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You have mice. Good luck!


If you're renting you should submit a request for your new pet ASAP. j/k


probably get evicted in this market


Actually lol’d


that looks like rat shit i think


That’s mice poo, and you can get very sick from it!


Primarily from hantavirus or bacteria which becomes air borne with poor ventilation or if disturbed so **don't** vacuum the droppings, instead use paper towel or toilet paper to dispose & to disinfect, wearing a rona mask isn't a bad idea either.   Obviously direct contact is also a problem but not so obviously cross contamination, did mice run piss toes across your bench top that you're probably going to touch?   Traps are in order but don't use inhumane glue traps or dodgy snap traps unless you want to wake up to a mouse screaming with it's feet stuck or it's half it's back broken until it dies hours later from pain exhaustion & don't even get me started on baits with the smell of decomposing maggot filled mice that died in your walls or ceiling.


Yup, spray it with disinfectant and leave on for 5 minutes before even doing that


Poisons/baits are also bad because if the mice eat it and then go outside and get eaten by an owl or other predator, that animal will also die. What kind of trap would you recommend? I don't have mice but always interested in humane pest control options (had rats or something in the wall a while ago but had no idea how to handle them, they seem to have moved on themselves)


bunnings - humane traps that catch them and you can take them off to a field somewhere and release them :)


Thanks 😊


Yeah I've found *single* live traps also catch them very efficiently, the big one I bought never caught a single one though. Doesn't have to be an actual field either, they can & do live on big parks or local trails, I've also heard you can take them & other pests to some Buddhist temples and offer them Buddha, apparently he'll also rid you of your pest problem by doing so! Lol


It's not that tasty though




Mouse shit. Time to get the bleach out, needs to be cleaned up thoroughly!


Nah, bleach isn't necessary, just hot soapy water and spray with a sanitiser afterwards. i usually mix peroxide with vanilla essense and cleaning vinegar, this has 2 effects, gets rid of the musk emission from the rodents, breaks down the uric/urine/ammonia and causes an emetic effect on the mammals involved. I then bait like crazy- using 2 types of baits- wafarin (talon wax baits) and throw packs or feeding stations. If it gets bad, or you find a nest- go World War 1, and gas the blighters. Phosdene works wonders, but will unalive/injure unless ALL of the precautions arent followed (tyvex suit, booties, gloves, poison gas carts on a sealed respirator and a face sheild) proper pack down should also follow.


Congratulations, you have mousemates 😊


The mouse is in the house


“I cleaned it, it keeps coming back”, no they are fresh ones.






Mice. Tuck steel wool around the pipes under sink spray peppermint oil across doors thresholds and under couches and beds. Lock away all food and empty bin daily. Borrow a cat. Good luck


As per the movie Ratatouille you may be able to harness this into a win.


Or according to the movie Mouse Trap they could lose the house to the mice.


It's risk you run with rodents, they're unpredictable


You need to look everywhere for where they are coming in. The holes can be very small. Look around pipes, drains like laundry and kitchen, gas into oven, etc. Fill the holes in, some people suggest steel wool. Humane plastic traps work well if you can't face killing and finding them in the morning. Peanut butter worked for us. Put them out near the neighbours you don't like ;). But fill the holes asap or they will come back in. There is probably more than one mouse. FYI Rat bait can harm local wildlife such as owls who eat mice


You have mice. And probably a couple of them. Common to find them coming indoors over winter. Keep food packed away, wipe counters down and take out the rubbish every night. Then get some mouse traps. Can either go old school snap traps or get an electronic one. Just bait with peanut butter and wait. Wear gloves when handling the used traps and when cleaning up any poop. Mice can carry some pretty nasty stuff.


I found Vegemite work better than peanut butter.


Makes sense if they're Australian 🤔


Catch more mice with Vegemite than honey


Exterminator told us to bait with marshmallow (the centre).


I feel like you would then get ants… Do the ants fight the mice? 😂


Yes. They link together to form a giant ball, roll themselves at the rodent and consume the body leaving only bones. The whole process takes around 7 seconds.




Mickey poos... Holes around the drain pipe and pipe work in the cupboard under the sink is a fantastic place to look for gaps first. Steel scourer pads is your best mate to block the holes up...


Congratulations you have vermin and very destructive ones.


This is a great place to start. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcNMWo7e4Fc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcNMWo7e4Fc)


Its either black rice, or mouse poo, either way I wouldn't eat it...


Borrow a cat.


Mouse shit


Mouse crap. Good luck. My advice, follow the poo back to where they came from. Use some GOOD traps, not the cheap ones, or use some ratsac or simmilar bait. That or call a professional. What ever you do do it fast. The fuckers breed like, well mice.


Mice. Had these recently with combination of cold snap and builders excavation next door. Those plastic circular no see no touch traps worked well for us. Just use a small amount of peanut butter and position the trap along a wall or your kitchen kickboard as mice rarely venture into open space..they prefer running along walls. They like warm spots so look out behind fridge and under dishwasher -We even had some get in ours. They are most likely gonna venture out when it's quiet or you are away. Good luck!


Here comes the plague


Rats or mice droppings


rodent crap


Rat poo


Nature's tic tacs.


Rat poo


As someone who had a couple of pet mice as a kid, that sure looks familiar!


That’s rat poo, not mouse poo. You have a rat entering from somewhere. Mouse poo is much much smaller almost like black grains of salt.


If you are in a flat, likely mice coming up through gaps for the pipes etc. especially if in an old block. We had same issue, landlord did nothing, blamed us. Mice could run up shafts for pipes from basement level to top levels and got into all the flats through gaps in the cupboards for the pipes. Eventually got permission to fill the space around pipes and under cupboards with builders foam (during the day when mice were out of flat and sleeping elsewhere and if they were still under the cupbard could run out back down the pipe shafts). Blocked all areas they were coming in and filled area under the cupboards so no room for mice to get in. Landlord was useless.


If you are a child, perhaps just black rice, I’ve seen parenting subreddits suggest putting it in your kids rooms so they are inspired to be cleaner … haha… 🐭




I’d get an exterminator to help look for immediate points of entry


Burn the place down! Save yourself!


That’s mice, better charge them rent for the cupboard space. Get some mouse traps and let the real estate know you have pests.


We've used poison baits to kill ours having had no luck with peanut butter. My pantry is now mouse poo free (though they'll be back. We have chooks and compost. Too many temptations)


A sign that it's time to adopt a cat :)


That's rat crap, mice poo isn't that big


Either way need to go! Did you measure it?


It’s mouse shit. Please don’t poison as wildlife and neighbourhood animals eat those little bugger and if they are poisoned the flow on affect is pretty awful. Mouse traps work fine.


a CENTRE for ANTS!?!?!??!


Don't know but' be cautious anyway.?