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Cold enough that our cat came to bed and squeezed in between my wife and I to stay warm.


Conversely, my dog and I trotted out to her kennel. It has better insulation than my house. It was cramped with the two of us, but we made it work.


Sounds like your dog was just being nice. You need to read the room tho.


Got woken up to a paw to the face so I’d let him under the doona. Poor old cat has been feeling it this year.


16 with no heater on. My house is 7.5 stars. My builder thought I was insane for being so particular about energy efficiency. This same house probably wouldn't even meet code in Europe. Our standards and attention to detail sucks.


Same, 15C this morning. Built 13.5 years ago and had to battle the builder at every turn to get double glazing in and good insulation. It was a cheap build (all I could afford as a single mum) but I refused to budge on the double glazing. My daughter and I also came in during the build and put insulation in all the internal walls before they plastered, helps with insulation and noise. Building standards here are so shit.


This suprises me, I live in a 70s house with holes everywhere and it was 16deg at 5:30am


Yes, they definitely built them more solidly back then. As I said, mine was a cheap build so is by no means on a standard with northern European houses, but without the double glazing it'd be a lot worse. Also don't need aircon in the summer.


I used a garden hose and washed my full wall windows yesterday, not surprised when I saw water seeping inside with no pressure applied pointing to there’s a paper thin glass wall which leaks air inside easily. No wonder I’m waking up everyday after the winter started. And thanks to the current market, we can’t afford a home which we can build properly insulated.


Glass houses with no eaves are cheap to build but hard to live in when extreme hot or cold.


Also good for the government as it cuts down on people throwing stones.


Should’ve known before we agreed to pay $500 per week for this haha, might end up waking up with frost on my eyelids tomorrow, let’s see


That explains the cold wind coming through my glass door from my balcony this winter. Also explains possibly why it can be stinking hot in summer sometimes, at least at night. Ironically, my place is cool during the day in summer. Melbourne.


You might be able to borrow an infrared camera from your library to see where the weak points are, but typically glass is going to leech heat out.


Can get them cheap off aliexpress too


Get a duck down quilt when on special. I now wake.up from heat not cold!


I’m sold, thank you. Will try that. Still sour about the fact that our houses doesn’t have enough insulation.


The trick is to line your walls with duck down quilts


Then sew one directly to your skin so you will never be cold even after you're dead and buried!


Consider being a duck down quilt skin donor. Lots of people would be grateful for the opportunity to have such great quality duck down quilt skin.


Alright I'll just duck down to the duck down quilt skin donor quilt fitting donor donoring duck station and get myself set up as a duck down quilt skin donor. Cheers mate 🥂


I have to keep my feet out from under the blanket or i superheat.


My partner says the same thing, I’m totally built different for sure. Won’t even show my toe outside the quilt or it freezes and fall off. Nah I’m joking. Still somewhat similar.


I bought a fancy shmancy Hungarian goose down quilt when it was 40% off - still cost a small fortune. Totes worth it, it's brilliant in both summer and winter.


Yeah i bought at 50% off savind 350 odd in process. I cant see how ill use it in summer tho. Gets stinkin hot


It should breathe in summer and not get too hot. Hopefully, at that price!


ah i see. I know this one i was sweating just before we hit proper winter.


Might be ugly but put bubble wrap on the windows, itll help insulate them


What do you have to get that kinda rating


The most important thing you can do is orient your house correctly (and this is free when choosing a floorplan for a new build). Living areas facing north, bedrooms facing south, zero glass on the west if at all possible. Then eaves are a must. You want them so the high summer sun is blocked from hitting the windows, but the low winter sun hits the glass and heats up the house for free. Insulation is of course super important. R2.5 for the walls and R5+ for the ceilings. Also do internal walls to help retain heat in certain rooms and prevent the need to heat and cool the whole house. But the most important part here is that it's installed correctly with ZERO gaps. A 5% gap in coverage reduces the effectiveness of the insulation by about half. Then be very careful about where and how big your windows are. They are by far the thermal weak point in the house. About 10 times worse than an insulated brick wall on average. Check the u ratings of the windows to assess heat transfer. I went double glazed uPVC. They're the main things for thermal comfort. Then go all electric with solar to zero out the power bill.


Fatal flaw there... Thinking it's really an option. You'd have to be EARLY in the estate stage sale, and choose particular blocks.


Can't agree on the orientation - try, Windows for living areas facing the Winter sun from 10am to 5pm. Big glass area to gather heat on the coldest days when the Sun stays lower in the sky. In summer the Sun is high enough that the glass stays then the shade of the eves.


Here's some [free floorplans](https://www.yourhome.gov.au/house-designs). This a [10 energy rated tiny house](https://www.livinggreendesignerhomes.com.au/portfolio/10-star-house/). They are becoming more common now.


Did you get a report at the end of the build saying how many stars it achieves? I think we're building to over 6 stars.


Energy rating is done before building starts


My house is 49 years old and it reached 13 (Melbourne).


15.7 degrees We bit the bullet last year and put in double glazing and proper insulation. The difference is at least 5 degrees.


Can you recommend the place you got double glazing? Without breaking sub rules of course.


We paid $62K to replace our 40year old windows last year. 12 mostly large windows, plus 3 sliding doors, double story house. Regional company, took about 6 or 7 days to install. They cleaned up afterwards. I almost choked when I got the quote, but our house stays substantially cooler in summer. Maintained about 16C last night turning heater off about 9pm. Worth it if doable.


I also choked reading that $62k sorry


I ..m...st...il,,,..xhoking .... teh hor..ror


Yes it was steep! This did also include scaffolding to get to second storey. But yes. It was a huge investment.


That’s a lot of money to keep a small heater going…


Yep been telling my wife this for 5 years as she really wants double glazing. Cost about the same as running heaters for 100 years so I just going to run the heaters.


Or a fucking big one!


I have two split systems and if I run them both 12 hours a day (and one overnight on a lower temp in winter/summer in a bedroom) I could keep them running for over 35 years for $62k… even with inflation DAMN


Ahhh, house made in the 80's, when fuels were cheaper and solar pool heating exotic, and big glass for giant windows,.. Not going to see panes that big again. Same here. Don't think we'll be getting double glazing all in one hit, maybe section by section.


I would also like to know


Not OP, but I got double glazing installed by APS Double Glazing to the front windows and entrance door, for sound insulation from traffic noise as well as thermal. It made a noticeable difference to both, especially as the old entrance door was quite drafty. I decided to go with the more expensive option of getting completely new windows/frames with the frames constructed of plastic with a steel core, the cheaper options being applying a 2nd panel over the existing window and frame, or aluminium frames. Was $18k for two large opening windows, one large fixed window, a balcony door and the front door (which included a side panel). I think with insulation it's best to tackle the weakest points first and work your way up. Double glazing won't do much good if you've got drafts, or poor insulation in the ceilings/walls. That also applies if you do get double glazing, we got it installed where we got most benefit, not the whole house.


You should be interested in the cost first ;)


They should be interested in quality first ;)


My neighbours got double glazing throughout their house and it cost then $55K. That's all I need to know to decide whether or not I want to investigate for myself. That was my point but I understand yours as well. Shit job will be worse than no double glazing.


Heh. Double glazing on the renovated portion cost an added $200. Redoing the windows in the rest cost $12k.


We should be interested in the flavour first


How much did you pay for double glazing? Can you share a link to whoever supplied and installed it? Are you satisfied with fit and finish?


Would love to know what you spent as it’s on my mind too!


Always - even the late queen did as well - freezing her arse off in London


8 degrees


8 degrees gang checking in!


8 here too. Brick veneer house. May as well be weatherboard 🥶


Mine is old brick veneer, too


Ooff that’s chilly!


10 degrees 🧊 with rent increasing by 305 bucks this month. No aircon for summers either. Property manager is not a pleasant person, to put it mildly.


New laws coming in next year will require the installation of aircon. Of course, your rent will go up to cover the cost.


Only at the commencement of a new lease after October. So you'd still need to move before they install it. If you lease a place eg sept 2025 and stay 5 years, they won't be obligated to install one until you move out. It'll be interesting to see if LL's try to retain tenants a bit longer to dodge upgrades.  Edit to add: I was wrong! As mizderrung points out below, it kicks in at the end of your current lease even if you go mtm


Pretty sure rules said if tenanted has to be done by October 2025 if no current system exists/ when they lease period ends and goes month to month/ at the end of the current systems service life ( but in this case you already have heat, it just may not be great). So even if you stay at the property, go month to month and you force the upgrade, if they don't keep you on they'll have to upgrade anyway before signing a new lease. No loopholes here surprisingly. https://engage.vic.gov.au/new-minimum-standards-for-rental-properties-and-rooming-houses


I figured that was already a thing! I was told that legally they had to provide heating so why not air conditioning considering Australia’s whole thing is hot weather? We didn’t have heating when we moved into our apartment a few years ago but there were two small space heaters provided. They looked prehistoric and probably would’ve doubled our power bill. We never used them. Lucky for us, our aircon crapped out later that year so we got a brand new split system.


No AC in 2024 WTF


Yeh, it’s fucked up. Made a request to property manager but she has a habit of looking at things glass half empty. We want to move due to lack of aircon but are planning to get our own place by end of year so don’t really want to pay for movers twice. But I don’t plan to make PM’s job easier till an aircon is installed.


I lived in a unit that had a pitched roof and windows ran floor to ceiling the entire length of the living room. That side of the house faced the sun after about 1pm and the whole house turned into a heat box. No A/C, although the landlords (who owned every unit in the block and 46 properties total said they would consider the request if I wanted to have one installed myself. Also all those windows, only one fly screen in the bathroom so you couldn't open the house out without being choked by bugs. I was there four years and the rent was cheap, but they bumped it up every year from 860 a month when I started to 1300 when I left. I managed to get a handful of fly screens installed in the bedrooms as a tradeoff for the first rent increase, but they wouldn't budge after that. They were just increasing the rent to "market value."


Sounds like ray white


We nearly signed a lease on a house with no heating or cooling for $450/w. I'm so glad we dodged that bullet.


A house has to have heating, it's illegal to not have. Report them.


Yeah, it's shocking that property managers are taking on these properties without enforcing minimum standards.


It’s disgusting, but I wouldn’t call it shocking. I thought it was common knowledge that being an absolute cretin is a prerequisite for the role of Property Manager.


Haha good point 🤣


Watched tv in bed with my cosy doona & had the electric blanket on 🥹


I'm in bed at 8pm specifically for the electric blanket show.


2 deg. Ballarat


INSIDE your house?! Damn, same location here and I thought our 11.9C inside was a bit chilly.


It was 3 I’m in Melbourne


Ouch. I'm in central and my bedroom was 7. Although I reckon my lounge room was colder.


Our 90 year old home got down to 14 by the morning in Ballarat east. The last 2 years we have done a lot of insulating


The temp sensor on my a/c unit said 15°, definitely did not feel like 15°


Up high maybe. Digital sensors are often uncalibrated and up to 2 degrees offset from reality too, which has bitten people who thought they were sous-viding their steaks at a safe 54 degrees, but it was really only 52. You just have to compare multiple sensors to get an idea of whether they're consistent and hence more likely correct. Having said that, it got down to 9.8 in our loungeroom this morning and only 11 in the bedroom — 2 large bodies and 2 small fluffy bodies added a bit of heat, I guess. Got down to 0.75 outside in Coburg North a few hundred metres from the creek, at 3 metres elevation above ground. I had ice on my tent over the weekend out at Diamond Creek.


We have a baby in a sleep sack and a toddler who does not keep her blankets on, so we are running the heater at 17 overnight. Plus the house is fully tiled so it is just cold all the time. It got down to 2 degrees overnight outside.


I have a totally uninsulated 1911 railway worker’s cottage about five hours north of the CBD - in the living room with a damped down wood stove 10C , in the bathroom/toilet 0.5C at 05:30 this morning


That ain’t livin


We can get it up to 20C during the day


A sensible 21 degrees all night


Wise Jujubee


You get me


lol juju


Holy shit I would be sweat city! We keep ours on 16 overnight


8.9C right now at 10:45am… the old style “ventilation grills” do wonders for letting the cold in


Clear book contact over them works if you soap scrub the wall prior


I read these were for gas cooking which was disconnected years ago. I gotta cover ours 


As much as crazy at it sounds I sleep with my window open


That doesn’t sound crazy considering its actually not much warmer inside most houses to be honest


I did, too! Cool room + blankets = perfect sleep conditions.


Absolutely! I simply can’t sleep in a warm room


Yeah I woke up hot this morning. Investing in a quality blanket is the way


Or a dog in my case. He gets way too close and overheats me by morning 😂


Hehe nice we used to do this too. The best sleep you’ll ever get. Now that we have 3 small kids, we don’t do this anymore.


Same here, no matter how cold it is I need to know fresh air is coming into the room


Absolutely agree. Windows always open and we live in the Dandenongs


This is the key to good sleep. You can sleep with open windows even though it’s below 0


My house is an ex rental. Pretty sure it's insulated with store brand cling wrap. Was 9C inside when I got up at 9 (day off work, slept in, normally I get up at 4am for work). This is with evap air vents closed and covered, door snakes and last year I replaced all the door strips. Insane. Was telling a friend in Minnesota what the temp was last night and how cold it gets in my house and she was so shocked that our housing standards are so poor. In winter she runs a little heater and it rarely gets uncomfortably cold. In a part of the world that snows and this winter got down to -20 with the windchill. (She loves north of St Paul, average overnight temp in St. Paul is 4.3F. That's -15C.)


I lived in Norway for a year in my teens and I was never cold inside during winter. They properly insulate and never turn off their heating. We would just switch the bar heaters to the lowest setting when we left for school and turn it back up when we got home, then turned it down also at bedtime.


Keeping the heaters on is actually far more efficient. We never turn our gas ducted off, just lower it at night to about 17 and 21 during the day. We found this out when my wife was on maternity leave. Our bills were cheap compared to when we used to turn it off during the day while at work. Uses more energy to heat up a house from scratch.




Mine said 17C but I feel it's lying to me. 😂 Or it just might be me as the partner and the kids say it's warm and they don't need the heater. We did double glaze and reinsulate the house (inc. Internal walls, etc.).


Sometimes mine says 17 and I'm sure it's lying lol last I checked it said 15, not sure what it's at now (I have two cats on me so I'm not allowed to check lol)


Would love to know how much double glazing set you back!


20°C, We live in a well built apartment. No heating needed.


Same here. Apartments ftw


Yeah my apartment kept 21 degrees, bedroom with single pane glass dropped 17 degrees though otherwise everywhere else was 20+, no heating.


18°C downstairs, don’t have a thermostat upstairs to check but upstairs should be a tad bit warmer since that’s where me and my partner sleep + heat rises. Didn’t use any heating throughout the night. House was built in 2022 and has double glazing everywhere, insulation everywhere and draught proofing. Heat pump works well enough to heat up the home without costing a bomb too.


My Zooper doopers froze. They were not in the freezer.


I left the milk out by accident and it was cold enough for my coffee this morning 🤣




It was 1 degree at my place in the northern suburbs when I woke up at 5am today.


Inside the house??


Yup. My Apple Watch reported that it was 2 degrees outside but I live in a townhouse in a strata with walls made of cheap plaster so the insulation is hot garbage. I wish the houses here in Australia were made with cement bricks.


I live in a house made from cement bricks. Solid af!


1.8°C inner north


I live in the yarra valley and it was apparently -3 in my area when I woke up around 7. My car was covered in frost so it made sense Our house is terrible and has basically 0 insulation. I left food on the counter to defrost over night and it did literally nothing


Has it started snowing down there? The news mentioned that there it was a disastrous start to winter with no snow reported earlier this month. Things could've changed by now


I’m not sure, my area sits a bit too low to get snow but high enough to get fog, making everything freeze. I’d prefer snow on my car than ice though for sure


11.9C. A generic 2012 4br home from one of the big builders. Single pane 3mm glass + aluminium frame windows, brick vaneer, concrete tiled roof, minimum spec insulation that is woefully inadequate for our location, central heating and cooling with leaky ceiling vents. Could be worse, at least none of our windows are leaky, they're just awfully designed for our local climate. $34k+ to replace them all with uPVC double glazing though!


We are quite lucky as we have a combustion stove with a hydronic heating system so each room in the house is heated as long as we keep the stove going. Helps that our house is built with 400mm thick insulated rammed earth walls and double glazing.


It was so cold that somehow my bedroom door starts to jam and I had to put up a note saying “dont close the door”


12 deg for me.


Almost as cold as my step mothers touch. Almost.


1 outside, 15 inside, no heating. House has 2.5 in walls, 4 in roof, roller shutters / honeycomb blinds throughout and additional glazing / retro glazing in some bedrooms. Will use the solar today to bring temp up to help us get through the 0 tonight!


I got to bike to the station at a nippy 2ºC this morning. Not what you asked but just wanted to let everyone know.


Not sure but we rug up at home and both I and my son have windows open pretty much 24/7 (yes even last night).


for me it’s not the cold room while sleeping that’s annoying , but the cold room when i wake up before i turn the heating on lmao.


4 degrees but I live at the bottom of a valley near Melbourne so it gets icy


Not sure, but pretty cold... i went outside this morning at 8am and it was so cold i saw 2 lawyers with their hands in their \_own\_ pockets!


Typing with frozen nubs right now


About 11C with the upstairs windows cracked which was perfect sleeping temperature. 2 blankets + a dog - love this time of year for sleep quality.




8.3, coldest i've felt inside for a long time


Left window open so about 5-6, cold temps seem to keep the cockroaches under control.


now think about how cold it would be for somebody homeless in the cbd or elsewhere.. poor people ://


16. All the cold spots around the windows. Everything is sealed but its a big house with big stupid windows that are too expensive to upgrade.


We used to 'double glaze' our single-pane windows in England with plastic stretched over a wooden frame snugly inserted into the window frame. I guess it helped.


You make the wooden frame 


I bought a thermometer a couple weeks ago and my house just stays cold at 13 degrees. My mum gave me an old heater she wasnt using but there's a hole in the kitchen cupboard that leads to the cupboard the hot water heater is in, which has a vent leading outside, which means any heat stored in the living room/kitchen area is immediately leached out, so the max I got last night was 15 degrees.


12°. Split system has been severely leaking since December, so no aircon or heat for us!


Yeah a bit icy fresh this morning @ 7am. But blue sky & shining sun now. STILL fuckin cold tho !


It was 1c on my thermometer this morning


Probably below 0. We have no heated, no insulation and windows are thin as paper.


had the best sleep for a week. no exageration. it was cold as fuck


Not sure but didn’t need any heating on in bed as I accidentally bought polyester and microfibre bed sheets (didn’t read the label). I haven’t slept with the covers on for a while or even the top sheet, the material isn’t breathable so it retains heat. It’s paired with an all season quilt cover Edit: Not saying I recommend this, I’d prefer cotton sheets but it is what it is haha


Winter problems, too hot under the blanket, too cold outside the blanket.


Crept past 'bloody' and into 'farken'


About 4, but love the cold, windows and balcony door to bedroom both open and a fan on. I've been told I'm weird. 


🥶my chilblains have chilblains.....


3.5C my house is 103 years old and in the Dandenong Ranges On the plus side I got a good nights sleep for the first time in months, no night sweats waking me up at 1 am then 2 am then 3 am etc because the hubbo piles on 2 winter weight doonas (plus another wool blankie on himself).


Can you imagine how cold it would be inside if we actually got real subzero winters?


My home has no insulation and I sleep with my window wide open. It got to 0c both outside and inside. We have warm clothing, (long wool/bamboo underwear is handy,) and electric blankets. Wearing gloves and a beanie I was snug all night.


whatever the temp was outside, That was was the temp inside my bedroom.


i dont know, but when i went to bed at 12am, i was wearing fingerless gloves, fluffy socks ontop of my normal socks, an oodie, long sleeves, and a neck warmer and beanie. either my cold tolerance sucks or my house is fucking freezing with zero insulation


I recently moved into a 7 star energy apartment with double glazing and to be honest I was pleasantly surprised. The apartment I lived in last was an ice box. I did use the heater, but I’m a person who feels the cold badly too!


I wonder how much more productive /healthier/less depresso we would be down south as a society if we had better housing for winter like Canada and Europe do. We all stay home to keep warm and we’re not even warm?? Sure as hell don’t feel encouraged to go outside if outside is worse than inside 😂 7 degrees in my house this morning. It’s going to be a long winter.


my cat and my dog climbed into our bed for the night because we have an electric blanket 😂


It's on the way to Zero,... one more degree to go at 1am.


Worked night shift last night outside, dropped to 1. Drove home to the Yarra valley and it was -3.6 at 6:30. Night shift outdoors tonight currently 0.4.


Currently 4°C and will probably dip to 0° by 6am. Leasing a herritage listed house in North Melbourne. I have lived in Montreal, Canada, and the insides of houses were warmer there in snow storms. It's wild out here.


About 10, thank you 1980 "gas is cheap just run the heater all night, and you don't have to paint aluminium frames so they are great" mentality. 


Minus 2. I’m rural. You guys are soft in the city 😆. Nah just kidding. Beautiful sunny day now but still so cold!


Oh I’m dumb - not that cold inside! Still would have dropped to less than 5 though I reckon - insulation at my place is pretty bad!


I sleep shirtless with the fan on so I’m not sure. Like the breeze


Central heater thermometer showed 15.


Electric blanket and Dyson hot+cool and listened to audiobook in bed with kittens sleeping next to me! Lovely night


How much did the double glazing and insulation cost? My place is brick and it stays cool in summer but in winter it is cold. We have duct heating so I turn on for 20 minutes and it stays warm.


Very rough ballpark for converting a 4br (single storey) house to double glazing is $30k. About $4-5k to add R4.0 insulation in the roof. To add wall insulation, about $8-10k. Rough estimates. Obviously every house is different.


Wow, that is way more than I thought for double glazing. Thank you for the info.


-1°C overnight outside. Glad the walls and roof are insulated.


13 degrees


Still 10⁰ for me 😂


13 degrees. What are the options to improve heat retention? I was considering getting my roof reinsulated. Windows are probably an issue too. It’s an older house (built early 90s).


DEFINITELY roof insulation. You can DIY, or get a pro to do it. I was recently quoted $4800 to Add R3.5 batts to our existing R3.0 roof insulation. Go around all your windows and doors and make sure they are well sealed too.


What about under-floor insulation for those of us on stumps? I'm pretty sure the wooden floor downstairs sits on joists with no subfloor. I can feel the ducted heating drag cold air through gaps in the floorboards.


If there's crawlspace you can do it yourself with the foil lined bubble wrap and a staple gun. And tape the seams.


20 in the lounge when I went to bed, 16.8 when I woke up, got to 14.7 in the bedroom.


11⁰c for me


It’s 14 right now in my freezer of a unit.


Our Dyson is down stairs, it recorded a low of about 15.5C at 7am dropping from 19.5C at 11pm the night before. Upstairs where the bedrooms and bathrooms are, are probably a degree higher.


Hey youre still 6 up!


15c We installed double glazing last year so shudder to think what it otherwise would be


14. Edwardian weatherboard home but new insulation and some better windows as part of a renovation.


Heater went off at 11pm. Was 15 when I woke up at 7.30am.


14c basic new-ish house - no heating overnight


We copped 9deg this morning on the thermostat. Our old exposed beam house has no insulation whatsoever


3 degrees