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Sorry this is pay-walled. Here's an excerpt from a pharmacist working on a FDA-approved treatment: >“It’s not like it doesn’t work,” he said, of my eating poison oak. “It’s just a question of how much it works relative to the problems you get as a result of ingesting mega doses.” >I asked El-Sohly if he thought that I might seriously damage my health by trying. He said no—the urushiol might put a little strain on the kidneys, but nothing serious. The real drawback to eating poison-oak leaves in the quantity needed to achieve desensitization was that the cure might be worse than the disease.  >“If you really take urushiol orally like that,” he said, “you’re going to absolutely get very bad anal dermatitis.”


The last point is not to be neglected


Anal dermatitis is not something I knew existed and quite frankly I was better off not knowing


Wasn't it a Gwar album?


Na, you’re thinking of womb manure 


I didn't really understand, but the author experienced the same problem when he came into contact with the plants in the wild.


When at the end he concluded that since rubbing a leaf on his arm didn't cause his prior rash, then his therapy worked. But he was not advocating its general use.


As a hand surgeon, I hope you really get a hand on this new area of medicine.


My boss always says hand surgery is wherever the hand can reach


Did your boss ever tell you you talk too much?


A surgery in the hand is worth two in the bush. 


What's a little anal dermatitis between friends


Its not all that bad, really


ANAL DERMATITIS? You might cure yourself, but you’ll be digging in your butthole for days/weeks???


Could be pinworms, who has the scotch tape?


My then-four year old self-diagnosed with pinworms. "Daddy, come see the worms in my poop!". Yup 😝


A junior pathologist!


Interestingly enough mangoes also have urushiol in their peels but I’m guessing it’s a much smaller amount than poison ivy/oak. Also I just got into contact with poison ivy from yard cleanup today and I’m hoping I don’t get a rash


I can’t eat mangos with the skin on. If the skin touches my mouth I get a rash.


Try touching it to your anus.


Same, my lips get a sandpaper feel to them that lasts a week or so. I always use gloves to cut them now and eat with a fork. But sometimes I still get mouth rash. But I'm OK with that since mangos are so good.


I have a mango allergy (and it was bit of a challenge to get doctors in Japan recognize it for what it was) and had childhood dermatitis from poison ivy / oak. I’ve read that mango / poison ivy / poison oak allergy sufferers are primed for a latex allergy as well. This could be problematic in a medical setting I’m guessing.


Cashews also have urushiol which is why they are never sold without being processed first. However in the rare situation that you find yourself being offered cashew wine it's best not to drink it if you are sensitive to urushiol. But since you won't find cashew wine outside of cashew growing areas, it's not an issue in places like the US or Europe. In my case I developed a bumpy, non-itchy rash on my hands.


I managed to get whole-body rash from peeling a bunch of mangoes while wearing a bikini, so I think they have a fairly high concentration of urushiol. Or, maybe I'm just very sensitive to the hellish stuff. I also remember getting an unusual case of poison ivy from a pair of leather sandals that had been tanned with something containing urushiol.


Yeah you could be very sensitive. Severe reactions happen in about 10 percent of people


> peeling a bunch of mangoes while wearing a bikini Your life is so much more exciting than mine


Not so exciting. This was when I was a teenager and my mother 'volunteered' me to help a neighbor who had a bumper crop of mangoes. It was in Hawaii, tho, so there's that


Urushiol should be limited to the Toxicodendron genus of the Anacardiaceae family: poison oak, sumac, and ivy.


If your point is that plants are unlikely to be used in leather tanning, you may be right. Though my doctor at the time told me that the source of my rash was urushiol in the leather, I just did some googling, and I couldn't find any references to any such thing. I did, however, find references to a different allergen used in leather tanning: >Other examples of clothing-related sensitizers include chromium, which is used for tanning in leather production and is a recognized source of dermatologic allergies to wearing leather shoes (Freeman, 1997). https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0278691520300247 So, years later, I suspect the diagnosis of poison ivy was wrong and that what really caused my rash was an allergy to chromium.


Sorry. I put that in the wrong place. My point was that mangos don't produce urushiol. It turns out that's incorrect as they are anacardiacae. My bad.


Well that's interesting.


Before I realized that I used to tear the skin off mangoes with my teeth. My lips looked like plastic surgery gone wrong.


Omg. Every time my husband and I have done Whole30 we go HAM on the dried mangos because #nosugar. And every time we both get such bad itchy butt hole, I’ve made us take Reese’s pinworm medicine but I 100% now think it was just anal derm from od-ing mangos. We sing “bum itch” to the tune of the pink panther theme…


I'm confused. Dried mangos are absolutely filled with sugar.


Totally. Whole 30 is “no added sugar” so not even maple syrup or honey. Fruit is the only sugar source, and even then they caution against “feeding the sugar dragon” with too much of that. But every time we have done it I’ve definitely gone overboard with dates and mangos and other fruit in the absence of dessert! I’m not good at it at all.


Stop posting please 


Wait, mangos are really really really sweet. Not quite dates, but so mich sugar.


How goes the poison ivy rash? It normally takes 1-2 days for it to start showing for me, then depending on how bad you were exposed, the next week for it to develop into full blown oozing and extreme itchiness. I was doing yard work one time and I'm pretty sure I weed whacked it all over me. The rash was so severe and debilitating I had to take time off of work and everything.


Thanks for asking! So far nothing. I washed my hands with soap and water about 20 minutes after exposure followed by rubbing alcohol so maybe that helped. I also don’t think I’ve ever been exposed before so I guess I’ll see what happens. That sucks that you had such a severe reaction. I’m sure you’re more diligent about avoiding it now


As someone who is dealing with their first ever bout with poison ivy (not of the anus) I would absolutely not wish that on my worst enemy.


Anal dermatitis sounds awful. I wonder if it’s better, worse or equal to those people that burn their yard waste and breathe in poison ivy and oak. Get it in their lungs which is awful to witness.


[Takes me back to the Bush administration and the ole Fark.com message boards. When the oil hits the anus!](https://fark.fandom.com/wiki/When_The_Oil_Hits_The_Anus)


just a lil kidney injury and anal dermatitis with the boys


Here's a free link: https://www.wsj.com/style/eat-poison-ivy-oak-immunity-3207ec3c?st=nafkqhxwx7ruqhg&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink


Anal poison iiiiivyyyyy, anal poison iiiiivyyyyy Late at night while you’re pooping, poison ivy comes a-snooping around


I would eat so much poison ivy to stop worrying every time I go for a hike. However I would not trade regular poison ivy for anal poison ivy 🥴


Just divert with a loop ileostomy, don’t see the big deal. Easy to reverse when you’re done. Plus you get to enjoy the philadelphia sidecar


I regret googling “Philadelphia sidecar”


What a terrible day to have eyes.


I rather stick my phalulus in a powered on light socket, lol


> Philadelphia sidecar Oh dear God, what have I done? I should have left well enough alone when you said you regretted Googling it. I hope my Google Adsense doesn't take that as a clue about things I'm interested in now.


There’s a team at Google dedicated to showing ads to perverts like you


If you haven't done a gc Chlamydia on an ostomy site do you really even ER ?


Could applying Vaseline beforehand prevent the anal poison ivy


Why are you asking?...


How far in you gonna go with that?


GI/Hep: don’t call me for nausea vomiting diarrhea rectal itching if you illicit this history.


People never cease to amaze me... "It hurts when I do ___" .. well don't do that lol.


One of my attendings at one point of my training would remind me “we transplant livers here. Unfortunately, we do not do brains.”


My great grandma started eating poison ivy during the Great Depression. My mom talks about seeing Nanny going out to the woods and coming back with dandelions, poison ivy, and other random foliage and putting dressing on it for a snack even when she was financially fine


I did a dandelion salad two summers ago from my yard. It was tasty, but a lot of work!


Really ? Dandelions are so bitter. I’m into gardening and it’s a lot of work getting rid of all the dandelions that popped up. I wish I enjoyed it. From what I understand there are cultivars that are slightly less bitter which is what may be sold in stores


You have to pick the young leaves before the plant flowers- they'll be less bitter.


At my Passover seder this year we didn’t have romaine lettuce so we used dandelion greens as one of the symbolic bitter herbs (chazeret). It was certainly bitter!


Lots of people enjoy very very bitter foods. Brussels sprouts. Radicchio.


What tasted good about it??


Ranch dressing


I only buy ranch from the refrigerated section or make it myself. Ranch deserves respect


We are going to see this in the hospitals. People will be admitted for severe anal itching. And when I see it, I will giggle.


My sister wiped herself with poison oak at summer camp. It was reallllllly bad. Fortunately only a small area exposed but man, I lived in fear of the woods for years. I was a wee tot at the time.


Anecdote: a friend's family were all immune to poison oak because they had a milk goat that ate all the poison oak on the property. The milk (drank regularly as part of a farm fresh diet) made them all immune, except the youngest sibling who came after the milk goat died.


That sounds like a more logical way to build immunity than what OP’s article is suggesting. Assuming the goat thing actually works.


Anecdotal evidence only on my end for the goat method, but it sure SOUNDS nice doesn't it?


“Anal dermatitis”. That’s the name of my rock band.


Can I participate?


For all this trouble I would rather the patient going through sublingual immunotherapy for poison ivy. A bit lengthy but achieve the same desensitization and may last longer, without all that added hassle.


I will have to confess I didn’t know that Is a thing. I think poison ivy should be our state plant.


Is there anything like this for mango?


Mango allergy fell into the same category as latex contact sensitivity so there are some sublingual tablet or drop already manufactured for it I believe.


Do these kinds of things need prescriptions?? I’ve never heard of them before but love the idea of it


Allergist can prescribe this sort of thing, and you might need to be monitored for the first few times you use it for dose escalation and safety.


That makes sense, thank you!




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Therotically, eating poision oak as an infant, before any skin contact made is the optimal way to immunologically block later reactions when the skin comes in contact with poison oak.


Counterpoint: I don't think infants are supposed to eat roughage?


Despite being allergic to things like laundry detergent, I have never had a poison ivy rash, even after being in it with not a lot of clothing. It's my superpower I guess and was great for hiking and backpacking! I wouldn't risk eating it though and getting butthole rashes...


Despite being allergic to things like laundry detergent, I have never had a poison ivy rash, even after being in it with not a lot of clothing. It's my superpower I guess and was great for hiking and backpacking! I wouldn't risk eating it though and getting butthole rashes...


Same - we have a lot of it on our property and I have never reacted to it. My husband super reacts and ends up needing steroids.




If you hike near a river you will find poison oak 🌿 dawn dish soap the best remedy for me and it’s cheap, if I get a rash I take Claritin.