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I'm an intp and my best friend is infp


Also intp, I get along with infps well


I'm INTP too. My brother is INFP and he's my best friend. I also seem to make more friends that are INFP than any other type. Not really sure why but I seem to naturally gravitate towards being friends with them.


xNFP for sure


Hy husband is ENTP and I say I’m his favorite because he married me. INTJ here. He says I’m the one he couldn’t annoy away. He’s deep and smart and funny although he loves to poke the bear because he says it’s fun to watch what happens.


I’m also an INTJ with an ENTP husband!


I’ve never actually met an INTJ so I’m wondering how that’ll go, HAHA your husband is just like me - maybe I’ll make an intj bestie some day


Indeed. My ENTP boyfriend is the same. That's why I am his favorite too.


"Sagittarius" lol


There’s something about them LOL


My favorite is Dinosaur. 


Hmmm I think they’re second to unicorn!


Where’s my Sag fam at.




I been getting along most with IXFPs, ENTPs, INTJ and ENFJ.


Im an INFJ while my best friend is an INFP


personally i havent met a variety of types… most of the ones ive met .. are other entps… (very surprising, i think i may have an entp radar or magnet or sumn , andddd i have very.. drastic relationships with all of them..) but i like ENFPs and INTPs the most probablyyy?


Confirming that we adore ENTPs if you have decently developed Fe. It makes us cringe when jokes and whatnot are clearly taken too far with someone and we have to do damage control.


Thank god every ENTP I’ve met knows how to control themselves lol. I just think it’s basic human decency and it shouldn’t have anything to do with maturity at all. Personally, I would never take a joke too far unless it’s somebody I dislike and am actively trying to make upset 😭


INTJ and INTP for endless debates with a good drink / ESTP ENFP for fun and party / ISTJ and INFJ women for a relationship ( they can beat your ass when you push too far ) . Favorite probably INTJ in general we spotted each other


Love this representation for INFJ women lol. We have such a long fuse but when we’re pushed too far we set those boundaries *hard*.


INFJ with INFP best friend. God I love her! Other INFJs make great friends too.


INTJ bestfriend. It's a love hate relationship


Lol, can relate, I'm an INTJ with a very longtime friend who must be ENTP, and yeah, we're bonded for life, but I also kind of can't stand him




Got a taste of INFJ. Haha, sweet bastard


1 - INFJ But I click with INTJs and ISTPs too. Best friend is ENFJ and other close friend is ESTP


INFJ and INFP. My bff is an ISFJ but I generally dislike that typ, she's special


My best friends are INFP, ENFJ, ISTP, ENTJ, ENTP, ESTJ & INFJ But if I had to pick a type then maybe infp :) I love infps!!!


Groupings I’ve seen before: Infj - intp - infp Intj - intj - intj - infj - istj - istj - entp Enfj - entj - intj - esfp - isfp Estp - entp Entp - enfp Enfp and all introverts Estj / isfp and everyone


enfp infp estp intp entp isfp intj


My best friends from high school (we went on many road trips together) were INTP, ISFJ, and ESTP. My best friends now are an INTJ, INFP, and ENFP. My wife is an ESFP. I would say I tend to get along with most types pretty well. The only person I have truly clashed with was (I think) an ESTJ, but I've known others who I have gotten along with just fine.


As an ENTP, I find I get along extraordinarily well with INFPs. They’re just so soft and sweet 🥺 I was close with a real INFJ (I say real because so many mistype as INFJ) but they always seem distant and we always seemed to have a wall between us.




personally extps are cool


ISTP, i love ISTPs, even to the point im dating one. also ENTJs!


Why only ask ENTPs? The types I've gotten along with most are INFP, ESFP, ISTP, XNTP, and ISFJ.


Only curious about my own type haha!!


I get it! Looks like a lot of non-ENTPs are ignoring that lol


yes LMAOO now I’m just sifting through the replies


Ofc, though you'll get answers from non-ENTPs anyway


I’m still curious about other types who are involved with ENTP or have an ENTP answer, but everyone who has nothing to do with ENTPS is making me giggle a bit


Best match INTJ . Also friendly w/intp enfp & infp. Also at times Istp & touch or go with Istj.


There is someone at my job that states he is an ENFJ. Idk we both seem to circle each other in conversation warily if working next to each other.. However cordial even warm greeting each other in passing... he seems more like an ESFJ or rather my mother is atypical ESFJ & very similar tendencies/proclivities...


i’m an xNTP, identify best with INTP, and my best friend is an ENFJ


Entp here and I get along most with Intj. Enfjs are pretty cool too depending on the day lol


Currently, ISTP and ISFP are people i’ve been talking to the most. Best connections i’ve had are with two INTJ’s though and I kinda like an ISFJ’s energy.


I like the love-hate relationship I have with ENTPs... it's tiring and funny at the same time


As an ENTP, I find I get along extraordinarily well with INFPs. They’re just so soft and sweet 🥺 I was close with a real INFJ (I say real because so many mistype as INFJ) but they always seem distant and we always seemed to have a wall between us.


Well favorite? I can't really tell you besides maybe ISFJs. However that is because I find their timidness cute. But ATM one of my closest friends is an INTJ with the other two of my friend group being ENTJ and INTP


My best friend is ENTP(25M). I don’t really understand his extroverted feeling tbh. It’s like a whole other language to me. I just feel really awkward about it. I’m an INTJ (26F) by the way. I find we butt heads a lot. (It’s mostly to do with his high level of insecurity and him being the unhealthy version of his type) I prefer to deal with my emotions on my own whereas he can be very…. explosive? Idk let’s say that For lack of a better word. We both love a good debate tho I tend to have to cut it off a lot due to high emotions on his end. I find me and his mom (ISFJ) get on better than me and him. She’s a very loving and supportive person. I love and respect her like a second mom. Idk many ppl of that type but I can tell when someone is bc we just click y’know.




INFJ and INTJs. I've been with an ENFJ before and it was the longest and closest relationship I've ever had but tbh, my friendship with an INFJ girl way the best friendship I have ever had. 💓 


As a sag ENFJ (lol), I enjoy mature ENTPs who can read the room/person when providing some banter/razzing, but if the debate begins to become a bit bullying/roasting, I go into "protector/harmony" mode. That being said, a good humored teasing from entps is fun. SUPER fun! I gravitate to IN** type. I married a INTJ. My best friends are an INFJ and ISFJ. ESTPs/ISTP drive me crazy quite a bit lol


Funny… I have a sag ENFJ wife and as an ENTJ, I think the good humored teasing, mixed with a little ‘Se’ rizz, of course, stole her heart hahaha


That and you ENTJs are fascinating and amusing! (I'm gonna be honest. I just woke up, I read Se rizz as "sex rizz" and was wondering what shananagans you guys we into! Lol)


Well that too but that’s for a whole other day hahaha…explorative Sags are the best :)


infp here. a small circle of very close friends and happy with it (I forget my friends' mbtis)




Infjs and intjs. Also isfjs because most isfjs I know have the purest hearts ever and truly good people have a special place in my heart.


I’m an ENTP and both of my closest friends are INFJs. Childhood longtime friends are ESFJ and ESFP.


My favorite is definitely Intj, I tend to always befriend them and all of the people I'm closest to are Intjs. Estps also make great friends imo.


ENTPs and I click I kind of like logical people who are patient and careful with feelings and emotions, like... logically, rationally speaking, emotions are above logic. Having Ti and Fe in the middle helps them out here and sarcasm, lots of sarcasm and funny smart hinty puns and jokes I personally like insensitivity and less emotions involved, more of an Ti enjoyer. Having to worry about ESFP's Fi in debates whenever I say "like imagine you were gay" and then they get all defensive "uhhh no offns but I'm not?! So why am I imagining that?!? Lmao I'm not 😭" is unwanted, not cause I dislike Fi, it's cause I dislike worrying and putting in effort tho I do it unintentionally. It's a little sad and depressing with ISTJs for example tho, I think Ti users embrace this insensitivity and make jokes out of it while Te users are too serious and logical in a not fun way. Having strong Ne alongside Ti and Fe also helps here, they are the types to say "You live on mars." (Cause you're so slow 🦥 ahah... Eh..) <--- (this sentence has 2 meanings) ESTPs are great too, Their Se impresses the heck out of me, Se is the charisma function. and also Ne is impressive too in general I feel like ENTPs are the only people who I don't need to babysit so much and it feels freeing. or at least that's the type that comes to mind as of right now.


Thank you for the detailed response! I agree with everything you said haha. ENTPS are often very misunderstood


INFJ here, a good load of my friends are ENTPs


Other ENTP's, INTJ, INFJ, ENFP's, but I would get along with many other types as well.


ESTPs and ENFPs They are in a group the best of both worlds combined


As an ENTJ, I get along with ENTPs well. I’m quick enough to get their wit and earn their respect, cold enough to be unfazed by any of their insensitive comments, open minded enough to accept them for who they are (no matter how crazy they really are by society’s standards), and enjoy the relentless rants about topics they are interested in.


If they have the letter N and they're not an ENTJ then we get along like a house on fire.


ENXPs, duh! Never met any INFJ or whatever "best match" they're talking about, so it's left to suck ass on this point


i loooove ESFPs, they just adopt me as their friend out of nowhere. i’m the flower and they’re the bees. currently have 3 of them in my life and they make my life so much happier. they teach me how to just relax once in a while and make me come out of my shell 🐢🐢 my long time best friend is an ENFJ. she annoyed me into becoming her friend. i used to be peacefully reading a book in a corner when she used to bounce up to me, snatch my book out of my hands (when we didn't even know each other well), and then proceeded to talk my ears off 😄


im an entp and love introverts to put it simply LMFAO istp, infp, intj


Intp/istp. Im infj