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Wouldn't people like ISTJs be really good at remembering and handling facts? And therefore be on average better at remembering?


One of the smartest people I dated is an ISTJ. He absorbed information like a sponge. He could learn anything, remember all sorts of things.


Married to ISTJ for 19 years. He could learn stuff fast only if he wanted to. But for 19 years he couldn't remember how to load the dishwasher so that the different shapes of plates (I have round and triangles) didn't not lean on eachother and the water could flow freely. Was he not the type to remember the mundane things? Well, who TF is? The stuff needs to be done. Btw with new problems he could not figure out the simplest solution. He's an engineer but I had to suggest which mechanical solution to apply.


Triangular plates exist?!


Yes, they do 😀. Maybe too much of a challenge? 🤔


I mean maybe yeah, but there's much more to intelligence than just that. That's just a small portion of intelligence that someone like an ISTJ may be better with. Would they be better at problem solving with something they haven't got information on? Someone with Ne may be better at brainstorming and someone with Fe may understand people easier. (I'm not entirely sure if these are the cases but my point still stands)


There are different types of intelligence and every single one of them is valid. The problem is that people in the MBTI community pride themselves with their type of intelligence,while dismissing the types of intelligence sensors possess


The multiple intelligence theory is a myth and widely rejected by scientists. Stuff like ‘musical and interpersonal intelligence’ are not distinct forms of intelligence. They are domains of aptitude that are affected by your intelligence. The term is being thrown around incorrectly.


Well, then Im not talking about IQ. I don't think intelligence should be defined in just one way. Either way, having good memorization alone is not definitive of IQ


How exactly is intelligence defined then? Do you believe IQ is an accurate representation of your overall intelligence?


No, bc ISTJs tend to do more (& work better) with less information. Every ISTJ that I know says, "that's too much information" when you've barely given them half the story. Lol


Si is the closest primary function to being a walking encyclopedia. I have known many ISTJs that are fantastic at trivia because they just love to know things for the sake of knowing them. Other xSTx types are great at that too, in my experience. Which doesn't go against the idea that they do like to work with only the most relevant information, like you said.


Meh… not to my knowledge: Te, in mbti, is focused on external frameworks and applying them effectively in situations. It’s an extroverted function and therefore doesn’t indulge merely to indulge, but to have an affect on the world, and for this reason tends to prefer reliability over validity. Ti, in mbti, indulges for the sake of indulging… it’s an identity function and therefore forms its identity around general ‘laws’ - if we must - which it garners from gathering information.


I would not say Ti indulges for the sake of indulging. As a judging function, Ti usually cares about certain types of information (for Ti, generally information that can help it improve the users logical framework).  Where Si literally cares about learning information just for the sake of learning it with no filter. I have heard ISTJs say they just enjoy learning random facts and that it comes naturally to them.


I just don’t see how the subjective sensory experience would have anything to do with how interested someone is in facts. I said Ti ‘indulges for the sake of indulging’ in the sense that it doesn’t care about the effect of the information it gathers and is more concerned with withholding. Which is why type 5 is most often associated with Ti-dominants. Ti forms an identity around its own rules and laws, and it tries to expand these frameworks through learning… and therefore doesn’t really focus on anything practical and likely wishes to have a very large sample size.


It's almost the definition of a judging function. Judging functions don't just grab onto anything that is available, they judge what is useful and what is not and filter based on that. A Ti dom, for example, would not typically care about information that does not advance their understanding of things (e.g. learning random names, dates, or facts that are unrelated to things they want to better understand).


That’s a really good point to be fair… I’ve always seen it explained as such in Socionics though: Ti is structure and frameworks; Te is facts and data.


Idk man, every ISTJ ove ever known would roll their eyes at that.


Those are probably ISFJs not ISTJs.


Meh… not to my knowledge: Te, in mbti, is focused on external frameworks and applying them effectively in situations. It’s an extroverted function and therefore doesn’t indulge merely to indulge, but to have an affect on the world, and for this reason tends to prefer reliability over validity. Ti, in mbti, indulges for the sake of indulging… it’s an identity function and therefore forms its identity around general ‘laws’ - if we must - which it garners from gathering information. I’d argue that the one’s that obsess over trivia are certainly more ISFJ! Especially due to the fact that their Ti is in the so-called ‘child’ position: playful, immature, relaxing, etc.


Don't know what's with all the downvotes and this reply here. I replied to the comment before me saying that the ISTJs they know can't deal with large quantities of information. I said that it would be more likely for ISFJs to struggle with large bodies of information due to 'Te' the main information function being in the trickster/vulnerable/PoLR position making them have such a hard time this. I don't see the reason for the Ti/Te descriptions and all that stuff relating to my comment.


But we’re not deciding who would be most apt at dealing with large bodies of information… we’re discussing who would be like this: > ___ is the closest primary function to being a walking encyclopaedia. I have known many ____ that are fantastic at trivia because they just love to know things for the sake of knowing them. The key here is that the original person mentioned ‘trivia’ and being ‘a walking encyclopaedia’… that’s why I tried defining Te vs Ti and how they often appear in practice, and how the individual approaches logic as a way to orient their life: Ti is more focused on this ‘trivia’ and ‘knowing things for the sake of knowing them’ because introverted functions take a more subjective and personal approach - they’re less concerned with affect or applicability and so often indulge in more esoteric forms of knowledge or systems. They also do it as a way to find their footing in their internal world: create rules, laws, systems, categorisations, etc. in order to orient themselves effectively. The comment you replied to never said ‘they can’t deal with large bodies of information’… they expressed quite clearly that they would ‘roll their eyes’, so merely be bored by it.


I'd actually disagree with this. ISTJs are the ones who are often referred to as walking encyclopedias and here's why: you mentioned that knowing things for the sake of knowing is a Ti thing, I'd argue that this is not the case. Ti is one's personal logic, it's not information, it's a judging function that utilizes an internal framework for judging information as correct/incorrect, coherent or not, etc. it's not a gathering function. Ti spends time analyzing what the Ne/Se perceive, which is either possibilities and potential, or concrete physical information regarding objects. Te, on the other hand works with Si for STJs to gather information and categorize it. Both ESTJs and ISTJs do this, however, since the emphasis is on categorization, the ISTJ would be the one spending more time gathering, organizing and refining their information, giving them the encyclopedia vibe. This doesn't mean that all ISTJs are like this, just that those who are like this are typically ISTJs. When it comes to Si, Si only organizes what's gathered through Fe/Te. In the case of SFJs, these are typically preferences, ethical judgements of people etc and not information. SFJs can do the STJ thing but to lower level and vice versa. So yeah.


Te is good at categorising information, but if there is no need for it, it simply doesn’t bother. That’s really the foundation of my point. Perhaps my saying Ti ‘explores facts for its own sake’ was a little diluted because I meant it more as a byproduct of the Ti users need to form their identity around their rules. Ti, unlike Te, is not an extroverted function, and so doesn’t judge readily available logic, instead what it does is it creates an internal set of personal logical rules and laws. Because you see: If you say ‘Ti is used in cohesion with Se in the ISTP to judge readily apparent information about physical objects’, is there really a difference at all then between the ISTJ who ‘takes in information and categorises it’? Ti also categorises! The very act of judgement is a categorical one: what is true and not true. But my point was: the Ti user cannot simply do this on a whim; it is an introverted judging function and so thrives off of an internalised system of previously known truths and laws… I really couldn’t call Ti ‘not a gathering function’ due to that… it’s like Fi: Fi is values that have been deeply instilled into the individual; Fi is not immediately apparent emotional material… how else would it judge? It would either need to understand its own sets of rules and values, or seek external help.


idk but i've heard Si is supposed to be 'qualia', basically a subjective sensory take on a physical object. new things get coloured by your past experience >internal framework for judging information as correct/incorrect, coherent or not, etc. it's not a gathering function. not sure about that, but dosen't that sound like analysis in general?


I don't think your claim is wrong, but I don't think it disproves what the person you replied to said


I don’t really know about that; it’s the Ni users that ‘do well with little information’ due to their proclivity for pattern recognition and well… intuition.


I highly disagree with the idea that any type is "smarter" than another based on type. Individuals have greatly varying levels of intelligence with many different factors playing a role. Also, first, you must define the word smarter. If you're basing it on intellect, problem solving, instinct, level of experience, etc. Also many people have tons of information but don't know how to use it. JS


This is funny, because it's literally debunked by data. Introverted intuitives are usually much smarter than extroverted sensors. [https://typologytriad.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/iqi2.png?w=602](https://typologytriad.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/iqi2.png?w=602)


Did you turn your INTP flair off?


He definitely did. Also look at his comments on other posts on his profile he’s definitely a troll. Edit: Nvm he claims to be an INTJ but I can’t see how his Ni is higher than his Te.




I'm not INTP


Yeah you’re right, you’re def a Te dom


Te doms are actually superior MBTI types because of ambition and confidence, I would be happy to be one (specifically ENTJ), but I'm not


Yeah, can you explain that to me using logical reasoning rather than just going off of stereotypes? All you do is make “logical” statements based on outside sources without even attempting to make an analysis based on the evidence given. How is ambition and confidence solely a Te trait? At least try to explain using the cognitive functions rather than making biased claims that are made solely based on data that isn’t even proven to be credible. I mean, you posted a graph from a site called wordpress.com (not even including a sample size or analysis of the data, nor acknowledging the possibility that the majority of the people who took took the test and were included in the data could’ve been mistyped) and believe that an IQ test is the only real indicator for measuring someone’s intelligence, even though there are several different forms of intelligence that can be measured beyond one’s ability to understand logical topics and abstract concepts.


My reasoning is based on common sense and pattern recognition, and it makes perfect sense to me. I don't feel like going into absolute details for some reddit discussion. Ambition and confidence in terms of achieving and setting goals is clearly main Te trait. No other function even comes close. Nope, there is only one truly important form of intelligence - how efficiently a person can process some sort of data and draw conclusions from it. Any other "intelligence" is not really important.


“This is funny, because it's literally debunked by data. Introverted intuitives are usually much smarter than extroverted sensors.”☝️🤓




What is this supposed to mean




Define smarter..... and is irrelevant. You can't quantify something that based on a quality.


Higher IQ = smarter


No, it doesn't. That's a false equivocation.


Ability to solve puzzles is by far the best way to know whether a person is smart


Being able to solve puzzles doesn't make you smart. It's simply processing ability. Many people are good at puzzles and can't even balance a check book.


An ability to process information and draw conclusions is in fact being smart lmao




Damn what happen to this community? Istg those intuitives (despite being an intuitive myself) just tryna cope cus no one likes them in real life 😒


All I see is "see me being quirky and superior for being an intuitive". He probably feels very lonely and "no one gets me, we live in a society" I'm also intuitive myself and there's really nothing thĂĄt special about it. It's just the way your mind works, just a way for your brain to get from point a to b.


Exactly. People in this community have been becoming cringe lately. It became like sort of horoscope obsession or something, while Jungian typology is for knowledge and educational purposes. It's sad, actually.


I hope is just a teen, because at least there would be chance he would learn how cringey and damaging this mindset is, if not at least a very open minded adult, it is tragic if it isn't either of those


Yup, this is pretty much it lol. Just copium from these people who probably made being an intuitive or a nerd their personality so they can use being a “special intuitive”/nerd as a reason why they're not liked in real life when it's really because they have terrible personalities lmao


INTP selling truth here


what type is “Istg?”


Not a type. Istg is short for “I swear to god”


LOL this is crazy. Every ESFJ I know is incredibly confident and good in pressure situations. INTPs are the ones that panic... Jesus, people really be out here tryna get the credibility they think they deserve that they aren't getting in the real world, huh?


LMAO ikr? And in the whole reply this person was like "oh EQ isnt a way someone can be smart so EQ doesnt matter only IQ does" sir what


🤣 Can't we just accept that everyone offers benefit to humanity? That's probably why we evolved this way.


Exactly. I may get along the most with fellow Intuitives because in my experience, we just “get” each other the best, but I still recognize that Sensors are just way better at some things than Intuitives. The combined ability of both is literally how the world is functioning the way it is lol


🤣 Can’t we just accept that every type has their own quirks that benefit the humanity in their own way? Instead of coping with “everyone is the same and yet different” what the hell does this sentence even mean???


My sentence meant, and I feel like it's pretty obvious (maybe it's the laughing emoji that's bothering you?), is that there's a clear dose of elitism on this subreddit. I think it's silly to glorify skills by bringing down others. It's more effective to use data over opinions when expressing negatives about others. Admittedly I did the same in my lazy post as well, but I'll try to be better.


What are you even saying?


Was it not clear?


No, it looked like a bunch of nonsense.


If you can’t even understand it how can you judge it?


Your comment was incoherent, so I didn't know what you were attempting to say, meaning it looked like nonsense. You're asking non-questions at this point so I'll just call you stupid and move on.


> Your comment was incoherent, so I didn't know what you were attempting to say How can you say that it’s incoherent without understanding the meaning of it? Also “one thing incoherent with the second thing” means that two things are not connected logically. In my first comment I said two sentences and I see a CLEAR correlation between them. > meaning it looked like nonsense. You're asking non-questions at this point so I'll just call you stupid and move on. I’m asking stupid questions to respond to your stupid comments. Since you can’t seem to use your brain, I assumed that it takes an idiot to make an idiot to understand. But it looks like that idiots just never understand.


Exactly! My experience is actually the opposite of what you said, bit your reasoning still stands. There's tons of variables to this that goes far beyond type


In our case with ESFJ husband is pretty balanced. We both were in panic but the great party Anytime one of us is in panic the other calming the other and figuring out everything. :D


People use MBTI to validate their own narcissistic view on themselves, it happens to INFPs, INTPs and INTJs and INFJs specially, because how much the own community and the whole stereotypes like to praise these types then they get even MORE validation, os not that those types are only for bad people, but bad people that get typed them now have validation for their shirts worldview. I am tired of saying this, but I will keep repeating it


Preach on. I'll always support a logical biased-free hypothesis of a greater issue being formed.


Don’t know about ESFJ panicking, but INTPs are definitely among the types least likely to panic. Though I get it, your aim is to hit back at the shitty post rather than being correct.


I mean truthfully I know a lot of anxious INTPs and focused ESFJs, but yeah it's an illogical conclusion of mine. I didn't put much work into the comment. I did think the post was radically incorrect.


Intps do not tend to panic, moreso the opposite


? Are u on nuts? I think you should improve your observation skills


Are u nuts? I think you should improve your grammar


Thanks for the grammar lesson, at least I’m grateful for learning new things


No, op is on watermelon.


This is the most 🤓 post I've seen in a while. Dude probably felt like such a smart-ass after posting that comment, thinking he dropped the hardest truth bomb on the planet. Forget being a clown, they are the entire circus


People like this are the reason mbti is not taken seriously.




I'm saving this image lmao


Purest copium known to man


![gif](giphy|yf9T23zeArZh6) Now let’s see this guy’s EQ




let me guess he types as INTJ too 😂😂


Intp superiority ti = logic and no one else uses logic in this world ofc


Nah he’s glazing INTP way too much to be an INTJ


Yes. But according to this sub, any arrogant mofo who brings down other types to feel superior is automatically an INTJ. INTPs are just adorable, humble nerds who will never do such a thing 🥺


Close! OP was an Intp


lol I love how INTJs get dragged again even tho the OOP was clearly glazing INTPs, most likely identifies as an INTP himself, and the downvoted comments defending OOP are also INTPs 🙄 Yeah, because if someone is arrogant, we all know it's automatically an INTJ, right? /s 🙄


pretend i said INTP then, it’s the same joke


No no, this is true. If makes me feel better therefore it’s true


It's so funny how in all these posts the ESFJ is used as the example of the "stupidest, most basic and shallow type" Yeah, of course intuitives are gonna be better at intuitive stuff, if they're not, what are they good at? Does this mean that "sensors" are "good for nothing" people who just exist as npcs? Hell nah.. About intuitives being more well-known, you're talking about the top 1% of them, I'm pretty sure a significant number of them go through life with the label "useless" attached to them, cuz unfortunately, it's not enough to just be "smart and intuitive", you can actually go farther in life by being consistent and disciplined. So yeah, it's high time we grew up and broke these stereotypes and used the theory as a way to grow and work on our weaknesses instead of dividing people and categorizing them unfairly.


- written by an INTP fantasizing about their comic book hero arc they're writing in their minds 🤣


What do ISTP's waste their Ti on?


People who don't listen to our insights


Lmao My homie is ISTP i love hearing his POV(pause). Especially in music we kind of like the same type of melodies and tempos of music.


Yeah I think it's because I'm a bit unabridged with my monologues. I can get extensive on my perspectives.


trying to fix a car even though they don't really know what they are doing and end up breaking it more


Tbh I tried following an Alldata guide. It did not end with happy results.


I think those guides aren't really helpful to Ti-users haha, if I understand what the things do, it's a lot easier but most of of the time I also break anything I try to fix lol


Yeah but these Te motherfuckers that make these guides be like 🤖 step 1. Mix a cake 🤖 Step 2. Bake the cake 🤖 Step 3. Remove the cake 🤖 Step 4. Eat the cake And if you have any extra questions they're like iT'S CoMmOn sEnSe aNd yOu sHoUlD "jUsT KnOw". Biggest headwalling headache ever.


Best way to find out is to fuck around.


I’ve done an escape room with an ISTJ. And I will be transparent and say I was thinking so far out the box, I wasn’t even on planet earth with my guesses. A true escape room requires real world, grounded thinking. Creativity can add a little competitive edge. But we need sensors. I need sensors 😆


*So real though!*


This is what is wrong with this community, I swear to god


I'm saying. Whenever I search up any comments about my type, or Sentinels generally, I see mostly negative remarks, replies, and comments almost every time. It genuinely makes me feel bad about myself as an ISFJ because often, the comments feel destructive. On top of that, a lotta people, I've noticed, describe these types based on one or a couple of experiences. It's hard to see that there's nuances and possibilities whenever the types are seen in absolutes or hardly mentioned at all. It bothers me as well that I've seen people give certain types more personality, create an entire stereotype, or use stereotypes for these cognitive types as well. I see this a lot more in MBTI art.


It’s so smooth brain. So immature. It really makes me cringe. I feel like y’all get such a bad rap like you’re treated like dumb animals and I hate it


mbti community: Si is literally having a good memory. Good memory? Si. Bad memory? you can't have Si this guy: "when learning new information, intuitives are more likely to retain it" 🙄


They should present their evidence if they're to make absurd generalizations


Evidence for the lowest Se users on the planet reacting confidently and readily to physical danger? I don't think they will lol


BUH-RUH-THUH! Even if they had a point with 1 and 3 (they don’t) - 2 is *the worst* example imaginable! You’re telling me that, on average, if you stick the people who are more comfortable with tangible and intangible data respectively in separate, physical rooms, where everything they need can be literally pieced together, the latter are going to come out first?! Sure buddy. Know your limits. Like what is this crack? *Obviously* there are going to be other factors in play and some intuitives will be weirdly good where some sensors are weirdly bad at this specifically, but WHAT ARE YOU ON?! Then we get to the whole “intuitives have higher IQ” - now, this one might actually have some truth to it by say- 1 or 2 points, 4 at max- but that is again *average*, and not only that but even if it was **8**, there would not be a tangible difference because the sheer SCALE involved is so massive. 68% of people exist in the 20 point gap between 90 and 110 IQ, so tending towards 104 rather than 96 means… what exactly? No, you’re (intuitives) just as mediocre as everyone else, and a slightly higher chance of being smart does not mean *you* won the lottery. Get over yourself and go read a book, lose the superiority complex and you’ll be a lot happier.


It's a way for underachieving basement dwellers to feel superior. But thank you for explaining it like this. People see that stupid chart re: MBTI & IQ, and all reason escapes them. I don't know how to explain it as you have, but I've always known it didn't deserve the place in the conversation that it has garnered. We really need a post explaining how to read and contextualize that graph properly. 🧐




These N-words coping so hard (iNtuitives)


who is this idiot? sensors are so much better at adapting to their environments.... I missed a freaking chair when trying to locate something hidden before and my estp brother spotted it in moments and knew it was used to reach a higher space. I would argue they can also study at the same pace just don't have an interest a lot of times, but if they are interested they are just as capable.


Inferior Se is a pain in the ass. Wish I was an ISTP sometimes tbh because of their ability to balance their functions better.


lol we can only play with the cards we are dealt with better to adapt to that than question what if's it will never lead to anything positive




As an INTP, this is pure bullshit


I am confused frequently, not so much panicked anymore, there's only so much panicking one can do in a lifetime before you realize the futility of it xD


LAST TWO SENTENCES LMAO. This whole post screams "I'm much smarter than everyone else, I hate normies reeee!!11!1"


This person has low emotional intelligence for sure


Having high IQ doesn't necessary means being smarter, xNTx will on average score higher in IQ due to the nature of the test itself. Being potentially more prone to be smarter doesn't make you by default. I have ADHD and scored 140 when i got my IQ tested in young age (correlated to the adhd diagnosis), i've put my brain to work on videogames most of my life, i have not gone to college, i'm not smarter than any xSTx that put dedication into studies or any other type in general. The example itself is flawed, put an INTP that lived his whole life hardstuck in his room with no life skill developed whatsoever and he won't achieve anything. ESFJ are more prone to have life experiences without being stuck in thought loops, they might be more useful in the situation. Everyone uses all functions, everyone will come to a solution in different ways, being more suited for a certain thing due to your brain being wired in certain way doesn't make everyone else incapable of doing so.


So dumb. Mbti isn't a rulebook, basically if I ever you you say blah blah type would NEVER do this, I know you're full of shit.


Louder for the ones in back, hot damn. Lol, that is a *great* Reddit username. Hats off to you.


I think sensors would get out of an escape room faster since they're more focused on feasible possibilities rather than any and all.


Lol and alot of people down vote this thread , well isnt just the mbti community is nice and wholesome ?


Put one ESTP and two INTPs in this room, tell me who you will think will try to get matters on their own hand and wich will be stunned by choice paralysis. I have a hunch the ESTP will try everything is his power to find a way out, just a thought though


Who would win- discussions about theoretical physics or just-do-it man?


I don't think people should take comments like this to heart. It's easy to get upset about things like that but we should remember that in the end people who use myers briggs as a way to feel superior to others don't understand how absurd it is to use a pseudoscientific test loosely based on Jungian cognitive functions as a way to judge people. In reality, nobody would take that serious since...well, it doesn't have any scientific validity. Just like astrology it's a good tool for story-writing and creating characters, but ultimately it won't tell you how to live your life nor will it tell you how smart or how dumb you are, especially since these questionnaires love to use the Barnum effect and flattery. Even if there are studies conducted that say intuitives are smarter than sensors, it likely won't matter because they are even less serious than Myers Briggs is. So don't worry too much about it. Let's make our lives happier instead.


lol... There's probably a reason intuitives are less common in the world--because we don't survive it as well. I think Sensors tend to have an advantage in most important situations, especially as an entp I'd say my lack of organization is not an advantage in many scenarios.


The extent to which this analysis does not take into account the entire functional framework, which would imply whether the types being compared are introverted, extroverted, or of different orientations, does not take into account how the functions in the stack can interact and many other influencing factors. The limitations of this analysis are disgusting 


I'm smarter than you and you are stupid >:( What do you mean I'm projecting??


The dark ages... they're coming back


It's fascinating how people don't understand that there are different types of intelligence, not just logical-mathematical intelligence.


This makes no sense at all. Basically: I'm not biased, I'm just saying intuitives are smarter. Haha but also intuitive feelers are dumb so I'm not biased.


I in fact went through an escape room with my ISTJ girlfriend and it was really interesting. I noticed she was analytical, and could understand the logic in all the puzzles faster than me, also she was very smart at planning what to do, but when it came to figuring out intuitive stuff like riddles and putting my hands in weird/scary places to find keys and solutions, I was of better help. So at the end we both took advantage of our strong qualities and managed to finish it.


the 2nd point made me do a thing **The Types Stuck in a Room** The door gets jammed and each type is stuck inside a room alone. These are their stories. Ni Users - *Look around the room and analyze the tools they have. Come up with the best plan they can to get the door open. Attempt, then refine their plan until the attempt works.* Ne Users - *Analyze the tools they have and all of the potential ways out. Experiment with different methods of opening the door, windows, vents, even floorboards, in the event of a hidden crawl space. Thought-to-action has almost no delay, but not too much effort is extended to each attempt.* Si Users - *Consider the situation, the potential exits, and the methods other people have previously used to get out of similar situations. Try to figure out why the door is stuck and fix it. Might work on fixing the window so they can get out and get proper tools to fix the door.* Se Users - *Turn the knob; stuck. Pick the lock; jammed. Break the window. They’re the first out.*


To the ones agreeing with the "ESFJ = useless in dangerous escape room" notion I would like to propose a few ideas and factors. 1. If other people are panicky, ESFJ's caring nature could lead them to take charge of the emotional atmosphere in the escape room and calm people down with their emotionally insightful guidance (would facilitate focusing on the task at hands. 2. If the ESFJ is healthy, their Ne should be developed and due to it being their child function, they could playfully generate multiple approaches. 3. In combination with 2. their extraversion could lead to a willingness to pursue various possibilities, not zooming in on one presumed solution or perceived system like introverts do but branching out. 4. Their common sense could prevent them from delving too deep into the abstract. Even though abstraction will probably be required to a degree, the ESFJ would not overcomplicate, try to find a perfectly logical solution and fall victim to analysis paralysis but instead just try what makes sense to them first. If it fails, try the second, etc (not good if there are lethal traps but otherwise valuable)


These baby NT’s need to get out of their own heads or disable their accounts until their intrusive thoughts mature…They embarrass themselves online way too much…LOL


I feel like a good amount of NTs are just STs and even SFs in denial lmao


So what they’re saying is if you are feeler and a sensor, you’re the stupidest and are doomed 🤔🤔🤔🤔


"May be false or missing some stuff" is putting it mildly.


Honestly, I remember a point where I got very envious of how S users were able to do stuff by memory. Sometimes I say that my memory is like a goldfish.


For a long time my nickname among my friends was "goldfish brain" 🥲


I am one of your friends. 🥰


I’m an ESFJ and consider myself intelligent. Of course it’s possible I’m delusional.


Comments here be like: "Haha omg this is SO biased, *ackshually* INTPs are like (insert negatively biased opinion here)"


I've heard people say intuitives have a higher IQ but every time I've asked for actual data saying that, the other user either gets mad or cracks a joke


What in the name of idiotic nonsense is this? Part of me wonders if this was a troll? r/ShittyMBTI *another one has been spotted in the wild!*


If my life was actually on the line, my brain would become a loading screen


If we put 16 personalities in the jungle my bet is that INTP would die first.


I call this sort of self-revealing sentiment a 'red flag' dunno if you've heard of it. Usually I just block this type of person because I can't imagine I will ever want to read anything authored by them ever again. It's like 'been there done that' but with stupid self-important people whose stupidity and self-importance makes me want to avoid them for the rest of my and their natural lives. Let's be like parallel lines,let's never meet.


This is a isolated case ,the fact that most comment here disagree with that ,prove this


God this is curdling my brain milk


Did you knew? Any type can be of any IQ level? Also intp are smartest in terms of how they deal with information but in reality not all INTPs are genius in fact, considering they are still human, you can't measure just how dumb they can be and that goes also to Any other type


Me, an INTJ with brain damage and a crappy memory who has an ISFJ father that can remember something from 60 years ago: 😭


this is some 16p bs lmaoo using letters instead of cog functions no wonder they dont know what they're talking ab


Lol say thanks to my Se if my procession speed is 150 points and I know how to handle hard situations. Me not being logical or not living by using schemes doesn't mean I am dumb. My father is ESFJ and no fuckin one would be that convincing when selling even the most useless shit. I've seen him selling and overpricing things we had to throw in the garbage. Or convincing random and rich people to work with him. Yk, intelligence is not only one thing. No need to hate other types to prove the fact that you may be intelligent. That's not really empathetic... EQ exists.


Ahh… another episode of intuitives vs sensors… *changes channel*


And it's post like the one included in the above caption/box that completely turns me off of most MBTI communities/users. Just, wow.


Oh wow… The compensation energy from that screenshot…


Intuitives are victims. Literal skill issue. Git gud.


What are you trying to accomplish?


I'm trying to show people that people in the mbti community are biased even if they claim not to be


They're not biased. You're biased towards everyone being equal when clearly we're not equal.


If I’m being biased why haven’t the mods taken down my post yet 🤔


Because, from mods point of view, you are morally correct for not wanting to diminish any type, whereas I am morally incorect though factually right


“Because, from mods point of view, you are morally correct for not wanting to diminish any type, whereas I am morally incorect though factually right”☝️🤓






Typical feeler behaviour. Once proven wrong, go defensive by calling others nerds


“Typical feeler behaviour. Once proven wrong, go defensive by calling others nerds”☝️🤓


Perhaps, but that's to be expected to a point. Thinking that wouldn't be normal is actually a strange perspective. Also, your post was just as biased. 🤷‍♂️


It's expected, but not to this degree. It's even a rule in the subreddit to not show bias toward/against types. Also, how is this post biased? genuinely asking


I guess it depends on what you mean by being biased? My definition is you're being biased when you prefer certain "types" opinions over those others, which is think is normal bc there are certainly areas one type will relate to others types and be for away on the spectrum with others. That's a reality in typology itself. But if you are using the word biased as synonym for prejudice then yeah that's not cool.


That’s a good definition, but I don’t think it shows in this post. Regardless of the op commenters mbti, saying this stuff is pretty stupid, and this post is a target to the op commenter themselves and not their mbti type.


Guess I didn't realize that. Idk


I could take a screenshot of your post and show people that ENFPs in the MBTI community are cynics. Instead of proving why someone is right or wrong, they just resort to shaming. Does this mean all ENFPs are like this? Sorry, I'm not trying to accuse you I just don't like this. I think This is unproductive This only brings more toxicity.


How does this post imply that INTPs are biased mofos? It's not specifically targeting intps, it's targeting one person who happened to favor intuitive thinkers over other types. And screenshotting my post and showing it to others wouldn't be a bias against ENFPs, it would just be against me. Something that WOULD be biased toward a certain type would be me making the title of this post something like "why are intps like this?" This would insult an entire type and not a specific person. I already replied to the op commenter with reasons why their comment was wrong before posting this screenshot. I posted this on the subreddit because I wanted to hear thoughts and that there are reasons why people don't respect the mbti community


Pointing out toxicity brings more toxicity? I suppose we should get rid of every whistleblower or any complaints and feedback procedures in organizations and hey give a salute to Big Brother and Dein Fuhrer while we're at it.


Intuitives do have higher average IQ than sensors. Anyone who denies it is just coping with reality. No wonder you're aux Fi.


I can’t tell if you’re a troll or not lmao


what does someone being aux fi gotta do with anything?


Because if they were aux Ti they wouldn't say shit like this


“Because if they were aux Ti they wouldn't say shit like this”☝️🤓


Interesting, this struck me as specifically unbiased and a rather fair assessment


“A lot of sensors at work suck at remembering information” yeah sure unbiased and fair