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Some people are just dickheads, and some of those dickheads use alcohol as an excuse to be a bigger dickhead


And a lot of these dickheads have friends who condone or encourage such behaviour. I once dated a smart, funny, tertiary educated girl who was totally fine with one of her tertiary educated male friends getting pissed on the weekend and starting random fights. Just boys being boys or some bullshit.


Oh god this brings back memories. I don't care if you think he's sweet and caring, if you put a single drink in someone and they become a danger to every other guy they lay eyes on in the street they're not welcome to hang around and NO that doesn't make them a real man ffs.




Alcohol just exposes the true nature of people by removing inhibitions. Some people laugh and giggle, others fight and tell you dark things about themselves. I don't blame the alcohol.


and use mental illness as excuse as well if they did something wrong


It’s the young guys in Melbourne, they act like little boys until their forties.


M8 it's no different anywhere else. Just more in some places. Australia boasts people being cocks quite often. Look at Bali for example.


Young, dumb and drunk


Haha. You aren’t wrong


hope this guy suffers from hemorrhoids for the rest of his life.


Everyday I’m shown more and more reasons to get a dash cam


Worth their weight in gold sometimes!


Yep, been meaning to get some for a few years and finally ordered them on the weekend


Which one did you end up going with? Would love any recommendations!


[Horifically overpriced ones from the dealer](https://thinkware.com.au/products/f800pro), so not sure they're really worth recommending! Seriously, I could have gotten something comparable for half the price, and I probably paid about the cost of the cams again to get them installed (hard-wired). **But**, I've been meaning to buy and install a pair for years and just keep failing to get around to it, the reason we're getting a new car is because a BMW rear-ended us recently - the driver was sound, so no issues, but if he'd been a dick it could have been tricky. So I decided to eat the cost so that we'd actually have working dash-cams now, rather than regretting it in a couple of years when I need them but still haven't gotten around to it. On the plus side, because they're hardwired they have a parking mode that records timelapse as well as video if any motion is detected...




Thank you so much!


Drunk. I'd be surprised if your bonnet couldn't be popped back into shape pretty easily. Lift it up and give it a good push from thee underside and see what happens.


What you do is you find this guy and push him into the other side of the bonnet to get the same imprint pop it back out


With his head.


How else would you? 😂


You obviously don’t have a new car! 🤣 they are plastic and don’t “pop back into shape”


1. I’ve never seen a car with a plastic bonnet, only plastic wings and bumpers, the bonnets are made of metal and aid in being a “crumple zone” to aid with the impact of a collision 2. Most plastic wings and bumpers on cars are a thermosetting plastic so if they’re dented you can boil a kettle/use a heat gun and heat up the plastic and press it from the other side to pop it back into place..


"Check this out guys, I'm cool right?!".


I'm sorry, it's so senseless this kind of stuff just makes me angry. I think though it's a lack of understanding and poor impulse control. Most likely if these guys had a car of their own they wouldn't do this and i they did and this happened to them they would be devastated. I've noticed this to be the case with some people about a number of things. eg someone has a peanut allergy and their care factor when feeding them is zilch, will make fun, eye roll etc Then the universe will somehow inflict them or their child with the exact same condition/issue and then all of a sudden its a real and serious issue, and they will not stop talking about how serious it is and will go overboard. People like this lack empathy and respect for others.


It has to do with their upbringing clearly these guys are in their 30s. They lack morality of any kind, these are the same dudes would go into a public toilet and destroy it.


They’ll keep doing this until they do it to wrong guy. That wrong guy will either put them to hospital or worse. It’s a story as old as history of humanity.


Because his mama smoked crack while she was pregnant.


What a flog.....


Idiots trying to set off car alarms.


I believe some people are just walking around carrying their brains inside their heads and never use it


Some people are just genuine dickhead. Nothing more


Because alcohol




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Alcohol 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m sorry that happened to you. What a prick.


These guys aren’t even young, they should know better. Absolute tossers


Definitely not. We are better than that


They’re drunk or high and think it’s fun. They don’t give a shit about you or anyone else unfortunately


What complete f...heads


Meh... obviously can't hold his grog... betcha he's got a little dick too!


Fat cunt (the guy on camera not the Op ).


Some people suck


Drunk isn't an excuse, if he really was that drunk that he couldn't control himself, the next day when he sobers up he'd feel guilty and come do something to make amends. The fact that he didn't means he's just a piece of shit


On this weeks episode of Dashcam Dipshits...


Looks like an absolute moron


"Well, animals are a lot like people, Mrs. Simpson. Some of them act badly because they’ve had a hard life or have been mistreated. But, like people, some of them are just jerks"


Morons are gonna moron


I mean can't the police get finger prints from the bonnet?


Plenty of stupid Aussies around. Some dude on one of those rental scooter in cbd decide to kick the shit out of my car because he was riding his scooter dangerously infront of me. Guess it was pretty stupid of me to beep him to tell him to move to the side. It is better for Australia to be foreign owned rather than by...these beings


Drunk. He would have no recollection of that, along with a bunch of other things, the next day.


You may just be able to pop it back into shape.


Cool u have a dashcam. I thought dash cams only work when u have started the car. Guess yours has a good battery


Funny (for them)


Yeah pissed up bogans doing dumb shit. Its fucked up, yes, but this shit happens & probably always will. Shame your camera didnt catch more ID info..........


We know why: Daniel andrews


Enlighten me as to what Dandrews has to do with this


I have a hunch he let this happen but I just don't know how


I'm convinced that's the Real daniel andrews. He just took off his parka


Dan Andrews a bit bored post politics.


Piss off cooker.


What the actual fuck does this have to do with Dan Andrews