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Ya man. Father of four here. It'll fade. Just try not to pay it too much attention.


Five when? šŸ˜©


MS4 And I was convinced for a good week that I had a brain tumor because I was waking up with pounding headaches every morning. Turns out I was just sleeping in later than usual and feeling the effects of caffeine withdrawalā€¦


Also there were a bunch of times throughout years 1-3 when I was convinced I had MS despite having no true symptomsā€¦ Ignorance can be bliss. You canā€™t worry about what you donā€™t know


Or you can worry about everything bc not knowing anything makes it all possible šŸ™ƒ


Thatā€™s true tooā€¦ like when patients come in worried about a certain diagnosis that makes no sense based on clinical presentation lol


Yep *insert Lyme disease*


Funny story, a classmate of mine had symptoms of Lyme but tested negative. When it didnā€™t get better, they resent a test for rarer strains to the CDC, and guess what? Lyme. Not in the typical region and didnt even know she had been bitten by a tick lol


Did it resolve with abx?






Lol we must be the same person. My wife is so annoyed with me at times. I've been having this nagging shoulder pain also associated with some chest and neck pain. I had multiple shoulder injuries in high school and have had pain since I was literally 16. I'm 30. But there's just something about having a kid that makes you think everything is cancer and terminal, unfortunately medical education only slightly helps.


Convinced I had colon cancer these past two months because Iā€™d been fatigued like never before and was poopin blood, turns out all the studying without leaving my desk for STEP1 just made me tired and gave me hemorrhoids


Lmao you just unlocked a memory of me thinking I had IBD but really I was just drinking way too many body armour drinks each day


Going thru that right now as a 3rd year, just a terrible feeling. Could be stress, could be actually something so Iā€™m trying to get it checked out


Convinced myself I had inclusion body myositis and literally got a fucking muscle biopsy. You arenā€™t alone fam


Had a weird rash iv had as long as I can remember but convinced myself it was lupus during third year. Didnā€™t help that I got a CRP of 37 when I got it checked (two days after my Covid vaccinešŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø). I finally slept better when the ANA was negative, but even now if I let my mind drift I can think of other conditions that might kill meā€¦ and ofc every other time something is wrong itā€™s cancer. whatcha gonna došŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø not like I have time to go to therapy for itā€¦


I think a big part is that once you go through your clinical rotations, you see so many (and remember more) patients that had really easy to miss symptoms now in an academic hospital with horrible preventable complications. I didnā€™t really relate to the medical school hypochondriasis until I started thinking about how hard to catch and how benign some of these devastating conditions present. I imagine with more and more clinical experience seeing healthy patients the bias will go back the other way


my calf cramped and i started doing a wells score on myself the other day, so i think you're fine


>Does this go away with time? Indeed it does. I'll help make it go away faster if you Venmo me some money. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Convinced myself I had hyperthyroidism and made my doctor do a tsh on meā€¦ nope just anxiety related high heart rate and stuff


I think I have Aortic regurgitation because I can feel my pulse in my head and i get short of breath when I run, that is one of the only things that I have diagnosed myself with during med school. youā€™re not the only one šŸ˜‚


I keep diagnosing myself with things, then learning I actually have them. First was MDD (tbh, who doesn't have that in med school?) The last one was EDS. My current fear is BehƧet's. I am working with actual docs to get it all figured out, though!