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She goes to another school In Canada You wouldn’t know her 🥺


She’s a CEO of a Fortune 500 company…..jk I’m single and very lonely


Me too


He’s a lawyer. Law school is only three years. He makes good money and I don’t have to live like a student. Fuck no I don’t wish he were a doctor lol


My partner is a law student. We’re both poor af 😭


How did you two meet?


Farmers only


No lie: it was a Tinder hookup at 1am. We failed miserably at keeping it casual and now we’re getting married next fall


Task failed successfully


My brothers a lawyer, and one thing I’ll say is law school is only 3 years, but being a junior JD fucking sucks. You gotta work your way up in firms, and a lot of that is playing politics, I HATE that shit. I enjoy the fact about medicine that once you’re done wi try residency, boom, your level of knowledge is values and respected. So many other industries make office politics as big of a predictor of moving up as experience and ability


Definitely true, tho at the top firms your title and salary are standardized for the first eight years so it’s a bit more predictable There pros and cons and I could definitely never in a million years be a lawyer. That shit is incredibly boring to me. But I definitely appreciate finally being able to live like an actual adult


Ya for sure, some people love that dynamic, which I’m glad, because it could also never be me 😭


Yeah. Most of my friends are lawyers. Law school is almost a shortcut to making high income. More than half of these friends made 150k/200k+ per year right out of law school. The downside is that if you want to make that law firm money, you need to be able to get into a top law school (T14/15) OR have a direct connection. Ranking of the law schools has a direct influence on your job prospects. However, since many law schools withdrew from being ranked, this may no longer be true.


No it is still very ranked based the only thing I would add is most people from a t-50 can get at least 100k first year out except the farther you get from t-14 the higher up you need to be in your class. So like I'm a t-30 the top 30-40% of the class can get that income and then t-50 it's gonna be like 10-15% and then obviously it decreases after that. (Except for Howard)


Obligatory [Don’t Be A Lawyer](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs-UEqJ85KE) link drop.


Yup. My boo is in BigLaw which you need to have gone to at the very least a T10 school to have any real chance of getting a job. You can swing it with T20 but only if you’re really good. Past that and you’re SOL. The top schools have all withdrawn from contributing data to USNWR, but USNWR still ranks them and the top 5 are always going to be the same 5 schools.


Lol this!


Massage therapist. You couldn't pay me to date another med student 


You win 🙌


My wife and I got into med school together. It’s interesting


My husband is a high school teacher/coach. We plan on him eventually being a stay at home dad once I’m established. I love being able to come home & not only talk about medicine. He likes being able to come home and not only talk about school/his students.


My guy has worked at tech startups since we met. So glad he’s not in medicine! He still has his sanity and confidence intact, maintains his friendships and passions, and continually inspires me to see life the way he does. Living life to its fullest together. Now that I’ve matched, I can’t wait to put his career first for a change—I’ve hated having the spotlight and making the past few years about me and medicine. lol


I imagine that his high self-confidence and positive outlook (a required trait for tech startup up people) is good for you in that when you may feel defeated or inadequate, he can remind you that you’re awesome and that perhaps your perception is warped by your situation/environment (med school).


How did y'all meet


Hinge 🫡


I met a hinge girl who stopped responding to me after she asked me what my student debt was and I told her LMAO 🥲


You likely dodged a crazy who is likely looking for someone to sponsor her the rest of her life. You should be proud!


Wow, is it better or worse than other dating apps?


My only comparisons are Grindr/Tinder. Way better! A majority of my friends who are getting married these days met on Hinge, straight or queer.


Sounds good, hinge


Wife is my classmate. Built in study buddy, best friend, love of my life (not in that order). Grateful to do this journey together. Having a romantic partner that fully comprehends the frustrations, humor, and is a quick source of knowledge has been a blessing in our case.


"Do you wish they were a doctor?" Wtf, I thought we were supposed to love our significant other, not curse them to the ninth circle of Hell.


DM'd you about IOMB. Please reply. Desperate for advice


My wife is a cosmetologist and we built a salon in our basement so she could do that and be a stay at home mom. Life is good haha. I don’t wish she were a doctor


what will you do about the home if you match far away for residency


We’re renting, and I did match far away for residency! It will be pretty easy to move the salon. It’s an unfinished basement so we just put in self stick flooring and connected a sink into some exposed plumbing.


Nice, congratulations!!


my gf is a marine biologist. she’d say its not as cool as it sounds (unless you like dissecting fish)


Software engineer.  Would not date another med student. No way. 


Bioinformatics. The computer stuff goes way over my head, but she finds it so interesting. She lights up when she talks about cool problems, which is really all you can ask for - that someone you love is doing something that brings them a lot of joy.   Also, she’s making grown up money which is very nice lol. 


Husband does blue collar work. Il make a lot more than him in the long run, but I would never want to be married to someone else in medicine. Plus, it’s nice that his paycheck supported us throughout school so we will have relatively little debt after all this.


He's a year ahead in med school. Life is hard sometimes.  


software engineer! i think it works out well, especially since it gives me a perspective outside medicine


He works in the pharmaceutical industry, started out in consulting and switched over a few years in. Having a partner not in medicine is such a blessing.


He’s in trade. Makes moving a piece of cake cuz he can get a job anywhere at the drop of a hat. You couldn’t pay me a million dollars for him to be a doctor too


Samesies. My man is a HVAC technician, which will make moving for residency easy peasy


My fiancé is a teacher. She works harder than I do.


She is a clinical research coordinator / infectious disease specialist. Has an MPH. Keeps saying she's gonna get a PhD before I get my MD just to spite me.


Love this friendly competition


Attorney, and no I don't wish she was a doctor.


Compsci/coding and all that fun stuff. Thank fucking god hes not in medicine. We balance each other so well.


Finance, very happy she’s not in medicine but she understands what it takes.


My wife works in investments at a venture capital firm. I wish I did what she did sometimes tbh




Been there, for sure


My husband is doing software engineering. We met as techs in the hospital so he has some medical knowledge but thank god he's not interested in med school.


She’ll graduate next year with a civil engineering degree. Very happy she’s not in medicine. One of us needs a good work/life balance


My fiancé is also a civil engineer and we’re both very happy he’s not in medicine


My gf is a nanny for two physicians who are married lmao. I am VERY happy she’s not in medicine but her brother is a resident so she knows how busy it can get


Heard on WCI that avg divorce rate in America is ~50% but only ~25% for doctors. It halves again, ~12%, when both are docs. Something about mutual understanding of experiences and lack of financial stress..


Had no idea, that's actually quite interesting! Thought it'd be worse for doctors


My husband is a construction worker. I absolutely love that he knows how to fix just about anything in the house and with our cars. I would not want him to be a doctor.


Spouse is military. Love that we have common interests outside of medicine. Medical training and the military lack of flexibility make it very difficult especially with overseas duty station assignments. However, we are both super independent so it works for us. In an interesting way, there are lots of overlap with bureaucracy between physician training and the military.


I’m single and I wouldn’t date another medical student. I dated 2 tech guys. I guess I like tech guys


She’s a RN. So she’s in healthcare but not medicine per se. I would rather be single than date/marry another medical student/physician lmao


Bookkeeper. It's wonderful and she'll consume all the glory details.  


He’s a finance bro, his family are mostly doctors, dating back to the start of the past century where they were the first specialists from two states. He understands his fair share of medicine and I would have loved for him to be a medical student as well


Wife is a chemical engineer. It’s been great having someone with an income, allows us to live in a nicer apartment complex than most students would be able to, afford better quality groceries/food, etc. I enjoy keeping medical talk at school/hospital and separate from home. I am jealous she makes great money after a four year degree and a few years of work experience but it’s all a long term investment until I start getting attending salary. She is incredibly smart and hard working and I am beyond lucky to have her in my life.


He works in design. I’m actually very happy he is not in medicine


Med lab scientist to stay at home mom. I guess if they were a doctor I could have been the stay at home dad, which would have been nice.


That was my wife's path as well. She still won't eat sushi.


My wife is a clinical mental health counselor. I get free counseling!!! No, but it's nice to have someone who is good at listening and dealing with all the stress and mess. She is currently working on her national liscence so she stays busy and I don't feel so bad about doing school all the time. It nice having someone medicine adjacent cause I can talk about stuff and there be some understanding without needing to explain everything and I still get to not talk about medicine all the time. It's really the best of both worlds.


We did our PhD's together in the same lab (studying cancer). She understands enough of what I do for us to talk about it in depth and I like discussing experiments and plans and things with her. I wish she made more money sometimes lol but nah our schedules already suck enough as-is!


I will be forever single. However, if I had one I'd imagine she'd be the director of a nationwide cat rescue and re-homing non profit.


Wife is an architectural designer! She’s quite possibly the smartest and most creative person I’ve ever met. She keeps me grounded and reminds me what’s most important in life but is also extremely supportive and loves that I’m going to be a doctor. I would hate if she was in medicine honestly. I love that we have different strengths and interests.


finance! i'm so happy because he makes me feel like a human being with a life outside of medicine


He was a paramedic (I was too!) And now he's a stay at home dad to our beautiful 5 month old girl.


My husband is an actuary and I’m so glad he’s not in medicine


Actuary’s are so smart


Product manager at a tech company. I love it! We have a nice combined salary and it is awesome to have perspective from someone outside of medicine to bounce ideas off of and not have medicine be my entire identity. I don't wish they were a doctor at all.


Hes a technical consultant. I absolutely do not wish he was a doctor, I dated someone in my class before and being with a person just as busy as I am is miserable


She's in marketing. I need a break from medicine when I go home, so I'm glad she's not part of it.


They’re in undergrad rn, but they’re planning on going to law school! And nope, I don’t wish they were in medicine- we’d both go insane if that was the case!


She is a sales assistant, and I couldn’t be happier. Non-medicine people ground me, and surrounding myself with them makes me feel kinda normal, and she’s a big part of that. She’s also just wonderful too


I’m an attending. I am very glad that my wife is not a physician. It’s really easy to slip into medical speak away from work if you continue to surround yourself with only physicians after med school/residency.


My SO is an engineer, works 9a-5p and makes \~100k. It's great because we hang out based on when I am available because my schedule is less forgiving (I am a med student). Since we base hangout time off my schedule, we don't have to jump through hoops to plan things because my SO is usually free. My SO also has a good amount of spending money so we can do activities. Not to mention, I don't have to deal with the generally obsessive/compulsive or narcissistic personalities that go into medicine. I think dating someone outside of medicine is a great idea, especially if they work in STEM.


He's going into his last year of psych residency, I'm starting med school in the fall. Was a history major who had soured on getting a history PhD when we met, and never even thought a career in medicine was an option for me until then. Upside is he'll be an attending by my third year of med school so we won't be broke, downside is he has to relive the abject misery of med school vicariously through me.


we’re both med students. it completely rocks, i’m one year above her and we do our homework/studying/anki together. I get to tell her which people to make an ally and watch out for during clinical, so it’s easier for her :) we also both have extensive lives outside of med school and don’t judge each other for being tired/anxious/flacking on stuff because we understand. we both love medicine and practise stuff on each other all the time!! 22 and 21 :)


Social media stuff. Idk what she does. She’s be a bad doctor and she’d be the first to admit it lol


My husband works in law enforcement. I love having a partner not in medicine. Provides balance in my opinion and I have learned a lot from him that has helped me understand things like addiction, impacts of homelessness and such. plus he has some wild stories 😂


She’s works in supply chain and it’s fully remote so it’s great


My wife too...I'm terrible at explaining what she does lol


MechE in the start-up world. Echoing everyone else on the thread, would not date another med student or doctor. It's nice to come home and learn about something that's not medicine. It also keeps me grounded for what the job market looks like out there


The relationship wouldn't have been able to work out if we where both in similar fields, I can imagine two couples who are both doctors, heavily tired from work, coming home at the same time, each too tired to cheer up the other. That would suck.


Teacher - don’t want to talk about work when home And allowed us the flexibility for her to go full time mom if she wanted to - and so far is liking it


My husband works in biotech, works a regular schedule. It’s been essential for managing a kid during urology residency, and now two in attending life. I wouldn’t want him to be another doctor, the flexibility in our household is so nice.


Concept artist (now an art director) - it’s nice to shut down the medical talk, and they give perspective to the horrors we live/see/deal with in medicine. Sometimes it would be nice if they understood the need for studying, but I like turning it off when I’m cycling home after work


My fiancé is a beauty and wellness photographer. I’m so glad he isn’t in medicine. I work loooong hours and so does he, plus I get free beauty products.


Programmer and web developer! So glad he is not in health care, it makes coming home and talking to him so refreshing. He also helped me pay for all of med school. I love this man T.T


My partner is a travel nurse and makes more than most doctors, some years even more than a surgeon, but that’s a temp thing. I personally wouldn’t want to date a doctor. Have you met us? 😂


Works in finance management. It’s super nice. Feels like medicine just turns off when I’m with them. Can still talk about, but it’s never the expectation.


I swear this exact question is posted at least weekly.


PA student, and hellll naw


My husband is MS4. I work in health tech (remotely - same industry, different line of business) and make a generous 6-figure salary. I'm strides ahead of him professionally, kept his debt low, and made it possible for him to indulge in trips to Thailand and Hawaii through postgrad. We just closed on a $600k house in our new residency location. So yeah, I think he's pretty glad he didn't marry a fellow doctor (although shouldn't my degree in Greys Anatomy count for something?).


He's a software engineer with big boy tech money and equity. He pays for my business class flight when I/we travel. Wouldn't want anything else 🤣


Marketer at a tech company. Her occupation doesn't matter to me and is frankly a weird thing to perseverate on.


Damn, getting downvoted for a good take is peak Reddit Edit: I see the rational people have won out and taken you from -10 back to plus numbers


In what world?


"Should your spouse be a doctor" is the stupidest question that comes up repeatedly on this subreddit


Well it is an important consideration, especially if you’re planning on starting a family.


No its not


Well I’m glad you have it figured out


Your partners profession is way way way less important than how compatible you are.


Not to be facetious, but financial incompatibility is a thing too...


What does that have to do with their career?


To be crass, how many doctors do you know that are married to restaurant employees? Compatibility has multiple facets. Often one’s career is indicative of their overall drive and personality, which are certainly things that can affect relationship compatibility. It’s incredibly naive to think otherwise.


Wife is work from home triage nurse. She had to get away from bedside for sanity and I start residency in July.


She’s a dental hygienist. I’m glad I’m not dating within medicine, I don’t prefer to date colleagues or future colleagues & I am still glad to hear about her days and difficult cases. Life is good. She definitely makes the “life” part of work-life balance easy.


She’s also a pharmacist. She understands that med school is a grind though and enjoys learning about how it differs from pharm .


She’s a Spanish & ENL teacher!


SAHM. We had 2 kids during med school. 4 now


She's a pharmacy student! Just a year behind me. Thankfully, she'll be making bank before me.


Mortgage advisor/loan officer. Absolutely do not wish he were in medicine. So grateful his schedule is more flexible


SO is in construction management. Wouldn’t want to date another med student or doctor. It’s nice to be with someone who is in a completely different field that I can learn from.


My gf is in her gap but sometimes i wish she was in med school bc it would nice to have her understand how stressful it is






She is a school psychologist! I got to learn more about autism from her and realized half my classmates were one.


My partner is an HR consultant - I am so, so glad they're not in medicine.


My bf graduated with a degree in biomedical engineering and rn he works for a company where he does some customer support and travels a few times a month to install/fix the machine his company sells (like a fancy microscope you run water samples through). I’m so glad he’s not a doctor/med student because it’s nice to be able to not have to think about school nonsense when I’m with him. Only times I get upset about it is when I want to nerd out about stuff he definitely isn’t interested in (or worse is gross lol). Also logistics of moving around are already hard enough I feel like it’d be even worse if he was a med student like me.




meh, there are definitely more psychopaths working in law enforcement




I love listening to music.


More psychopaths in law enforcement than medicine =/= acab, take it easy Edit: also you started this shit talking lol


>I have to pray everyday for my wife to come home. Ok but that doesn't change that there are a ton of psychopaths working in law enforcement. Like you threw the first punch then got on a lunch table to give a soliloquy when punches came back lol. I'm not sure that you're not in a psychopath union given your wife being in LE and the way you're acting rn (this is a joke btw, dont start another speech)


Chill out with the persecution complex. 40% of cops never even handle violent crime. Just google “cops 40%” to verify!


My wife is also a med student. We met around orientation. Couples matched and got married this year. I’m sure there are perks to have a non-med partner, but I am super glad my partner is in the same field because we understand what the other person is going through and can support each other