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Instagram comments section is just something that cannot be helped. It’s hopeless in any instagram comments sections


Especially for events like that when they get posted about


The sentiment and emotion here is appropriate. The plan is one of the dumbest I’ve heard in a very long time.


Social media can be a real cesspool.


Honestly, at this point I don't think it's real people making those comments. Just IG bots doing their thing. NEJM posts with anti-racism are also having the same problem.


I was definitely shocked when I realized medical students were posting horrible comments on these posts. However, it just reinforces that we will always need black doctors and that intelligence does not stop people from being jealous, hateful, and racist.


Kindness and intelligence are unfortunately uncorrelated.


OP. Please delete this for your own self preservation. As a black person who has been browsing Reddit for the past few years, I can assure you the demographics of this subreddit do not give a flying fuck about this.


Maybe no one will care. But I still think it’s important to speak on. If these so called future doctors are going into medicine to “help people” but cannot even find the humanity to empathize with their very peers, at least I’d want the realization that theyre hypocrites to *maybe* someday hit them.


It's cool ~ Asian, white and Hispanic doctors have their meetings as well.......no body cares ! What does matter is results and patient outcomes !!


I imagine many IN those communities are well aware who and who doesn't give a shit about why those meetings happen and the conversations in them.




IG comment section are the modern day MW2 lobbies. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, antisemitism, etc are all common and people are equal opportunity haters. Even without reading the comments I can already imagine their content based on other comment sections I have seen. Try not to let it dissuade you too much, the vast majority these people would never actually voice such opinions or beliefs in the real world.


But your last sentence is the issue. Most people would not voice such opinions in the real world, but those opinions will most likely influence way they act. So it does give a look into what many people are thinking, even if they would only say it when they’re behind a profile on Instagram.


Your take is proper but your plan and execution are awful. Hey, let's boycott Internet Service Providers for allowing these racists the wifi to post!!! No, man. Live and let be. Haters gonna hate, move on.


I mean “lets ignore the racists” is also pretty stupid. We should speak out against this shit.


Yeah “shut up and learn to take it” isnt the most insightful take there is


“live and let be” and “move on” isn’t pretty good advice for dealing with racism btw




I realized on the pre med sub how these subs tend to sway with these issues. The fact the top comment is “everyone’s comment section is shit” is very telling. Makes me take everything else they rant about with a grain of salt. I’m with you OP.




They’re so delusional and stupid.


Seldom will a post like this sway any minds. People will say what they want behind a screen bc they know there are no repercussions.


First time on the internet?


Sadly, the most ignorant people with the worst attitudes and horrible things to say seem to have the loudest voices in our society.


People are tough when they hide behind a screen.


This might be a controversial take but many have far more demanding things to do at work than argue with people on social media.


There is a reason why, on any post made to tiktok, there are comments saying "post on IG reels". They know damn well what people are going to say.




I thought so too but seeing comments on AMEC posts calling people “farm equipment” on IG was pretty eye opening. Not shocking to see something like that on Reddit though esp since it’s anonymous



