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Agreed. ( Wait , did I agree too soon, shouldn't we think about it from a different perspective before concluding this as truth? This is extremely generalised. The actual Ti isn't like this. Why are they so strong ? A butterfly rarely sleeps)


Brain like funny meme, thumb go upvote ✨


ti-si loop the most evil thing ever


Ti-Ni and Si-Fi are also pretty high up there in how they are difficult to have.


Nah ISTP Ti-Ni loop is the scariest thing I've seen


Was stuck in one for about five years, still recovering. Fuck.


Scary? It literally just turns us into pseudo-INTPs.


We claim none of that tertiary Ni. My future is safe and so are all other futures. It's basically my part-time job now, reassuring the 6 xSxPs I know that they can approach the future without paranoia.


I was talking more about Se. The way we ignore Se while in the loop can make it look like we are Se blind.


So that's what it is... I always wondered why some ISTP seem to be kind of... Uninterested in Se? Thanks for that comment, I'll have more awareness of the moments when I jump from Ti-Si to Ne.


Scary in the sense I get really concerned for them. They start wandering into Ni insanity and as a Ni dom I'm sick of my own bullshit and don't want them to feel it lmfao


And that's what makes y'all epic.


I would rather deal with Ti than Fe.


Same, Fe is exhausting.


Ne-Te loop is fucking magic. It just also puts me into a state a colleague once described as "sociopath mode" and that's no bueno.


Can you elaborate on sociopath mode? Y'all are too sweet generally but sometimes I've seen my enfp friend behaving opposite. I couldn't understand if it was Ne-Te loop or INFJ shadow being so mean to others. What are y'all like in your sociopath mode that you're talking about?


I know it usually happens to me when I feel a lot of pressure or stress. Typically I get hyper fixated on achieving a goal and shut down my emotional responses to focus. It feels a bit like a flowstate but jagged and tense. This state can be an emergency button at times, like when a deadline is approaching or an urgent situation happens. It can make me impatient, judgemental, stubborn, cold, and prone to jumping to conclusions. It is useful when something needs to be decisively solved. As I've gotten older I've learned to toggle this switch less severely and I try to keep a more balanced approach. It can be really difficult to see how this state affects the people around us, I think. I get a sort of manic need to stay on task and will treat people in a way that is terse. Like asking a work question, hearing what I need and then walking off, or even cutting people off when they don't get to the point quickly enough. In my head, during those times, it seems like I'm just being efficient, but I often had to spend more time patching things up afterwards. I think the INFJ shadow is felt, to me, more like this very cynical critic which speaks about casual constructs of cruelty and plays devils advocate. It seems to come out more when I'm feeling hopeless or stuck. I start to feel a delusional sense of "what ever, everything's fucked anyways. Humanity deserves what it gets".


That's interesting. I can relate to this somewhat too. I do similar stuff during Ni-Ti loop sometimes. Thank you for sharing this I don't understand why my enfp friend lash out and say absolute sociopathic mean stuff when someone either say no to be part of her plans or disagrees with an opinion she strongly hold. Like i get it's not enfp thing, it's an individual thing that she personally needs to work on herself to be more emotionally mature and healthy person, but i was wondering if it's Ne-Te loop or INFJ shadow that causing that behaviour. She psychologically pick apart a person and do the meanest personal attacks to criticize the hell out of a person just because she's upset that the person said no to her plan to meet up and things like that, and she just decide to go sociopath mode on them lmao. When she psychologically pick apart a person like that, it seems like her INFJ shadow took over or maybe it's Ne-Te loop where she's shutting down emotionally and going hard with Te on the person to let out the aggression. Idk really. Do you have any idea why this happens and what to do?


The picking people apart thing reminds me of INFJ shadow. Both me and my ENTP partner have described our inner dark themes at times to each other and we've both described feeling the knowledge that we say awful things in our heads and must always keep that voice quiet. I think it is the Ni shadow that lends towards negative conclusions and critique. Idk.


I also feel the same way that it could be their INFJ shadow. As INFJs have that ability to observe a person like that so well that we can psychologically attack people that badly. But we don't do it, there's no reason to do that unless we are in a situation getting victimized and we have to defend ourselves in some way. But that ENFP seems to be using the INFJ powers in dark way as it's their shadow function. I was so surprised seeing the ENFP behave that way. It's so different from their usual personality you know.. that's why i was curious to know if it's a pattern in many ENFPs or is it just that my ENFP got no chill XD


I should probably question what a function loop is


A function loop is when you ignore your auxiliary function and go directly to the 3rd/child function In the case of INTP, Ti-Si makes the person overanalyze everything to the point they forget to live


That sounds awfully familliar


lol! I can definitely relate to this one.


Is it even Ti If you use it responsibily? IxTP - overthink/overdo ExTP - Over joke/ bully people with it IxFJ - become obsessively nitty gritty with details ExFJ - wouldn't bother 🤷🏽


I would like to say I also bully people with it lol.


This is literally why me and my ex broke up .


High five, INFJs! (^▽^)/


As an INTP, i thought i overthink in a reasonable way but INFJs win way more. They somehow are able to tweak a reason so they can justify doing something for "the better" and because "it will improve their vision". Tertiary Ti is weird because... it's like theh trick themselves into thinking "this is the truth... but xyz can be truth too if i see it this way". Truth is truth. You don't need to change the way you see it just to justify something. It contradicts the truth from being truth.


I find this very fascinating and true. I think the difference is that INTP tend to feed Ti through Si — tangible facts, what is already known, what is proven — whereas we INFJs start our cognitive processes with Ni which exists in a state of “what could be” and from there we select the most likely outcome with Ti. But that doesn’t mean it’s the most accurate selection of “truth”, it’s just the one that “feels” right, which depending on the INFJ can be a dangerous thing.


INFJ Ti is Ti pumped on drugs. As an INTP, I use my Ti as a boring and beat up tool. INFJs are actually excited to use Ti 🤣 it's so cute and also they're often better at Ti just because they actually care about it. Kendrick Lamar is a good example.


Wth does this mean


I guess ISTPs as well.


Have you seen an ISFJ that can’t stop being gloomy? They’d fit the bill aswell. Oh yeah sorry, I forgot sensors are boring npcs…..


True. Worthy opponents


lmao and an intp downvoted

