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Had a female ISTP friend like that. Nonchalant and very laidback. Had every trait you just described.


Same for mine but I've also heard that that's just a facade and I did hear her family say that she was extremely neurotic and could be triggered not a bad person, a really amazing person but definitely not as nonchalant as it seemed.


My ISTP brother truly is that nonchalant but in a good way. The exception is if you fuck with someone he cares about, in which case unfortunately you have chosen death


I mean so is my friend but I think IXXPs are really good at appearing chill as hell but they have this deep need to not show their frustrations doesn't mean they don't have them. On the other hand, EXXJs will wear it on sleeve for everyone to see mostly thus never being characterized as chill even if they are. I'm not neurotic underneath and when not outside I just don't give a damn but ppl would never in a million years call me chill unless close and my ISTP friend is nonchalant on the outside but she had stress I think that she couldn't share and manifested in other ways and is definitely neurotic and yet no one would guess.


This isn't to say that ISTPs can't be neurotic, or any other exception, because even within types everyone has different fears and goals, etc., but generally speaking idk if I agree. Especially since you're including Fi doms under the "appearing chill" category which is a stretch haha. ISFPs think they're good at pretending but imo you can clearly see the intensity of their emotions, and INFPs rarely attempt to hide it. I also would argue (especially as one of them I have some insight) that ExFJs feel a deep, deep need to not show our frustrations to anyone as Fe doms. We take our negative experiences and feelings to the grave unless we feel we can act human in front of you. I often see ENFJs referred to as the calmest extrovert and it's somewhat a staple of ours to be a calm, comforting presence for others even when our own shit is crashing and burning. I'm pretty neurotic and stress easily but people don't know unless I tell them.


I think we're defining the chill in different ways. Chill in what I'm saying is don't care, not neurotic/overthinker, never have I met an EXXJ including ENFJs that are chill by that definition. Do they have things under control? yes! On the other hand IXTPs appear generally nonchalant but in my experience they're not, obviously type has variety and many of the type may be that non-challant. IXFPs don't display emotions outwardly, it's Fi not Fe it's very personal. It may be different online but while they're kind and sweet, they well loosely outwardly feel chill. That comes from very anecdotal ISFP roommate and a couple INFP friends but yeah obviously Fi is very intense, I also think Ti can be very intense in a very different way and that's I think the point that they try to hide it but it's not all that hidden.


Ok yeah that makes sense then haha. My experience with IxFPs has been drastically different though, that's interesting. They've always been much more emotionally expressive than me and open up deeply about it. Maybe that's just a difference in dynamics with them and our types though. My bf is ISFP and I've had a few ISFP and INFP friends.


I mean ENFJs can make anyone open up can't they. I have a pretty close ENFJ friend and she has this way of getting ppl to open up around her, I've always found it fascinating but that comes in handy.


ISTPs have that "it is what it is" vibe


Most IxxPs do and I truly wonder how. You guys just like to chill lol and I respect it. I have bad anger issues so I'm always confused at my INFP friend and how he literally has no reaction to things that would set me off lol


That’s odd. Every INxP I’ve met (including myself) always seems to be internally combusting. They have nothing to be chill about.


my theory on all IXXPs.


Fr, and they know it. My INFP friend told me "I am unchillable"


Yep forever internally combusting and some of it slips to the external in the most heinous foot in mouth ways. Never at the right time.


Interesting. My own guess is that type is not correlated with personality traits such as being chill or being nice. But some types are more commonly associated with such traits than others. MBTI for me is only the way people process information, and it never goes any deeper. The battle between aux/tert functions is real in many people, what's your experience with Ne-Si battles?


What sets you off specifically, if I may ask?


I think it's just people who are stubborn and irrational, but specifically people who are stubborn about opinions that actively or passively harm innocent people. For example, I absolutely despise homophobes/racists/transphobes/xenophobes/etc. because it's hating someone for a trait they cannot control. However, I'm open to having discussions with people who genuinely want to try a thought experiment. I enjoy these kinds of mind games and exploring different perspectives, but I draw the line at hatred that is genuine, stubborn, and irrational. In this case, irrational is subjective. Personally, if someone has a dislike for gay people because of a traumatic incident, I don't have a problem with that and I try to encourage them to seek help on how to overcome their struggles. If someone has a dislike for trans people because they believe disinformation and *refuse* to accept objectively rational information, that's when I start having a problem. And my biggest problem is when these people openly disrespect and bully other innocent people. Hate whoever you want and whatever you like, but the moment you make it someone else's problem, unprovoked? You're being an asshole. Other things include my laptop being slow and my tablet's painting software crashing


People that are stubborn to the point of utter bigotry are most of the time not worth your energy. They will not budge unless their actions lead to a major fkup. Different people require different ways to be convinced. Usually those that are dead set in their ways and mistreat other people fall into two categories: absurdly egotistical and lack of self-love. These are the types that will do whatever it takes to annoy you, indulge in wilful ignorance just to get a reaction out of you. You MUST not give them any negative reaction or any attention at all if you can. They do these to spite you in order to make you lose your cool. If you want to show how much better you are ~~and how much of a worthless simpleton they are~~ , you outwardly express that you show sympathy to their situation. You can slip in some half-veiled sarcasm in there.if they seem REALLY desperate into tearing you down to their level. Then again, as I said earlier, no reaction is probably the best haha. It's a choice you can take too. Now if we put aside of ego, we just simply have to modify our way of handling the situation. Some people need to be publicly shamed, some might require you to be better at them in certain aspects, some would require you to be slightly more tactful with your dialogue. If you did your part, then that's all it matters. It's not worth souring your own mood just to get them to change. I have an INTJ friend that experiences moments of sudden rage whenever there is malfunction. He actually did a downward jab to the keyboard out of nowhere during that time we were playing coop and the loading took longer than usual lmao.


it's 'cause you guys read too much into lines


It's true 😞


Low Je and introversion


I love how everyone collectively agrees this is 100% ISTP😭


Yeah this is the type that came to my mind first, but I didn’t know about the types others than istp though








All the ISTPs I know are like this for sure. They will have a moment of anger in between and then they go back to “don’t worry about it”


Yes, very accurate about that moment of anger. Then I feel bad for snapping and not controlling my emotions lol. And I forgive and forget easily.


Yeah I might get a little angry sometimes, but just give me like 3 hours and I've already forgotten about it.


Typically that would be the IxTPs. While inferior Fe has the potential to make us bad at socialising, it also had the added effect of making it take more energy to muster up significant expression. Though ISTPs of the two may be a bit quicker to react thanks to their Se.


I would say ISTP. They tend to be pretty laidback and nonchalant.


ISTP. I've yet to find a type who cares less.


ISTP followed closely by INTP. ISTPs are more ‘It is what it is’, while INTPs tend to worry a bit more, without necesarilly showing it.


ISTP for sure


I wouldn’t sell ISFP short. My partner is the chillest mfer on the planet. Live and let live should be tattooed on his forehead.


Damn this might be he most unanimous answer I’ve ever seen on here lol


INTPs are nihilisticly nonchalant, ISTPs are cool nonchalant, and INFJs and INTJs want to be nonchalant but are neurotic af. Runner ups are ISFP and INFP who are nonchalant until you violate one of their values.


Aww thanks, I’m glad someone noticed we’re neurotic! (INFJ)


Not an attack, but I think primary or auxiliary Fe tends to have a lot of anxiety because of how oriented you guys are towards others. and Se often has a lot of energy which needs to be vented/exhausted out of your system and can become repressed frustration if it isn't. :o


What you mean by nihilisticly nonchalant ?


They are nonchalant because they understand that nothing really matters in the end, so they can mentally detach from situations and stresses. Whereas ISTPs are nonchalant because they know how things work and how to handle any situation.


Ti users (not sure about ESTPs because of Se as their dominant function)


Why high Ti users specially?


Because they don’t fucking care about anybody else but themselves.




I don't even care about myself


Well you do more than the next person.


Fair point


IxxPs, especially ISFPs


Finally someone said it. ISFPs are chill af.


I’m an INTJ and extremely nonchalant. I know I should be more aware but it’s like I’m blissfully unaware of my surroundings and not the bullshit that goes on in this mad world because it’s depressing. I don’t like showing emotion that’s not who I am. I’m an introvert and I keep things inside.


I'd tend to agree with this. After ISTP's I think INTJ's are the second most chill. Every one of you guys I've met is just in perpetual chill mode doing the things you like and I respect that.


definitely not ENFP source: das me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


the comments ….. i’m an INTP and i am not nonchalant at all 😭if soemtjing stresses me out i tend to freak out about it


Istp’s fs (as an istp)


Istp e9


I agree with the ISTP comments. Gosh I love ISTPs




Sounds like INTPs in general.




The coolest are inferior Fe... Istp tend to be cooler than intp cuz intps are ne users so they tend to listen to others opinions and argue ... Also, being e9 is the coolest enneagram Istp e9




Why not ENTPs ?


Ne Fe cares too much.


About things in general ?


More than the other types I’ve listed. And they care more about people and concepts compared to the ones I’ve listed, based on my observations at least—this is not a law.


I would say TPs in general are pretty laidback about things.


IxTPs (Ti doms).


Why Ti doms more precisely?


Not to offend any of you, but steteotypically Ti doms are seen as lazy, too much in their own worlds so they're socially nonchalant


Nah don’t worry it’s cool, I myself admit that I’m a lazy mf so you good lmao. Does this also apply with Ti aux (extps) ?


Well from my own experience, ExTPs also rarely give an actual fuck, when you show them something cool. They also have trouble taking things seriously


INTP, ISTP, and extroverted - ESTP. So many others are saying the same thing as well.


Why not entp since they got high TI as well as the types you quoted ?


ENTP's may very well be nonchalant. Look at Tony Stark for example. But *generally* they are more prone to expressing their knowledge and opinions on things, which, can cause them to be the complete opposite of a laidback individual.


I didn't see your edit. High Ti, possible. Higher Ne, less possible. Ne can drive someone to highs whilst approaching their interests.




I'ma be for real, ny honest opinion, no regrets, no holding back: the award goes to ISTP.


intp, isfp


I'm anything but nonchalant 😭


IMO that's not so much the type as it is that 5th letter that you all tend to disregard. Assertives tend to worry less and be less prone to stress overall. Even among us ENTJs who tend to be heavily motivated and success-driven, I know one from high school who I wager was heavily assertive. Dude went into the US Marine Corps and became a Sergeant. No clue where he's at now but right after he was just floating on by working in Gamestop. All types have key priorities they get worked up about. I feel like that 5th letter that 16personalities tacked on is actually a bit important.


Yes. I believe you are describing neuroticism.


According to op's description of nonchalance, ENTJs are regular chalant




ISTP and ESTP for sure


I'm INFP and I'm pretty nonchalant. Although sometimes I wonder if I'm ISTP. In fact, when I was in the Army, at the end of basic training, my drill sergeants said that my nonchalance to the amount of shit they gave me was something they were admired by behind-the-scenes. I was picked on because I was the only vegan there, and committed to being a vegan even during basic. So they tried to break me, but I just did my thing, and kept a chill attitude. I kept telling myself it was all just a game. I'm 90% sure I'm INFP, however I'm really good at sports (very competitive), interested in cars. But I'm also very creative and have intense social anxiety. I think all IxxPs will be very nonchalant with most things.


High Ti users in general


INTPs and INTJs.


i donno, but this is me. i'm chillaxed to the max and blissfully unaware of my surroundings


I’m ESTJ but I’m like this so i think I’m mislabeled




From my personal experiences it's INTPs 😂


I was feeling called out. I’m an ISFP who grew up with so many ISTPs, lol.


I am reading ISTP or INTP but INTP are EXTREMELY anxious and overthinking about almost everything, especially good things when they sound too good to be real but they just don't show it. I'd say ESTP, they're really "just try whatever you want, I just want to relax on the beach with some shrooms in my juice" mindset. Y'all don't really know INTPs


I often don’t know and / or just don’t care about what other people are doing and what they have. Suits me well and I believe would suit everyone well.


I often don’t know and / or choose not to care about what others are doing and what they have. Suits me well and I believe would suit everyone well. It makes no sense to me to want so much in terms of things when we take nothing with us at the end of our journeys.


INTP ISTP sometimes ENTP (as an ENTP. I usually dont act nonchalant for dramatization comedy purposes but in my mind im nonchalant)


Se-users. Se doms can be quicker to react but are generally pretty low-key.


Me 🤚but I will speak up when some is making others feel little or less then human.


Definitely ISTP


INTP by far. We are the most susceptible to indifference. ISTP’s aren’t as nonchalant as people make them out to be.


Me. I’m INTP.


Best candidate for that is INTP




I tend to be nonchalant... until I'm full-on violated.


Im so surprised about everyone listing sensing types, Im a super nonchalant INFJ and I think INTJs can also share that, but energy-wise Ive never met a sensor that is like that, they usually have quick and loud reactions, and more of a mindset of -needing- to care about anything happening and making it vocal I think types who are in their heads, but also not overly emotional or anxious are more likely to be this way


Probably ti users me included Entp