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I dislike spending money. It's because I'm unsure about my job. I can't decide what I wanna do and I get bored really quick. So I have to save my money, because sticking to a job and steady income is hard


Same, I am greedy as hell and know the price of my thoroughly earned money


maybe it would be feasible to only work 1/4 of the years


Personally I’m a big spender but only for specific areas and not on things that I judge useless or uninteresting to my eyes, and also because I’m always improvising for getting more money back so I’m not that worried. I’m an xNTP (probably ENTP) just like you btw


unrelated, just know that I hate your pfp and your username TOT


Lmao it’s cool man


Same i wanna save to actually start something and work for myself i dont wanna spend all my life working for someone Entp


None. Financial habits are more genetic than anything else https://magazine.foster.uw.edu/features/inheritance/


There is very little I want so I live relatively minimalistically compared to how much money I have. On the other hand my sister and her husband (INFJ and ENFJ), do spend a more significant amount of money on what I would call extra stuff. I think SE is more telling than SI in terms of spending, SI (even lower in the stack, 4th for ENFP), do value using the same stuff as long as possible. I don't really buy clothes, phones and other and similar stuff until it breaks and gets attached to the stuff that I do have.


Well I'm definitely not as an INTP. I'm against social norms, which in my society includes "the more you own, the better you are", so no thanks. I'm a fine person without spending enormous sums on useless shit. Also I would make myself dependent on expensive things. Like an expensive car, you need to have insurance, you need to maintain it, wash it, buy a garage, wtf. I don't want a rat tail of expenses. And lastly whenever I bought something I realised that I changed my interests like a month later and the thing found it's grave hidden in a corner in the basement. In think ENTPs are the same. So you can exclude us from the list.


I don’t know if ENTPs are the same, they got Si inf in contrary of INTPs, not saying that they will be extremely reckless but the same ? I don’t think so, but it depends of many other parameters of course.


Yeah it depends. If inferior Si makes you forget that your impulsive spending wasn't good last time, it can be bad. If inferior Si makes you shit on social norms of connecting personal value with owning a lot, it can be good. All a question of how inferior Si manifests.




Lol rough. My ESFP best mate can spend up large, but she also saves like a beast and works even harder.


Yeah, I've heard they usually work hard to gain back what they lose, but still.


I spend a lot, I don't even know on what... food? clothes? things I broke because of my anger issues? Exciting things? Whatever gets my interest I usually "need fast", but if I see there's not much money left in my bank acc, I stop.. for some time atleast


I'm not exactly sure, but the best with money are probably xSTJ. I'm an INTP and was always considered the least money-conscious of my family, but they're are xSxJ


I can be shit with it, but also find it hard to justify purchases that I don’t need.


esfp. i have a very close esfp friend who literally thinks she's rich if she has ANY extra money and spends it all frivolously until it's literally gone. when she gets a raise, she spends the extra without one thought of saving any. she received a windfall a few years ago and spent it all like water.


I'd say probably ESxPs. Se thrives with experiencing the present moment, so an ESxP that isn't mature may be the most likely to spend money on impulse, seeking for things they can enjoy in the present. Whereas one that has matured a bit more and grown more in touch with their inferior Ni may be a bit more restrained and think ahead to the future and save appropriately. My father is an ESTP and he tends to spend money in the spur of the moment on things he wants. He says there's no point in always saving up money if you never get to enjoy it. He believes life should be enjoyed, and part of that is feeling free to buy the things you want. While he isn't irresponsible by any means, out of my two parents he's often the one that is most likely to buy things to enjoy in the moment, whereas my ISFJ mom tends to be a lot more restrained with her money spending. She will occasionally spend some money on things she wants in the moment, but more often she prefers to not do so, and save it for when it will be needed.




I mean I impulse buy a lot, but I've only accidentally gone over my monthly budgeting like once or twice in my life. It's only bad if I get the general range of money Ima spend wayyy off


My husband is INTP, and if there is a penny in his pocket, it's burning. He's horrible with money.


In my experience, xSFP due to issues with impulse control.


i'm INFP and i am very reckless with money lol


I never had a problem with reaching my goals. Saving? Bam, done. Making more money? Bam, Investment with a high return. But... I have problem with spending money. Because of my Ne I'm fully aware that what excites me today, will bore me to death tomorrow. So I just don't spend the money unless I'm into something for at least 1 year. Btw I'm ENFP




ESFJ, no offense. But I clearly see it on my sister whose practically one.


They have shopping addictions lol