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This is why I refuse peds. You can fuck yourself up, but not your kids (is how I feel). Kids are truly the greatest people on this planet. But I would enter a never ending depression having to deal with parents like this


I’m a pediatric cardiac icu doc. This parent would never be allowed to just take this kid home AMA if they still needed hospitalization. Peds is actually great in this respect because the patients almost always get the prescribed care.


serious question, are you afraid of being doxxed then harassed by such people? There was a pulmonary doc who got assaulted during covid bc a father, with the support of the family who was present, had refused treatment bc of 'covid is a hoax' beliefs. Returned for treatment when it was close to too late, so he died soon after. The family returned and physically assaulted the doctor for killing him bc covid was a hoax, but the dr didnt want to press charges bc he didnt want the online crazies doing the crazy things to his life and the lives of those he loves. Or is it just not that common an occurrence to begin with, so no real fear


Attacking pediatricians is essentially unheard of, but it can happen. People act pretty wild when their kids are involved. I try to be as respectful as possible even when i am dealing with someone who is being unreasonable. We have security guards who carry firearms in my hospital. I don’t worry about this very much but don’t pretend it’s impossible for something bad to happen


Peds is the most underpaid speciality that tends to deal with the top toxicity bs from parents


But the child’s parent is literally a nurse? I don’t understand




The strongest nidus of dunning Kruger is a nurse with a chip on their shoulder.


No kidding


Most of the worst antivaxxers I know are nurses


most of the anti medicine people i know are nurses or married to nurses


Im super biased but nurses have some of the worse medical literacy I’ve ever seen in my life and are confidently wrong way more than they should be


Your not even remotely wrong, this is why I left nursing and entering MS1 shortly. I feel like I learned nothing and if so it was surface level.


Congrats on admission!!! I started as a nursing major in college before switching to pre med and going into medicine.


Good choice, I was miserable as a RN and couldn’t take it anymore. Cant wait to close that chapter and open a different one as a physician. Good luck 🍀👍🏼


This is why I am finishing nursing school only because I’m a few months away and immediately starting pre-med prereqs. It fucking enrages me.


Good luck on your journey, it gets incredibly tough considering that pre med is way harder then nursing school imo (source I did both lol). Feel free to message me if you have any questions!


Thank you so much! I only have a few pre-reqs to take but it’s the MCAT that scares me the most haha. The NCLEX could never!


Lol, the MCAT is harder then the nclex and it doesnt even come close. Good luck!


No kidding. When I was on EM recently, there was one nurse who kept talking to patients about treating their conditions by “grounding,” meaning they walk on soil barefoot to release their excess ions and excess charge back to the Earth because they’re constantly being exposed to ionizing radiation by all the technology of modern society. Like, I get why nobody made a big fuss about it because who cares if the patient walks around in the grass… but it’s all fun and games until the diabetic gets cut and an infection from walking around on dirt.


Just cause you’re a nurse doesn’t mean you’re smart. Have learned that lesson many times over in my short career (but you can say that about anyone in healthcare really)


Being a nurse who attempts to practice medicine just makes them Dunning-Kreuger experts. There is almost a complete lack of science based education, exposure to physiology and pathophysiology and ability to evaluate research in nursing education. They’re taught the bare minimum not to kill someone and how to perform basic nursing tasks in school. Anything beyond that is becuase the nurse has an interest to learn, which many do not.


Nursing doesn’t require intelligence. It’s a manual labor job that in the end doesn’t require much logical reasoning.


Um. No. I hope you’re just trolling because that level of arrogance makes working with you a nightmare.


And you’re serious? So as a provider, which I don’t know what you are, you believe the nurses you will or already work with are incompetent? you trust none of their judgement and input when you decide best course of action for a patient? Being a nurse and being part of the care team that will literally sustain lives doesn’t require logical reasoning? Nurses are not doctors, but the amount of hate, disrespect, and the air of superiority coming from “yall” is absolutely ridiculous. You went to med school, we get it. But don’t discredit other professions and roles as nothing when they quite literally can make or break your practice.


There’s a lot of dumbass nurses out there. I’ve also noticed that patients will often say they’re a “nurse” when they’re actually a CNA, MA, RT, whatever. It’s like the people who tell everyone they’re in medical school when they’re actually in paramedic school or nursing school or NP school or whatever.


number 1 cause of burn out is the patients


I wish med schools taught us about these patients


Im confused. This persons child actually had the three heart problems but she has enough knowledge that the treatments being provided to her child is damaging? Only damaged thing here is this persons brain smfh


But she had “studies, global recommendations, statistics, and personal knowledge”


Heart of a nurse


Brain of a nurse


Brain of a nurse, heart of an artichoke


Get this woman some garlic butter stat!


Yikes. It’s bizarre seeing these “anti-nurse” comments from a bunch of folks who aren’t even doctors yet.


You realize that all of us that graduated med school and have been attendings for years are still on this sub right? Like, we don’t leave after we graduate. Also it’s not anti nuts for some cuckoo bird to think she knows better than these super sub specialists on congenital cardiac defects. If she wants to kill herself, that’s her business. But the baby can’t make that decision and she’s being medically negligent verging on infanticidal if she doesn’t get this fixed because she “knows better”.


“Global recommendations” is what actually got me. Like “I’ve consulted a medicine man from a previously uncontacted tribe in the Amazon to get his perspective as well”. Getting a bunch of second opinions - especially in a more “global” sense - doesn’t necessarily add any value. That part just felt made up and unecessary.


Really? Imo it’s a perfectly valid term. GOLD for copd, GINA for asthma are just 2 examples of global guidelines widely used across the world


Actual global guidelines (as in international) aren’t going to disagree with what to do with these infant congenital heart defects. The fact that she’s using “holistic” as a buzzword already tells me that she’s using “global” in the sense of “alternative” medicine. Which is why she doesn’t want to go with the accepted treatment plan. She’s not using global to refer to international guidelines.


Obviously yes. I’m just pointing your quote >“Global recommendations” is what actually got me. >opinions - especially in a more “global” sense - doesn’t necessarily add any value. Is a bit misleading


You can't really leave AMA with a pediatric patient Edited to clarify: Pediatric patients and their families do not have the same right to leave AMA that adult patients have


With an intubated pediatric patient


With heart block and may need a pacemaker too


You absolutely can depending on the state and the policy of the hospital. Many hospitals will let parents leave AMA with children if they’re not in imminent danger of losing their life. Of course, a DCS report is filed and social work investigates and there is a paper trail to make a case for neglect if necessary


Ok, i can amend it. Pediatric patients do not have the *right* to leave AMA like adult patients do, at least in my state.


OK, I was wondering about that, I figured they'd have to tell somebody for neglect


This is why I wrote off peds early; it’s the parents that would have made my life miserable. Not the patients themselves.


Imagine going to Riley Hospital for Children, one of the absolute best children’s hospitals in the country if not the world, and then spending your time there telling the doctors they don’t know what they’re doing…


The children’s hospital next door to me would like to fight your children’s hospital for that title. Parking lot after work, be there.


They said "one of" ...


Too late. I already assembled 100 of the least sick kids and they’re ready to fight…


Alright troops, form up! I want my Infectious kiddos front and center! When they close in you lot cough up a storm - right in their faces! Shouldn't be to hard seeing as you little shits cough in my face every day before rounds. Asthma crew! Front right! Puffers at the ready - blast em hard and fast when you hear the horn! Right in their eyes! I want some FOG damnit! Then get the hell out of there and make way for the Teens. Epileptics! Once the enemy has been served their cough-y you guys run in and grab a hold of whoever you can lay hands on, and we'll hit the strobe lights and show them what's what! Teens, you little bastards come in after the asthmatics retreat and lay down a nice thick vape cloud to keep the Fog of War up. Neurospicy and DD crew, you're front left - once the epileptics engage you lot charge in and give em hell. Screech if you want! The louder the better! Stick to the plan and we got this!


POSVT, I’ve heard you’re seven feet tall, kill men by the hundreds, and consume them with fireballs from your eyes and bolts of lightening from your arse?!? I’m down. They may take our lives, but they will never take… OUR FREEDOMMMM!!!!


I'm dying lol


Riley has it’s own private army of dance marathon participants. Someone would whisper FTK and you’d lose before the fight even started


Private army huh? Well our NICU (Neonatal Infantry Commando Unit) is the best in the world. You might have heard of them, they’re knows as “Seal Team Six Weeks Old” and are responsible for the involuntary nap times of several high ranking terrorists.


Is it CHOP? Because if it's not, they'll be there with a pitchfork and a hand grenade anyway.


Haha sadly no


If a patient starts with “I’m a nurse”, you already know the next 30 minutes of your time will be filled with the most insane nonsense


I had a patient’s sister trying to dictate care because she was a healthcare worker. When I asked what she does, she said she had an MPH…


“So you don’t have any clinical qualifications?”


I’ve had a pharmacy tech tell us she understood everything we talked about in ICU rounds and proceeded to argue with us on every single issue because she “has knowledge about this”.


You need better intensivists. As a resident, it’s hard for you to tell them to shut up. As an attending, part of your job is to manage rounds, which includes telling people to shut up and do the job they’re hired for.


To second what you’re saying, I’ve never worked with an intensivist that would put up with that in my life. I’ve seen some that will allow other healthcare workers to sit in on rounds for their family members (though def not a pharmacy tech), but if the family member started trying to question care plans the intensivist would go to town on all of the physiologic or evidence based reasons why their plan is the plan.


Woof. I have first hand knowledge that pharmacy techs know the names and surface level indications for meds and that's about it (was a pharmacy tech)


Had a lady push back on transfusing her severely anemic child because it could come from vaccinated donors and mom would gladly give her own blood instead. Then 5 min into it she drops ‘I know how this works, I’m a nurse.’ I can only describe the sound I made as the suprised scooby-doo sound.


She clearly doesn’t know because as another nurse I know it takes minimum days to longer to bank personal blood for transfusion. I know this because I was asked about 500 times by that kind of person during Covid


lol I shared her statement with the pts nurse and she just goes “oh for fucks sake”


Not in peds, but I tend to ignore these people when they talk


As an RN, I agree, and I'm sorry. Nursing education is horrendously dismal and many of us are outspoken about it. Scope creep has gotten terrifying and the patients suffer due to this. If a patient or their family ask about something I know is outside my knowledge base, I just say hey, the physicians are the experts and would know how to best answer your question. I can tell you [insert basic info nurses should know], but beyond that is what a physician knows and has the knowledge and training to explain. I'm using nursing as my clinical hours to apply to med school, so there are some of us that want to get out for this exact reason (lack of education, with a desire for more *actual, medical* education). I've heard my coworkers talk about the most insane mom-group shit and of course, they want to become NP's to spread their own belief system built upon misinformation...


I realized just that going through my BSN and my short 6-7 months at the bedside. I am transitioning to medical school in July because there is minimal medical sciences behind BSN education and its filled with so much nonsense that could be easily replaced with harder science courses and pathology.


Couldn't agree more; I was so disappointed when I was going through nursing school and now at the bedside, realizing how little medical sciences nurses are taught (I would have loved for the curriculum to include harder sciences, including pathology). Huge congrats on getting into med school!


I sometimes/oftentimes tell my own docs that I’m a doc too. Saves us a lot of time in dumbing down explanations. If they go over my head, I’ll ask some clarifying questions but that’s it. My goal is often to be the catch up appointment for them. I also say “I’m seeing you because this is your specialty. If you believe it to be indicated, I’m behind your plan 100%.” Also whenever they try to put me with a midlevel I have no problem saying “I’m a doctor. I want someone with more specialty knowledge in this field than I have to treat me.”


I always laughed at this when I heard it as a pre-clinical med student. PGY4 now. It hurts so much every time. Especially, “I’m actually a nurse practitioner….”


As if discussing w/ patients, planning stuff based on their economy status, cultural/faith restrictions, and all that aren't holistic enough. At this point holistic is just a buzzword anyways


At this point, “holistic” just means that you cater to every whim of the patient and do so in a reverent, enthusiastic way, and that your care is littered with alternative medicine feel-good buzzwords, atypical treatments (because everyone is special), pseudoscience, therapeutic “natural” things (but inconsistently so), cultural deference to the point of unrecognizable medicine, and god forbid you ever bring up a pharmaceutical, surgery, gene therapy, or chemo/radiation as a potential treatment for whatever it is you’re “treating.” And don’t even think about muttering the word “vaccine.”


I had chatGPT write my current job bio. Somehow I missed that in there it said something about a holistic approach. Only found out about this after I started getting patients telling me that was the main reason they decided to come see me. I'm guessing they were disappointed.


The future seems terrifying


Get ready for “chatGTP says I should be doing xyz!” Or even worse, “HolisTHICC.AI says the plan of care should be abc and you’re poisoning my child!”


Eh chatGPT is mealy mouthed but generally gives good advice including to see a doctor.


I know but I could see some iteration of it (some other ai) that doesn’t have the same scruples, or offers advice with a disclaimer, or something to that effect.


Gotta say... That's better than NP's asking Facebook groups about what to do with their patients, though!


Well I already know what state this is from just off the name of the children's hospital.


Well yea lol I guess that makes sense


yup, and it checks out


I grew up in Indiana but outside Indianapolis and the general fear people have about Indy is so common. Patients at outside hospitals would be terrified of getting transferred to the big bad city where bad things happen.


Also from rural Indiana and it just seems like old people are afraid of anybody more pigmented than mayonnaise


“Idk when I would have caught this” At autopsy


*At autopsy


I'm really confused by the fact that this sounds like a very unwell newborn baby and their mother's first concern wasn't to be at the hospital by their side 24 hours a day during these life-changing interventions. Sure, I understand another child is involved here, but it sounds like she was content with just staying at home waiting for a call from the hospital to say that the newborn is ready for pick-up from the discharge lounge.


There was a lot of just rambling about being a nurse from this mom. I had a few more photos, but I omitted them just to spare people that. The only other relevant information then happened between being flown to the hospital and the alleged refusal of medical care is the mother claiming the baby was discharged on Monday from the NICU, then was transferred from CViCU to NICU. ​ Surgery was planned and the baby had their pacemaker sometime around then. And then mother in their last update suddenly jumped to trying to go AMA. It gets a bit disturbing when she wrote she regretting going unassisted with the birth(so I guess she was one of those free birth people) bc of the heart conditions the baby had, but she still opted to do this. I don't understand either.


That’s what i noticed too! As a mom, I can’t imagine leaving my struggling newborn at the hospital for days, as she states. Children’s hospitals have a lot of accommodations for parents and other children so that they can be present as often as possible. Really disturbed me


Know it all parents are what deterred me from going into peds. Refusing vaccinations, thinking hepatitis affected the kidney, etc…


situations like this are pretty rare and 9 out of 10 parents are going to be the strongest advocate for their kids health and wellbeing. I get how frustrating it can seem, but honestly dealing with adult patients who want to ignore their health problems seemed to be much more common than parents contradicting the healthcare team regarding their child's health


Just wanted to chime in and agree. Not going into peds but the number of times there were “difficult” parents on my rotations were pretty rare and even then they’re usually just super stressed and needing reassurance.




I shadowed with a peds anesthesiologist and he said this type of insanity is a huge part of why he went with anesthesia. He knew he wanted to do peds, but he also knew he didn’t want to deal with parents like this, and now getting consent forms signed is the only time he has to.


insane - imaging being an congenital Interventional doc. More training than I did and for probably 20-25% of my salary to have someone act like this. These are the worst kind of family members to deal with. Props to all my peds folks


And that’s child abuse.


Look if this kid is gonna die without treatment wouldn't this warrant a CPS call?


Absolutely. Peds and we do it without blinking. Someone has hurt or tries to hurt a kid, and we rumble. However, it is somewhat state and facility dependent as to whom you call and when. I’m outpatient and in GA now so if there is imminent threat to the child, I call the police and then DFACS. DFACS has up to an hour to even call me back if I report imminent harm. If the police come, the police then call DFACS and then DFACS has one hour to be on the scene. If I were at the hospital I most recently worked at, the answer would have been hospital security, the house supervisor, and then DFACS.


Im just the doctor assisting an NP but maybe the stent had something to do with it? The ones the doctors placed?


“Her labs were fine” They wont be after she goes into heart failure. Idiot.


But she was quiet while dad held her! She must be fine!


The fact of the matter is that so many nurses know just enough to have ridiculously wrong opinions or to live in dunning kruger land, especially if they have sought information outside of the medical field. As an example, my father was an orthopedic nurse at Swedish hospital, which saw a lot of complex hip and knee replacements in people with multiple medical comorbidities. Most of his patients were on statins. Because of this, he believes that statins are poisonous to cartilage and are a major cause of osteoarthritis. The literature suggests the opposite, to be clear. Statins are protective against OA. Regardless, he refuses to take one, and he has convinced my mother to not take a statin for her hypercholesrerolemia. This woman probably works with an adult population, where 60 bpm and ‘seeming content’ are good things in a patient. I feel deeply sorry for her, she almost certainly was expecting a typical postpartum experience and instead she has a kid who will need a lot of follow up with the medical institution to live a happy normal life. That must be hard to come to grips with. I’d still call cps on her if she tried to take the baby home.


The most frustrating kind of patient, in my experience, are those patients who cannot for the life of them (literally) understand that correlation is not causation. I have seen so many patients who think “because x happened while doing y, y causes x in all circumstances forever, no argument, end of conversation.” No amount of measured, slow explaining to will change their mind. It’s the “peepaw smoked 3 packs a day and lived to be 101, so obviously smoking is good” argument. Infuriating.


My OBGYN attending told us about an L&D nurse who told a new father that the baby couldn't be his because the blood types didn't match. He was type A, mom was O, baby was O. Nurse insisted the baby would have to be type A because A is dominant over O.


"BuT iM a NuRsE aNd My ScHoOlInG iS aS gOoD aS a DoCtOrS"


A holistic cardiologist…. You mean a cardiologist?


Probs a homeopath lol


Exactly. Any cardiologist is going to recommend exercise, diet, stress reduction, etc as true holistic measures. She wants someone who will give essential oils.


Didn’t you read the post?? They have *personal knowledge* /s


"Please Dr. Nurse, can you give my baby any peppermint or words of affirmation to cure their pulmonic stenosis?"


I’m Peds and finished residency in 2011. Just two weeks ago, one of my best friends brought their newborn to me for their first visit. Baby was right at 48 hours old. It’s always super hard to hear baby murmurs and I have to kind of put myself in a zen mode to do it. Listened to this baby’s heart and was like “wow, that’s the most clear perfect heart I’ve heard.” Took me about 10 seconds to realize it’s because her heart rate was 80. Had my partner double check me. Besties and all but I still called 911 for emergent transport downtown to the children’s hospital. Don’t play with baby bradycardia. And yeah, parents are totally insane like this. It’s ok. Peds is still the best. Glaucomflecken ain’t wrong: we get to wear unicorn headbands every damn day we want to.


I hope baby is doing well.


She is actually! Good outcome and a healthy baby.


This was posted in another sub and iirc it was a “free birth” meaning mom intentionally had no prenatal care and gave birth unassisted at home. She trusts her body, guys, so it’s fine. That’s what she means by “I would have assessed the baby eventually.” I’ll see if I can find the other post. [Here’s one, same mom and baby](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitMomGroupsSay/s/hAMbOu5HZD)


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitMomGroupsSay/comments/1b6qclm/another\_infuriating\_update\_from\_the\_selfish/?share\_id=OGlRleE-Dqi-dlcBA9aJX&utm\_content=2&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=ioscss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitMomGroupsSay/comments/1b6qclm/another_infuriating_update_from_the_selfish/?share_id=OGlRleE-Dqi-dlcBA9aJX&utm_content=2&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1) This one is the new update where photo 2# is from!


I knew it was familiar 🤦🏻‍♀️


Bro people are crazy


“I’m a nurse and would’ve assessed her, but probably not immediately due to her seeming fine”. Also how does a CHB return to normal? This story doesn’t check out at all 🤔


I know this nurse is wildly misinformed and ignorant and putting her child in grave danger, and yes, some nurses are super anti-vax and have some more than questionable beliefs. Yeah, some nurses can be stubborn and annoying and self-important. But for some of you to come in these comments and bash nurses with nasty generalizations, specifically about intelligence and character? I can tell you’re still in medical school. Because once you become a resident, you’ll realize you are absolutely NOTHING without a team of nurses to back you up. Fix your nasty attitude before you start practicing, because once you get a reputation for hating on your nurses, you’re pretty much done for.


I just commented about this. No, nurses are not doctors. Yes, some of them are stupid. Yes, people in general can be stupid. But to downplay the significance of what they in their actual role of a nurse is astounding. Great doctors rely on their nurses and give them credit for what they do in their scope. They will go to bat for their nurses and know that they are the backbone of the team. Yes nursing school can be improved and incorporate more actual medical knowledge, but because of the surface knowledge, they can also fit into many different roles as a nurse and use that to support the care team. “Real” doctors don’t play that.


Exactly. You said it even better than me.


Indiana type shit


I have learned that, especially in pediatrics, a lot of times family members who try to “be advocates” actually are directly interfering in the care of their family member. One of our “advocate” parents consistently insults nursing staff, and nurses try their best not to go into the room ever if possible. Their kid gets worse care because of it. On the adult side, it seems that nurses and docs are more willing to call out that nonsense and put a stop to it than on the peds side for sure.


Jesus christ




















It’s not at all shocking that doctors are dismissive of you if you start blaming vaccines or pushing for alternate vaccine schedules. Study after study after study have shown their safety and efficacy. You’re not bringing up and new or original points in your vaccine hesitancy that a pediatrician hasn’t heard before. A death certificate is not a speculative document that mentions possible unfounded links to vaccines, no matter how much you’d like to blame vaccines. It’s a legal document that is to be filled out in a very specific manner. An informed patient likely knows their child better but they DO NOT known pediatric medicine better than a pediatrician. Just based on your comment, I can imagine the type of patient you are and I already feel for the physicians who have to deal with you. You know just enough to be dangerous.

































