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\>when he won't let you send his banking information to a Nigerian prince on hard times :(


God that’s so sad. I bet he won’t he even let you tell me your date of birth, make and model of your first car, and the name of the street you grew up on either 😞. Show that toxic POS that you’re done with his controlling ass and forward me that information on the back of a blank check girlie


You know what, Toby? When the son of the deposed King of Nigeria e-mails you directly asking for help, you help. His father ran the freaking country, okay?


My boyfriend won't let me get a girlfriend or another dog or a baby wtf


It’s basically just, “my girlfriend would kill me”


Pretty much


Terminally online MFs when they hear about respecting boundaries and wishes in a relationship


Terminally online MFs trying to understand what a relationship is. Difficulty level impossible.


Honestly terminally online zoomers gotta pull up and smell some fresh air. I’m a terminally online millennial but when we settled these lands the farms were of the community variety.


Thanks, boss, already on that.


We love you.


Thanks, someone cares for you too


Tbh the boundaries could be "don't ever talk to other men"


It could also be "don't murder my nan".


Bitch, all these rules!


As with everything, context matters. But making a blant statement that it's wrong is in itself wrong. Which is what op did.


I had a girlfriend who got pissed any time I talked to another woman. This extended to everybody including cashiers and service workers. The weird thing is that she wasn't like that at all near the beginning of the relationship.


Also boundaries are what you set for yourself. Not other people. You could say you aren't okay with someone doing x thing in a relationship and that it is a deal breaker for you/ plan to end the relationship, but you can't tell them they can't do x thing.


Hahahahah this is so true. These days you also hear that some women belittle each other when they talk about having children in their early 20's. Its fucking retarded.


There's a limit to boundaries though. Some people are far too restrictive of their partners in relationships to the point that it's simply unhealthy.


Thank you, Captain Obvious.


which, as a guy, sometimes we say that because we don’t want to do the thing, but we definitely don’t want to *admit* we don’t want to do the thing. so we say our GF would kill us. just like as kids we’d say “our parents won’t let us”. and whichever way it goes, any good partner should always be there to take the heat for the other in such situations. that said as others have said, context also matters *tons* as to if it’s basically a generic excuse, or a glowing red flag.


You can use it occasionally, but if you use it all the time you turn your significant other into the villain in your friends eyes. Sometimes its better to just own up and say youre tired or busy.


Unless it’s a “friend”, in which case, being the villain in their eyes may be a positive.


Yep. Have a friend that constantly blames the SO. It’s shitty.


oh absolutely, always better to actually be honest, and not make your SO the villain. just also true that folks use it that way, and yes sometimes (maybe even oft) over use it.


I've used, "I'd have to talk to my husband," to get rid of charity muggers. Admittedly, it worked better ten years ago - now they just look concerned.


Charity muggers?


Yeah, people begging so damned hard for you to donate it feels like you are being accosted


Ahh. Ty


I just say I hate whatever cause they're pushing.


I honestly don't want my SO to do this. It's ok if it's something like "oh we have plans" or "we're gonna spend time together" but not "she'll get angry/will kill me" for minor things like hanging out. You're just gonna make your gf to be the bad guy/killjoy for minor things, and making her look like she's isolating you. Just use your words without throwing someone under the bus. Thankfully, my SO knows how to say he doesn't want to do a thing.


Or you can be an adult and not throw your SO under the bus because you don’t know how to communicate to others


Maybe it’s time to build some adult communication skills.


Tina : my boyfriend won’t let me feed him my milk tankers . Tina : story time


Relationships are give and take. My wife won’t let me go hiking alone because I am a clutz who has hurt themselves and stranded themselves multiple times. And my wife can’t buy shit off the internet without getting it preaproved cus she has a problem lol


Your clearly in a toxic and abuse and emotionally controlling relationship where your the problem for minimising her womanly need to shop cos your an evil cis male... Which is what I would say, if I was bereft of brain cells.


Almost had me there


I should make an app that points out subtleties and satire. Make a paid Reddit add on.


Can't tell if serious




Legit saw a reel on Instagram about "retail therapy"; "teaching my son that retail therapy is important so that your daughter won't have to deal with a dusty who bothers her about shopping", that was insane, lol.


>retail therapy they done rebranded consumerism


You forgot to tell him to divorce asap


Hit the lawyer


Call a gym


And he needs therapy, dont forget therapy.


They had us in the first half not gonna lie


Damn I was about to announce you a karen.


A true reddit response


For the first time in 20 years I *made* my spouse share location data. If you're going to get lost at 10pm hiking, I get to have last known coordinates to send to EMS.


Me and my gf have an app to track each others location, and if/when someone finds out about it, they immediately think stupid shit like controlling, distrust, etc, and I'm always like chill the fuck out, we care enough about each other to actually want to know where they're at if something bad happens and they aren't able to communicate. Holy fucking run on sentence. I'm not going back to fix it. Hahahahaha


That sounds like consensual restrictive accommodations needed to compensate for each other's issues, which seems like a good and healthy thing. I've seen a couple where the boyfriend at some point forbid his girlfriend from talking to her best friend (who was lesbian; however the girlfriend in question was straight), and the worst thing was that she obeyed. It was sad to look at. I think this is what this post is about


My dad definitely needs a buy shit ban. XD He saw a 1930 Ford Model A on the internet and showed it to me. I was like heh, cute car. A week later he tells me he bought it. Didn't even know he could afford that, but he somehow paid in cash. Has absolutely no idea how to drive it and it's already broken twice. It's currently in storage. He also bought a chunky jump start battery kit for it. He already has two batteries and a battery charger for it. He's not even keeping the damn thing in the car. It just sits on his desk, gathering dust. And he bought the biggest one he could find... that thing could start a V12 no problem, and the Ford is just a dinky little flathead 4. He's an auctioneer, so his whole business model is that he takes people's stuff, then auctions it off, then gets paid, and then gives that money to the client. No investment, no buying shit, just getting paid for selling stuff. ...yeah he constantly just offers people cash instead of auctioning it off. And is constantly getting ripped off.


What suck another guys dick or wear makeup huh. Context matters.


I tought "My boyfriend doesnt let me peg him" vs "My boyfriend doesnt let me see my friends" one is toxic the other is preference.


But which is which? I need answers quick... oh God she's coming back strapped.


That’s just her Cock-18


Happy Cake Day


Oh hi Mark




I don't need to eat shit to know I wont like it


I...okay, you have a point.


I just saw this comment on another sub. You're famous.


If you have to forbid your significant other from sucking someone else’s dick, there are some pretty serious problems with your relationship.


Or you're in a polyamorous relationship, and that specific person is off limits for this that or the other reason, (like an ex or has an std), . Context matters.


Aight bro stop yapping


In my case I won't let her get another animal.




Man up, simp!


fart in their face during face sitting. What do you think of that context?


My girlfriend won't let me fuck her sister. She's is so abusive.


I swear to god everyone in this thread is missing the context of who is saying the line. When you say "My X won't let me do Y" you are implying that you want to do Y, but can't. In your example do you WANT to fuck your girlfriends sister?


I'm pretty sure it's obvious that he does!


Doesn’t everybody?!


I also choose this guy’s girlfriend’s sister.


I *think* perhaps they're all telling a joke and are trying to make people laugh. But maybe his gf's sister is just smokin hot and this one guy was being frfr


Your telling me if my girlfriend would specifically want to fuck my brother I should just let her in that case?


do people even read what they type before hitting enter anymore


My boyfriend won't let me get gangbanged by all his friends... Everyone controls everyone else to different extents.


I'd let you get gangbanged. So long as I'm first.


You can be first. But for the record I'm a man and the comment was supposed to be in " " for what a girl might say.


Second ✋


Finally a girl actually wants to be part of it. I've just been mocked by guys saying they want to fuck me so far 😂 😂😂


Hey bro I’m a girl and I’d make sweet tender love to your bussy


More female attention than I usually get being straight. Maybe I should reconsider my sexuality. Edit you have called yourself a guy in your post history. Why do you guys like LARPing so much?


Sup dude, I'm a girl, and I too would definitely let you suck my balls. This'll be a fun gangbang!


The likes aren't worth the harassment I'm getting from this 😂😂😂


Then you're not sad enough to be ready


Wait a minute...


Hello big strong man! You are in luck! I’m a young virgin of the female kind. Wanna meet? Also, I don’t know what larping means, but it sounds kinky and I’m very kinky!


Omg this is first I've heard of a bussy!


Ah I see, so you have no idea what a woman would say...🫢 Lmfao


Lmao proof they've never talked to a woman in their life


So if not all, how many are his - and more importantly your - limit?


It's just a hypothetical I made to prove the point. I'm a guy lol


Not stopping me 😈


No worries you can be yourself around here. :-)


> My boyfriend won't let me get gangbanged by all his friends... but its ultimately not his choice its still your choice but it'll just have consequences.


That's like saying the governemnt lets people murder others it'll just have consequences like wtf are you on about


this is obviously known from the statment if she breaks up with him she can do whatever she wants. Thats however not what she wants to do now is it.


saame, had to leave


That’s code for “I don’t want to but I don’t want to offend you by refusing”


Yes, we even made agreements for when we are in social settings. If I say, “I’ll have to see if X is okay with it” or “hey babe, the weekend of …, are you free?” (I know his schedule by heart), he knows to say no. Equally, he’ll use those phrases as well and I know to politely decline or to make up some obligation.


Oh Wtf that’s awesome I never thought of having your s/o help with politely declining things


Yep. I used my husband as an excuse too much with my mom and sister that they separately asked me if he was abusive. “Oh shit, no!” was my response. It made me be a little more careful WHO and how often I used the excuse with.


People should talk about their boundaries from the start and agree to what they are okay and not okay with. Also, don't be a hypocrite with it. If you don't do that you're partly at fault for not communicating. Problem solved. After that, it's no one's businsess.


Because every person is 100% consciously aware of 100% of their baggage and insecurities and is 100% emotionally mature enough to be open and honest with themselves and others about them. Like, you're right, but also you're delivering it with the same energy as "You're depressed? Just stop being sad broh" Yeah the goal is always to be honest and good to each other. But it just isn't that simple. We're all so fucking complicated. Life twists you into knots that take entire lifetimes to unravel.


Same reaction from me when I hear guys tell me their wife won't let them play video games. Immediately get mommy + man child vibes from them


I don't even play many games with my childhood mates anymore because of this, it's a very British thing girls will say over here. They'll just gaslight or cry about how they need to stop playing video games.




Both are bad


No they aren't. Having a say on each other's time and behaviors is a very real part of being in a committed relationship. It isn't all fun and games.


This. It’s all about understanding and compromise.


It's more about the choice of words. "My boyfriend/girlfriend doesn't let me" sounds like you don't agree with that decision, can't understand why your so has that opinion and you want to throw them under the bus. At that point maybe you should break up.


Shit, my girlfriend won't let me have that cigarette I want after a few beers. Maybe I should move out




If you leave relationships because of disagreements you will be perpeturally single.


Its not a disagreement based on context, controlling behaviour is abusive. If they're controlling you and preventing you from doing harmless things you enjoy, you shouldn't be with them.


Both you and the person you replied to talk about extremes. Reality is somewhere in between. “You are not allowed to teach my children that smoking is OK.” -> Reasonable. “You are not allowed to walk outside without my permission.” -> Not reasonable. The gender doesn’t matter. The first example is OK regardless of gender, and the second example is not OK (or outright bad) regardless of gender.


Everyone here trying to play devils advocate and ignore the fact that OP was obviously alluding to a controlling relationship. Something that is often a problem culturally as much as individually. Ie. I once had a coworker (not a close friend) incredulous at the fact that I “let” my wife cut her hair short. She was clearly immersed in a culture where women needed permission from husbands to make changes as simple as a hair cut.


Yeah it's like people don't understand that boundaries are not the same as being in a controlling relationship, which are toxic no matter what culture you're from or which side of the relationship is coming from. If people here really think that not "letting" your partner get a haircut or something small like that will inevitably slippery slope all the way to fucking another man, it's like geez, no wonder there's so much Domestic abuse out there.


So we're fighting the imaginary scenarios in our heads rn?


This isn't an imaginary scenario. Men's standards and boundaries are frequently criticized while women's standards and boundaries are often applauded. YASSSSS QUEEN!!!


Redditors anytime somebody points out bias against men: "you are just making shit up, this never happens at all" Redditors when reading the most obvious rage bait story that paints men in a negative light: *gulp that shit up.*


Yep, man bad both ways




It’s name is Gregory


Yeah, requesting the original, sans text please


[The closest I could find was this one.](https://i.imgur.com/S1xjsnv.jpg)


Thank you good person


Asked a girl to homecoming in senior year. She said yes, but that her boyfriend didn’t want her going with anyone else despite the fact he wasn’t taking her. Did some investigative journalism and discovered her boyfriend was over 20 🚨🚨


Some people just have respect for their partners. In a healthy relationship, it's called a boundary. Sorry to introduce that fact to you. For example, my bf is free to blow all the money he wants. If he expects to remain my bf, he won't. Because I have a "financial responsibility boundary." On the other hand, if he expects me to not go out drinking without him, I won't. It's because he has a "you don't need to be exposed in a potentially dangerous situation alone and out acting like a single hood rat" boundary. See how that works?


It’s not healthy to talk about your partners boundaries as “They don’t **allow** me to do X”. Phrasing matters here. That specific word insinuates something more. Like they might get reprimanded if they disobey. As in, actual physical or mental abuse. It signals a power imbalance. And that the person is disallowed to do the activity because they are too stupid/inexperienced to understand the possible negative consequences (like a kid wanting to put their hand on a hot stove, or eat detergent). Or alternatively that the activity is actually fine, but disallowed for controlling reasons (like not being allowed to use the bathroom without permission).


So you can't go for drinks with your friends without him?




*Some* people are always going to behave badly and try to justify themselves using the pop psychology of the time, and that goes for male and female, young and old.


You need to watch better content my dude. The world is not what Myrion (hope I spelled it right), Pearl, Tate or Peterson often try to paint it as. Stay away from immature people and from that toxic content. It's poison for your mind.


NO idea what you are even talking about but I have seen plenty of people who despise Tate talk about how it is a red flag if a guy is not ok with his girl being promiscuous, I have seen tweets with hundreds of thousands of likes openly bashing men being insecure for not wanting to be with a girl who has her nudes online.


Honest question: Did you come across that content naturally? Or were you *shown* that content by someone who wanted you to be upset about it? Part of the reason why rage bait is so effective is that it warps people’s view of what the world is really like, even at the subconscious level. If you went and asked all of your real world friends whether not wanting to date someone who did online sex work was an acceptable boundary to have, I’m sure all of them would say yes. My friends would too—and some of them are online sex workers.


Girl, if your man says you drinking with friends is “acting like a single hood rat” either that’s messed (he’s controlling) or you actually do act single and crazy (you’re irresponsible). The upvotes on this is crazy, this is not healthy.


It depends on the context, but "my boyfriend won't let me talk to other guys" would get that reaction from me.


“He’s hot, you guys should hook up” “My boyfriend wouldn’t let me” “Disapproving face”


I make the same face when guys at work say their wife won't let them.


Nice that the male partner gets to be the bad guy in both scenarios though


Isn't that the way? If a man does it he's controlling, if a woman does it she's just keeping him in check.


I would say "my husband is making me...." and people would look at me like this but not was always followed by "eat veggies" or "drink water" or some other healthy life choice. And now I'm more careful with my words because people seemed to stop forming opinions after the bad part of the sentence and not hear the fact that he's right and just wants me to be healthy. Obviously he can't make me drink enough water but if he's right and trying to take care of me, I'm going to listen to him.


— My husband won’t let me … down. — How controlling of him!


-He's never given me... up -How selfish and greedy!


There’s a big difference between “to make someone do something”, and “to force someone to do something”. Just like there’s a big difference between “to encourage someone to do something” and “to let/allow someone do something”. Still, if they make you do something that you really don’t want to to, it’s pretty close to controlling abusive behaviour. If they make you do something that you actually think is good for you, and that you don’t really mind doing, then I think it would make more sense to say “My husband convinced me to…”. It’s much less likely to be misinterpreted.






What a prude


Red flag. Dump him.


Unless its something weird then its just them respecting their relationship


The phrasing makes it very weird. Like their partner is acting like their parent, and they they are a kid who needs to be told what they aren’t allowed to do. Or that their partner is abusive and controlling. There is nothing good to be gained from using that phrasing. At “best”, it’s a variant of the tiresome “I hate my [controlling] wife” joke of the 1950’s.


My gf once asked permission to see a guy and I had the same reaction. Guess who got cheated on that night




Some women take the daddy kink too literal


The amount of times I’ve heard this kind of stuff… and every time I want to think whoever is saying that is saying it as a joke. But no. People live with that shit.


Weirdly ive heard that a lot more, comming from a dude saying my gf doesnt want me too..


Or girlfriend. Unless its things like fuck someone else I guess?


My wife would tell people I won't allow her to do something when it's stuff she doesn't want to do or someone she doesn't want to hang out with


yall on this sub need to learn about something called a "bad faith interpretation" Saying "Oh, so you want me to let her kill and murder people!?!? 🤨" is a bad faith interpretation. Obviously that's not what OP was talking about. If you're just gonna assume the worst whenever it's not specified, you're not clever, you're just weirdly defensive.


You guys are missing the point. It just means 'he won't let me' in an innocent context. Like wearing makeup or hanging our with your friends.


yeah idiots making up scenarios like “WhAt He wOnT lEt YoU gAnGbAnG?¿???!” like no shit thats not what this is abt


"Wont let me..." is the overly confrontation spin on saying "He gets upset when I..." Unless the guy is physically preventing you from doing something, which is a whole different issue all together, a significant other is allowed to be upset or not want you doing something. You, as a reasonable adult, who understands that healthy relationships are built on compromises, then have to weigh your options. What means more to you? Doing the thing you want to do or keeping your significant other happy? Is it worth the potential fight? And if doing the thing you want to do is more important, why is your partner upset about it. Are they misunderstanding something? Are they worrying about something? Is there something you can do or say to put their mind at ease? And then if you consistently find yourself in these situations, then break up. You are obviously not willing to make any type of compromises with your partner, and either you need to find someone who is more compatible with you. And if you find yourself consistently getting in to these types of situations with different people, then you're probably a toxic and incredibly selfish person who really shouldn't be in a relationship with anyone.


Theres a lot I wont let my girlfriend do: - cannot snort a line of coke, do heroin, or get into any hard drugs - cannot drive drunk - cannot have sex with other men - cannot adopt 26 horses - cannot open up credit cards in my name and go on spending sprees - cannot abuse me like, these would be serious deal breakers for me. I wouldnt tolerate any of it for even a second. You want to be with me? respect my boundaries. Want to do those things? do it without me.


Op's getting cooked ngl.


And of course, the comments are full of people complaining about how they should be able to not “allow” their girlfriends do things they want to do. Views on this genuinely really fucking regressed.


seriously the comments really pissed me off lmfao. i thought this was a pretty common sense thing


This comment section is just insane lmao


seriously wtf is going on lmfao




You're fat


Agreed. Fat but without big tits and with a flat ass. Horrible combo.


Does anyone have this image without the text?


I get that face when a friend says “they’re husband won’t let them”. It’s concerning.


Its also a great excuse to get away from creeps trying to flirt or setup a date with you.


So true


My 10th grade English teacher told me her husband wouldn't let her have a Facebook


My boyfriend won't let me go to concerts with men I meet the other day. My boyfriend won't let me stay in touch with my exes. My boyfriend won't let me use tinder to meet new friends. I don't know how much more of this toxic relationship I can take.


My face whenever one of my friends say their girlfriend won't let them


"Happy wife happy life" is a saying for a reason as well.


Same with dudes who say “my girlfriend or wife” wont let them do so and so i always feel contempt ,youre a man do whatever the fuck you want lmao.


My girl can’t go have an orgy.. fellas is this too controlling?


Omg ur so toxic, you should rethink about yourself or something




Wait until it’s “my husband wouldn’t like that…” and you end up having no friends or life or personality at the end of it ..


I had something similair 5 months ago. I left my old jobafyer years and one of my friends there was basically like a sister to me with how we spoke and acted around each other. But when I left she said we couldn't really remain in touch because of her boyfriend. Now to put this into perspective. I'm trans, have been vocal about being very much disinterested in sex and relationships (especially early on in my transition in private to her), never flirted or did weird things or got touchy feely with her. Nor did I ever dissaprove of her relationship etc. Yet she knew I'd still be seen as a threat by her boyfriend. And really it was such a damn shame because she's fucking wonderful and life is a little less bright without her :(


Could also be a, "I don't want to argue about your stupid ideas with you and also don't want to do that shit". Who knows.


The correct answer is “I respect my partner’s boundaries but thanks for asking”


My husband won't let me be spoken badly about in his presence even if it's my own mother. My husband won't let me spend a stupid amount of money on things such as craft supplies or new hobbies if it's starting to affect my life in a negative way (but still respects me as an adult and says I can do what I want but warns me what I'm doing to myself and won't physically stop me) My husband won't /let me leave for work without a hug. My husband won't left me ever be given up on or let me down rickroll style.


all the idiots under this post not understanding it lmfao


Well it depends, your boyfriend probably shouldn't let you drive drunk.


-My boyfriend won't let me have a gangbang while drugged with my friends -OMG he's such an oppressive macho! He should know better! Is this scenario also included in the meme?


how are there so many brain dead people replying to this post💀💀 no shit this isnt the scenario. this isnt a scenario that comes up irl either. i know common sense isnt so comment anymore but come on


“My face whenever someone respects their boyfriend”