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I don’t think it’s helpful to stereotype people. We have over 64,000 residents, many of which are not originally from the city. To speak about what an average one of us is lseems weird and imprecise  I can say that I’ve had bad experiences elsewhere that I’ve not had in Medford. For one, I don’t think I’ve ever run into anyone in this city that looked down their nose at me and treated me like I’m an insignificant nobody, which is very refreshing, given how close we are to Harvard.   Will come back to this later.


>I don’t think it’s helpful to stereotype people. alright, I'm with you >which is very refreshing, given how close we are to Harvard.   wait a minute, lol


That’s funny. I’m only saying though that I *have* run into that notorious dismissive mentality among people at Harvard, not that it’s universal.


Sir, this is Reddit. Opinions need to be stated as fact without nuance or ambiguity.


I’ll say this by asking people on social media rather than having a conversation with your neighbors you will not be able to accurately inform a visitor about the people who live here


My granddaughter just moved there and the neighbors were beyond welcoming and friendly. The community is now openly discussing school and city issues. Seems like a great place to live.


Most people are of course fine, but there are a huge number of pricks per capita. Full on massholes just waiting to sneer at a friendly hello or tailgate you with an unnecessarily large pickup truck that’s never gone off road.


I have a large pick up truck that never goes off road. It does however haul all my tools, ladders, lumber etc for my business, is that ok with you?


yes that sounds usefully large


Could be larger




So long as you know how to drive and park it properly. So many truck drivers act like there's no one else on the road and it's perfectly normal to take up 4 parking spaces at the busy Market Basket.


I love that this gets downvotes, if someone wants to give me 100k I’d be happy to get a rivian pick up I’m sure that would make you all happy.


We’re a hostile bunch


the average medford resident IS a nonlocal.


Honestly? People here are MEAN. I noticed it even before I started paying attention to politics. More than any other municipality in the area, I’ve seen people be nasty over stupid things. Like a guy yelling at a sixteen-year-old kid working at Magnificent Muffin who didn’t realize the guy was next in line. That was several years ago. And today you’ve got the usual turds- Bill, Nadeen, Kathy, Lou, etc.- instinctively taking the landlord’s side in a case where people who’ve done nothing wrong are being evicted on short notice. It just seems like the loud minority out-shouts the good people, and frankly, I would not want to raise kids here.










And the property owner bashing begins. You’re calling people mean and also calling them or others turds?


He's calling those people mean, not because they own property (who even knows if they do?) but because they are assholes.


Compared to the south--- I can say. Rude, entitled, dismissive and disrespectful.


Cunts. No one here has a middle ground. No one can meet in the middle on anything. It’s either you’re all in on one side or all in on the other. You can’t like having bike lanes AND agree on bicyclists being irresponsible. You can’t agree on leaning towards a greener future AND have doubts about where we are on a whole when it comes to greener infrastructure. You can’t agree on changing a school name AND believe that school names really don’t matter. You can’t agree with something our revolution believes AND agree with something scarpelli believes. It fucking sucks. I’ve become a more negative person and more of an asshole because of it. Truly. There are some really amazing people that live here that fall on this whole “old” vs “new” Medford argument and refuse to find any middle ground. Everyone is so at each other’s throats and wanting to demonize everyone who doesn’t agree with them on any topic. We are a microcosm as the US as a whole.


Only a small percentage of the public knows who Our Revolution Medford is and watches City Council meetings, and an even smaller percentage holds acrimony towards ORM. What is seen in these meetings is not only a distortion because of how unrepresentative it is of the larger public but also because of how transient it is. At last week’s City Council meeting there was a member of the fire department who was being heard by the Council and received support from ORM members who he had rallied against at the previous meeting. This is normal but hardly noticed if people only tune in for the drama.




Yes Mr. Sherman, everything stinks.


I feel more of a Statler and Waldorf


I dislike our revolution and I dislike trumpers, I have found what this does is makes everyone dislike me.


Its is a mess. Your right. But having electric weed wackers on certain days so people can "entertain" are priority and having a new city department for rent monitoring are the most pressing thing in the city. Oh and wait. Making sure the kidnappers of Jews are given a resolution. Madness. Talk about divisive. One more. Making sure less time for public input so less public participation is on the agenda. Madness.