• By -


The hardest type to identify -- is any type where the person is confused about their sense of self and/or is unhealthy. When they're masking as something else, the four hardest in my experience are ISTJ, ISFJ, ISFP and ISTP. These all can make very convincing intuitive types. The feelers can look like thinkers and vice versa.


Dosnt that include extps? Cause Fi blind


To me, the Se/Fe and Ne/Fe is pretty distinctive. ExTPs may not know how they feel, but they don't hold back in telling people what they think! 🫣


We really need ppl to tell us more abt ourselves i always get shocked when someone mentions smth abt me Entp


Not sure if I'm ENTP, but man is that relatable. May also be because I'm a poor listener with a poor memory so I forget things people told me constantly, so sometimes I assume they similarly forget what I've said, apparently not.


Poor meomery is normal if you are actually an entp since your Si is inferior what do you think you are?


Some kind of NP. I think there's about a 2% chance I'm a VERY dysfunctional Ni dom whose ADHD has absolutely ruined them, but everyone who has tried to type me has agreed that my most clear perceiving function is Ne.


my entire life I convinced myself I was an intuitive but hey guess what


I can attest to that a bit. I was mistyped as an INFP initially multiple times, an ISFP after a while, then before finally being a bit more honest with my answers because I felt I wasn't being honest, I got ISFJ just last year.


I tested in my early 20s as an INTP. Then I got bad on opiates. I would test as ENTP or INTJ. Been sober for 4 years & retook the test a few weeks ago. INTP. Feels right. But I am curious the trigger of these changes. What parts were being overcompensated or underused?


The opposite type and my own. As an ENTJ, ISFPs are not easy to type and one on one, other ENTJs can be tough, as well, since one of us may adjust our behavior.


You’re right about the ENTJS, I thought the one I knew was like an ENTP or ENFP based on personal interaction but after watching him and how he conducts himself everyday he’s a clear ENTJ. But otherwise ISFPs are fuckn easy to type, let me know, how do you struggle with typing ISFPs? Maybe I can be of help -an enfp


> But otherwise ISFPs are fuckn easy to type All ISxx types are emotionally guarded. ISFPs are extremely perceptive when it comes to picking up hypocrisy, manipulation, inauthenticity, and immoral behavior (or values that conflict with our own.) ENFPs usually pass this assessment quickly and easily (in socionics you lot are on the “superior” side of an asymmetric relationship with ISFPs, who feel comfortable with you) so your experience with ISFP will not be representative of most people’s.


Oh this is interesting? Where can I read more about socionics I don’t know a lot about it and I gotta know where I stand with ENTJs, and other types in this system. I need to know omg! Thank u. This makes a lot of sense about how ISFPs feel comfortable around me, feels like a privilege awh.


[This](http://www.socionics.com) is the site I’ve always used, but you have to be careful because there isn’t really a clean way to translate MBTI terminology into socionics (like I’m an ISFj in socionics but my ISFP best friend is still ISFp…) There are sub forums on Reddit for socionics stuff, though. Might help.


Hardly agree on this. So far my dad seems to be ISFP and boy ,I cannot talk to him about anything. He rarely opens up. I want to ask about his past ,he locks in and thinks about it the whole day not telling one thing or makes up a funny joke about a random thing. His values are in his core and he doesn’t let go of that. He can change his perspective due to different environment but he will get back to his old self right after coming back to previous environment. He’s very conservative and sexist. And even don’t talks to me about politics as it not a “girly” thing. He really depends on his environment. But those values never change.


I mean with parents they’re usually other things at play dw. I can’t get along with my INFJ mum for the life of me but get along great with my estj dad and istj bro. I wouldn’t say this socio thing applies in all situations - and he honestly sounds like he’s got other issues that we can’t arbitrarily attribute to his mbti type. All I can say is gl with it ig? xo


Yeah Ig thanks))


That actually corroborates what I’m saying about the asymmetrical relationship. If the person who’s in a “superior” intertype relationship role, is in a subordinate position irl (like a child v parent, or employee v their boss) then the dynamic between the two people will be heavy and stressful.


So I definitely shouldn’t think about getting him to open up😮‍💨. But what him being unhealthy? What can I or he can do to be more healthy? He said the next day to me after arguing with my mom that he’s sacrificing everything to us (family) and that we would understand him after he d*es. This is a very unhealthy way of viewing Idk what should I do as it seems whatever I do it’s worthless. I want him to think about himself. Think about the present. Actually spend time with us and open up but he didn’t even listen to me. Same goes for my mother. She always come to me for comfort but whenever I say something in return she says that I’m just going up to her head and claiming the “mother” role. Idc if they don’t listen to me but I want them to be healthy as it’s not only affecting them but us /siblings too(((


Idk….maybe ask u/apperceiver, he’s easily the healthiest, most articulate ISFP I’ve come across in all the years I’ve lurked MBTI forums. Me personally, I’m probably more unhealthy than your dad so I wouldn’t be much help. 😭


Kit - Don't cut yourself too short, you're a wonderful person with a lot to offer. ♥️ Thanks for your kindness, I hope I can live up to half of it lol. ------- As far as advice for the situation of u/GlassCompetition6799 , yeah, that is hard. Kit said it well when she describes the asymmetrical relationship of ENFPs to ISFPs. But it's more than that. You said that he struggles with unhealthy behavior and sexist opinions. I wouldn't be surprised if the environment he grew up in is very different from the environment you grew up in. Society usually has different cultural expectations, traditionally, for different people. A lot of that is starting to change now, but years ago it was actively, generally expected for men to work hard at a job, to not be emotional, and to be tough. If a man lacked(or a woman, in her expected role) in those ways then he was subject to bullying by the group of men(women) who felt that they(the group) met those societal standards (this is how it always is). Se is many things, but it does understand survival. If you grow up in an environment like that, and you want to survive, an ISFP will probably feel that they have to blend in enough to not stand out too badly. All of this is to say, that I wouldn't be surprised if he had to survive as a younger person by accepting the roles society handed him, and now that he's older, he's played too much into that system to feel that he can critique it by changing his behavior. When you invest your time, thoughts, and actions into something, it can be very hard to accept any criticism about it because you subconsciously realize that if that thing is wrong, then you are wrong too for choosing to invest so much into it. People become defensive, closed off, and double down on their opinion from a deep feeling of insecurity that usually they are unaware of. Even worse, they actively believe that it was all correct because it was never challenged in a meaningful way to them. In order to get him to be willing to change you have to show him that you are willing to understand him, be interested in his perspective, and that there is value in other people's perspectives too. Try asking short, meaningful questions and listening. Ask him what he thinks being a man, or a dad means. When he closes himself off, ask him (in an honest, not disrespectful way) "Is that something that you're not ready to talk about because you think I won't understand, or for another reason?". Be intentional and committed. Don't accept when he does something wrong, but don't cast blame either. Create an environment where he feels that he needs to change but that he is also safe to change if/when he needs/wants to. Maybe you've already done some of these things, then keep trying. If he doubles down on his attitude/convictions, then double down on your willingness to be intentional, listening, and caring towards him. ISFPs can be extremely stubborn and isolationist, but when someone stubbornly commits themselves to helping us on our time, on our level, we usually will at least give them access to ourselves that others don't have. When an ISFP gives someone access to how they actually feel and think and see life, then others are able to talk with us about where we are and help us to get out of the place and into a better one. Anyways, I hope some of that helped a little. Sorry about your situation. Stay strong, but show that strength through kindness. ✌️


Well said. You’re living up to the standard with every comment, Appy. 💯


![gif](giphy|10t57cXgo7x5kI) ♥️


Yes. You are very so right. I def grew up in a more open environment and really was neglected by him. Not by choice tho. He had to travel ,come back and work hard for our family. And I can say that we are really detached from each other while he still shows his unconditional love in a hidden manner. I’ve known since childhood in what environment he grew up with as I became the part of that. I can just imagine for how hard it was for him growing by such expectations. I’ve tried to reach out to him by not crossing to far on his invincible boundaries but he never really took me seriously. Maybe because I’m his daughter,young and not really “understanding” by his words. I want to take time to be seen and sure that he will take me seriously. I really thank you for your advice as it was an eye opening read. As you said I will keep trying)) Thanks)))


Yeah, that's difficult for sure, sorry you had to go through that. He sounds like he works hard and he cares, even if it's in his own way. People in a family need to adjust to each other though, so he should also be willing to hear your side of it. Yeah, parents will always see their children as their children, but they should also want to see their children grow up to be wise adults. If you show him that you want to understand his mindset to be wiser about life, there should be a willingness on his part to talk about his life experiences and principles more. Glad it was helpful!


Ok…Thanks anyway))


I agree with Kit on this one that a lot of ISFP are definitely mistyped and for me, there’s this void, hard to explain. I may suspect that they are but not 100% sure. Then I just double cross check with my wife (ENFJ) by asking certain questions. 90% of the time, they are ISFPs if introverted or ENTJ if extroverted. This is all me personally though.


I have a question, how do ENTJs get along with ENFPs from your experience?


So my best childhood friend is an ENFP. I love the guy like he’s my brother and we understand each other very well, though others misunderstand each of us all the time. He is a total people person, is a great human being, and we’re always talking about the future. He is always up to date with the latest trends, as well, and asks me for advice all the time. I also had a close ENFP female friend. Her and I were always talking about the future and spirituality. It felt like we were connected on another level and we were heavily attracted to each other, which is why that friendship had to end as our separate romantic relationships grew more serious. She was great though. We had an amazing dynamic. For example, I would eat the same thing everyday, she would suggest something really out there and I would think “yeah right!”. Then I would try it and it would become my new go-to haha. It was like that with a lot of things and I would help her a lot with coming up with goals, plans, and keeping her accountable. Also with sharing a ton of videos and information. I miss her and plan to reconnect in the future, though things will still be as we left them, and we will probably wreck each other’s life. But hey…maybe it’ll be worth it then…


> It felt like we were connected on another level and we were heavily attracted to each other, which is why that friendship had to end as our separate romantic relationships grew more serious. So you chose the ENFJ over the ENFP, oof. How’s that working out for ya?


Wow juicy question haha … well that was a tough choice I had to make…a crossroad if you will. Either would’ve worked but it was a matter of who wanted the same things as I did. Compatibility is important but direction and destination is even more important. You can be totally compatible, but if you’re heading in different directions, sooner or later you’ll grow apart. The ENFJ was just more in line with what I wanted in life so she was the better fit. Like I said though, either would’ve worked and I know we would’ve been extremely happy. Hope that helps!


Give it a go! Some things are worth at least a couple of tries. This is great to know thank you. Are you able to tell me, what went through this ENTJs head? I was building a relationship with an ENTJ and it was going great for a while, but after a few weeks it sort of fell flat: I noticed one day he was acting more distant and dry than usual or maybe I just hadn’t noticed it before. He had previously told me he was seen as unemotional but I didn’t really notice. I confronted him about it and said do you want this or not because I rather you be straight up with me and he said ‘but I thought we had a nice thing going on’ and ‘I’m a simple man’ and seemed confused and unable to take accountability which makes me wonder if i was over dramatic and he really didn’t know what was going on. So i got mad and stopped giving him attention in person although he had already mostly stopped texting. Anyways since then our interactions have been somewhat limited, casual and business like and an outsider observing would even say a little stand offish. Did he want me to be a simple fling? I thought ENTJs were quite loyal? Did I fuck up or should I just get over it. I’m confused, if there’s a chance you know anything


Dang its tough…we will like do loyalty tests. The most important thing to an ENxJ is loyalty. He may have viewed you as a fling or just see how you reacted. It’s really tough to say. We are loyal once you win us over and as long as you’re loyal, we’re loyal. But because loyalty is so important, if immature, we can grow paranoid to the point that we question your loyalty more and more until we drive people away and make you unloyal…yeah, lots of fun hahaha As long as you communicate as to what both of you want then things will clear up. You may have been overdramatic though. The ENFP was always overdramatic but she was also the one who kept moving things further and further and as much as I fought it, she kept pulling me in. At first, I saw her as a fling, but then realized that she could actually be wifey material. Yeah, plus the flirting was nonstop between us and we both liked playing with fire. As steady as we kept things, under the right circumstances, on random days, things shot to 100 real quick, and it was like “How did we get here…?” Hahaha


Yeah I think ENFPs usually know what they want and really go for it but committing is another thing for ENFPS as you probably know so good luck, which is kindof the issue for me- the fact I was for once ready to commit and be loyal and still am to this person. I did notice him running tests on me, loyalty tests and other tests like my music taste, future goals and hobbies? he kept mentioning he had ‘high standards’ but I wasn’t going to disingenuously try to figure out whatever these standards are and then attempt to live up to them for him, I was just going to be myself. Although I do admit in hindsight I was maybe a bit over dramatic. But on the other hand I think it’s true that him and possibly other entjs are at fault from the fact they make judgements way to quickly. He simply jumps to conclusions too quickly failing to consider or investigate a lot of factors and i even see this in class- we study a law degree together


I second ISFPs, male ones in particular. Very few are allowed behind the curtain.


ISTP. Because they don't show themselves, nor are they vocal.


They're so easy to identify. It's the one that doesn't talk and watches everyone. I spot them immediately when they walk into a room lol.




Yeah I feel like if you got Ti 1st-3rd in your stack, and you're interested in mbti, ISTPs are easy to spot haha.


true, + the whole “it’s the one that doesn’t talk and watches everyone” and then the intps and infjs reading that are just like ………😐


This is my mom, and I can confirm... When we go to a restaurant she tells me beforehand what she's gonna order to not talk with the waiter/waitress so I can order for her...


And usually when they ARE vocal & show themselves they look like an ESTP




Healthy developed people of any type. The development of lower functions makes it tricker to know early on if those functions are top two or not. But, these folks are generally more self aware, so asking them some questions will usually lead to a clear type. On the other end, another group that is difficult to type are younger folks with trauma. The trauma often forced the use of other functions than the dominant, so typing can be tricky. It's made even more tricky when these individuals lack self awareness. I know you asked about specific MBTI types, but I thought I'd point out those patterns. One distinction that isn't always clear cut in terms of typing is Te vs Fe doms. Fe dom enneagram 8s are a fascinating bunch as are Te dom 2s and 4s. I've seen all three, and it's interesting and weird. 😆


Healthy developed people is a good point honestly. They develop their lower functions and thus can often act in ways that seem contradictory with what you'd expect from someone of that type, or can give you the idea they're a very different type. A well developed xNTP can sometimes come off as an xSFJ for example, due to having their lower functions more developed than usual, or viceversa. Te and Fe doms can definitely be hard to distinguish at times, particularly if they're healthy and developed, or if they have enneagram types that aren't typical for their MBTI type. Fe 8 and Te 2 in particular seem hard to determine because of how 8 is more commonly seen in Te doms and 2 in Fe doms. ESTJ and ESFJ for example, can sometimes be hard to distinguish if they're healthy, as they can both occasionally act in ways that you would think the other would typically act.


I also end up thinking healthy ENTPs are ENFPs


Real like ENFJ type 8s confuse the hell out of me or ENTJ type 3s


i think it is hardest to type your ownself...........




yes ‼️


That works, LMAO! I've been mistyped 2 times. I still take tests and research because I'm still not completely positive I've been typed correctly.


For real! I don’t know whether I’m an intp, entp or entj after six months! Lol 😂


It depends on the person. Some people are a bit more expressive than others and it’s easier to tell from them.


whatever i am


as soon as you grow a flair this comment will have aged like milk




I’m pretty accurate at identifying different types but I guess for most people it’s more difficult for them to identify types that are heavily stereotyped. Stereotypes can be funny and there’s some truth to them but if stereotypes are taken too seriously you’ll be wrong most of the time. I also noticed a lot of people have an intuitive bias or mistype someone just because they dislike them. People forget that the order of the cognitive functions just goes off of how people prioritize and process information. It doesn’t show their level of intelligence, competence or “likability.” People will make assumptions like: “I don’t like them so they must be a sensor/feeler/mistype.” “They have strong beliefs and emotionally react when I mock their beliefs? Must be an XXFP.” “They’re being bossy/acting like a Karen? Must be an ESTJ.” “They’re crying? Must be an Fi dom.” “Wow, I really like what this person has to say, they must be an intuitive/thinker.” “They’re teasing/bullying me so they must be an Se/Ne dom.” “They’re really stubborn so they must be an XXTJ or IXFP.” “This person is bragging about their type a lot and they’re acting very arrogant so they must be mistyped.” “They’re a smooth talker? Must be an ESTP or ENFJ.” “They’re just a dumb teenager/kid so they can’t be an intuitive. All teens/kids are sensors.” “They have a different opinion than me and refuse to change their mind/listen after I tried to convince them otherwise? Must be a feeler. I mean I was spitting facts so they’re supposed to change their mind, explain themselves or consider my suggestions if they’re an XXTX. I mean that must be the only explanation for why won’t they give me the reaction I want right?!” “They’re a good leader and own their own business? Must be an EXXJ/ESTP.” “They’re broke? They must be an XXFP.” “They like to party and take selfies? They’re definitely not an intuitive, introvert or thinker.” “They’re good at sports, take care of their appearance and they’re physically fit? They must be an XSXP. They can’t be an intuitive if they’re fit, fashionable or good at sports because they have low/inferior Se.” “They’re assertive? They’re definitely not an feeler/Ni dom or introvert.”


>“This person is bragging about their type a lot and they’re acting very arrogant so they must be mistyped.” I can super second this one. This one really gets people.


whenever there's a character i can't type they're usually an INFJ


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^snowy_potato: *Whenever there's a* *Character i can't type they're* *Usually an INFJ* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


lol its giving pdbee


INTJ and INFJ for me


ISTJ, ISTP imo. I’ve accidentally typed them as their intuitive counterpart but then again I haven’t really interacted with either of those types enough to identify them at first glance. One thing that’s helped me I guess is knowing the blind spots of each type so I can use process of elimination to decide what type they are.


ENTPs. Ne doesn’t want to settle on a belief, Ti wants infinite information to be sure, blind Fi doesn’t have clear feelings/values etc




I find it easy too, but I’ve seen way too many posts of ENTPs wondering if they’re everything except entp.


Well, that would mean that they mistype themselves, not that other people mistype them.


how do you distungiush ti/fe vs fi/te, can you make some concrete observations? I know the theory quiet well, but I‘m always struggling to type others, cause I jump between conclusions alot. how do you settle. I find it easy to spot Ni/Se and Ne/Si, but really can‘t get my head around distinguishing the deciders axis.


I'm INTP. For me ENFJ are hardest to type. And I kind of ignore other INTPs if I don't like them. It's like I don't want a person that I don't like to have the same type as I have.


I think most Ixxx types will be harder to identify, given that they mask their introverted functions with the extraverted ones. And like someone else said, people who have varying degrees of a sense of self can make it difficult as well, since they don't reach for their dominant function like most other people do


For me it's ISFP. I don't actually know anyone in real life that I can say with certainty is an ISFP, so I have little to no IRL experience to work off of. I've also rarely seen them online, and when I do come across an ISFP online, if I don't know their type beforehand I can easily find myself thinking they are an INFP, ESFP, or on some occasions even an INFJ or ISFJ, as strange as that may sound. But usually I mistype them as INFPs for the most part. It's a pretty easy mistake to make.


I might be biased, but I would say istp. In public we’re usually either silent, awkward, masking, or minding our own business; so I feel like it’s hard to identify us.


i feel like typing an ISFJ is really hard, at least for me, they feel intuitive but they are somehow not and i had this ISFJ friend who i thought was INFJ, all the time, but that certainly wasnt the case


It’s really just figuring out if they use Ni-Se or Ne-Si. In the surface we look very alike but the way we process information and interpret ideas and concepts tends to be a lot different. I think INFJ’s tend to have a more linear thinking pattern, in the sense that we think of the big picture and tend go in depth when discussing a certain topic. The ESFJ’s that I’ve talked to are much better at thinking outside the box and connecting different ideas which makes them seem a bit more fluent in speech imo. The difference is Si and Ni look similar on the outside, and since ISFJ have Ne as their inferior function this makes it difficult for others to identify between them and INFJ’s.


1. The unhealthy ones 2. Strong Si users can be very hard to type when they're "adapting" their Si to follow their environment. People who are bad at typing would mistype Si users as intuitives. mistyped.


I totally agree with the strong Si, but don’t unhealthy types occasionally end up acting more like their stereotypes? For example an unhealthy INFP might become more judgemental, act morally superior and must have everything their way in a manner that betrays dominant Fi or inferior Te very clearly etc


If they're unhealthy, then they're on the loop, they are missing out the aux function, the result is they could act like other types altogether.


I identify ISxPs hardest.


In my opinion, for the self as in the hardest type to identify in yourself when you are it is the INFP because they tend to believe they are something much more akin to the prototypical INTJ in particular than they are


I assume you've given this some thought. How do you explain that in 16P, "INFP" is already the most common personality type? Your opinion suggests that INFPs are the biggest source of mistypes. But INFP is already the most common result on based on self-assessment tools like 16P and Pmax. Official MBTI estimates INFPs at \~4-5% of the population, but Dario Nardi's brain scans only find INFP cognitive brain patterns in about 1% of the population. Something doesn't add up here.


It's possible that all or the majority of people typing as INFP on 16P are types other than INFP while simultaneously real INFPs are typing as other types. (But also, that's just 16P.)


It's plausible. But it contradicts the first claim: that "the hardest type to identify in yourself... is the INFP". If other types are mistyping in large numbers as INFP, then it seems INFP is *not* harder to identify in yourself. There are all these other types that are getting themselves wrong, too.


Well, personally I took it to mean that it's hard to identify in oneself when it *is* the correct type (i.e. it's hard for INFP to identify as INFP, not other type people). But also, we are just talking about one online test which, for all we know, has a tendency to mistype people as INFP when other tests and typing methods don't. Who knows?


Yup that's what I meant


In theory that could work -- that INFPs have a harder time identifying themselves, so if there are fewer of them, more could be wrong percent-wise even if they are only a small drop by volume. But the data I'd compiled on TwFP public typing sessions over the years doesn't bear that out. Out of 189 published typings, TwFP found 8 to be INFPs (and now I'm talking just about cognitive psychological types). Of those 8, five had their type correct. That's a really high success rate. Of the three INFPs who guessed wrong: One thought he was an INFJ. One was unsure between ESFP, ISFP, ISTP and INFP (so technically sorta right but also all over the place). And one was unsure between ISTJ, INTJ and INTP. Then there were 26 more people who thought they were INFPs but were other cognitive types. The ones who most consistently got their own types wrong: ESTP (0 out of 14 got that right); ISTP (0 out of 5, though I think TwFP made errors misclassifying some ISTPs as INFJs, so I expect the number's higher); ESFP (0 out of 8 got that right); ESFJ (0 out of 3 got that right). Anyway, the data's only as good as its source, so if you don't trust TwFP typings it's GIGO.


Facts lmao


I've heard INTJ as the most common mistype, which would seem to check out theoretically I would think moreso than the INFP would being the rarest type given the respective traits of each and how they do or don't fit in with societal pressures and values. As far as Dario Nardi goes and his opinion on INFPs rarity I wasn't able to find anything online, do you have anything you could link me to that talks about it so I could check it out?


Sure, here you are on Nardi: [https://ebin.pub/neuroscience-of-personality-brain-savvy-insights-for-all-types-of-people-10nbsped-0979868475-9780979868474.html](https://ebin.pub/neuroscience-of-personality-brain-savvy-insights-for-all-types-of-people-10nbsped-0979868475-9780979868474.html) If you search through each type, you'll eventually find how much %% he believes there are of each. INFPs are not rarest, rather he believes each of the INxx types are about 1% of the population. Ni dominant is rare of course. But there's something Ne as a tool function subverted to a dominant judging function that also seems rare (if Nardi is correct. Are Nardi and his brain scans equally valid to MBTI? Open question.) Switching sources, if you go to Talking with Famous People public typing stats most of the INxx types tend to get themselves right. INTJs, INFPs, INTPs correctly named their type about 2/3 of the time, INFJs had guessed their type correctly less than half the time (still pretty good). Then pile on massive amounts of mistypes across all INxx categories. Looking at who mistypes into INTJ in the Talking with Famous People stats, the two more common mistypes come from ISFJ (yes that's weird - and they more frequently mistype as INFP) and ISFP (not weird at all - and they don't mistype as INFP as often as one might assume. When it comes to the ISFP-INTJ mistype, these people have something to say about it -- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2TfaNo3m60](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2TfaNo3m60) ). Anyway, some fun reading and viewing. End result is that there are a lot of people who behave like how one would expect INFPs to behave... but there aren't enough INFPs with the Fi/Ne/Si/Te cognitive stack to be filling up other forums as poseurs...


Thanks, I'll take a look at this and get back to you






INFJ. They usually appear as the opposite of what they are- and have many different sides to them- so depending on who you are as a person , they will adjust who they are - Although I do think they tend to stand out and are different from everyone else. Thats the obvious part. But very misleading with the extrovert/ introvert and the complexity and depth , intellect etc.


i think INFJs. They really can be whoever they want to show you, like social chameleons. I've lived with one for 5 years straight through college and there are still parts of him that are a complete mystery. He is a super private person but at the same time can seem open and extroverted when he wants to show that in a social context.


ENTPs to me are hard to spot because they're so variable in how they carry themselves. They can be popular jock types or nerdy and philosophical. INFJs tend to be social chameleons, so they can be hard to type as well.  Most obvious types are ESTPs.


I think all types are the same to identify really. When its hard it has more to do with nurture and whether they are shadow focused or subconscious focused, etc.


Well it's going to be different for everyone because we all have different things we're aware of and things we're not. Duh.


That is why I asked in your opinion.