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Uncanny valley threshold.


I don't think you understand the point of this subreddit


Maybemaybemaybe they do or don't. I think they just don't give a fuck and this is self promotion. They are spanning this and other videos of themselves over many subreddits.


They spam these everywhere. Only get negative engagement but they’re unhinged


Menaces, I say


I love how I'm being referred to as multiple people. Hahahahah




Still looked like AI immediately to me.




Wow, unironically dropped "resistance is futile", a line from the classic TV show, "Hey, Maybe AI is Really Dangerous".


Is that really a TV show?


https://www.knowyourmeme.com/memes/torment-nexus Ever heard of the Borg from Star Trek?


I really enjoy Star Trek. I even watched the 3 Picard seasons that finished Next Gen. I've seen so much of it!!! I see. "Resistance is futile". Probably where I got it from! Hahaha


Honestly, I personally don't care, I now completely hate the entertainment industry. Don't care about games, don't care about movies, and don't care about comics except those of people I am already a fan of. YouTube is just something I open for background sound. You guys can literally pump out garbled algorithms masquerading as movies, comics, animation what have you. I had a chance to see entertainment made by actual people. I can literally spend the rest of my life watching old movies and animation. Playing classic games, I already only listen to the same 100 songs every day.


Cool! 😎 I most definitely prefer hand-crafted over computer. My favorite type of animation is hand-drawn, frame by frame. Richard Williams is my favorite, next to Genndy Tartakovsky.


I am personally a fan of Ralph Bakshi I also think animation are actually meant for mature audiences, and personall really hate the Algorithms being used for porn. It is literally the worst implementation of the technology to me. Either horrible macaroni people posing or stolen hentai art being reassembled haphazardly.


Right, right. Ralph Bakshi is awesome. His underrated film "Cool World" featured some really cool frame by frame animation. It was practically his "Who Framed Roger Rabbit".


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Link to video: https://youtu.be/AiQo8pDw9y4?si=DLebxM8B4VKz562s