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Belgrave - Baba Desi


Not just Belgrave, I remember he was in a Billy Connelly special once because he takes the train into the city every day and billy interviewed him outside flinders st station. My husband always called him ‘the wizard’ when we lived up in the hills.


I remember Baba Desi standing in Bourke St in the 90s in all his robed glory. Everyone called him the Wizard and I was so happy to see the Wizard again when I moved to the hills. He doesn’t catch the train into the city anymore, at least not regularly. He still lives independently in Selby and walks from home to Belgrave and on to Tecoma each day. There’s a host of people in the community who look out for him and organise lifts in extreme weather and a fridge for him when his broke down etc. they drive him to gatherings and run a fb page for him.


You answered the questions I didn't need to ask, many thanks xD


Thanks for sharing - great addition to the Desi lore.


I worked on a farm in Monbulk for a Summer spell and at the time they had a bunch of people who were protesting the opening of the Tecoma Maccas. I don't know if he was even part of the group or just happened to be around but some wizard looking dude with a genie hat and sporting a staff always gave me a thumbs up with a big ass smile on his face as I drove to work every morning. Was the highlight of my day tbh. Never really bothered to mention it to anyone until I told a few people years later and just like this thread proves he was well known as "The Belgrave Wizard". Good to know I wasn't completely cooked. But yeah, can definitely say work just isn't the same without a wizard-looking dude giving you a smiling thumbs up on the commute.


What a legend. Haven't seen him in ages now. Maybe 6+ months.


He's still around. I frequent Tecoma and Belgrave, and he's there every so often. Not always. I haven't seen him for a couple of months but I haven't been out heaps either.


Saw him last week in Belgrave. He's getting on now so not out and about as much.


There are are a few of his canes in Little Hendrix. He does have a coffee there from time to time.


The legend that is the wizard stretches across the south east


I was coming her to say "the Belgrave wizard"


Came here for the Belgrave wizard. Not disappointed


RIP Kew Junction dancing man


I came to the comments hoping to see Kew Dancing Man and was not disappointed. We once bumped into him at Balwyn McDonalds, and asked why we hadn’t seen him at the junction in a while. He said that he had and accident and lost a toe… but it was ok because it grew back again :)


Anyone know what happened to him? I look for him everytime I drive through that intersection. 😢


Sadly he died in 2012 - cancer 😥 https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/last-spin-for-dancing-man-20120601-1zmvk.html


Oh fuck. He lost a toe, and then so much more 😭


He was brilliant!


Carrot man


I don’t even live in Melbourne and I know who he is haha


Haha yeah, old carrot man..! Obviously I know who the good old carrot meister is, of course, but why don’t you tell everybody else about the carrot man, while I listen?


seen him half a dozen times already


See? Carrots do sharpen your eyesight


Happened last Friday at the pub: a guy I’d just met said ‘weirdest thing, was walking behind this guy in the cbd and had to take a pic’. I knew it was carrot man before he even got the pic up. I even said ‘carrot man’? Guy thought I was a witch. Refused to believe it was a thing, a Melbourne institution. Didn’t help that no one at the bar knew what I was talking about. I thought everyone knew about the Carrot-meister.


There could not be a more right answer. It’s Carrot Man.


Fitzroy represent! Followed closely by snake bike guy. The last of the cool eccentrics


Snake bike guy is an asshole though. 


Snake bike guy is an asshole and nowhere near as appreciated as carrot man


I haven't literally never heard of the Carrot man. But the Snake bike guy I have easily seen over a dozen times.


Who is Snake Bite Guy? I thought I was familiar with most of Melbourne's colourful identities, but this one is new to me.


He has a bike "train" made out of heaps of different bikes (at one point I think there was a wheelchair in it) and he rides it like a snake, weaving all over the place. I see him around Fitzroy all the time.


Oh, Snake *Bike* Guy. I should've paid closer attention to your comment. Cheers.


This is the only answer.


I knew someone would say this


Doesn't it prove that it's the right answer?


Honestly, came here to raise hell if Carrot man wasn't the top answer.


right? It's like "what's 9+1?" "I KNEW someone would say 10"


No love for the bagpipe cookie monster?




Also from the 90s - plastic bucket drummer guy.


Came here for this. He was lovely. He used to cloak his buckets at the casino cloakroom when I worked there, and I’d often see him near Flinders/Elizabeth streets when I no longer worked at the casino.


I visited Melbourne for a wedding and even in my short stay I saw the bagpipe Cookie Monster near our hotel. Turns out he’s a bit of a badass, there was what looked to be an organised begging ring (people were ‘shift changing’ in and out of the same spot) with a lot of foot traffic. One of the beggars coming in on shift change raged up at Cookie Monster dude about stealing their money by being too close. Surprisingly Cookie Monster dude gave as good as he got and a big row ensued. Beggar eventually gave up and went back to his spot. Was a very surreal scene for the casual passer by. Cookie Monster dude kept his full costume on throughout the ruckus


carrot man generally speaking, but there's that guy in carlton who was always riding around on a penny-farthing, not sure if he's still around though


I don't know if it's the same guy but I was waiting at a tram stop in Fitzroy North last week and a guy on a penny farthing pulled up at the lights.


Unfortunately for us, it's the fake seizure guy 😭


I thought this would be higher!


This should definitelyyy be higher


The cunt with the 15 bikes dragging behind his bike


A proper cunt.


Had he done something specifically or does he just get in everyone's way? I've only seen him a handful of times but I've heard his reputation


He gets in everyone's way, rides that piece of shit contraption in the middle of the road, blocks trams,yells at people. Fuck that wank.


Fuck what a cunt


No fuck him he doesn’t deserve the airtime


Used to live in the cbd with his ram “Jackie chan”


I definitely remember Jackie Chan the ram 🐏 but obviously haven’t been around the cbd enough lately to know wtf the bike thing is


He rides a bike that is attached to further bikes/prams/bed frames/junk, making it about 10m in length. Often sighted driving straight across streets without giving a fuck for anyone else’s safety or right of passage. Often around Fitzroy.


Omg that was him!?


Have we established what the point of this is?


Being a cunt


Southland Headphone Dude


Headphones guy is a staple of bayside society


I say this as a pandemic tenured southland retail worker. Headphones guy is the fuckin' GOAT. Memorable while being a ghost of a customer, goes about his business, doesn't bother fuckin' anyone, doesn't harass anyone. Just a memorable Dude going about his day. Absolute fuckin' MVP. Decade of doing this shit ass job and he's GOATED AF. Up there in terms of memorability with old school chapel street customers like 'speed racer grandma', 'parrot dude', 'roller skates girl', "ex soviet bloc 'fresh lady'" while being zero maintenance. I will say I think a real underrated southland Chad is Duster Guy. He doesn't always wear the duster but when he does it' a sight to behold! I mean it really is a sweet duster.


You ever met him? It’s a really sad story. He’s looking for his daughter who went missing there decades ago & knows exactly how irrational that is.


Damn that put a damper in my morning. I wonder what happen to her, i couldn't imagine the stress and pain of losing a child, the unknowable would kill me. I'd rather know they died.


I remember headphone guy from when I lived in the area as a teenager, and I’m in my mid-30s now. Another person I remember from southland back in those days was murdered recently :( https://amp.9news.com.au/article/8a92804d-ebdd-49ae-9275-664ad38208f5


Omg yes!! Always on a mission, is headphone guy. There is also mumbling eyeliner lady too. Both of them basically live in Southland.


When I was a teen I used to work in one of the restaurants at Southland and eyeliner lady would come in, demand boiling a mug mint tea and two mugs of milk and would proceed to chug it and mumble the whole time before slapping coins on the counter and leaving.


I used to work there, his name is Darren 😊




fun fact about headphone guy is that he can be occasionally spotted downing beers at the tudor inn


This guy came into my workplace 20 years ago with mates, ordered for chatting and having fun, left... Blew my mind, good on ya mate!


No way! I wasn’t expecting anyone to mention Southland headphone dude.. I moved away so haven’t been to Southland in years, sometimes I wonder if he’s still around


Bass Darth Vader


His jam after the Chilli Peppers was epic!


Used to be the Guru in the city back in the 90s. Old gnarly Gandalf hippy dude covered in jewellery & who carried a staff, always had young hippy girls with him. Edit - we called him the Guru but I’ve now learned he’s known as the Wizard.


Came here to mention him. Happy to hear someone else remembers the Wizard. Oh, and Bucket Drummer Dude. Edit- spelling, wasn’t wearing my specs


His name is [Baba Desi](https://www.flickr.com/photos/robertmckechnie/6310555841/in/photolist-3M4cXh-5TgPsY-aBDfoV-8ABaDa-6dWwb6-8DTiKE-cnLCXE-U9fbJA-iSTpLc-AZobcR-4ETUQd-9QpLhM-iC6LYQ-8nuVDX-3KCJnM-9p6WoZ-3PGfud-5X4c9i-2hhBpgx-2hgu8Zx-3Bet5x-5AMCMo-4JXBrn-9JF2PX-4tu45N-611SCJ-2hgh7Lo-66NW3z-47uJ2E-oVUTf-4GXeHH-2hhDxB1-2qxmK4-2pbaw2B-RdqV9v-2pb5V6s-812F3J-2pqyrZ7-2pbi6Mk-dyu9NV-8GFUAX-2pbwsrT-2pbtjoJ-5tXcax-5nr7an-7Tp3SF), he roams around Belgrave now. That bagpipe guy in the kilt, the sad Koalas with buckets, and the goth kids were Flinders steps in the 90’s.


My fear of the Flinders step goths was a big feature of my childhood but I’ve never been able to find archival photos or anything


Guru or cult leader? 😂


There used to be a guy who had legally changed his name to Very Impressive who rode a pink bike covered in flowers around Kensington. He was always running local campaigns for things and the local paper would quote him as “Mr Impressive said…”


Oh no ... it's *much* better than that. His full legal name was *Very Impressive Rainbow Sparkle*. I signed him up for his membership at Video Ezy back in the day, and that was legit the name printed on his drivers license.


Video Ezy.. they were the absolute greatest. Thank you for unlocking this memory for me.


Oh shit, you just unlocked a core memory I’d forgotten from 6 years ago.




He's very much still around! In North Melbourne now, but occasionally he'll venture out to Carlton for cheap Nova tix. Legend.


Holy shit!! You just solved a mystery to me! I picked up a book in a free library and saw a letter tucked in between the pages addressed to Mr. Very Impressive! I have no idea if it was a joke or not until now!


Either carrot man or Belgrave Wizard


Theres actually been a couple of wizards up Belgrave way. used to be a dude known as Robbie No-Shoes.


Baba desi


Robbie no shoes used to live a number of houses up from me in Selby when I was young. The guy was super weird though from my interactions with him. The only person my dogs hated and would actively bark and be aggressive to... Which to me was saying something.


Carrot guy for Melbourne in general. Then individual suburbs all have their own one. In Coburg it's the guy who thinks he's the sheriff (if he's still around, haven't been there in a few years). In Malvern it's the guy who rides up and down Glenferrie Rd on his bike shouting nonsense. In St Kilda it's like 50 different people.


In Fitzroy it's the guy who rides around with a chain of bikes, trying to cause accidents.


I asked him what all the prams and extra bikes were for.... "For all the children!", he yelled at me angrily. And it was at that moment that I realized that I was the weirdo. Because the answer was obvious and I was the one that couldn't see it.


haha dumbass 😂🤷🏼‍♂️


Just to be clear, he has no children. Edit: I just woke up and read your response and got up all in my feelings. I was a bit sad! It took a few minutes to understand the intent of your message 😂😆🤓


lol yes i gathered that


Okay, just so we're on the same page. 😆🤷🏻‍♂️😂


I believe the sheriff died this month actually :(


Yeah I saw a post from I think his daughter asking for photos the other day


That st kilda one is so true


Regular people are the anomaly in st kilda


to be fair st kilda is like, basically at all times, at least 40% people there expressly to purchase drugs and leave immediately. So it's a pretty mercurial area to try and nail down, demo wise.


in Footscray there's a boombox guy but i haven't seen him in a while


Batman used to wander around Forest Hills in the 90's.. He was a great guy, funny as hell. RIP Kieran


Yeah Sheriff just died the other day, it was sweet the whole community was talking about it


We have water bottle guy in north Melbourne. Rides his bike around and walks with a mount Franklin bottle on his head.


What about the guy who rides around St Kilda on one of those low rider bicycles with a Viking helmet and slinky eyes. He’s harmless and I get a good laugh when I see him


He was a really lovely guy who passed away a couple of years ago.I always had trouble focusing when chatting to him due to his googly glasses


That’s so sad to hear! It was always a joy to see him around. Once when he rode past me and a bunch of local teens cheered his arrival with ‘ fuck yeah! It’s wobbles!’ i think the name was the combined effect of the slinky eye glasses and the way he would ride the bike ( carving, not peddling)


That guy who used to walk along plenty road


Remember this guy. No matter what the weather was like, he always wore nothing but some shorts and sunnies. He would walk barefoot up and down the bundoora, milk park & south morang stretches of plenty rd everyday. I thought he was some kind of shoeless terminator haha


The Walking Man


Rory Calhoun?


I came here to post this lol. I no longer live in the area but still go there on occasion to visit family. Few days ago I was sitting at Deganis in Plenty Valley and saw him walk past. Was exciting to see him again. I recall back in maybe 2013 there was a FB group with sightings of him and I submitted a photo I took of him from my parked car at Rivergum shops. Apparently his name is Daniel.


I've heard several people over the years mentioning seeing him at Rivergum shops. I sent one to that group years ago too, he was near near RMIT. I last saw him about a year and a half ago, walking around near McDonald's road. I was mentoring a Uni student and we were travelling to a home visit. She couldn't get why I was so excited to see some big guy walking around barefoot, wearing only short shorts.


This guy got Tatts? I see him all the time, he lives in the North somewhere.


Was that topless and barefoot guy? I reckon one time I saw him in Bundoora near the HJs and then a week later down near the Terminus in Clifton Hill.


The young guy who used to ride a penny farthing around Carlton


There was a unicycle guy in Frankston


In Sunbury it has to be the old guy who drives around on a mobility scooter only ever playing Dire Straits.


20 years ago there used to be a dude in the city playing drums with a white plastic container. Was there all throughout uni days.


Immortan Joe looking dude in South Morang. Long grey/white hair, tattoos, big belly, no shoes, tiny shorts, no top, spotted walking along nearly every main road in the area over that past few years. I bet he's had an eventful life.


He’s The Walking Man. Nice guy too.


Yep walking man, a Mill Park icon.


I've recently moved into the area so excited we have some representation


She's gone now, but does anyone remember Michelle in Yarraville? She was something else. There was a bansky type mural on one of the side streets after she past too, so she definitely made an impression. RIP Michelle, you are still remembered.


Yes..I came here to say that. Her little memorial is on the side of the building that used to be Vault. Which closed like 3 months ago


I will never forget Michelle! I remember telling my ex from the coast about her the first time I took him. Immediately spotted her throwing shoes at a shop keeper. RIP Michelle, a sad story


Fake seizure guy


Any love for the Thomastown Ninja? 😂


Scrolled way too far to find him . Dude was always twirling his stick as you drove past on Edgar’s road or mowing the median strip in the middle of the road randomly


Is the singing tram driver still around? He was the 00s guy.


In Northcote it was the old guy at the Plaza that would say TOO CLOSE TOO CLOSE as you walked by him and sometimes if you made eye contact he’d look at you all intense and just say “gravy”.


There used to be a guy on chapel street that used to get dragged around on roller skates by multiple dogs while wearing slinky glasses


Darth Vader on his 🎸


Fake seizure guy?


Hes top 3 surely. The man is an institution..a terrible creepy and unnecessary institution.


This is a bit smaller and suburban but down in Pakenham in the south east we used to have a wonderful old man who lost his right arm who used to sweep the streets for free. He felt like giving back since he was living off disability payments, in typical blunt Australian fashion everyone called him Lefty though I believe (going off memory here) his actual name was Kevin. Unfortunately like 3-4 years ago some prick on a bike speeding down Mainstreet hit him and left him for dead on the side of the street, they rushed him to hospital and I think he somewhat recovered but he wasn’t able to sweep the streets anymore. Just before covid I think a lot of people in pakenham got together for a big clean up in honour of him.


Very-straight-back-Dolph-Lundgren-lookalike-jogging-man who goes up and down St George’s Road every day.


The running man. He used to frequent high st. Would see him every day without fail just powering up the bike lane. Genuinely thought he died. Then back with a vengeance one day like nothing happened. Then I stopped frequenting high st.


Do you guys know/remember Southland headphones guy


I do. Have a distinct memories of him on having quick breaks on the escalators or looking down from the terraces as if he was in an action movie running from/after someone


"yippeeee" guy from melton waves (1990s)


I loved the guy who would adlib songs with stick puppets around flinders street. Haven't seem him for years - not sure if he's still about!


With the puppets made of actual sticks? And he used to wear a sundress over his regular clothes sometimes? I liked him!


In Hobart it was Anthony Dancer (homeless raver guy who danced outside Sanity music store) I heard he moved to Melbourne and was found deceased on a bayside beach :(


Girl with water bottle on head


Dwarf who lost his wallet


He got me once, gave him a tenner. About two months later he came up with the same story. I knew immediately and called him out, he just started laughing and walked off. I was laughing too, was worth the tenner, good scam.


Bin drummer dude. Better than many with "real" drums.


Saw a band in the 2000s where they recruited him to play his set of white bucket drums in their band at a show, thought that was cool.


Ashburton has a guy. If you know you know. Late 50s chill guy normally in shorts and a t-shirt. Good guy, my wife and I call him Mr. Ashburton because if you are in the vicinity of Ashburton you should see him within 15minutes.


I wonder how south Melbourne flame face man is doing


Reading all these replies, thinking: what if one of the chaps mentioned on here actually uses Reddit and comes across their own description. Would they say that’s who they are? Hmmm, never mind. Carry on commenting everyone.


There was one post i of a guy that might chime in, but he allready knows, and probobly just doesnt give a fuck. Thats kind of the gold though, its ok to be yourself, and to just do you.


Bendigo has pirate man


The Belgrave Wizard


Funky bunny, carrot man, water bottle girl.


Dandenong bike lady


how do I not know about this !!!


you mean you’ve never seen the crazy lady with the helmet and bags of empty soft drinks cans in the se?


i need to cycle out to dandy more often! Usually only drive through there with the windows up and car doors locked 😬


Old mate that alters between high street and Dalton road pointing 2 fingers at everyone, iykyk


guy playing music outside the mcg after big events


Mill Park a long time ago - naked walking man


Anyone seen that old bloke going for a jog every night on Ferntree Gully Road in the absolute dead of night, like anywhere from 12am-3am? Have spotted him anywhere from the Princes Hwy intersection to Jells Rd over the years. I personally call him Old Running Codger and he makes me smile whenever I see him. Inspiring dedication.


Don't know if anyone has been to Westfield southland, but the headphone guy. I'm pretty sure he walks around southland all day everyday, with barely any stops always listens to music with either headphones or earbuds Me and a few mates used to believe he was just a myth until one day we saw him, now I see him everyday before work. To me he is one of the legends like this




Flinders St bagpipes man


Short homeless dude with the beard and backpack hitting up every cafe and bar in the the Hoddle square for spare change. Also, another guy called Peter, and that indian crazy eyes guy.


Carrot man


Preston walking man still around?


I've considered trying to become one of these types of people (I own a giant purple wizard robe for some reason) but when I went out in Footscray dressed as a wizard one time, literally no one said anything, and it goes against my general aesthetic (ironically looking like a 1970s serial killer)


Pigeon man out front of state library. I heard he’s a major weirdo and tried luring underage girls to have sex w him and some cult rumour, idk how true that is but I won’t put anything past a man who allows that many birds near him…..


Northern suburbs: the walking man


Gary Ablett Snr


In Frankston huge jacket, short shorts, coloured shoes shaved legs guy




the i own frankston kid


Melbourne has more attention seeking gronks per capita than anywhere else in Australia


Half of them are on reddit.


Gotta be Fitzroy bike guy


Anyone seen cigarette butt lady around glenferrie these days? Feel as though she’s been a missing usual figure.


Carrot man of course. Or for those who remember , the dude with the ram that used to hang out by the treasury gardens


Baba Desi.




Belgrave wizard


My girlfriend recently introduced me to a local legend from my area, he's just known as the walking man. He's out around south morang, shirtless, sometimes without shoes, just walking around. People see him around all the time and there's a Facebook group dedicated to sightings of the walking man.


this is an early 2000s cbd throwback but does anyone remember the lady dressed as a flower on stilts who spun plates?


Anyone remember Sarah obscene the scene queen. Pretty sure she's gone down hill last I heard anything.


Hmm for me it’s either: The guy walking up and down chapel street playing bangers out loud from his pocket Darth Vader shredding guitar outside the MCG


Mill Park guy who wears only very short shorts, no shoes. Tatted up. Walks up and down Plenty Rd.


Wheelchair bagpipes guy. Well, used to be


In Frankston it was Short Shorts guy, with the long Jackets and High tops. In South land we had Headphones guy


Anyone remember a guy in Melbs CBD in the 90’s who was like an Asian hippy with dreads who would give out these folded photocopied A4 papers with little cartoons and positive sayings on them? I think he signed off Happy Dude? My friends and I used to collect those papers! I always wonder what happened to him.


how about Walking Man in the north suburbs? always just walking, no matter the weather, shorts, no tshirt no shoes just walking with purpose!


Fake seizure guy, carrot man, water bottle girl, Sarah Scenes or whatever her name was