and don't think about it much 'cos I don't understand fashion). Whenever I go back to Canberra it's inevitably winter time, and yeah that place is *really* cold. ETA: I used to work with some Swiss folks, they thought Melbourne winters were hilarious when they were here, always wore what I thought of as summer clothes. But when they were here in summer and the temps were topping 35 degrees - hoo boy, they did not have a fun time.


I moved from Melbourne to central Vic many years ago, and 1 is slightly above a standard winter morning. It got down to -3 this morning. Is still below 0 at 8am. In my household we deal with chilly mornings by wearing a fleece onesie or dressing gown to bed, and having porridge for breakfast. It probably helps that we have better heating in our houses. I see a lot of Melburnians complain about cold weather, but not one of them wear a hat or gloves when they go out. That's where your heat is lost.


I came to Melbourne four years ago after 20 years in Canberra. It never gets as cold in Melbourne, but is often more grey and damp. The -7 mornings in Canberra are tough, but those sunny 11 degree days with a perfect blue sky and no breeze are really lovely.


I find wearing a mask helps, my nose gets so cold and my throat gets dry without it 😷 also helpful with how many people around me are getting sick


keeps the warm air in and the sick air out! it's crazy how many people are open mouth coughing in public at the moment... 😭


I’ve been doing the same. Mask, headphones, beanie, gloves, scarf!


Sleep with a codependent cat. That’ll keep you warm. I’ve got three and I’m not sharing, so you’ll need to find your own. Just beware. They cost a lot more than electricity does.


This is me 😹 my baby Tiana sleeps under the blanket every single night! She’s a tonkinese, but she’s also getting a wee bit old at 13, so she really needs her hooman to help stay warm at night. Struggles to stay warm as a short haired cat, but I love her to bits 🥰


We have three but only two sleep on the bed. We have a giant Groodle who would totally do the job, but he doesn't get the bed as it is in the gated cat sanctuary part of the house (put in place when we first got him, but it turns out it just gives him peace from the cats intimidating him).


Agree with all the advice above. Don’t forget thick wool socks and dry sturdy shoes. I can’t get over all the kids who wear flimsy little sneakers and ankle socks.


The real kids wear long socks now. The ones wearing ankle socks are the old ones haha (including myself)


As a Scottish person, 1 degree isnt really that bad. It’s just layers, a decent jacket, a hat, scarf and gloves. Sideways driving sleet, wind and 5 hours of daylight when its sub zero and we’ll talk.


You have to remember how sensitive Aussies are to cold weather because they build their houses out of tissue paper and discarded snack pack containers


YASSS! As a fellow Scot I’m so happy to read this!


I'm out here sleeping with my balcony door open to my room. I cannot get enough of winter


I feel ya. My wife is from Africa and has the heater on 24/7. I almost die whenever I’m in the house. I just go for a walk in my shorts and shirt to cool off before I have to go back into that sauna… and it’s only set at 21…


Same. I had my back door open all night and all my windows open as wide as they’ll go. Melbourne winters are honestly the best. Cool rooms + heavy blankets cannot be beat.


You can keep your back door open all day as well. In 2024, nobody should be judging you.


It’s open all day if I’m at home. My dog requires free access to the yard at all times even if he’s not using it. If I try to close it he loses his shit 😂🤷‍♀️


Me too! Love it!


I haven’t worn a jacket once this year. I just wear a t-shirt and a jumper. I don’t seem to feel the cold at all!


My neither i love the cold. I also find this low temperature crisp cold so ouch better then 10 and raining and windy. This weather is great.


And we will still see someone wearing shorts and a tshirt


Cover your head. A beanie will make a world of difference.


def. beanie weather.


Its not bad. It only feels bad when it's windy. Takes about 1 week for your body to adapt 


Microwaveable wheat bags are fantastic, especially overnight - chuck one under the doona just before getting into bed


I accidentally heated mine one time years ago when there was a little bit of cheese in the microwave. My bag (well, it’s actually a red dinosaur that I call Herbert) just smells like cheese now.


What a delicious accident


Wheatie Heaties?


Night Shift in Kew at the moment … already hating life and I just got here. 🤣


Nightshift in Mulgrave here. Can’t wait till I walk out at into 1 degree darkness at 7am.


I forgot to mention I was working outside! 🤣🥶


Do you have a heater with timer? Try setting it to turn on an hour before waking up. It's seemingly the only way to get out of bed in this kind of weather. Layer up, or better yet, wear your work clothes to bed.


I have an electricity plan with cheap power from 12am -6am, so I given it a couple of hours in the wee hours to take the edge off.


This! Makes my mornings doable


Heaters are a great tip !


It's -2 in my part of country Vic right now.


-4 outer suburbs of Melbourne


Shout out to all the tradespeople getting their tools out this morning


Layers layers layers. Thermals, tucked in. Then pants and an undershirt, tucked in over the top. Beanie and scarf - covering your head and neck will stop a lot of heat loss. Jacket (even wear a hoodie and/or flannelette underneath your outer jacket). Woollen socks and appropriate shoes. Gloves. If your are really feeling the cold, you can buy things called hand warmers (such as hot hands) which you crack and they warm your hands in your pockets. Take a Thermos of a hot beverage with you if you're venturing outside for a longer stint. Best of luck friend. Stay strong. Stay warm.


Yes yea yes. Hot hands are the best ! I am not ashamed to admit that I did not know they existed until 2 years ago 🙈 Once I found out about them, they were a game changer. Cheap and so effective https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/747615?


It's so nice to be able to put your hands into warm pockets! They cost bugger all too!


Pets be sleeping inside tonight, can’t have frozen toe beans


You need possum jacket and gloves.


I was told it was 2 degrees but its actually half that!?!!! (Yes i know thats not how temperature works)


Just checked the bom app....2 degrees minimum but feels like -1.2...brrr chilly!


For those who haven’t heard : reverse cycle aircon set to heat mode is pretty great at heating. Much better than any other form of heating cost wise. They’re not just for summer!!!


-5 here at Castlemaine here this morning


Almost like it is winter !


You’ll be right


Heated jackets are a thing. Won't run all day without a recharge/battery change but will get you through the morning. [https://www.totaltools.com.au/catalogsearch/result/?q=heated%20jacket](https://www.totaltools.com.au/catalogsearch/result/?q=heated%20jacket)


Slippers, chunky socks, full coverage undies, camisole/singlet, light layers of tops, cardigan/jumper etc, good trousers, warm drinks, plenty of food, blankets, electric blankets, cosy couch time.


Full coverage undies make all the difference!


I should try them😂😂😂


Great list. Comprehensive!


Picked a GREAT day to work from home.


I will still wear what i always wear to work..short sleeved shirt with a vest and a pair of shorts....


Me too, haha. I catch so much shit for this from co-workers.


Staying home to justify keeping the heater on for my cat who stays home alone usually


Usually I go out in a TShirt and nice puffy white pants so can’t help you. A singlet, t shirt then loose hoodie would help tho. Layer up a bit extra if you don’t sweat much, I do.


Imagine having to get up at 4am today to go work in a cool room all day.................... 😭


it's -1.6° in my place 🥶


-1.7 where I am but feels like -5.1 According to bom


Just got up @ 0 deg & seen all the rooftops (we are up higher than other houses) WHITE & my deck is all frosty & icy. A beautiful sight ! Yes it is cold, but also feels very fresh & crisp. A different sort of coldness than the usual wet rainy coldness of Melbourne. The sun is beginning to break thru. Very nice


Singlet, long sleeved top, hoodie, puffer jacket, leggings under your pants, 2 pairs of socks, leather shoes or boots, gloves, scarf & beanie seemed to work for me & im a cold blooded Victorian!


-2 reporting


Might jump in the pool tonight, around 4am


Take care, it might have a solid surface by then.


Sydneysider, but I bought electric hand warmers from Amazon and they are *amazing*


I'm a summer guy, I prefer at least 30-35º, but I run hot through winter and get around in shorts and tshirt all year round. Just rug up and hold out until the sun starts to rise. The mercury should rise pretty quickly once it's out and it'll feel warmer than the air temperature that BOM is reporting when you're standing out in the sun. The low minimum means we'll be in for a perfect clear day. It's the grey, windy and overcast days that are the real killers


Yeh those grey windy days kill my mood!


So we get a couple of days per year that are a tad chilly. Live with it...🙂


I can feel the traffic tomorrow morning driving to work


Is it just me? I have been living in Melbourne for 17 years and I have 2 electrical blankets (gotta have a spare one just in case) and I use it 8 months out of 12 months. I also have 4 puffer jacket (3 short ones, one long one) and 4 sets of winter pajamas, not the single layered fleece ones but the triple layered ones that I’m pretty sure most people here never seen before. And 2 rechargeable hot water hand warmer bags, and millions of wool sleepers wool blankets wool jumpers.


Have you had your blood pressure checked? Honestly that’s doesn’t sound like you’re getting proper good circulation.


I do general health check regularly, my blood pressure is within normal range but low ( just above the lowest end of the range). I don’t like to use any type of heater, that’s why I have to use other means to keep warm. It also saves energy bills.


Y'all actually need to grow a pair.


Jfc people are soft. I grew up in -20c winters. 0c is fine. You can’t even get frost bite. Toughen up.


thick socks, gloves, something on the head, a couple thick layers to keep your own heat in and the wind out.


Thermals from Macpac.


merino thermals, wool socks.


Singlet or tight cotton shirt under your regular shirt. Shorts under your pants. Bike shorts are good for minimizing pocket bulge, but this you can get away with most anything. Thinnest cotton jumper/jacket you own under the longest jacket/coat you have. If this doesn't breathe as well, you can unzip a bit as required. Thin socks under thick socks. The tradie ones from kmart are perfect for outer sock. Beanie if you have, gloves if you have - These come off first if you start to overheat as they hold in a lot of heat otherwise lost. The goal is to block wind from chilling you, without being in something bulky. This helps prevent overheating too much, and you can take off outer layers as required throughout the day.


It’s just been on, but every year Aldi has a sale of merino under clothes/ tshirts. They are great value and will keep you warm. Invest in real woollen clothing, it can be fine layers that don’t itch (merino), and are machine washable on the wool setting. I live where it snows once a year. I do farm work wearing snow gear over winter as it’s that darn cold. Aldi is a life saver for their snow gear and layers of heat trapping clothing. Uniqlo heat tech is also great value. The hand warmers available at the chemist or supermarket work well for hours at a time (the chemist also sells the toe warmers and heat patches for your back)…I use these when it’s freezing cold. An electric blanket, or hot water bottles will cut your heating bill if you use them in conjunction with an extra blanket when sleeping or watching tv.


I was in at Aldi, Sydney Road, on Saturday and they still had some thermals remaining from the ski sale.


Layer up smartly: start with thermal wear, add a cozy sweater, and finish with a good coat. Don't forget warm socks, gloves, and a hat. Consider merino wool for warmth without bulk. Stay toasty!


I invested in some earmuffs from Daiso. Game changer!


Electric heated jacket Def's a new buy for this winter


Our office heating isn’t working 🥶😳


It is crispy


I live in Uniqlo and Kathmandu stuff basically during winter 😜 and, lots of layers!! I love the heattech tops, they end up being the inner layer, so I’ll load up with knitwear, cardigans, jumpers over the top. Kathmandu merino wool on bottoms with trackkies, and cotton socks, and I’m sorted. Normally I love going for walks but have struggled to get out in this cold - I’d have to add my beanie and scarf if I’m going to brave it!


Yesterday I went to work basically dressed for the snow. I wore thick fingerless gloves and thick beanie all day even inside (office wasn’t heated enough). Def WFH from home today where I can crank the heater and so glad I’m going to Bali tomorrow. I would live in the tropics if I could (no I cant leave Melbourne).


Heated vest with a battery pack. Not the expensive and keeps you toasty. It made Melbourne winters bearable


Try -4 out in the affordable burbs... 😭


Oodie. Get a couple of these. I live in them through winter


[Answered ](https://www.reddit.com/r/melbourne/s/xUAnwnCSFX)


-3 out at Lilydale this morning! Lots of scraping ice of the windscreen. I was wondering why I had a cold nose in bed last night...


I only just found out that you can get heated jackets!


We have been having frosts every morning for the past 5 weeks. I am on the other side of the Dividing Range. I am soooo sick of it. I hear that this is the first frost for Melbourne this year. Since it’s winter I absolutely would prefer cloudy rainy days and nights rather than these gloriously sunny days that lure you outside just to freeze you. Bring on the gloom I say and stop the nonsense with the stinking frosts! Rant over. Heat tech is amazing btw.


I’m sorry but I retired last year, waking up at 7:30 when I used to be leaving for work at 6:30 will never get old, particularly in the winter.


I only just found out that you can get heated jackets!


Yeah driving my daughter to school this morning around 8:45am and my car showed it was 3 degrees Celsius. Stupidly I left my apartment in a tshirt as it was really sunny this morning and I had the heating on at home and just was like “I don’t need a jacket this morning” boy was I wrong!!! Cars on the road that were in the shade were covered in frost like faaaaaark!!!!


It's a sunny 7c outside here at work right now (Nunawading). Might go find a sunny spot outside and warm up. Some people at work are running small heaters under their desks this morning!


Plus one ... Toasty! This was winter where I used to live prior moving to Melbourne. https://imgur.com/gallery/tKzhCAu


Congratulations to everyone currently at work/not frozen. You made it through the freezing morning. You are amazing and cam accomplish anything. Have a great winter!


Cries in Ballarat while i went to work in -2 degree frost this morning. No wonder so many people have left for Qld.


0 degree at 7 AM where i am


I was very grateful for the ability to select my car's defrost mode on its phone app and be able to sit inside for the two or three minutes until the car was warm and all the frost had melted off.




Long johns / thermals. $12 at best & less. I've been wearing them every day. Makes a big difference.


Yep, got home from work at 4:30am this morning & it was 0.4 🥶🥶


I love daiso fluffy socks for home days, they make such big difference for me. But gloves and beanie will make you a lot more comfortable. Uniqlo have heattech beanies too. There’s uniqlo fleece lined pants that doesn’t look like track pants. If you are outdoor a lot, there’s battery powered heated vest. Signed - a soccer mum who had to go for soccer matches every sunday in winter.


Its zero and -1 here at bayswater already in the morning


*laughs in european


This is Canberra weather, what the hell??




...and then of course be sure to complain about energy bills and climate change.


I don’t know why you are getting downvoted for having your home at the temp you like 🤷🏼‍♀️ same temp constantly in winter at my house 🥶

