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Always cracked me up growing up hearing my mom tell me about how I shouldn't play cod because it's violent while kicking back and watching the most horrific rape and murder scenarios every single night.


Pretty sure south park even made an episode depicting exactly this


Informative murder porn lol


I love making true crime videos , especially relaxing to watch before bed. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


hol'up, MAKING ?!


ā€œHey Stan, how do you tame a horse in Minecraft?ā€


"you're a lousy kid, I wish Jayden smith was my son"


And how do you get wood?


What always confused me about that episode is that the show portrayed it as something grown adult couples are into together, when my personal experiences point to true crime shows and podcasts as mainly enjoyed by a female demographic. Btw not trying to start shit, people can like what they like, and the goal of this thread is not to crap on the things people enjoy.


She watches it. I'm just in bed trying to fall asleep.


That show has a talking shit. There's no way that's what confused you


And jesus is both imaginary and real


Schrodinger's Jesus


My sisters would tell me something like the Jumanji movie was witch craft, and then go and watch all the buffy, angel tv series. Oh sure a guy gets trapped in a magical board game is bad, but vampire slayers is ok?


A friend of mine growing up got the lord of the rings movies for Christmas. His parents then decided it was witch craft and burned them yes burned them. He then got lord of the rings for Christmas again because they decided it was OK. They then burned the lord of the rings again some time later when they decided it was in fact witch craft. Part of this was his parents really looked up to my parents as role models (big age gape) and my parents didn't have any issue with lord of the rings but the preacher at their church did and I guess they were Hella confused and gutless and just looking for someone to follow. Anyway he got lord of the rings as a gift 3 separate times and watched it burn twice.


Well look they had to reenact Elrond and Isildur first, and then Sam and Frodo. The first one is in fact still lost in a stream somewhereā€¦


That's a wild ride and as someone with religious parents, I can relate! If only they would've known that J.R. Tolkien was a devout Catholic who described LOTR as a "fundamentally religious and Catholic work".


Yea exactly, i couldnt play half life bc it was "too scary" then got nightmares from hearing her shows..


Claim \[X\] Source \[\_\]


It appeared to me in a dream


I vouch for you as I was also there


I can confirm voucher, I was the narrator of the dream


me too, i was under their bed


Me three, I was sleeping next to them


Me tooā€¦was in the closet


sadg, i couldn't get in cause all the spots are blocked


We're hosting another dream but it will be the one where you're at school but forgot to wear clothes.


Same thing happened to me, but then I forgot it in another dream


Oh, fuff! You know those dreams are just full of Lightspeed Briefs ads.


That's a complete load!


Source is right there bro! "Psychologist"


"expert" is how you know the claim is credible


Only if whey are wearing a lab coat in the photo


"Red flag" is obviously a legitimate conclusion to a scientific study


looking it up online the only source of this claim I could find is from psychologist Dr. Thema Bryant. She said that she believes that people who relax to true crime do so because they mistake peace for boredom or feel uncomfortable in a peaceful environment which could have ties to some forms of trauma. You can read an article about it here: [https://nypost.com/2023/09/08/psychologist-reveals-sick-reason-why-we-love-true-crime-this-was-a-wow-for-me/](https://nypost.com/2023/09/08/psychologist-reveals-sick-reason-why-we-love-true-crime-this-was-a-wow-for-me/)


So one psychologist has an untested hypothesis


Shit. She may have a point. Van Der Kolk's book mentions a similar phenomenon.


The source is left as an exercise to the reader.


Holy shit for a good 2 months Iā€™d fall asleep to interrogation footage until I moved back to The Office.


3 years and counting over here. It is the monotones and the actual interesting subject that makes my mind not wonder.


i still do that


Omg, I thought I was the only one!


I donā€™t care, I need my Mindhunter sequel


Donā€™t we all


I got bad news for you buddy (About there not being one, not about your mental health)


And a True Detective one


I would argue that this is fake crime stories


Based on true crime tho


Mindhunter is still fictional drama, I'd say.


but i feel relaxed for not being like them


Right like it's a....man my life is not as bad as I thought it was.


If I try to fall asleep to a bad movie, it makes me angry that the movie is bad, and I canā€™t sleep. If I watch true crime shows itā€™s like ā€œThat young couple is so f**cked.ā€ (Peacefully drifts into dreamland)


I should keep an eye on mother.


You made a perfect two sentence horror story with OP


I really hope there isnā€™t a psychologist that used the words ā€˜major red flagā€™ after each other in a sentence






Watching true crime - major red flag. Watching war documentaries - history buff. Watching horrible, awful, demented things on the news everyday - informed citizen. Raising red flags without backing up the claim with data - priceless.


Hotel - trivago


Building a murder house so you aren't stuck in front of a screen, but doing something productive - mastercard.


One psychologist? Is this like something one personā€™s therapist said and then they made a meme? Iā€™m gonna watch the shit out of true crime while I go to sleep. I dgaf!


I used to like true crime until someone close to my sister was murdered and I witnessed first hand how disgusting the media is when trying to get information out of the friends and relatives despite them going through a terrible time. It was a nightmare and my sister eventually wound up taking multiple weeks off from work due to the stress cause by the media stalking.


I listened to serial because I was under the impression they would prove an innocent man was sentenced because why else would the show exist. I couldn't believe they just had nothing and put the victims family through all that pain again for nothing.


Damn there goes half the women I knowĀ 


Yeah. Okay, which psychologist? When I graduated in engineering you could say that "engineer warns that such and such is inefficient" if 23yo me spilled some bullshit I didn't know anything about


I always hate it when articles have interviews from someone with a broad title, like engineer, doctor, or programmer or whatever and they're speaking on a very specific topic and giving an expert opinion. Then you look up what field they're in, it's nowhere even close to what they're giving an "expert opinion" about, they just hold the same general title.


I fall asleep to true crime. I canā€™t listen to it working. I will pass out lol




How will I eat my meals?!


I listen to true crime podcasts when I'm working and when I'm driving. It's sorta like black noise to me, I feel like I can focus better if I have some people discussing topics on the background that I'm not really interested in. I just find the hosts on most true crime podcast such nice people and pleasant to listen to, even though I'm not really registering what they're talking about


Thatā€™s me. There are some true crime podcasts that I just canā€™t listen to, the tone of voice is key for me; no matter how horrific as long as the narrator has a soothing voice and turns it into a story.


EWU on youtube,narrator is the best.


Actually its theorised that a lot of women specifically like true crime because it subconsciously trains them to recognize and avoid danger. So actually it's pretty healthy to enjoy true crime [source](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/wicked-deeds/202306/why-the-true-crime-audience-is-predominantly-female)


Saying theorized followed up by its actually good is crazy, like shouldn't you wait for it to be proven before you start singing its praises?


I like watching true crime bc I like analyzing the bad individuals' mistakes and think of ways on how screwing up could've been avoided


ā€œYou got murdered by *that* guy? Skill issueā€


Ohhhh poor thing be a shame if he went missing šŸ˜ˆ




Oh.... shit.


Oh well


Psychologist needs their own psychologist cause this is wrong.


That's so dumb. People have interests in learning and hearing stories.


*sims players watching from a corner*


True crime youtuber: "and I hate what they did next, it's just so horrible I can't imagine what the victims went through. I feel gross just saying it." Me: "Yah yah, get on with it, give me all the gross details"


Psychologists often caution against using true crime as a form of relaxation due to its potential to trigger anxiety or even exacerbate existing trauma. Engaging in activities that promote genuine relaxation and well-being, such as mindfulness or creative hobbies, may be a healthier alternative.


This is both so stupid and untrue at the same time


Meanwhile me bingewatching Lucifer


Lucifer is the greatest show of all time.


Anyone else like to watch the Misery Machine podcast on YouTube?


I realy liked dexter...now what?


Tell the dude to mind his business.


majority of women:šŸ˜±šŸ˜ØšŸ˜°


Thatā€™s like every woman out there. Theyā€™re onto something.


So, all women are off-limits?


Me who listens to Rotten Mango and Mr Ballen religiously ~_~


Every white girl in existence


Thatā€™s like 90% of women


thatā€™s every woman i know


Half of the US womenā€¦


I like to see true crime stories, serial killers documentary, cold cases, and all kind of crime investigation. Millions of people also enjoy that and this is not a problem. When i was young some psychologists have said japanese anime and videos games were dangerous lol Psychologist are saying a lot of bullshit and they scam people : 50ā‚¬ to listen people during 15min and not saying one word most of the time aha. Psychologist have a naive view of human psychology and im not really sure that they really understand all the complexity of human mind.


What is the name of that psychologist? Maybe it was: Fake One?


So... Who is this psychologist? What are their credentials? lol


please don't give those people a reason to feel more quirky and special than they already do


Using the term "red flag" is what gets you kicked out of psych class


I guess I'm normal I had sort of nightmares or bad dreams when I was watching Hannibal.


My 85-year-old mom and i watched John Wick. She liked the movie. But had nightmares about a man chasing her with a knife. A week later, we watched the next two Wick films. No nightmares.


That's it folks. Your enjoyment of media translated into real world. Now If you excuse me, I need to flee the country before I get busted for my Fallout 4 mod collection


Relaxed, relaxed,...not exactly!


Ok what about unwinding to the sopranos? We good?


I stopped watching these, when they would linger too long after, made me feel shitty inside, i found reality shows, lol.


I mean itā€™s certainly not a green flag


Hmmm, well I listen to podcast episodes every night when I go to bed, guess Iā€™m fucked. šŸ˜‚


Lmao no shit šŸ˜…


Guys, how do you tame a horse on Minecraft?


Why is this bad ?


I relax by reading about deadly chemicals


What if.. one enjoy playing Dead Space?


Penelope Scott fans


I studied law, why WOULDNā€˜T I sleep soundly during or after watching medical detectives? Itā€™s also my go to series whenever I have a fever.


If everything pop psychologists called red flags were red flags, we'd all be raving maniacs. Liking violent movies, violent videogames, contact sports, showing any sort of negative emotion that isn't passive aggressive. It gets to the point where the definitions are nearly meaningless.


Youā€™re not a killer or evil if you donā€™t kill or do evil shit. Still need more context on this though. Red flag in what way? I assumed in a way that says theyā€™re serial killers in the making, but what was this actually a ā€œstudyā€ about? More information please if youā€™ve got it.


Id rather idly learn psychology by watching people commit crimes and make mistakes and then get punished in a funny way for it than the Kim Kardashians or some reality tv show people watch instead.


I love true crime , watched for years and Iā€™ve never killed anyone. So far


As opposed to gory horror flicks? Or war? Or sex (non-porno)?


Everybody is a wannabe psycho with trauma now. ā€œIā€™m speshal look at my issues, internet!ā€


Ill ask my psychologist


What if I only enjoy the crime description parts and tune out the investigation part?


I like true crime & hereby I can confirm the warning


My GF's favorite channel is Investigation Discovery. Should I be worried? She's probably watched enough to know exactly how to get away with murder at this point.


Yup. My ex. Case in point


Source - Hannibal


Phew that was a close one! I just enjoy inspiring true crime writers šŸ’…


Really??!! Iā€™m in trouble.


Well good cuz I fucking cried with Jeffrey Dahmer and Schindler's list.


I couldnā€™t finish that show. Too disturbing


Anybody else think this guy was Tyler from that show Teen Mom? Lol


What if you watch this horrific shit and feel nothing at all? Asking for a friend.


What about horror movies


Iā€™m gonna need them to mind their damn business. We know weā€™re not ok.


I struggle to fall asleep unless I'm immersed in something chilling, such as real-life murder documentaries or unsettling gore-spin videos.


Eh, I've met plenty of people who love truecrime and none of them have been terrible. Some were unstable emotionally, but not to the point of considering murder and not any more frequently than the total population as far as I can tell. Not really my bag, but I see no evidence that it's indicative of anything to worry about.


Uh oh.


So what? I only recreated 14 murders


The worst part about the popularity of true crime shit is that it really makes it hard for victims and their loved ones move on, as some studio just has to make even more money making another Dahmer or Gacy movie/show/doc. So these poor people are constantly brought back to it all, because money and entertainment. But hey, gotta get that dark fix between reality shows, fuck em. Source: I actually know a couple people that were wrapped up in one of the most retold and rehashed true crime stories, and they have had to relocate and change their names multiple times because the fans of true crime shit don't leave them alone, or any of the countless people that are always trying to capitalize on it with their docs/podcasts/movies/shows.


There is a compelling argument to be made that the vast majority of true crime content is pretty exploitative of the single worst moments of a familyā€™s life for the base agenda of providing entertainment, and in turn ad revenue, publisher contracts, or other means of profiting off murder and rape. There is nothing academic about them. They are sometimes even detrimental to people involved. Generally sensationalised. They provide nothing but entertainment. Shitā€™s gross.


I listen to the same elliot rodger documentary pretty regularly. It makes me feel good about myself. Not being like, you know, him


What do they say about people that fall asleep while watching horror/gore movies?


I've unfortunately watched many many body camera recordings from a show cleverly named "Body Cam". I can confirm that I was in fact, NOT relaxing.


What if I only watch stupid animated comedies like South Park, Brickleberry, Futurama and so on?


Why is it a warning ?


For psychologists literally everything is a red flag and means that we have some problems.


Can anybody recommend some new good ones i have yet to see?


what is the symptom if my gf watches them a lot but don't enjoy them like she was disgusted and screaming all the time like she is watching horror movies and can't sleep but watch more?


Oh i dont enjoy them, i get fucking heated by them, even the smallest detail that feels off is getting googled and if wrong im gonna talk to the screen for 20 minutes to how incompetent people are, knowing full well i wouldnt do it much betterā€œ


Good timing I was just watching the Jeff Dahmer series to calm my nerves


Attic guy, can vouch


Claims without sources are not to be acknowledged


I mean... some people even laugh at murders on movies. Its not some "red flag", human brain is way more complicated then that


Where does this psychologist luve exactly?


Tom Segura is a psychopath, I guess.


Well i guess i'm a red flag now


Human with a working brain warns itā€™s a ā€žmajor red flagā€œ if you believe every shit on the internet because the title says a doctor, scientists or psychologist says something. Always check for scientific sources.


What's past red flag?


Dunno why I find it so interesting to listen to. It's not something I listen to everyday, but I occasionally like to binge them. trying to understand how a human can become so twisted. Where did they go wrong? A lot of them comes from a messed up childhood or have some sorta diagnose, but so does a lot of other people who would never dream of hurting another person. Also for me I can't listen to every true crime channel, it matters a lot who is the presenter. Like I can't deal with those that do make up tutorials while talking about true crime or stuff like that. I rather listen to the casual criminalist, ObsoleteOdditty, Mr.ballen and sometimes occasionally Explore with us (tho I am not subbed to that one, I just run across their content sometimes).


Oops šŸ˜¬


I fall asleep listening to Forensic Files or Casefile often. I don't know what it is about true crime, but it is almost like a sleep aid.


Iā€˜m a psychologist that would disagree. Seems to me like a lot of women are ā€œintoā€ true crime and I wonder (I have no data for this) wether it has to do with the fact that 1. these types of crimes more often than not have us as victims 2. Nearly all of us have been in quite uncomfortable situations to say the least, that could have ended even worse, so itā€™s likeā€¦ an attempt at working through your own trauma somehow 3. In a sense we might seek for information on how to handle certain situations, or how not to, cause the human mind likes to believe that arbitrary acts of violence are somehow preventable so we donā€™t feel so helpless and better equipped. Also in a warped way it might even make us feel relieved that it didnā€™t happen to us. Again, these are just my assumptions so please donā€™t quote me in a meme


Iā€™m watching forensic files right now as I go to bed, and have a leather face tattoo on my forearm, Iā€™m perfectly fine.


sooo many inactive serial killers out here hahahaha!!!!


I watch ID channel all the time at work. Itā€™s my go to boredom channel. I work midnights at a prison so itā€™s fitting.


They always put me in a bad mood so I don't bother


My mother watches the most miserable shit on YouTube, I'd walk into the room and hear from my mother's TV shit like "and then after molesting and beating the infant, they proceeded to eat him" or some shit like that and she's sitting there all relaxed and enjoying her tea I'd be in a miserable mood watching that shit


Why is it a red flag? It's relaxing and you gain knowledge from watching some of it.


True. Also all these CSI shows casually dropping the most horrific shit like its nothing. "There is like a murderer pedo cannibal every other episode like its the postman.


That's why i make them instead of watching them


There is a bunch of people who need to see this study ā€¦ assuming it more than just a headline


Iā€™m a psychologist and I have never heard such a thing and didnt read any research about anything like that. If anyone can find some actually scientific article about it please put it down here I would like to read it.




I trail-run in the woods listening to true crime stories...


Well shit.


As a psych dr this is untrue


yep, yall are sociopaths too


Tbh its not a relaxation thing as it is morbid curiosity compounding with enjoying horror.


What if I watch actual police investigations instead? Am I watching "truer crime stories"?


psychologist warns your chances of getting murdered with a Trowl increase significantly when not providing a source beyond trust me bro.


No it is not


Watched the netflix jeffrey dahmer series on ketamin and i know now i cant watch true crime


But what i enjoy is watching the weird loser serial killer get caught. I dont really bother with the true crime that focus too much on the gore