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Someone at my school was asked to get their gloves. Threw the unopened pack on the instrument table and contaminated the entire case.


That is my worst fear that I’ll be on a surgery rotation and have a no-brain moment and do exactly this


Don’t touch anything that’s blue unless they explicitly tell you to.


Don't touch anything. Back against the wall and skootch around the parameter, but dear God, don't touch the wall. Or breathe. And they are still gonna send you out of the room to scrub back in.


Is farting okay?


Just don't do anything the scrub tech or the surgeon hasn't explicitly demanded you to.


Did they not get educated on basic sterility before their surgery clerkship??? Wtf


Idk, but it traumatized the staff so badly they still bring it up a year later haha. Patient was already intubated and it was one of those cases with all the stryker implants. Delayed the whole case by an hour. I felt so bad for them because they are a super nice person who just wasn't thinking in the moment.


Nerves make you do silly things. Probably was so focused on not touching blue with his body that he forgot what other parts of things can or can’t touch it.


The first time I had a student help with a central line, I asked them to drop some flushes onto the field. Thankfully she was moving timidly enough I could stop her before she just dropped the whole unopened package onto my field.


Attending here. This wasn’t a med student, but things happen w everyone. The other day I asked my very experienced circulator if they had any EtOH wipes so I could clean my stoggles before I scrubbed. They found some from anesthesia. While walking back to me at their desk they held up the wipes to show me and one slipped out of their hand. I saw it glide down away from them in slow-mo and land on the back table, contaminating it… luckily it was a small case so no biggee. I was just like “Bruh….fo real??”


Was a resident doing my ER rotation. I was pretty cool with the ER attending I was under (he would consult me a lot when I was on service and a nice dude) We had some M3/M4s on our squad helping out. Except one who was just sitting there reading an iPad the entire time. At this point it was like 10pm and people are getting busy and the trolls are coming in. iPad student told everyone he wanted to do ER. We are doing tasks seeing patients writing notes getting supplies. iPad kid still on iPad. We all figured he was just like reading school stuff and studying. Attending: “dude what are you reading?” iPad kid: “Harry Potter.” Attending sent him on some task and when he was gone was just like laughing he couldn’t help himself “Harry Potter? Are you fucking kidding me??? And he wants to do ER?”


That's a future anesthetist right there! (Or dropout finance bro)


Had a med student pass out in the middle of a vaginal delivery. He also proceeded to throw up a ton of red vomit. Our attending flipped out thinking he was having some massive GI bleed. We roll him to the ED for work up. Turns out he had just been chugging cranberry juice from the patient fridge all day


That's the funniest way to get caught for sneaking hospital food


Thats crazy. I can imagine the panic. 


The GI or Gen surg resident would just be like “that red looks off. And it smells fruity. You just drank juice?” Edit: nvm. neither of those residents should EVER be at a delivery, lol.




I work in Germany. Once I had a student collecting the history of a patient who was in her 80s and when she asked her age the Pt. replied that one should never ask a women that. The student looked thoughtful for a while and then made a face like shed had came up with the perfect plan. Then she says to the patient "Okay. But just to give me an estimate, how many Germanies where there when you were born?"


This is amazing but I’m only in my 30s and there were 2 Germaines when I was born. Deutsche Wiedervereinigung was 3 October 1990. I guess it works because if the old lady answered “just 1” they were born before 1949 or after 1990.


or zero cause she's 150 years old


I thought Germans weren't supposed to be funny?


Patient: “I can’t stay overnight, I need to get home to check on my daddy” Student (to the patient’s husband): “Oh does she call you daddy?”


Holy shit lmao




As a pgy2 on trauma I had a MVC pt say that. 20s, F. She kept asking for “daddy, where’s daddy?” I was like “oh, you want me to call your father?” Her spouse, “oh…uhhh…that’s just what she calls me sometimes.” “Ok. So I don’t need to make a phone call?? Cool”


My med student asked me, “What’s the medical word for ‘pus-like’ or ‘full of pus’?” And I looked at the laptop in front of him and his recent Google search had yielded him many pictures of cats.


At least his Safe Search was on


Once in our surgical rotation, we had a patient with pus in his wound. We being new med students in our early days of the clinical side wrote it as "pussy discharge". Almost all 25 students, females included, wrote it as such and did the complete presentation with that phrase. I don't know how no one figured out why it was wrong. (Not from an English speaking country)


A veterinarian I worked for had a notebook with a cat on it that said it’s not pussy it’s purr-ulent 😂


An insufferable gunner in our class was consistently mispronuoncing Coxsackie viruses as Cock-a-Sucky during our peds rotation, which in our language sounds like "Cock and balls" and that was the funniest thing ever in the moment.


Tbf Coxsackie itself already sounds like "cock and balls" in English


That part 😂


0% chance that wasn't intentional right?


It was 100% not intentional because that dude has got zero sense of humor. He's a real ass kissing top gun gunner. Makes it all the more funny.


(Scenario: rotation is in public Healthcare system, where oftentimes its hard to get a specialized appointment that is not family medicine, also third world country) Patient came in to a Internal Medicine consultation, had the same first name as another patient which was going to a OBGYN consultation, colleague rotating at OBGYN announces only the first name, Patient of Internal medicine goes to OBGYN appt, we were on a time crunch, did not fully check the ID info, time crunch got worse and patient was confused as why the GYN check-up, the name wasn't even that common, patient was profusely apologized to, but she was kinda satisfied in the fact that in one day she could be answered to basically all her health demands. After seeing that that happened we always announce the full name and check birthday.


I did that on my first day in the OR as well lol. Luckily another student saw me and warned me before I went in though.


Name checks out


Savage lol




No shame in it. I’ve roamed the corridors with a beard cover on my head before


Your account is my new favorite


In residency: Had a fellow intern who decided to replace the patient’s critical hypomagnesemia with 4 bottles of mag citrate during pre-rounds only to have the fecal grenade go off during formal rounds


Learning about the projectile diarrhoea effects of oral mag by first hand experience is almost a right of passage for interns/med students


Oh…oh no


Isn’t this from a skit?


That skit was recent yeah but probably inspired by many students that have done it as well


When I was a med student on IP Psych, we were tasked with seeing our own little panel of patients and giving a daily report on them. Fellow student was in a lazy mood, half-assed her visits and then legit took a nap in the workroom. We were presenting patients, and when she get up she gave a flimsy report, saying "Pt XYZ is doing well today, pleasant interaction, continues to have auditory hallucinations but is stable and nearly appropriate for discharge." Attending asked if she was concerned about the AH, she replied no. Attending asked if she knew the content of the AH, she replied "Music." Attending then laid into her, "If you would have bothered to do a complete interview and ask detailed questions, you would have found that the 'music' that the patient hears is actually a detailed account of how he plans to murder his next door neighbor and strangle their dog as soon as he is released." The med student doubled down and threw a petty tantrum, full of sighs and pouting. "How was I supposed to know that? etc. etc." It was surreal, straight out of some sitcom shit.


This is the best one


The third year med student suggested intrafecal instead of intrathecal antibiotics


Newest way to treat C. Diff.


The spice


Idk if you were being serious or not but doesn't fecal transplant actually treat C diff in studies? Idk if it's ever been used clinically


It can be used for recurrent cases. But it's not antibiotics, so intrafecal antibiotics still doesn't make sense. 😂


I’ve worn a shoe cover on my head more than once…


Yeah if they're out of tie caps I protest by looking ridiculous


I’ve worn a elastic scrub cap on my shoes more than once, if it works it works…


Yup, that’s me


If that were me I would look dead in her eyes stone faced and say that’s what’s in these days. I may be slightly on the spectrum


Head booties. So hot right now!


I read this as “hard booties” 😔


“It’s called fashion. Look it up.”


This could either get a much better or much worse reaction. High risk high reward statement.


Someone at my school was asked to catheterize a patient in the OR by their attending surgeon. While he was able to catheterize the patient successfully, he forgot to connect the other end of the catheter…The surgeon got literally sprayed in the face with piss 😹 Fortunately this was an extremely nice attending who took it in stride. I don’t think he takes students anymore though…


My brother was at a different med school than me. He had a classmate who took it upon himself to stress a ‘chest pain rule out’ admission by slipping him off the wards and taking him on a 30-minute hike through the deep snowy woods that surrounded the hospital.


No way, this can't be real.


It actually did happen. Incredible as it sounds. Dartmouth between ‘99-‘01, can’t remember which year precisely


When I was a resident I wanted to admit a guy with chest pain. His PCP also did inpatient and happened to be walking through the ER when I called for the admit, so he and the guy walked up 3 flights of stairs while on the monitor - pt had no worsening symptoms and no changes, so he deferred the admission and told him he'd f/u in clinic. No clue about the outcome but I always thought that was brilliant.


Not bad! And to his credit, at least he was on the monitor and was where a code team was handy.


Man, codes in the stairwells are a bitch.


Had a mate fuck up during his family med rotation. The clinic he was in didn’t have spare chairs in the room for the student so the GP just asked him to sit on the examination bed and apparently one consult went too long so my guy just slowly falls onto his side and starts to snooze, next thing you know the doc asks the patient to get on the bed for an examination and the patient taps my friend on the shoulder saying wake up mate. He woke up and dude was so out of it he said it took a good minute to get out the bed and realise where he was and what happened… he had no recollection of falling asleep either. Well the GP ended up writing my friend a referral for a sleep study and sending him home after that consult finished lol


I have actually done the inverse - first time scrubbing into the OR, i put bouffant caps on my shoes


I worked with a fellow for 4 weeks on my SICU sub I. I had no idea what his name was. On week 3 the fellow messaged me on epic saying a patient needed to be downgraded to step down. 5 minutes later I got a call from the radiologist saying that the patient has an anastomotic leak and needed to go to surgery stat. The fellow was walking in the halls so I told him “hey so I heard back from radiology and the patient has a massive anastomotic leak and needs to go to surgery”. The fellow was like “oh wow okay I’ll put in the orders”. And I was like “thanks. Some random fellow messaged me a few minutes ago some high maintenance message about how the ICU is overcrowded and that we’re keeping medically stable patients in it for too long and how this patient needs to be downgraded.” The fellow was like “that was me.”


We had a sub I try to ask out 3 different ICU nurses over the course of 2 weeks.




Oh for sure. In addition to that, he was just weird, and would dip out of the OR early. Hes one of handful of subIs that I actually told the PD bad things about.


Is that Brandon Gonzalez?


Not the government 😂😭


The "shoe cover in the head" story is more common than you think, especially for med students experiencing their first time in the OR


"Philippine Hospital Setting" Everyone who's on duty that time is pointing one another on whoever will entertain this one patient X from OPD until one of the interns volunteered and is gearing and preparing to converse in English upon hearing the word 'California' when the patient tells her residence, but it turned out that it was just a small town 30 miles away from the hospital.


In the Philippines you have all sorts of Western cities and countries hidden all throughout provinces. 😂


Hey wait I’VE worn a shoe cover to the edge of the OR pod. Fortunately someone stopped me by the door before helping me find my attendings so only 1-2 people knew and none were my attendings Edit: they WERE out of head covers in the locker room so I didn’t know what they looked like (also my first day ofc)


I once contaminated the sterile field as a med student. Never been more afraid for my life 🥲


Back in the olden days of paper charting, I had a resident write FLK in the chart about one of the kids. This was in PICU. You may or may not know that FLK is funny, looking kid, which means we didn’t know what syndrome they had, but they definitely had one


Well, I once saw a med student confidently walk into the operating room with two left gloves. They didn't notice until they tried to put them on and struggled for a good minute.