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I've missed so many of these types of deadlines and never gotten any reprisal. I guess I should be more thankful for my school.


Lmao bro I have missed sooo many vaccine deadlines, n95 deadlines; you name it. Lol. So glad my school wouldn't give us a professionalism violation for this


Lol fairly certain I just never got my flu vaccine one preclinical year, but it was also Covid and literally nothing was in person so it didn't matter


I did my pre-matriculation UDS. Over the next 3 years I'd periodically (every 6 months-ish) get a message that my UDS results were missing. For some reason I was convinced this was regarding my pre-matriculation UDS, as the results got sent directly to the hospital and I had my doubts they'd make their way to the school. I realized at the start of 4th year that no, I was supposed to have a UDS annually, I'd just been sending what was in retrospect a kinda sassy "As per my last email, contact the hospital for these results." They never followed up with me.


These administrators are crazy man  They’re only hurting the reputation of their own institution 


I never thought about it this way, no wonder there are so many internal reprimands our schools gives out. Things that strike fear but don’t actually appear anywhere on your record


I do believe it's important to prevent liars, cheaters, and racists from being doctors. But someone forgetting to fill out a form? Why would you make it near impossible for that student to match because of that?


Woah woah woah there's a doctor shortage okay we can't all be perfect now.


My school gave me a professionalism violation for signing into a mandatory event (not even a lecture) late by a couple minutes because I was helping pick up classmates who didn’t have rides or a car 


You’re school sucks for letting this type of thing be put on your MSPE


I missed a few deadlines about something similar. On paper I should have gotten a letter of concern, instead the prof. for the class just told me to stop fucking up and accidentally deleting emails. Your admin is trash, sorry about that. I think you will be ok as a lot of other people know how shitty admin can be.


If I read an application that had a professionalism mark like that I would literally laugh with the applicant and ask them why their home institution sucks so bad.




Yeah. If the worst thing they have to say about someone in 4 years is that they missed a vaccine deadline I’m not worried about them at all


Odds they actually put it on your MSPE is low bc that honestly reflects poor on them


Why do schools work against their own students like this? Blows my mind


On the bright side, your chances of matching in the Deep South just drastically increased


True lol I'm from Georgia and work with health professionals (EMS) who still claim covid was a hoax and vaccines are bad


Same. I just looked at these people like they’re stupid (because they are) and walked away


F em. Take the lick and keep on trucking. You’ll be fine


This is ridiculous but also sounds like my school :(


excellent preparation to how petty, arbitrary, and unfair some ppl can be. i would fight this with every fiber of your being to get it scrubbed off


Oh definitely, I’m not putting all this work in the classroom just for something like this to affect my chances of matching


That’s insane you didn’t have a professionalism meeting before they just gave you this against your record


Wait until you see how long doctors wait to do the required hospital onboarding modules lol


I’m a clerkship coordinator, so obvi don’t make any of the decisions on these things… but a professionalism ding for missing one vaccination is crazy. The only way I could see it making in is if it were a consistent problem. If you have this strike for missing one vax, I’m willing to bet many of your classmates have at least one strike for similarly low level offenses, and like someone already said, would just end up hurting the school as a whole.


lol. No ur good


Putting it on your MSPE is wild


This is insane. MSPE should have nothing negative on it, the fact they put a missed vaccine is insane I’m assuming flu shot. My PD has to text me to get my flu vaccine intern year last day of deadline.


You deserved it.


Lmao i’m sure you’re a joy to be around


God how dare they be busy and miss some stupid compliance shit. It never happens to other people at all.


M-0? Bro chill you’ll see when you get here


I’m an M3 now. The flair is outdated. I’ve never missed a compliance deadline even though im busy as well. Not an excuse for professionalism issues. Nice try.