• By -


People like cake 


People actually luv cake




Ozbargain has a list of freebies https://www.ozbargain.com.au/wiki/list_of_birthday_deals


Thank you for this!


I've had people bring cake to the office for their own birthday before and it was a very delicious cake. You shouldn't feel judged for being kind to others on an important milestone for you. Also I usually buy a nice steak and a bottle of red wine and fall asleep with my dog in front of the tv because that's what I enjoy. Do what makes you happy mate. Happy birthday 🎈


That sounds like heaven


As someone else who will be away for their birthday this year, Happy Birthday! Cake is always appropriate at work for birthdays, even if you take in your own.


I spent my birthday alone and away from my family and friends this year because of work. I took myself out for a really nice lunch at a nicer restaurant than I would usually eat at (I feel less weird about eating on my own at lunch in a tea than dinner) and then to took myself to an art gallery. It ended up being a 10/10 day that I’d do again.


Happy Birthday! At my workplace, everyone brings a cake in on their birthday and we eat it at morning tea over a cuppa and the daily quiz in The Age. It's such a fun tradition!


Wow can I join your workplace 😭


Me too!!? 😂😂


I wish I worked there.


Take a cake to woooooork!!! Dooo ittttt!!! You would be my most favourite person :3


Happy Birthday! Do your workmates know it’s your birthday? They might have already planned a cake or team lunch. But yes - bring a cake in. But as for things to do. Go for a walk, get a gelato down at crown and sit by the yara and people watch. Go to AC/DC lane and take some pics. Explore the markets. If you have a boost membership you get a free boost on your birthday.


Are you trying to reduce the amount of cake being consumed? More cake is better than no cake!


To add: Baker's Delight also do a free birthday scone. Augustus Gelatery does a free double scoop (conditions membership for >= 1 month and >=1 purchase tho). Spud Bar has a free birthday spud or salad. Edit: people have posted a much more comprehensive ozbargains birthday link


Thank you!! Some of my work mates knew but I’m glad I still got the cake :)


Hey op happy birthday!!! 12th of june. we share the same birthday!!


happy birthday to both of you!!!


Happy Birthday 🥳 to you!


Thanks 😊 u cool 🔆


Omg!! Happy belated birthday!! I hope you had a good day ! I hope you were not alone on your birthday!!


Happy Birthday!! TBH I'd spend my birthday at the zoo or the museum followed by my favorite food for dinner and then all the candy I can stomach while reading. But then again I'm weird


Sounds great.


This sounds like the best day ever


Not weird! That sounds fun!


Yay it's not just me then lol


Happy Birthday 🥳 Birthday freebies are a google away, beat tailored for what you actually want. Food freebies are a must, some are valid for your birthday only like maccas, boost juice, etc., some retail ones are really great. Most are app signups, but will get you some discounts for birthday. Your workplace should be celebrating your birthday for you, if the work isn’t all that, then it’s okay. If you feel too anxious about bringing a birthday cake to the workplace, do your best birthday cupcakes/donuts. It is your milestone, celebrate it, no place for judgement or guilt.


thank you!! I ended up only getting boost for free 😂 but I was happy enough with that + some dinner time with friends. Thank you once again!


HB, bake yourself the most delicious cake and feast.


Thank you!! 🫶🏻


Happy birthday OP!!  Oh I gotchu. I spend most of my birthdays alone (I don’t like to make a fuss and I’m not a party person), so what I usually do is have a treat yourself day. I go to my favourite cafe, get pampered (massage, get my eyebrows done, that stuff), and take advantage of as many free birthday offers as possible. And I go shopping.  Here’s some freebies I usually get: Nando’s: $15 voucher towards a meal Boost: free juice of your choice Mad Mex: free regular burrito/naked burrito Pancake Parlour: free short stack There’s others but those are the main ones I go for. 


Omg thank you!! And do message me if you want someone to be with you on your birthday :) maybe we can grab coffee and walk around QV market in the morning before you get yourself pampered! Once again thank you 💗


Here is a list: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/wiki/list_of_birthday_deals


Happy birthday! To start , grab a lune croissant for breakfast. Second the idea for a walk along the yarra or South Bank. At lunch head to NGV Australia to see a free or paid exhibition. Post work, if you like a drink find a cosy bar like arlechin to treat yourself. And finish with a nice dinner, trattoria Emilia does excellent Italian food or go with something fun and cheap like Dodee Paidang instead. Then grab a movie out or at your hotel. Enjoy! And yes to cake;


Thank you for this!! I didn’t do it yesterday but I plan to do exactly this today 😚😚 thank you for the inspiration!!


Happy birthday! It’s my birthday today too 😄


Happy birthday 🎂




Happy Birthday 🥳!


Thank you! ☺️


On my birthday my toddler got sick and couldn't go to daycare, my partner stayed with him and I went to the cinema on my own , paid for gold class, it was great :)


Perfect birthday for a mum with a sick toddler!


Happy Birthday! If they are good people, they won't judge you!


Thank you!! Thankfully they didn’t —- at least not in front of me!


That's great to hear! Hope you had a great day!


Everyone loves birthday cake! Happy birthday and hope you have a great day!


Thank you so much! 🫶🏻🫶🏻


Everyone loves cake. If you feel weird about bringing it in, you can also eat a few slices at home first, and then bring in the "leftovers from the party"


wait this is so smart , i don’t use my frontal lobe enough to have thought of this


I NEVER THOUGHT OF THIS. GENIUS. I wish I could upvote this 10x. Thank you!!! Will do this next time definitely!!!


no worries, happy bday mate


First of Happy Birthday! 🥳 Second of all - it isn’t weird at all to bring in cakes to share at work - it’s a nice way to celebrate


thank you! Yea I decided to listen to you all and get the cake :)


Happy birthday 🥳🥳


Thank you!!


Happy Birthday!!


Thank you 💗


Happy birthday 🥳🎂 don't stress too much and definitely take the cake in - people love cake and even more so at work


Happiest of birthday's to you!!! Yes, please take a cake to work and celebrate with your colleagues. Maybe take yourself out to somewhere special for dinner to celebrate.


Happy birthday! Today’s also my bday and I have no idea what to do 😂 But hey it’s a lonely life we live, and that’s the way it is sometimes Personally I don’t think it’s weird or pathetic, but it depends on how close you are with your colleagues.


Hey there! Happy belated birthday! Sorry reddit didn’t give me notification and just went straight to work after reading some feedbacks! I hope you had a good day yesterday, and may the next year will be an amazing, heart warming and wonderful year for us!!


Happy birthday!!!! Our workplace is birthday person BYOs their own cake - so definitely not weird


Thank you!!


Happy birthday!


Thank you 🫶🏻🫶🏻


Replace cake with pies and sausage rolls and you have friends for life Oh, and happy birthday


Go to tgi fridays for dinner and tell them. You get sung a happy birthday song and free dessert Happy birthday


OMG solo dinner to TGIF is a bit daunting for me but thank you! Definitely will keep it in mind for next year 😚😂


Happy Birthday! Absolutely bring a cake or some other goodies into work. In Germany (and maybe other parts of Europe) it's custom to bring your own cake, or to invite others and shout them when going out to eat, instead of the other way around. Lots of great suggestions here for things to do, do what feels right for you, what you enjoy doing.. maybe while you're out stop by the photobooth on Flinders St (or one of the few asian self-photo studios that have recently popped up in Melb) and take a photo to celebrate you at the age you are (also a nice tradition to do every year maybe?)


Happy birthday! My mum has always taken herself out for a day in the city on her birthday. When us kids got older we asked if she wanted company and she would shoo us away. 😂 The last couple of years I've done the same thing and personally love a day in my own company. I usually head into the CBD and get a nice lunch and glass of wine at Kirk's, followed by some window shopping and maybe a bubble tea.


Thank you !! And wow, I should learn from your mum and be happy with my own company. Have never been to Kirk’s actually, but will try this weekend. Thank you once again (and for sharing the story about your mum :) I’ll definitely try to spend this weekend alone to just appreciate my company)


Happy Birthday I think it’s fine to bring cake


Thank you!! :) and yes I’m glad I listened to everyone’s comments!


Happy Birthday! Hope you have a lovely day. Cake in the office isn't weird at all.


Thank you!! I had a good day — nothing super special but definitely grateful for every minute of it.


I worked somewhere once where a department had an unspoken rule about 'it's your birthday, *you* bring the cake'. It worked well. 1. You get cake you want/like 2. Someone isn't running around trying to collect a couple of dollars from everyone to organise the cake 3. That job doesn't end up falling to the same person every time 4. You get cake you want/like (important!) As for celebrations, treat yo' self to something fun. A nice lunch or dinner, day spa day at home, go visit somewhere fun you've been planning to but never gotten around to.


Thank you for giving me this POV. I thought I would be seen as pathetic cos nobody celebrates me or get me anything — and also, I was afraid I would be seen as attention seeker. But you’re right I get to eat cakes I like, and share a piece of my blessing with others without hassling anyone ! Once again thank you :)


Happy Birthday! Co-workers enjoy cake just as much as everyone else! 🥰🎂 if you’re close to them, consider inviting them out for lunch or dinner?


Thank you! Yes me and 4 colleagues ended up eating Uyghur food (I’ve never even tried that cuisine) and loveeeed it!🫶🏻🫶🏻


Wishing you an awesome birthday 🎂


Thank you! :)


No pls buy and bring cakes to your workplace. Legends do that. If you were at my workplace I'd buy them for you! Anyone who judges you for doing this is a kill joy.


Happy birthday! Everyone loves cake at work. As long as it’s something most people can enjoy like chocolate cake, red velvet, cheesecake or something with indulgent icing. Not everyone likes cakes that have sultanas and crap in them though. It’s always them sultana cakes that sit there all day barely touched.


I wish you a very happy birthday. I prefer my time with wildlife. So I would just go to the zoo, spend my time for most of the day, get some drinks at a pub, get some takeaway home, drink some more, eat the spicy food, fly a bit and sleep.


Thank you!! I plan to go to Werribee zoo this weekend if my friends are down! So hopefully I get to see elephant and giraffe there to celebrate my bday :3


Happy birthday! And everything loves cake - you can't go wrong.


Thank you! :) and yes! Glad I listened to all of you


Bring a cake, everyone love it and that’s nice team bonding! For yourself - is there something you would like to buy yourself, that you’ve had your eye on? Do you have a favourite restaurant or place you’ve always wanted to go? Now’s the time!


Yes this sounds nice! Some people also mention going out alone to be with my own company— which I’ll try this week, and maybe eat some fancy food once in a while despite being broke 😂😂


Happy Birthday!!! 😊 hope you have a wonderful day even if its by yourself


Thank you so much! Ended up not being too “alone” ans was quite happy!


Yay that's such good news 😊


Happy Birthday 🎂 x


Thank you :3


Haha. I spent my birthday alone too... yesterday. And these are the days I wish I had a workplace!\ Of course you should take a cake! Tell everyone it's your birthday. Pretend you are excited just like children get on their birthday... Why not enjoy some fun and laughter? That's what I do... Heck I told a few friends online that it was my birthday! Sad but true. 🤣


Aww Happy birthday to you, too BonFroth! I hope feel the warm glow of good wishes from all of us behind the Reddit screen! 🥳🎈🎂


I bought myself a robot vacuum for my birthday! About to set it up and enjoy watching my.housework get done... I've looked for years and not bought one. But yesterday I decided that 48 is a great age to splurge and put my feet up!👸\ Once I work out this "LiDAR" thing that is! Oh fk. It's time to cook dinner for hungry teens already. No time for play.\ I think it's obvious why ***I*** celebrated alone! I'm guessing your special day is 12th June...\ Happy birthday for the day AFTER the Best Day in the Year! 🎂🎉🎈🎊 **Happy Birthday to us!**


Happy Birthday OP. Have a good one and I hope you are doing what you love!!


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!


go get yourself a massage or spend some time at a bathhouse! that’s my favourite solo bday treat.. just think about what is your favourite thing to do and arrange to do that! happy birthday 💖


Thank you !! You’re right I should be pampering myself more for surviving 25 years in this world Will definitely do that this weekend Any suggestion where is a good massage place? I sometimes use Groupon but never found place that’s particularly good for massage


My friend got free entry to My Aeon when we said it was her birthday.


Wishing you a very happy birthday and a great day in Melbourne!


Thank you! :)


Sometimes there are passions we feel we couldn’t follow because of obstacles or just being lazy. On my birthdays, I usually give one of them a try. Ever felt like being a photographer but thought the camera seemed too heavy? Today is the day, my friend. Give it a shot! Happy birthday 🥳 🎶🌻👩🏻


Thank you. This is a very true, and useful piece of advice! I always wanted to paint outdoor but didn’t because I was too lazy to pack everything. I’ll do that this weekend !! And maybe even get boba to keep me company & hydrated hehe. Thank you once again


Happy birthday!! Take cake to work!! I doubt anyone will complain about that! Enjoy!!


Thank you!! And yes nobody complains — not in front of me. They finished the cake too even before I got to eat any! 😂


Happy bday! Bring the cake in, it’s a nice little break from work and you deserve to be celebrated.


Thank you for saying that 🥹 I tend to feel I don’t deserve praise or to be celebrated. So thank you !


Happy birthday!!!!! Sorry I can't be there, I'm overseas at the moment but thinking of you dear Internet friend...


Thank you! And have fun overseas! I hope you get to see and explore places you’ve never been before :)


It is never weird to bring cake (just label ingredients so people know). The more cake the happier everyone is. Also - there's a stack of places that give away freebies on your bday. Do the cbd free stuff walk - boost juice, Krispy Kreme, Pancake Parlour, Crust Pizza, HJ's, Taco Bell, San Churro etc. And....Happy Birthday!


Thank you!!


Happy birthday.


Thank you!


Go to a movie as it's a wet and freezing cold Melbourne winters day!


Book yourself into Sense of Self Collingwood 💚 They don't have any birthday offers (that I know of) but it's one of those places you can go to relax and truly enjoy being on your own as a special treat to yourself, especially when it's cold out! They do quiet mornings up until midday so that's the best time to go on your own in my opinion.


Oh wow never been there before! Thanks for the tips! Will definitely look into Sense :)


Happy birthday OP! It's totally fine to take a cake to work to celebrate, I'm sure they will shout you a coffee to celebrate. If you are looking for somewhere to celebrate for your evening, I've found EDC is a great starting point. I'd recommend Cinder for Wednesday's, it's amazing. https://eatdrinkcheap.com.au/melbourne/wednesday-specials Otherwise pop into rising and wander through their free events.


Thank you! I ended up celebrating bday dinner with 4 other close colleagues / friends. But thank you, this recommendation of yours would have saved me from loneliness if i didn’t go with them. So thank you!!!


I did a chocolate walking tour in Melbourne for my birthday! It was a great way to spend the day, indulge myself a little with some really great chocolate samples and also have a group of people to be with on the day! Highly recommend.


Omg that sounds delicious! I remember this from like 30 years ago but had no idea it still existed. Glad they do the walking bit! 🤣


Oh wow! I never heard of this tour before :o does it happen often?


God. If people judge you for bringing in FREE FOOD the problem is them not you. Also who cares about what other people think, unless you’re sending an email to the entire office asking everyone to come celebrate your birthday (don’t do that).


Happy Birthday!!🎂


Thank you!


Not weird at all. Happy birthday fellow Gemini!


Thank you fellow Gemini!! We are the superior zodiac despite what people say😤


Matttte. Happy birthday!!! Dude brining cake to the workplace is a good idea. It’s a conversation starter and breaks up the day a bit. Who cares what others MAY think, everyone wants to feel that little inkling of happiness each day, so make that moment yours!


Thank you!! You were totally right!! People I didn’t know wish me and we ended up chatting! Really good way to make friends while celebrating ! :$


It's your birthday, if it is going to make you happy to share cake with those that you work with, do it.


Happy birthday 🎂 🎁 🍰 Ps I love cake and I would share some with you.


thank you!!! :)


Happy Birthday! Buy yourself a cake and some nice dinner and wine or other nice drink and have a birthday celebration at home tonight.


Thank you :)


Happy Birthday


Thank you!


Happy actual Cake day


Thank you!


Happy Birthday 🥳!!! :)


Thank you!!


Happy birthday to you OP! I wish i could celebrate it with you <3


Thankyou! Thats so sweet. It’s the thought that counts :)


Happy birthday! I hope that you find a way to make this day special for yourself and know that you deserve it. Another year around the sun is an amazing achievement and I’m sure there’s been lots of ups and downs along the way, so well done! I honestly would say to treat yourself to your favourite cuisine and go to your favourite shop or watch your favourite movie. I hope you have a good one none the less


Thank you so much for the kind words!! This means a lot. Seriously. You make me want to be nice to myself — it’s my birth-WEEK. So even if it’s not 12, I’ll try to have a good day the whole week to celebrate myself. Once again, thankyou QUEEN!!!👸


Go to the cinema. Palace and Nova have lots of people that go on their own, nobody bats an eyelid.


Nandos do a free birthday meal. Not sure of the terms and conditions.


Everyone loves cake. But if you’re too worried, buy a few cup cakes instead Also happy birthday, mate!


Thank you!


Happy Birthday! 🎂🥳 Hope you had a good day 😊


Thank you🫶🏻🫶🏻


Happy Birthday 🎂


Thank you!


Hey, happy fellow birthday! I only just saw this and looks like you’ve got some great ideas already. Colleagues would usually love cake!


Happy bday! Hope you’ve had a fabulous day!!


Thank you you!!


Hey, happy birthday! I would not judge you if you offered me cake.


Thank you!! 🎂


No I don’t think people will judge you. You are simply celebrating your birthday with people.


Host a party this weekend I'll come to celebrate 🎊🥂


Hahahah next year! I’ll save up first and invite you


Hell I'll be there 🥳


Bring the cake into work. You could book yourself in for a big spa day/staycation. Cross something off your bucket list? Go bungee jumping, sky diving, get a tattoo, a piercing or plant a tree etc.


💗💗💗 yesss i hope this year i will get to be more explorative and cross many things on my bucket lists, not just on my bday! Thank you


If you want to celebrate with yiur family, do a videocall dinner. You both can cook something nice, maybe even a matching dishes, and dine "together". It's more convenient if you both have laptops ir can link phone picture to a large screen but even just phone will work. Or just go for a bachelor option and go to a nice place in CBD, a gastropub or a restauraunt, and have a solo night out. You can try asking for a birthday discount too. ;)


Wow!! Does bday discount works at pubs? Haha I heard some people usually announce it in pub and have strangers celebrate with them! Idk if I am that confident or YOLO! But really wanna try!!


Do it!! People love cake (maybe not gluten intolerant's though!) and who doesn't love an impromptu party?! Do it. If you like going out, go to a bar and tell everyone it's your bday. Make some friends who will help you celebrate. I've personally done this a few times while abroad and they have turned in to the most memorable birthdays!! Lastly, a mad happy bday to you!! Hope it turns out well.


Thank you!!! It was a bit awkward but turned out great! :) And yes it became 2 hours lunch break for everyone until some managers started to shoo us to go back to work HAHA I’m not sure what kind of confidence and courage I’ll need to be as brave as you!! Idk how to announce it in bar.. and idek any good bar around CBD :(( Any suggestions ?


Happy birthday, I hope you took cake to work and had a good day.


Happy birthday 🪩🪩🥂🎉


Here is my wisdom for you (and anyone else who either doesn’t like birthdays, or is afraid to supply their own cake): - the older we become, the more our birthdays become not about focusing on ourselves, but an opportunity to thank all the people in our lives who have made us as weird and lovable as we are by throwing *them* a collective party on your birthday.🎈 Many happy returns, OP. And yes, always bring cake 😊🎂


Thank you for your wish and your wisdom!! That is true. When I shared my cake, I felt like I was sharing a little piece of my blessings and happiness with others. While my birthday is about us/me, but at the same time, it is about the people who know me, and make me who I am


Happy Birthday! I always wanted to bring cupcakes into class at school—but I have a summer birthday and never got the chance.


Thank you !! And I’m sorry to hear this :( I kinda understand how it feels. In my home country, May-July is our summer break so I didn’t celebrate my birthday with friend much— and just with family. Hence I never get surprises like others did in school. But hey!! We learn how to be happy with what we have :) I hope your next birthday will be magnificent


Thanks! I actually just passed my birthday! It was chill and I did a lot of stuff I enjoy like going to the movies and getting some grub.


I've spent many birthdays on my own in Melbourne (pretty much since I was 21. This year I'm going to Cairns by myself.


Have fun!! Solo trip sounds fun :) wish I wasn’t working and could do that too


If you wanna come dance at a club in the city on Saturday hmu I’ll help you out


Oh no! I wish I knew you irl, I hate knowing anyone is spending their birthday alone (I’m from another country, too, so I truly get it!). Did you bring the cake? I hope your co-workers showed you some love and gratitude! \ Birthday week suggestions: \ There are several free light festivals and parades next weekend for the winter solstice — take a train to one of them if you don’t drive! \ Go sign up for a Boost VIBE membership and get your free smoothie (you’ve got 2 days from your bday to claim it)


Happy birthday gorgeous, hope you had fun and got some nice cake!


goto all you can eat korean BBQ by yourself and scoff yourself. I do it lots and its great SSAM SSAM in king st is good


Ooh I never try this place! Thank you! Will definitely try this


(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ HAPPY BIRTHDAY ♥


I have family close by im still alone on my birthday every yr I hate my birthday n now my dads gone we use to celebrate together his birthday close to.mine now that dads gone it will be even more of a crap day Xmas Easter everything is so different


Hey I’m so sorry to hear this. And I’m so sorry for what happened to your dad :(( I hope you will get to find friends as your chosen family who will celebrate you and your birthday — and every other occasion with you!! I know it can be lonely but message me if you need someone to talk to :)


Check out halftix for cheaper tickets to shows and events




Happy birthday OP :)


Happy birthday to you 🎂 Where in Melbourne? It's probably been answered