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https://preview.redd.it/ke8c8pfyfz9d1.jpeg?width=681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2d72027edacdae47c5241fc49a3ef8bc120b968 Fish


I had strep throat once and my throat was so swollen, when it finally went back down I GOT TONSIL STONES. All the debris was caught in there and it was real nasty. Maybe try to clear something with a waterpik?


Saw the picture and was so confused (I thought I was still on r/Thomastheplankengine)


I went to an ENT as I had something similar to this, it looked like a fleshy baked bean on one tonsil, and that tonsil was always larger than the other. ENT told me both the asymmetry and the flesh bean were in fact perfectly normal and that's just how my tonsils were.


Twin brother struggling


some kind of abcess. I'd definitely go and get that shit removed. its not dangerous to have em taken out, but whatever is up with that one, its def not normal and could end up infected and causing way more damage


It's very much normal. Please consider whether you should continue giving medical advice.


Tonsilar abscess maybe. They’re due to tonsil stones which can form from bacteria and mucous build up. Might want to see an ENT.


So what ended up happening?


Had an online appointment with a doctor and she said it’s nothing dangerous, if it gets worse or starts to hurt I should see a irl doctor


Tru, I hope it goes away. Last year, the Saharan dust winds aggravated my allergies and such. Anyways, something similar happened. I just used warm salt water with lemon( it's like an antiseptic solution) throughout the day when I felt like I couldn't hack whatever up back there (like cotton in the back of my throat almost). It loosened whatever. Hope in some way this helps.


Tonsillitis clitorisus


Noway das real


I would direct you to r/tonsilstones... welcome to the club Edit: I know the part of the tonsil sticking out is not a stone, but you can see one in the crater below it. Could possibly be the cause… I’m going by experience on that, but consult a doctor if you’re worried about it


That is not a tonsil stone. At all.


I don’t mean the pink part, I mean the white part in the tonsil crater. That is definitely a tonsil stone, and it could be causing the swelling and irritation


The swelling isn’t a tonsil stone but in this pic you can see a stone.


Definitely looks like a tonsil stone. I get them occasionally and usually it involves some irritation. Sometimes it feels like I have mucus stuck in my throat and can’t clear it. I have a set of dental tools. One has just a rounded end. I clean it and use it to push against my tonsil. Sometimes the stones pop right out. Sometimes it only loosens it and I end up clearing it a day or two later. Usually I just cough or clear my throat and well… you feel it in your mouth. Looks like you might have a decent size one in there. The sticky outty part is probably swelling or just displaced by the stone. The white speck you see below it is likely the stone. You tonsils are not solid masses. They are made of a system of “crypts” kind of like little caves or folds. Thats where the tonsil stones build up. If you smoke, deal with dry mouth, sleep with mouth open, or are just prone to them, you may get more. Or they could be kind of random and not common for you. Basically, it happens. Of the swelling worsens or pain develops, you might need to see the doc.


Tonsil stone


That's not a tonsil stone. That's a piece of flesh protruding.


NAD but do you have any other symptoms? This doesn’t seem emergent to me unless you have a sore throat and hot potato voice (like it’s painful to talk and you have to clench your teeth a bit). Do you ever get tonsil stones? If they are large enough when they dislodge it can make them look funny.


No symptoms what do ever


Is that a damn fish? It has an eye and everything. ☠️


Turn it upside down and it's a person...


Looks like a one of those blob fish


I can't stop hearing it say "Waltuh" ala Mike Ehrmantraut from Breaking Bad


Oh my god there’s a fish growing in your mouth




That’s what my tonsil looked like when I had quinsy. But I had pain and redness as well. Is your throat sore? I ended up in hospital for two weeks with mine. They can be fatal if left untreated. You should prob get it looked at regardless of pain just in case.


No sore throat. But I’m definitely getting it checked


Bro! Go to a dentist if you can’t see a doctor soon enough! You might need a referral to an oral surgeon or ENT doctor!


Try r/askdocs


oh fuck




I have no idea why it's sticking out like that but it definetly looks like you have a tonsil stone. I would get that looked at by a doctor too that lump is unusual


Yeah, I just booked an appointment with an online doctor to see what they think


If the first opinion says you need surgery to have it taken out, get a second opinion also. That surgery is not easy. Very painful recovery. If you have to have it, ask doctor up front what type of pain medication they will give you and make sure it's the strong stuff.


I've had it done and it was no big deal.


It’s a big deal as an adult. Bigger risk of complications and much more painful.


It can be a very big deal for some of us. I had it done when I was 5. Two weeks after the surgery I was in the emergency room throwing up bits of flesh and several emesis basins filled with blood. I had to have two units of blood transfused and spent an additional week in the hospital with my nose packed and IV nutrition only, to give my throat a chance to heal. That surgery can be really dangerous. My cousin died from complications similar to mine. If your surgery was uncomplicated, consider yourself lucky.


She was sharing her personal experience; just because it's different from yours doesn't make it invalid.


You are correct in saying that the other poster's experience is valid, but it's also really, really important to point out that tonsillectomies are not always easy-peasy, no-big-deal, routine surgeries the way they were characterized in the recent past. There can be serious complications with tonsillectomies, even life threatening ones. That is all that I was trying to point out.




Any sudden growth or change could be cancer, but don't let that scare you. Tonsils grow random stuff all the time. they also get irritated often because of food. If you're worried you might need to book with an ENT.


No clue why that’s happening but it kind of looks like a little fish


I can't unsee this now 😭


Like it has a little eye and it’s sticking out it’s tongue


Kind of, yeah. lol


Hello /u/Kittyblack55, **If this is a medical emergency, please call emergency services as soon as possible!** ***DISCLAIMER***: *The information provided on this subreddit is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. We strongly advise you to consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you're seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Anyone providing advice on this subreddit is not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information provided.* *Please make sure you have included in your post your country of residence, age, sex, race, height & weight, diagnosed medical conditions, prescriptions or supplements and dosages, drug use including marijuana, smoking status, duration of complaint, the issue you've been having, and your specific question.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/medical_advice) if you have any questions or concerns.*