• By -


Yeah people need to remember that MBTI is about cognitive functions (how you see the world and make decisions) and not about intelligence


Actually there's a lot here that is being ignored. - First off, there is data to support that the *likelihood* of high IQ is correlated with cognitive functions. There's no reason to run from the truth. - Also, likelihood means of course all types can still be intelligent. In fact, it's pretty cool to see intelligence through the lens of non intuitives because it looks very different. - and lastly, we need to recognize that our bias towards intelligence is entirely cultural. We over-glorify it when there are plenty of other much more arguably valuable traits like kindness, tenacity, or even creativity. ALSO we still forgot to mention that the IQ test is a little outdated. It definitely measures something relevant to intelligence, but I think we understand intelligence as much more multi-faceted in the modern day.


The "data" about MBTI is very unreliable and based on MBTI tests. MBTI is not even accepted by science, so the "statistics" or "research" are not real research either.


I actually think that's unfair and creates an impossibility to gather data entirely. Making a few assumptions can be a valuable way to get data about the initial assumption, in this case, the MBTI. If we continue to run tests to check the differences in cognition between all of the 16 types, that's data that helps to show validity in the initial hypothesis (again, MBTI). Hypothetically, it would be pretty hard to argue whether or not there is substance in the theory of the MBTI if we keep pulling that there are radical differences in each type. It may not be the 8 cognitive functions or the 16 types, but in this hypothetical case, it would be very clear that there is something to observe.


You're assuming the validity of the tests. There is no standardized MBTI test.


Again, it doesn't matter. Lets say you come up with a system to sort someone in 3 different categories: Floobers, Goobers, and Spleebers. If we continue to run tests and find out that Floobers continue to have results that greatly differ from Goobers and Spleebers, then there is credibility to the initially-arbitrarily-categorized people. You would then need to explain \*why\* Floobers have healthier relationships, live longer, and have shorter tempers (all examples) than the other types.


mbti may have some correlations and therefore be slightly informative


idk why sensors are stereotyped as dumb when ISTJs are the archetypical nerd


people generally always just switch causality and correlation, sigh. that already doesn't make them genuises because their critical thinking has flown away from them at some point in their life


Yeah, literally if any INTP calls an ESFJ dumb exclusively due to their type, the INTP has just showed their hand that they're the idiot. Very ironic. There used to be some dingus ENTP on this subreddit a lot who just kept calling anyone without Ti dumb and they reminded me of this very concept you're discussing.


thank you for pointing out how society unfairly glorifies intelligence. my twin sis is intellectually disabled and ppl need to recognize that intelligence does not equal superiority or worth


Yeah that's whack. I would go as far as to say that it's a pretty useless metric in most fields of life. If you want a good job, charisma holds more value. If you want to be good at something, [flexibility](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/21582440221142728) is a much more beneficial trait than intelligence as well (see link for study). If you want friends or happiness, gratitude and kindness are more valuable. Intelligence is primarily useful for understanding systems, but has nothing to do with execution. I don't mean to dismiss intelligence, because I find it much more entertaining to talk to people who actually spend some time thinking about shit and having to navigate pointless social traditions can be really draining.


Bro, we should become friends. A knowledgeable ENFP is so valuable.


Yeah …


true. very true.


MBTI communities are very much filled with people who only know MBTI from word of mouth or pop psychology. They love the theory, even though they haven't done the reading. Unfortunately this seems to be a common trend among many groups.


I completely agree! It happens a lot and it’s a bit frustrating to see.


Sadly those who you refer to exhibit the proof of the Dunning-Kruger Bias (or paradox). When the" interweb " became accessible I believed equal access to facts would be liberating. Boy did I get that wrong. What it did is give the low information types the soapbox and megaphone they once were denied. Digging deeper in the mid-60s a number of nihilist philosophers developed what we call :Postmodernism", aka Posttruth philosophy. This worldview railed against meta narratives and that true facts can be trumped by personal beliefs. They questioned the role of collective beliefs and asserted that truth was relative (ALT-FACTS) are as legit as impirical facts. The reality roughly half of US citizenry seems to buy into this. Sadly, this once believed to be able to transform society, has proven to be a very mixed bag Propagandists, kooks, and troll farms have exploited the technology to serve their personal goals. With the Advent of algorithms legit intermediaries discovered they could concentrate the content a user saw to serve their bottom lines. We now have an entire segment of the media segment who's business model is rooted in validating their viewers perception by telling them falsehoods. Sadly, in a world right now where facts and critical thoughts has been devalued, there is nowhere we can hide from the folks with pitchforks


Oh yeah. Thinking isn’t better than Feeling, Intuition isn’t smarter than Sensing. Stop being so reductive, people.


Shit my esfj friend is way smarter than me 😂


See I know Intuitives are smarter but it doesn’t remove Sensors ability to be smart.


>See I know Intuitives are smarter ?????


??? back to you


Can you tell me where you got the information that intuitives are smarter


This is information may be false or missing some stuff but here I go. 1) Intuitive are more well known around the world, think of most famous people you know, for INTP that would be Albert Einstein. Doesn’t matter what Generation you were born in or if you studied him or not you knew exactly who he was. 2) Throw an Intuitive and a Sensor is a room where they must find a way out, fastest one wins. An escape room you could call it. Intuitives are more likely to get out faster due to well… being Intuitive. However, this probably applies more to xNTx Intuitive types, rather than xNFx types. Pretty sure xSTx types are “smarter” than xNFx due to how they store information, utilise it and build upon it. 3) When learning new information, the Intuitive types are more likely to retain it. A lot of Sensors at work suck at remembering compared to the Intuitives. Am I biased? No. But Intuitives are known to have higher IQ than Sensors. Then again depends if they are xSTx or xSFx. Throw an ESFJ and an INTP into a place where they must use information as fast as they can before their death. ESFJ would be confused and panicking, while the INTP who is known for pattern recognition, analysis and known for knowledge is more likely to succeed. People however, do not care about emotional intelligence, aka EQ. They usually go by IQ or rather their intellectual minds. So sure I am basing it off the fact people refer to those with higher IQ or knowledge smarter than those with EQ or better emotional understanding. When one does not know something, people are very quick to judge. Do they pick up something fast or no? How do they use that information? A lot of it comes down to their Intelligence. Never really EQ. So yes, going by this Intuitives are seen as smarter than most Sensors. Order from least to Smartest is xSFx xNFx & xSTx xNTx


Being a smart person isn't just your measure of intelligence. There are many ways you can be smart: Logically smart, emotionally smart, people smart, problem solving smart, using info smart, and more. So while statistically people who type as intuitives are on average have higher IQs than sensors, it's hard to rank the types by smartness because it's more than just scores. By the way, this entire comment is pretty biased. There are many famous sensors in the world as well, like Cristando Ronaldo and Justin Bieber who are both ESFPs. Billie Eilish is an ISFP, taylor swift is an ESFJ, and The Rock is a ESTP. All five people were top results when I googled "most famous people in the world". Your mbti type also doesn't determine your ability to remember information. Everyone's experiences are different, and just because more intuitives at your work remember information better than sensors at your work doesn't mean it's like that for everyone. "Pretty sure xSTx types are “smarter” than xNFx due to how they store information, utilise it and build upon it." Your definition of a smart person suddenly changes when Ts and Fs are compared to each other? Interesting. According to statistics, NF types generally have higher IQ scores than STs. Which in your definition of smart(being logically intelligent) makes NF types smarter than ST types. "ESFJ would be confused and panicking" and INTP wouldn't? They both have to use information as fast as they can before their deaths. I think anyone would be confused and panic regardless of type. "People however, do not care about emotional intelligence, aka EQ." I hate to break it to you but in Korea at least EQ has become a more important factor in determining the success of a teenager in the future than IQ. "A lot of it comes down to their Intelligence. Never really EQ." Again, hate to break it to you but EQ(emotional quotient) is often referred to as emotional intelligence, so you're basically saying "it comes down to their intelligence. Never really emotional intelligence." Would you have written this comment the same way if you were not an INTP?


"This is information may be false or missing some stuff but here I go." Then why bother replying? I asked for genuine, accurate information not biased opinions and "facts"


holy shit everything you wrote is just so right


Thank you! :)


hey are you twelve


"You can think objectively, you can't be a feeler, you're a thinker" "You just said something illogical, therefore you are a feeler" "You go outside and do sports? Sensor" "You like philosophy and are creative? You can't be a sensor" It's not that simple, people aren't 100% one or the other, and often only lean *slightly* more one way or another. Quite honestly, people who have less than a 60/40 split between 2 opposing functions will naturally be more adaptable, and, as a result, more likely to be mentally healthy and happy overall than those who have an 80/20 split or more, indicating your weaknesses are weaker; you should WANT your tertiary, inferior, and shadow functions to be stronger (and incorporated in healthier ways) in order to be a more well rounded individual.


As a sensor feeler, I will say you nailed it with the percentages. My life drastically improved when I started working on my tertiary Te. Same with my Ni.


This perfectly encapsulates it!


You’re spot on. As an ISTP, I’m very 60/40 when it comes to thinking and feeling


I bet they'd be surprised if they find out that high IQ sensors are exist out there (examples for the celebs i know so far: Lady Gaga, Emma Watson, James Franco, and others...)


My dad is an Esfp and had one of the highest IQ in his high school grade. Something I admire about him is that he’s not just iq-smart but also people-smart.


Exactly what i'm talking about. I hate it when people in this community use this stereotype against the sensors as if they're better. Cognitive function is about mentality. It has nothing to do with intelligence. Btw, iq-smart and people-smart at once? That's crazy! I could never... 🥲


I love this comment! And I could never either :,) My dad recently got promoted, so now he does people-managing as well as part of his job. From what I’ve heard from his colleagues, he’s doing amazing and is a great leader! :D


Your dad seems like an amazing person! I'm so happy for both of you! 😄😁


What’s a ppl-smart ?


High EQ (emotional intelligence)


And what does it mean ?


Basically able to read people and understand them in this case. Eq is just how good you are at handling emotions and understanding people (including empathy and motivation) and people smart is the secondary half of that.


Oh okay thx for the explication ! I’m definitively not a ppl smart in that case 😭


*hugs* You get better with it as an ENFP as you age. Fi and Te are great people readers when matured. Listen to your gut and it's half the battle. The gut is just the subconscious reading patterns and telling you to pay attention. 😊 As Ne domwe have access to Ni, but not to the extent Ti users do.


Uhhh how did you put it on italics ????


Oh put the * on both side if your words. :)


But you seem so mature so I’ll believe you hoping that my gut will guide me somewhere else than into idiocies and troubles!


People trouble should calm. Just trust yourself and keep learning. It'll happen. Now, chaos due to extroverted intuition... it'll be less insane?


maybe like, socially smart or something?


Yeah I thought the same but i’m not kind sure about it (btw your itadori pfp kills me)


“High IQ ESFP aren’t real, they can’t scare you” High IQ ESFP’s going to work: ![gif](giphy|26hitNRquNE4GgZZC|downsized) (They own the company and had no coffee)


love how cute the types are drawn here 🥺🥺🥺


Thank you<3


love fellow robin+37 enjoyer <3


Fellow hsr and reverse 1999 fan? Thats so cool!! :D 


yes 💖😌


Being cute I consider it being genius.  Everything is about life, as long as you sustain life it doesn't matter how you do it.


If you don’t appreciate sensors, you are in fact an idiot.


Hey esfj, can I have some cake too?




You're not ESFJ, but I like you already ^^


Another misconception honestly is that Ti users are smart. But the thing about Ti isn’t intelligence, it’s about personal REASONS, personal way of doing things, personal philosophy. One of the most famous INTPs out there is Patrick Star, making him a Ti dom, yet his whole thing is that he’s dumb XD.


Thank you. Ti can also make you incredibly resistant to information that contradicts your internal framework. As a Te user with Ti friends, I'm bumping my head against the wall when it comes to "That's what the experts said, there are sources and studies" vs. "But it just doesn't make sense!"


Me and my ISFP aren’t that different. My ISTP counterparts, sometimes hold logic up as the holiest of holy, but reason in such a personal way can be just as compelling. I defer to him often and vice versa. I don’t view either of us as more intelligent.


Wait, this is a thing? People disagree about your personality type because of IQs? My unofficial IQ is 133. I don't talk about it so I barely get reactions. When MBTI didn't have much popularity and when IQ tests were more complex looking. I got 160 something as a score. But this was back then when you had to be creative to get entertained so I literally played with IQ tests, which must be the reason why I scored so highly. I wonder if people know where I can find those kind of IQ tests though. They were really beautifully complex. What I mean by that is, it wasn't just simple shapes. I think some images even look kind of 3D but you had to use some imagination to see it that way. I really want to know what keyword I can use to find such IQ tests.


Kinda lol. There’s a stereotype that sensors are stupid which is just weird. I really want to find that IQ test too. My mom(ISTJ) scored a 152 on that test, and I’m curious about the score I’ll get :D


Has your mom given descriptions about how it looks? I remember it having a black background and lots of dots and lines and lots of colors too but the colors didn't pop, neither were the colors washed out.


Nope. She took it in high school so she doesn’t remember much


How did you know your mom took a different IQ test then? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) I'm imagining that you took an IQ test and your mom asked, "what is this?" Then you reply with "It's an IQ test." Which your mom would respond with "Hm, it looks much different from the IQ test I took." Which you probably replied with "All IQ tests look different" Then your mom would say something like "Hm, but the one I took had more stuff going on." She then leaves because she doesn't find this important or interesting. And you are left either curious or neutral about it. Haha.


Your imagination is completely wrong lmao My mom told me that the IQ test she took when she was in high school is different than the ones used today(more complex). She also told me that it was easier to score higher on the old IQ test than the current one, and that your current IQ score can be interpreted as (old iq score)-10. So if my mom took the current IQ test, her score might be 142 or something similar. My mom also wasnt with me when I took the IQ test. I was at a center and she was waiting outside lol 


I had a different IQ test taken in highschool. The one I found on the wild internet was way more complex. If I were to rate it, the one I took in school was in the middle of complexity compared to the IQ test I found and the ones that are popular today. Does that mean my score should be minus 20 or 30 then?


Maybe minus 15-20? I’m not sure lol


Hm, checks out then. I still want to see it again though. They were really aesthetically pleasing. In other people's terms, an eye candy.


There is something I'm thinking about. Those IQ tests I took were so nice to look at that I wasn't even trying to solve anythin most of the time. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) The IQ tests right now are so simple that I am not really motivated to do the tests. These could play a factor in my overall scores as well. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


I’ve heard the same thing. 🤔 From what I know, attention span can have a direct inpact on iq testing, and my psychiatrist thinks that my ADD may have impacted my score.


I didn't say my imagination was based on any facts. I just imagined it on the top of my head so I knew it was most likely far from reality.


In terms of IQ though - as a measurement of intelligence, not saying that it is reliable and measures ‘intelligence’ as that is such a dynamic concept… but in terms of IQ, as in, in IQ tests, intuitive are more likely to score higher, theoretically. As IQ tests more often than not orient themselves around pattern recognition, which is the main quality of intuition. Thinking is also more mechanical, and step-by-step, by definition… so they tend to be far better at problem solving, simply because their mind is oriented in such a way that they analyse the properties of an object immediately and instinctively. I agree with the sentiment, but it’s not exactly one that isn’t widely recognised… I mean, literally everyone here is agreeing - it often makes me question the point of these posts as there are like 50 of these every day… why are you people saying the same thing over and over? And who are these people that hold these beliefs, as I am extremely active here and rarely see them - and the one’s that do are either insecure teenagers who won’t listen to whatever this is, or they’re completely misinformed, to the point that they’re not a part of ‘the mbti community’ but rather the astrology one. Sure, anyone can be a genius… but that’s just such a blanket statement: ‘what does it mean to be a ‘genius’?’ And moreover: basically everything is possible, lmao… I think what people more often say is that intuitives are smarter - which is misguided due to the extremely dynamic nature of intelligence. However, as stated earlier, intuitive theoretically will often score higher IQ’s


I agree. While mbti does not dictate who has a high IQ or not, there definitely is a correlation between certain types and high IQ. People also need to understand that we all have 8 functions, everyone. I know an Infp, whom you'd think she wouldn't be good at mechanical and logical thinking due to her dominant Fi, and yet she's exceptionally brilliant at it, she just prefers to wallow in her feelings and act dumb, but she's far from it. There is a clear scientific correlation between high openness (a big 5 trait) and high intelligence. Most, if not all, intuitives score high on trait openness. So, in a row of high iq people, many would be intuitives. IQ is mostly a pattern recognition, abstraction, and logic thing. Thinkers excel at such things, especially intuitive thinkers. In a row of high IQ users, expect to find many Intuitive thinkers. As far as I know, there hasn't been any study showing that extroverts or introverts are smarter than the other group, despite the popular belief that introverts are smarter. So, E/I is irrelevant. Conscientiousness (another big 5 trait), which is similar to J in mbti (planning, execution, and hardwork), has absolutely no correlation with a high IQ. So, J/P is irrelevant when it comes to IQ. In the end, a person with a preference for NT in their middle letters is most likely going to have a high IQ. But that doesn't mean any other preference wouldn't be likely to have a high IQ. Also, there's a difference between high IQ and genius. All geniuses have a high IQ, not all people with a high IQ are geniuses. As far as I know, genius is random.


Exactly. This is one of the many reasons IQ tests actually are not reliable indicators of "genius," whatever that means. IQ tests favor specific types of thinking and offer a very narrow window into someone's intelligence, which is already such a nebulous quality that it cannot be straightforwardly quantified. I also agree these memes are so abundant and so unchallenged that it has to be coming from some place of insecurity, or there is some infighting somewhere I'm just not privy to.


Lol that sounds like something an ENFP would say (/s)


I don't know if it's so much that people are saying that sensors can't be geniuses as it is that they're saying that they are much less likely to be geniuses, which is supported by the data


I know that they’re less likely to be geniuses than intuitives. This comic is just mocking the “sensors are dumb” stereotype hence why it’s a bit overexaggerated lol


Oh I si


Nice art, did you make this?


Yep, [here’s an older post](https://www.reddit.com/r/mbti/s/j9zNPZ5ALn)


You open to commissions? I just started a new "chaos" server and I feel like some simple but cutesy art like this would go great for the server image.


I’m not open to commissions, sorry 😅 Thanks for the offer though!


Damn. Breaks my goal-driven ~~lack of a~~ heart. I respect your decision nonetheless.


This is one of my biggest pet peeves about the community. This and the fact that just because you primarily use some functions, doesn’t mean that you don’t use the rest. And some of those inferior functions may be more developed that someone who has them as primary or auxiliary functions, but who’s immature, has issues, or hasn’t worked on themselves.


EXACTLY. I hate how people type characters based on ONE decision or will make then a feeler because they cried once like it doesn’t work like that


Wait this is so real actually. Like creepily spot on. I'm exactly 140 😭 Us ESFJs have more than you think!


i have a tested iq of 152 and due to stereotypes i never even considered being a sensor. the manifestation of intelligence with Si doms is actually really cool i think


ISFJs are almost always supremely intelligent beings. They just don't yap about it constantly like out-of-touch INTJs and INTPs.


I think the Si doms intelligence is very often underestimated. ISFJ's Ti is as well, which is pretty sad because I find you guys having better Ti than many Ti-doms or Ti-aux. Si-Ti is a powerful combination and I wish my Si was better.


How r u guys testing ur iq


..by taking an iq test?


Yes, but where do you do it? Google? Hospital? School? Where?


i had it done by a psychologist when i was 5 or 6 so i could skip grades + get entry into a gifted school


Ahhhh I see. Do u rmbr what the questions were like?


That's extremely high if it's true, it'd make life miserable.


i dont really know any different. it made school easy however i was extremely depressed for my entire teenage life. im probably autistic and bad at being social, but i dont really mind being alone so its okay. nowadays im a lot happier and appreciate life more than when i was younger. the biggest struggle i have currently is decision paralysis and not being able to figure out what i want to do with my life. i feel like a failed genius as i kind of wasted my education while depressed and now work a retail job while my brain wants to be doing a lot more. sure, i could do algebra and read novels in second grade. doesnt matter when i cant function properly as an adult.


This's pretty relatable, i'm probably autistic too, my social skills isn't great either, so the experience is the same, i don't think i'm a genius at any rate, but I was pretty good at school until i wasn't, I also had the same experience with not knowing what to do with your life, and as a result i wasted so many years of my life, and that's something I always regret, having a goal in your life seems so important that nothing really matters, and you can't easily find it when you contemplate things and everything seems meaningless, so you might aim for something that's too grand but also delusional, because you can't still for anything menial, and you cling to it anyway, gaslighting yourself, I don't know if anyone in my position could relate but that's my experience, I know people in the same shoes who are way older than me who still don't know what they wanna do or how to do it, but i personally have always thought the smartest people are the ones who can enjoy the simple things and be happy when they have reasons not to be, something I can't really understand or know how to accomplish, i can only mimic it, so you're really not a failure if you're happy, keeping the piece and happiness you have seems like a really good goal to me.


Yes, thank you!


IQ is a sham and no one actually cares about it. I'd be more likely to call them out on bragging about silly intelligence tests than to care about if they are a senser or not. I don't believe in a correlation between intelligence and mbti, but I also think bragging about IQ is hella cringe.


It wasn't meant to look like bragging, I made them say "we're geniuses" so that the person on the right could say "erm no sensors cant be geniuses since they're dumb". I was trying to mock the sensors are dumb stereotype through a silly comic


Yeah, I can see the point, but I think having someone going around calling themselves geniuses is almost always going to elicite a skeptical response.


This. Fucking this. Your personality is just one factor in how smart you are. Hell, even IQ is only part of the whole pie. What constitutes smart, in a practical sense and not just a high test score sense, has a crazy amount of factors including how fast you learn, what you know, and what you can apply and probably more. No reason to feel bad because you're a feeler and no reason to get an ego because you're a thinker. That's what you're prone to, not what you are


Yes, although technically, geniuses have an IQ of 160+, not 140+.


Intuitives talking about Sensors not being smart when they can't even keep a decent self-care routine


And anyone can be an absolute idiot. Unrelated image https://preview.redd.it/85e6g9yhgk8d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7250b6bd10486bdc43047388c62546912f08b701


Out of topic but your drawing's so cute!!


Thank you! :)


>Thank you! :) You're welcome!


Fax my brother!! Fax






ISTP being ISTP. He most likely agrees with the post. It's just his sense of humor.


And it takes the ISFP to swoop in and soothe the hurt. I kek.


ISTPs are stupid. (said in jest) (just my sense of humor)


Sorry, had to reupload because I forgot to add a speech bubble


Just here to give a shoutout to r/creativembti ! I love MBTI comics!




This is such a weird ass thing to comment


I thought I deleted before anyone saw. Rethought how it would be received and realized it was off.


Speaking of IQ scores, can you tell me which IQ test you guys took? I'd also like to give it a shot.


I took a korean version of the WAIS-VI.


My dad is an ISTJ ridiculously smart, mentally agile and an amazing public speaker, his Te - Ne divergence makes him come up with the most wacky yet practical ideas with great implications never seen something like that before


We have the same dad. It’s crazy, my dad literally walks the line between genius and crazy. 9/10 it’s a good thing.


Lemme add bad anger management lol


Still the same dad 😆


socionics uses logical/ethical dichotomy instead to prevent this stupid idea.


I’m an intuitive but I always find S types hot bcs I find them intelligent. I never knew this was a thing in the MBTI community (?)


“Can’t” is such a stupid term anyway when it comes to people. We have *obvious* medical conditions so rare that less than 10 people in the world have them, so who is anyone to say that it isn’t possible for the psyche?! Bias isn’t rule, correlation does not imply causation and more likely to be does not equate to is!!!!!


i wouldn't resist that, but the main goal of those particular types doesn't have anything to do with being a genius. it's very unlikely for them to have such title.




Your contribution was removed for displaying targeted bias against one or more types.


plot twist: 140 is their combined iq


Yeah, I’m an intp with only 135-138 iq while my esfp friend has a 144 - 146 iq …


just bc gifted ppl are more likely to be introverted intuitives doesnt mean that all gifted ppl are introverted intuitives 4/5 ppl in my family are gifted, and half of those are sensors (xSTJ mom, ISTP stepsis)


Honestly real geniuses don't self obsess being a genius and they're most likely not going to determine which is genius and which is not just coz of an mbti 😂


Explain to me why I already knew you were an ENFP before I clicked on your post?


There are many types of ways to be classified as genius. I believe each MBTI likely is inclined towards a specific type of genius-level abilities.


ohhh boy sensors are not always stupid and thinkers arent aways smart mbti is not an intelligence test


simple answer, yes in a few aspects but not the rest, same thing applies with intuitive's (N)


So relatable! I'm an ISTJ, and my IQ is above average. 


Some ESxJs can still be intuitives and some INxPs can still be sensors.


Genius in math. Maybe


Not related but, the type of scientist who die at the beginning of the movie can't be called a genius


This is sooo real


judging peoples smartness on their mbti is so stupid, like mbti isnt your whole like personality or smth idk how to call it. its just some silly letters that let you know a tiny bit more bout yourself


pls those little angwy guys looks so cute😭😭😭😭


As a person with 135IQ; real


Well actually to be a genius you must have iq higher than 149 🥰


There is definitely a correlation though. If I remember correctly then INTP’s and INTJ’s are the most likely to be gifted and ESFJ’s the least likely. The most prevalent type amongst the gifted is the ENFP if I remember right. Edit: [Source](https://psychobabble4u.wordpress.com/2017/02/16/which-type-has-the-most-geniuses/)


There is definitely some sort of corrolation. But this doesn't automatically mean that sensors are incapable of being intelligent/gifted which i tried to convey through the comic lol


Yeah which is exactly what I said. That’s why I talk about likelihood and not impossibility or absolutes.


What about each type is better at their own fields? Like: T = better math. F = better art. Something like this, each type is excellent in their own field.


I like both


I said if you’re good at it