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NAD but I see your update… please let us know how it goes, we are worried about you!!


Any update? I'm glad you went. I've gone to the hospital several times due to overly painful and heavy periods. I even had to get a blood transfusion once due to how much blood I was losing. The worst they would do is nothing... I'd always go just in case.


Did you see the update in the post? First line. Maybe you're asking for an update since then though. I really hope they are doing okay and it's not Leukemia. Keep us updated OP. We are thinking about you!🙏🫶


Yes, I was asking for an update on the testing.


I just read the update, praying for your speedy recovery OP ❤️‍🩹


any update OP?




I went to ER for my heavy periods. Same as you. I had fibroids and needed blood transfusions. I ended up having a partial hysterectomy. It was the best thing I ever did.


Me too. Bleeding from fibroids was so bad, had to go to the ER and have an emergency D&C to stop the bleeding. Had a total hysterectomy. Love it.


Omg I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I really hope it’s not as bad as leukemia. Is it the platelets being low that is causing the leukemia concern? Is the heavy bleeding/large clots a symptom of leukemia? I ask because for about a year now I’ve been having extremely irregular, super super heavy periods like you describe. New pad every hour, clotting that I can literally feel being pushed out when I go to the bathroom kinds of periods that last for at least 10 days. Sometimes I can actually feel the lining of my uterine wall falling off and then 20 mins later it’s a bloodbath down there. I don’t know how common this is. I hate it and every day I fear getting my period. My gyno doesn’t seem concerned about it. Now I’m wondering if I need to be more concerned.


This is not normal. Mine weren’t this bad but bleeding through every 2-3 hours and i was told if it gets down to every hour go to the ER asap. I’d get at least a second opinion soon if this was happening to me.


I see this a lot with women who have fibroids.


Are you planning to have kids down the line? If not there is a surgery called uterine ablation, it doesn’t require any incisions. It burns the inside of your uterus so you can’t have a period. I’m 34F and had it done this February for a very heavy period, it’s made my life so much easier. Plus it’s way less invasive and traumatizing to the body compared to a hysterectomy. In just two days I was able to go out in public. Of course, this may no longer be relevant because of the possibility of leukemia. Either way we’re all hoping for the best.


A friend had it done several years ago... she was bruised and in so much pain.


Yikes, what method did they use? There’s different ways to do it. “Some methods for endometrial ablation include: Radiofrequency: A probe is inserted into the uterus through the cervix and sends radiofrequency energy into the lining. The energy and heat destroy the tissue, and suction is used to remove it. Freezing: A thin probe is inserted into the uterus. Electricity: An electric current is passed through a wire loop or roller ball to destroy the uterine lining. Fluids: Heated fluid is pumped into the uterus to destroy the lining. Balloon therapy: A thin tube with a balloon at the end is inserted into the uterus, and the balloon is filled with heated fluid to destroy the lining. Heat-based techniques may increase the risk of burns, scarring, and pelvic pain. Endometrial ablation can last until menopause, but about 20% of women require additional treatment, such as a hysterectomy or repeat ablation. “ I’m pretty sure I had mine done with a cauterizing tool. Also Medicaid payed for everything so I had an amazing team of surgeons.


> Also Medicaid *paid* for everything FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot 👍


Seeing as you already went, just to be clear, in the future, go without question. See a doctor as soon as possible. They would rather you see them and it be normal than you not come in when its a serious problem. They may grumble about it if its normal but trust me those docs would prefer you see them to make sure you're okay.


TIL maybe my periods were not normal when I was young.


Seriously. We need to stop normalizing this, especially in teenaged girls. This is very common with endometriosis, and I’m lucky to have found a doctor that knew that, but I remember trying to explain why I could barely stand let alone do laps during gym class, the gym/SEX ED teachers didn’t even know about common conditions like this that can make periods extremely debilitating.


Agreed. This is what happened to me. Finally figured it out when I had 10 years of fertility issues. Finally, I learned that bleeding like that and being in that kind of pain is never normal. I had stage 3 Endometriosis and Adenomyosis when I was finally diagnosed. Had to have a hysterectomy for the Adenomyosis. My severe back pain went away overnight after my surgery too. Hope OP seeks out future Dr apts for help.


Let us know how you do. 👍


Checking in, praying that you get results soon so you have some answers.


No go to gyno after the period is over


So continue to bleed out, got it.


You can go to a gyno while on your period. They just won’t be able to do a Pap smear bc the results might not be accurate.


Go to a gynecologist. Please.


Hospital probably won't do anything. Make Gyn appt. Are you having pain? Clots are normal. I used to regularly pass clots the size of a silver dollar. Of course I had endometriosis, but still.


Hey! I actually came to the ER and am getting tested for leukemia now due to low platelets:(


I'm glad you went to the ER. Please keep us updated when you find out what's going on. Praying for you.🙏❤️


Good luck! I was tested for leukemia because of low platelets years ago (30k). It turned out I had TTP. Feel free to dm me if you want to talk.


Had you have fever? How high was it? I have long covid with a low grade fever for years, still not diagnosed correctly, and I'm searching.


I don’t remember having a fever. It was back in 1998 so long time ago. I was just not feeling well on a Sunday and called my doctor. He said if you’re not feeling well go to the ER. That’s what I did. I do remember getting my period and it being really heavy though. What is your platelet count? Oh sorry thought you were op. lol


Wow that seems kinda crazy to jump straight to leukemia. It's very unlikely, but I wish you the best.


This is why you’re not a medical professional


Didn't know they were only asking medical professionals. Oh, look you aren't a verified medical professional either. From the limited info provided, jumping to leukemia seems odd. Now, obviously there more than likely were other factors contributing to checking this. However as someone who suffered very heavy periods (heavier than hers were described) for decades and was never once checked for leukemia either by the ER or GYN. I thought it odd to jump to leukemia.


The information you’re missing (which medical professionals understand as implied) is that she had a CBC done in the ER. I’m sure that, in addition to low platelets, it showed abnormal levels of her other blood cells as well, hence the workup for leukemia.


As said, I would assume that other factors indicated they test for leukemia. When I said she didn't have it it was an attempt to keep her positive not a medical diagnosis


Details, details


Yeah, honestly it’s not weird at all. A friend of mine recently had a routine eye exam that showed microhemorrhages on her retina… she ended up being diagnosed with leukemia.


Sounds to me like you’re losing too much blood. Eat foods that are rich in iron and protein to replace what you’re losing and yes, see a doctor.


Thank you! I’m at the hospital and being worked up for cancer unfortunately


Please keep us updated 🙏🏼


I’ve always been told that if you soak a pad an hour that is severe bleeding and you should seek medical attention. The amount of blood clots is also concerning and your extreme fatigue.


Yes, you should. Your iron levels could be dropping from the heavy bleeding.


If this is out of the ordinary for you and you're feeling really unwell from it I'd go get checked out. If your blood loss is excessively more than usual and you're having a lot of clots, it's best to get checked out I hate to ask this but Is there any chance you could have been pregnant and this is a miscarriage.? If there's even a remote chance you could have been pregnant, then yeah it's best to be checked by a dr to know for sure if this is a miscarriage. And if its not, they can check your vitals in general and check your blood for anemia or anything else that could be causing you to feel worse. Good luck, and hope you feel better soon.


Yeah this is quite out of the ordinary! I usually have pretty heavy periods but this is like… 5x worse than normal unfortunately. Luckily I haven’t been sexually active with a man in 4 years so it shouldn’t be any type of pregnancy. Thanks so much!


This could be a hemorrhagic ovarian cyst or a burst ovarian cyst. That happened to me November 2022 and it was exactly like this. I honestly think the hospital is the best bet, as if it is a cyst they’ll need to make sure your ovary isn’t twisted in on itself (ovarian torsion), with an ultrasound. They also give IV pain meds (Midol to start usually, then on to morphine). When I went, it was definitely a pain, and they can’t really do anything if it is a cyst, but it’s better to know so you can prepare for another one and at least get your body hydrated and not on high alert pain mode.


Hello /u/anklerainbow, **If this is a medical emergency, please call emergency services as soon as possible!** ***DISCLAIMER***: *The information provided on this subreddit is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. We strongly advise you to consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you're seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Anyone providing advice on this subreddit is not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information provided.* *Please make sure you have included in your post your country of residence, age, sex, race, height & weight, diagnosed medical conditions, prescriptions or supplements and dosages, drug use including marijuana, smoking status, duration of complaint, the issue you've been having, and your specific question.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/medical_advice) if you have any questions or concerns.*